Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 183 Misunderstanding

Chapter 183 Misunderstanding
When Murphy returned home, he felt uncomfortable for a while.

It was really unlucky just now, and because of this, I didn't finish the last sentence, but thinking about that scene just now makes people sick.

Originally, Leisen thought that the owner of the mecha might be an armor maker because of the changes after the upgrade of his mecha. Murphy was ready to take the risk of confessing the cousin who had a bad relationship with him first, so as to avoid doubts later. Come on your head.

But when he was about to speak, he ran into the annoying Gu Huaiyuan again.

The last time Gu Huaiyuan left in disgrace because of Lei Sen's intervention, but this time Gu Huaiyuan was not alone, but brought Li Jiao, the daughter of Li He, the director of the Earth Alliance Security Department, with him.

Because Li Jiao was by his side, Gu Huaiyuan's confidence was much stronger.

Although Li Jiao's father, Li He, was also courteous to Lei Sen, at least Lei Sen would sell face to Li He, so Gu Huaiyuan felt confident.

After meeting Mo Fei, Gu Huaiyuan and Li Jiao first staged a disgusting show of affection. Li Jiao still remembered the slap of Murphy, but it was because Lei Sen didn't do anything, but she humiliated her. resignation.

If it was not at the base and in front of Lei Sen, Mo Fei would have liked to poke the mouths of these two people with his plain gun.

But now that he was going to keep a low profile, Murphy could only swallow his anger.

Soon, it was time to make an appointment for dinner with Xiao Minyu in the evening. After tidying up a little, Mo Fei went out and walked towards the villa where Xiao Minyu lived.

Xiao Minyu's villa was easy to recognize, but at this time the lights at the entrance of the villa were also brightly lit, illuminating the surroundings like daytime.

Mo Fei saw the light from a long distance, and walked along the dotted path to the door of the villa.

Xiao Minyu, who was looking out of the window, saw Mo Fei coming, and hurried out to greet him: "Feifei, you are really punctual."

Mo Fei smiled at Xiao Minyu, and then walked into the villa.

It can be seen that this dinner was carefully prepared, and it was even richer than the last time Xiao Minyu called Mo Fei to eat.

During the dinner, Man Chengbin, Geng Yunwei, Meng Zhibo and Fang Xingping left the table one after another with excuses, leaving only Xiao Minyu and Murphy.

While chatting, Murphy inadvertently mentioned something disturbing in the afternoon.Although he didn't name the person, Xiao Minyu, who had heard the conversation between Mo Fei and Gu Huaiyuan last time, because he investigated Gu Huaiyuan's information afterwards, so now he immediately understood who Murphy was talking about.

"Feifei, it's not worth being angry for that kind of person. Come on, eat more." Xiao Minyu comforted Mo Fei by adding some more dishes.

"Thank you Xiao Minyu, it's great to meet a friend like you in the last days."

Although Xiao Minyu may not know the whole story, being able to talk about the matter can be regarded as a solution to the distress, so Murphy is still very grateful to Xiao Minyu.

After eating and drinking, Xiao Minyu proposed to send Murphy back because it was getting late.

Murphy didn't refuse, put on his coat and went out.

Xiao Minyu followed closely behind, but dialed Man Chengbin's communicator first before going out.

"What do I need to do?" Man Chengbin asked first after switching on the communicator.

"Take good care of that Gu Huaiyuan for me, you can use whatever method you want." Xiao Minyu used special force when he said the words Gu Huaiyuan.

Hearing Xiao Minyu's tone, Man Chengbin understood what Xiao Minyu meant by "care".

"Yes, I understand." Without asking why, Man Chengbin hung up the communicator and began to think of a way to "take care" of Gu Huaiyuan, but after all, Gu Huaiyuan is now the son-in-law of the Director of the Earth Alliance Security Department, so he has to be punished Also find a valid reason.

Fortunately, this Gu Huaiyuan is a member of the special operations team, so it is easier for Man Chengbin to do it.

"Wait in a hurry, I just answered a phone call, let's go, I'll take you home." Xiao Minyu went out of the villa door, saw that Mo Fei had already walked down the big stairs in front of the villa, and was looking up at the sky, so he spoke Said.

Hearing the sound, Mo Fei turned his head, and his smooth black hair slid down his shoulders with the twist: "I just came out, just to see how bright the moon is tonight, so I watched it for a while longer."

Xiao Minyu walked down the steps, and unconsciously patted Mo Fei's head with his hand: "Next time we come to have dinner, let's change it to the outdoors. Now that the weather is getting warmer, you can have a picnic outdoors. Then I will let you How about looking at the moon while eating?"

"That would be great, but I'm going to help when the time comes. At a picnic, cooking is actually more fun than eating."

Just to cover up, Murphy and Xiao Minyu walked slowly while chatting, and unknowingly came to the residence in the blue area where Murphy lived.

"It's different when someone talks. It feels like this road has been covered so quickly." Murphy looked at the place where he lived and said with a smile.

"Go to bed early, do you have time tomorrow?" Xiao Minyu looked at Mo Fei with some reluctance and said.

