Chapter 184
Seeing Yulin's procrastinating pace, Mo Fei blamed himself inwardly: Look at how tired Sister Yulin is, yet you let her stand for so long, and didn't let her come in and sit for a while even though she was patronizing and talking.However, even if Mo Fei invited Yulin to sit in, I am afraid that Yulin is not in the mood now.

Mo Fei didn't close the door of his room until seeing Yulin open the door and enter the room.

Yulin didn't know how she came back, she mechanically closed the door, but her heart was as cold as an ice cellar.

Xiao Minyu, the first person I met after the end of the world, the person who rescued me from the brink of death, the person who once fought side by side with me, the person who made my heart feel a little worried...

Yulin kept recalling the past with Xiao Minyu in her mind.

However, no matter where the memory point is, that person will always have a face that doesn't change. It seems that he doesn't care about anything with such indifference. Although he has seen Xiao Minyu's smiling face before, it is not Only for herself, even so, Yulin still put her heart into that beautiful moment.

It made Yulin think that he was like that, until Yulin just saw Xiao Minyu's expression towards Mo Fei downstairs, such a gentle, smiling face, that was a side she had never shown to herself.

She still wanted to deceive herself, it wasn't true, but when Yulin heard Mo Fei say that Xiao Minyu invited her to go on a mission together, and even Murphy could take her with her, Yulin understood that it was different, Xiao Minyu never I have never treated myself like this, and some have just refused indifferently.

why!Why can Murphy, why not me?How can I be worse than her.While Yulin kept shouting in her heart, her resentment towards Murphy grew even more.

Tossing and turning, Yulin stayed up all night, while Murphy, who was full of energy, woke up early in the morning.

Because the time agreed with Xiao Minyu was relatively early, Mo Fei had to clean up after getting up in the morning.

But before Mo Fei could pack up and set off, there was a knock on his door.

"Who is it, wait a minute." Murphy came out of the bathroom and walked to the door with his slippers on.He opened the door, but saw Xiao Minyu standing at the door carrying a pot.

"It's so early, I'm not ready yet."

"It's okay, I didn't leave so early, I just came to deliver breakfast, can I come in?" Xiao Minyu raised the pot in his hand and asked.

"Of course, who would refuse a friend who brought breakfast early in the morning." Murphy smiled and made a gesture of invitation for Xiao Minyu to come in.

After tidying up quickly, Mo Fei finished his breakfast quietly, and cleaned the pot Xiao Minyu brought over: "Okay, let's go."

Xiao Minyu looked at Murphy's attire and shook his head: "Just going out like this? You'd better wear more, or bring a coat. I'm afraid the place I'm going this time will be a bit cold."

Because the weather is getting warmer now, Mo Fei doesn't wear as much clothes as before when he goes out. When he opened the window this morning, he felt that the temperature outside was still quite high. Murphy thought about going on a mission, so he packed lightly.

"Aren't you going to do a simple investigation mission?"

"Yes, but the place you're going to is in a deep mountain area, so you should bring more clothes." Xiao Minyu patted Mo Fei: "I'll go down first, let the boss drive the car over, and come down as soon as you get ready!"

"Okay." Mo Fei replied, although he had clothes for spring, summer, autumn and winter in his storage talisman, but he definitely couldn't use it when going out with Xiao Minyu and the others.

When Xiao Minyu went out of the room, Mo Fei took out a coat from the storage amulet and put it on his hand, put the backpack on his back, and picked up his plain tassel gun with the other hand, and then Mo Fei went out.

Murphy, who had just opened the door and went out, had no idea that there was a person standing outside. He didn't stop all of a sudden, and almost bumped into that person.

Looking up, Mo Fei called out in doubt: "Sister Yulin?"

Yulin stared at Mo Fei for a while without saying a word. Seeing that Yu Lin was not in a good mood, with dark circles around her eyes, she obviously didn't sleep well, so she hurriedly asked with concern: "Sister Yu Lin, what are you doing?" What's the matter? Didn't sleep well? Why are you so haggard?"

It's just that Yulin still didn't speak, and stared straight at Mo Fei, as if she never knew her.

"Sister Yulin, don't scare me. What's wrong with you?" Mo Fei reached out and grabbed Yu Lin's arm, but Yu Lin still just looked at Mur Fei.

"Forget it, sister Yulin, wait for me. I'll go down and tell my friend that I won't go today. I'll stay with you at home." Mo Fei didn't know what happened to Yulin, so he turned around and wanted to go downstairs.

But at this time, Xiao Minyu's voice came from downstairs: "Feifei, did you come out?"

