Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 182 Chase

Chapter 182 Chase

Murphy, who was running away, also noticed the silver wings chasing him in mid-air behind him.

But because he ran out first, and the speed was much faster due to the improvement of the mech, the distance between Murphy and Leisen was still relatively far.

However, there were frequent incidents on the road. The group of zombies that were still attacking the city, whether it was due to the loss of the leader of the C4 zombies or other reasons, slowly walked towards the periphery like the tide receding.

Although this did not pose any threat to Murphy, it slowed down Murphy's escape.Although Murphy still had a chance to use the flying talisman today, it was her last resort to return to the city.

The Silver Wing, which was flying unimpeded in the sky, quickly caught up and arrived not far from Murphy.

Lei Sen glanced at the special mecha directly below. At this time, the mecha had come to a close stop, and Silver Wing appeared next to Murphy.

"Please don't run away, I want to talk to you." Lei Sen's cold voice came through Silver Wing.

Murphy pretended not to hear, and continued to run forward. Although Lei Sen's Silver Wing caught up with his mech due to the obstacles on the ground, the speed of the Silver Wing after landing was definitely not as fast as that of Murphy.In the blink of an eye, Murphy threw the Silver Wing a large distance away.

As long as you rush to the back wall and turn over, and put the mech into your body in mid-air, no one will be able to find you again.Murphy thought to himself, and when he looked up, he saw the city wall close at hand.

Seeing that the special mecha didn't talk to him at all, Lei Sen controlled the Silver Wing to take off again, chasing Murphy's mecha from the sky.

Seeing that he was catching up again, Leisen no longer landed this time, but calculated Murphy's position and swooped down from the sky.

Silver Wing rushed straight down, and the mechanical arm grabbed Mo Fei's mech at once. Due to inertia, the two huge mechas rolled on the ground twice before stopping, and the surrounding dust was stirred up in large swaths, causing Visibility was less than two meters.

Murphy only felt his mecha being firmly grasped by the mechanical arm.

Lei Sen didn't feel well in the mecha, and the continuous rolling and impact made his head slightly dizzy, but he finally caught this special mecha.

Controlling Silver Wing, Lei Sen slowly got Silver Wing up, and at the same time grabbed the special mecha and got up slowly.

Stretching out the mechanical arm, Lei Sen pressed the special mech against the wall, but this action made Murphy in the mech a little nervous.

The two mechas were almost stuck together, and Silver Wing's arm pressed Murphy's mecha against the city wall with one hand. Although the mechas were separated, there was a kind of pressure on the face, and the heart was beating violently. Murphy almost forgot to resist.

"Who are you?" The deep voice came from the silver wing again.

This sound woke up Murphy like an alarm bell. What are you doing now?After being caught, I am afraid that not only the mecha, but also the talismans and even personal freedom will be lost.

This mecha can't be taken off by oneself, but is really hidden in the body, how to explain this?Once asked, it will involve the question of talisman, and even if the talisman cannot be explained, he may become the object of research.

These Murphys knew very well that they were not strong enough to be detected at will without being affected at all.

After thinking about this, Murphy secretly moved his mech, trying to loosen the fuselage from Silver Wing's mechanical arm.

"Is your mecha not able to talk to the outside world? If possible, please come out and talk to me?" Lei Sen couldn't help asking when he saw that the special mecha didn't struggle but didn't answer.

"Well, nod if you agree to talk." After a stalemate for a long time, Lei Sen couldn't help but continue talking. This was the most verbose time for him who was always reticent.

Thinking that he might find a chance by nodding, Murphy nodded, and then the mechas outside also faithfully responded to this action.

"Okay, I'll let you go, you come out first." Leisen moved the mechanical arm from Murphy's mech to the wall behind, so that even though he didn't catch it, he could still restrict the movement of the mech.

Mo Fei was waiting for such an opportunity. He squatted down, got out from under the silver-wing arm controlled by Lei Sen, then turned around and ran towards the side wall.

Lei Sen in the Silver Wing did not expect such a result at all. Although he knew that this special mecha was very flexible, he did not expect it to be able to achieve such a level.You must know that such an action is very complicated to control in the mech, so there will be an omen action in many cases.

But judging from the mecha just now, this kind of movement is done in one go, how precise and fast the control ability is!

But this is not the time for Leisen to be emotional, just a little stunned, Leisen hurriedly chased in the direction where Murphy was escaping.

At this moment, Murphy has arrived at the position where he left the city before. When he was still a few meters away from the city wall, Murphy activated the flying talisman, and the whole mech flew up. With the help of the length of the long knife, Mo Fei Fei jumped into the city wall at once.