"Tomorrow, I haven't booked yet. What's the matter?" Originally, Murphy wanted to do the task. He has been practicing Qi at home recently, so the merit value has bottomed out, but because of today's stop, Murphy has gained a lot. The merit points of several C2 zombies, and several second-level black crystals, so Mo Fei decided to continue to improve himself.

"That's great! Are you interested in going on a mission with us tomorrow? The rewards are good." Immediately, Xiao Minyu introduced the general situation of this mission, and said the rewards again. Of course, in order to attract Murphy went together, so Xiao Minyu added a few more rewards, which were nothing to him.

Mo Fei was a little tempted. Although he was not short of merit points for the time being, after all, no one would dislike earning a lot, and Mo Fei knew the skills of Xiao Minyu and his team, and it would be a good job to go on missions with them.

After thinking about it, Mo Fei nodded in agreement to Xiao Minyu, and after asking about the time of tomorrow's assembly, Murphy bid farewell to Xiao Minyu and prepared to go upstairs.

When Mo Fei went upstairs, Xiao Minyu watched until the upstairs lights turned on before leaving.And when the two left separately, a woman came out of the dark place.

This woman has long hair, a tall and graceful figure, and her face is first-class even before the end of the world.But at this moment, the woman's face was full of anger. She glanced at the direction Xiao Minyu left and then turned her head to look at the brightly lit Murphy's room.

"How could you treat me like this..."

This person is none other than Murphy's good sister Yulin.

Yulin went out to do a small task today, and did not call Murphy because the rewards were not many. It was just that something unexpected happened after this task, so although the task was small, she followed the assigned team until now.

However, because of this little accident, the rewards this time became a bit more, so Yulin bought some food from the cafeteria and brought Mo Fei a bowl of sugar water.

However, when Yulin walked downstairs to her house with her things, she saw this scene in front of her.

Murphy was talking cordially with a man, and that man was the man he was thinking of, Xiao Minyu.

The best friend I met after the end of the world was actually with the man I love the most, and depending on the situation, I didn't meet him today. Yulin suddenly thought of the last time I met Xiao Minyu at the door of the house.

At that time, Xiao Minyu was knocking on the door of Murphy's house, but he thought that Xiao Minyu came to find him at the wrong door.

In retrospect, Xiao Minyu's expression was unexpected when he saw him coming out, but he was too happy at the time but didn't notice it. It seems that the two of them knew each other at that time.

"Murphy, I regard you as my dearest sister, but you are like this!" Yulin felt dissatisfied with Murphy at this moment.

Yulin, who came out of the shadows, walked upstairs with her thoughts on her mind. When she reached the door, Yulin glanced at the closed door next to her: Forget it, from what they said just now, they should be just friends, I should Trust Feifei.

Yulin calmed down, and she also accepted a task that she wanted to do with Mo Fei tomorrow, so she walked to the door of Mo Fei's room.

Hearing a knock on the door, Murphy hurried out to open the door.

"Sister Yulin, you're back, I guessed it was you." Mo Fei said to Yulin with a smile on his face.

Seeing Mo Fei's smile, Yulin felt relieved: "I just came back, today's mission rewards have increased, so I bought you a bowl of sugar water when I bought dinner."

"Wow, Sister Yulin is the best for me." Mo Fei happily took the sugar water and said.

"By the way, Feifei, I received a mission today and the reward is good, come with me tomorrow."

Hearing Yulin's words, Mo Fei was a little embarrassed: "Sister Yulin, someone invited me to do a task together today, and I have already agreed to it. Is your task urgent? Why don't you do it the next day and follow me tomorrow?" Let me go together, the friend I know is pretty good, I'll go and talk to him, it shouldn't matter if there is one more person."

Mo Fei thought that Xiao Minyu was quite a kind person, so at worst, he would not take more of their rewards, and give Yulin half of the rewards given to her.

But Mo Fei's words pierced Yulin's heart like an arrow: He actually invited Mo Fei to do a mission, how could it be possible, how could that arrogant and cold Xiao Minyu...

Yulin couldn't believe it, and unconsciously grabbed Mo Fei's arm with one hand: "Feifei, you mean you were invited to do a mission?"

Mo Fei felt that something was wrong with Yulin and asked suspiciously, "Sister Yulin, what's wrong with you?"

"It's nothing, I just want to know what your mission is." Yulin also knew that she was too emotional, so she quickly replied.

Mo Fei nodded understandingly, and attributed Yulin's excitement just now to her eagerness to know the content of the task, so Mo Fei recounted the content of the task that Xiao Minyu told her in detail.

"Sister Yulin, isn't this mission good? Let's go together?" Mo Fei asked with a smile, pulling Yulin's arm.

At this time, Yulin shook her head weakly: "No need, the rewards of this task are indeed better than mine. You go, my task is very small, I am too tired today, I want to get up later tomorrow and go."

"That's it! Sister Yulin, go to bed early. I'll bring food back tomorrow after earning merit points." Mo Fei replied without paying attention.

Yulin nodded, waved to Mo Fei, and walked towards the door of her room with heavy steps.

(End of this chapter)

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