As if the appearance of this sound woke Yulin up, Yulin grabbed Mo Fei with one hand: "Feifei, I'm fine, didn't there be an accident on the mission yesterday, and then I kept having nightmares all night, just now I heard you If there is any movement here, come and have a look, it’s all right, I’m going back to catch up on sleep.”

After Yulin finished speaking, she walked back, but her body seemed to be floating back lightly.

Mo Fei was a little worried, and chased after him: "Sister Yulin, are you really alright?"

"Well, it's okay." After Yulin forced a smile on her pale face, her figure disappeared before Mo Fei's eyes.

"Sister Yulin, rest well, I will bring you something when I come back tonight." Murphy shouted from outside the door to the inside, and then went downstairs.

Seeing Mo Fei coming downstairs, Xiao Minyu asked with a smile, "How many clothes did you prepare?"

Mo Fei shrugged: "No, I met my neighbor and said a few words when I was going out. By the way, I will introduce you next time. My neighbor's sister is a super beautiful woman!"

Xiao Minyu just smiled and changed the subject: "Hurry up and get in the car, we have to get there early."

As Murphy and Xiao Minyu got into the car, the car started and left the blue area.

And at the small window upstairs, Yulin stared at the two leaving with resentful eyes, stirring the hem of the clothes fiercely with her hands, as if the hem of the clothes had some deep hatred for her.

The car drove fast all the way, but because the road was clean and no zombies were found, the bored Murphy dozed off.

Xiao Minyu watched Mo Fei's head keep nodding along with the car, a little funny, took off half of his jacket and put it on the arrow, and moved Mo Fei's head over.

Because the cushion was very soft, Mo Fei felt as if his head was attached to the pillow, and moved his head again, finding the most comfortable position and continuing to sleep.

Seeing the real behind-the-scenes boss treating Mo Fei so tenderly, except Geng Yunwei who was driving the car, who was looking ahead seriously, the other three couldn't help expressing what they wanted to complain about with their eyes.

Xiao Minyu felt the gazes of several people, raised his head and gave them a cold look, and they had to turn their heads to look at the unchanging scenery outside.

I don't know how long I drove, the car finally stopped.

Murphy only felt the car stop, and then someone patted himself: "Murphy, wake up, we are here."

Hearing the voice, Mo Fei opened his eyes and met Xiao Minyu's captivating eyes. It was only then that Mo Fei realized that he was sleeping on a bed, and he was acting like Xiao Minyu the whole time.Meat cushions.

"Hey, I'm sorry, I slept too deeply." Because of the presence of this team, Murphy was quite at ease, and because he was in a shaking car, Murphy slept relatively deeply.

There was no trace of blame in Xiao Minyu's eyes, and he tapped Mo Fei's head lightly: "It's already here, if we don't get up again, we can only wait for them to come back from their mission."

Mo Fei heard Xiao Minyu's teasing, smiled and got up quickly.

As soon as the car door was opened, the cold outside made Murphy, who had just woken up, shiver.

Just as I was about to go back to get my coat, I felt something draped over my shoulders: "I told you to bring a coat, right? Put it on so you don't catch a cold."

Mo Fei felt a little warm in his heart. Once upon a time when he woke up when he was a child, his mother cared so tenderly for him, but after that, whether it was a fever or a cold, he was always the only one who took care of him.

"Thank you." Murphy said this lightly, but it came from the heart.

"Let's go, follow us for a while, be careful."

A group of people brought all the things they had prepared, and Man Chengbin also turned on the equipment for this investigation.

The people walked for a long way, and it got colder as they walked in. They were so cold that they were unwilling to say a word, for fear that the heat in their bodies would dissipate, so they walked silently all the way until a place with a sharp bend. Man Cheng Bin, the man with glasses, said suddenly: "Pause, judging from the instrument, there seems to be a large number of zombies gathered around here, but I still can't find the specific location."

"It's near here?" After listening to Man Cheng Bin's words, Xiao Minyu looked around, and then asked: "This neighborhood is too open, can't you judge more accurately?"

"No, if we can use the instrument to detect it completely, then we don't need to use the order for this detection." Man Chengbin shook his head and replied truthfully, with regret on his face, and he also hoped to be able to detect it sooner. come out.

But Murphy on the side couldn't help but look at Man Chengbin more: what he said just now was an order, not a task?Although it may be because everyone's name is different, Murphy still feels a little different.

"Since we can't find it, let's search carefully, but everyone should be careful, try to just search and don't be alarmed. Once alarmed, there will be a large number of zombies, and the few of us can't handle it." There is no other way to know Xiao Minyu had to ask a few people to search for the specific location.

Mo Fei on the side was a little confused: "Wait, Xiao Minyu, didn't you say you came to investigate the situation in the mountains? Then we came to the mountains to investigate the zombies?"

(End of this chapter)

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