Lei Sen, who followed closely for a few steps, saw such a scene: a mecha rose into the air without the help of any propellers and flying wings, and then disappeared before his eyes.

This special mecha left a deep impression on Lei Sen last time, but this time, Lei Sen was not only impressed by this mecha, but also amazed. For those who deal with mechas all day long For him, he couldn't figure out how this special mecha could do it.

Murphy's entire mecha rolled into the city, and then it was put into the body. Looking around, Murphy strode towards the front door along the base of the city wall.

Now Leisen also came to the part of the city wall where Murphy disappeared, raised his silver wings again and directly climbed over the city wall, but there was nothing but a few people on the ground running back and forth.Such a gigantic mech disappeared without a sound.

Driving the Silver Wings to hover over the star base for a week, Lei Sen had no choice but to return in the end.

Mo Fei took a break. At this moment, Mo Fei's heart was still beating violently. He was almost caught just now, but luckily he ran fast.

After calming down at the foot of the city wall, Murphy climbed up the city wall again.

Not long after going up, Xiao Minyu hurried over: "Feifei, are you okay? Where did you go just now? I thought something happened and I've been looking for you for a long time."

Facing Xiao Minyu's worry, Mo Fei was a little embarrassed. He really couldn't answer this matter, but looking around, it seemed that there were a lot of people missing on the city wall, so he replied: "A lot of people left just now, I thought there was something wrong. Things, you don’t know, the last time I was in the sea base, when the zombies attacked the city, I was squeezed and fell out of the city. Fortunately, I came back alive, so I had lingering fears. I just ran away when I saw everyone running. "

What Mo Fei said made sense, so Xiao Minyu didn't think too much about it: "It's fine, by the way, you might not have seen it just now, but now that the wave of zombies has receded, I'll take you back. Come over for dinner tonight, and I'll hold you back." Shock."

Mo Fei thought for a while, because Yulin was not on mission, Uncle Gao seemed to have something to do today, and he was eating alone anyway, so he nodded: "Well, then I'll bring some special products from the sea base."

Hearing that Mo Fei agreed, Xiao Minyu showed a smile on his face: "Okay, at 05:30 in the evening, do you need me to pick you up?"

"No, I know the location of your villa, just go there by myself."

The two talked for a while, and when Mo Fei insisted not to send it, Xiao Minyu had no choice but to tell Mo Fei not to forget the dinner at night, and then Mo Fei drove the car that Lin Yixun lent her to the research institute.

Since the members of the mecha team had already transported the corpse that might be the C4 zombie back to the laboratory, Mo Fei didn't even see Lin Yixun's face, and left the research institute after leaving the car keys.

As soon as he left the gate of the research institute, Murphy walked along the office area to the gate, and met Lei Sen who was coming back to report.

Lei Sen also saw Murphy, and it was too late to hide now, so Murphy had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk over to greet Lei Sen: "Captain Lei."

"En." Lei Sen replied, and Murphy was about to walk by, but Lei Sen suddenly stopped Murphy again.

"Murphy, wait a minute."

Lei Sen's voice made Murphy terrified, but it would be a bit guilty of running away after being shouted at, so Murphy could only turn around with a smile on his face: "What's the matter, Captain Lei?"

"That special mecha..."

As soon as Lei Sen opened his mouth, Murphy quickly replied, "I'm sorry Captain Lei, I still don't have a clue about that matter."

"I know, but it appeared today, and I found that there are many changes in this mecha. I suspect that the person who controls the mecha is an armor maker. Think about it, what famous armor maker was there in the city near Cang base?" Teacher?"

As soon as Lei Sen's words came out, Murphy became even more nervous.

If we say that the most famous armor maker in the city near Cangji is Murphy's grandfather, but because of the age, I am afraid that except for those in the industry, no one else remembers it.

However, in the past two years, the cousin of the uncle's family who robbed Murphy's family property is the youngest among the cities around Cang Base in the last days, but the mechas he manufactured can be regarded as first-class armorers.

Although this cousin has nothing to do with him, but if he talks about it like this, it is inevitable that he will not make contact with him. Of course, this can be regarded as Murphy's guilty conscience.But even if you don't say it, you can find some clues with Lei Sen's relationship after a few more investigations.

Murphy hesitated for a moment, but finally decided to tell the truth.

"Captain Lei, there was indeed a famous armor maker in the city near Cang Base, but they moved to Beijing before the end of the world. Even if they appeared, they should be in the star base!"

"Oh? Then who is this armor maker you're talking about?"

(End of this chapter)

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