Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 185 Zombie Gathering Place

Chapter 185 Zombie Gathering Place

Murphy followed Xiao Minyu's team to the mountainous area, but the detectors couldn't find out the specific location, and Murphy also knew that they were looking for a group of zombies.

"Yes, after the zombies attacked the city, we sent a small tracker. Although it was inexplicably destroyed halfway, we still followed this mountainous area. This time, what we want to inquire about is the source of the zombies. We need to study why these zombies came to attack the city." Xiao Minyu replied.

Only then did Mo Fei understand: "It turned out to be to investigate zombies, hehe, I misunderstood, I first heard that I came to explore the mountain area and thought it was going to be reclaimed. farming, so I thought I was here to explore the soil in the mountains."

"Have you heard that too? That piece of land is very strange. It used to be completely in line with the farming standards, and it was even a piece of fertile soil. However, when the weather warmed up a while ago and was about to plant seeds, it was found that the soil was suddenly barren. The easiest-to-grow crops are not suitable for sowing, and the soil also contains a large amount of unknown toxins, but the search for suitable soil was sent by the staff of the research institute."

Xiao Minyu explained to Murphy in a low voice while walking.

"Understood. Since I was looking for a group of zombies, I have some experience. I followed the group of zombies at the sea base before, and it was because of that that I successfully blew up the cave of the mutated zombie bats."

"I didn't expect you to do a lot of great things at the sea base!" Xiao Minyu looked at the confident smile on Murphy's face, and said dotingly.

"Of course!" Mo Fei deliberately boasted and raised his chin at Xiao Minyu.

But joking aside, Murphy quickly began to look around. There is no such a big slope in this position, most of them are straight up and down, but from this high place, there seems to be a slope in the distance. Location.

"Let's go over there and have a look." Murphy pointed to the big slope ahead.

Man Chengbin looked at Xiao Minyu, Xiao Minyu nodded slightly, and then a group of people walked towards the direction Murphy pointed.

Although it looked not far away, it was actually a long way to go. It took Murphy and the others nearly an hour to reach the big slope, and everyone couldn't help but sigh: They should have driven here.

"Feifei, come here, is there anything special here?" Seeing Mo Fei looking down the edge without saying a word, Xiao Minyu couldn't help asking after waiting for a while.

"Oh, I'm looking for clues, but I haven't found it yet. You don't know, when I was at the sea base last time, the group of zombies just slid down the slope, and they didn't take the normal path at all." Murphy said At the same time, the eyes are still fixed on the big slope below.

But after a while, Murphy turned around in disappointment: "It seems that the zombies here are different, let's go further and see!"

"You don't need to go, let's take a break. I asked the boss to drive when you started the inspection. He should have arrived by now." Xiao Minyu signaled Murphy not to worry.

So a few people found a clean place on the side of the road, Man Chengbin quickly took out a clean cloth and spread it on the ground, and everyone sat on the ground.After sitting on it, Mo Fei realized that the cloth looks very thin, but it actually has a very good insulation effect. Sitting on the ground does not feel like sitting on the cold ground at all.

After resting like this for a while, Brother Hei Geng Yunwei drove the car over.

The car continued to move forward, and Murphy and the others came down several times to check along the way, but the detector always showed the entire area, but there was no specific point.

"Fifth, I'm hungry, let's have something to eat!" After checking a position again, the burly man, the power mutant Meng Zhibo couldn't help but patted his stomach and shouted.

Glancing at the time, it was already noon, and it was indeed time to eat something, so he nodded: "Okay, just stop in front, and continue looking after eating."

Mo Fei ate a lot in the morning, and she didn't need to eat like others to store up her energy. Anyway, as long as she was hungry, she had everything in her storage talisman.So Murphy finished eating quickly, stood up and moved around, because he would spend most of his time in the car again after he set off.

While walking, Murphy suddenly noticed something on the downhill road ahead, and trotted a few steps in that direction to chase after it.

Xiao Minyu saw Murphy running far away, put down the food in his hand and chased after him, because Xiao Minyu himself is not only a fire-type supernatural power, but also a speed mutant, which was the last time he escaped from the place full of mutant zombie rats Mo Fei knew it when Xiao Minyu caught up with him so quickly, so Mo Fei was not surprised at all.

"Feifei, did you find something?" Xiao Minyu asked after catching up with Murphy.

"Well, it seems that there is something in the road ahead, let's go and have a look."

One after the other, the two arrived at the place that Murphy said felt a little strange, and immediately found scratches on the ground.

"Here, you see, the scratch marks are obvious, otherwise it wouldn't be very different from the surrounding land."

Mo Fei was squatting down to look at the scratched ground, and on the other side, Xiao Minyu had already noticed something: "Feifei, come here, it seems to be half-dried blood here."

Hearing Xiao Minyu's words, Mo Fei quickly ran over to check it out. Sure enough, there were some blood stains on the edge that were not completely dried.

"It seems that the blood has only been dragged for a short time, let's chase after it!" When the two got up and were about to move forward, the rest of the people had already driven over.

"Get in the car, I don't know how long this road will take." Xiao Minyu pulled Murphy and pointed to the car.

After getting in the car, the car turned in another direction along the dirt slope, but after a short while, the clue was broken again, and Murphy and the others had to get out of the car again.

"Look, look, there is a slope here, and I have a hunch that the group of zombies is down here." Murphy saw a familiar scene again, the last time he followed the zombies, he came to a similar location, and here The zombies also suddenly disappeared like this.

Man Cheng Bin, the man with glasses, looked down and couldn't help but say: "Murphy is right, there are indeed traces of being crushed below. It seems that these zombies are getting smarter now."

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go down too!" Meng Zhibo, a powerful mutant, was still a little reckless, and was about to jump down, but Fang Xingping grabbed him: "Third brother, you don't want to die!"

Mo Fei looked at Meng Zhibo and couldn't help laughing: "Meng Zhibo is still so impulsive!"

Seeing that even Murphy was laughing at himself, Meng Zhibo retorted in a rough voice: "I just want to try it for you to see if this shortcut works. Who told me to be the strongest."

"Get in the car, there's no need to jump off the cliff, let's just drive down the road ahead." Xiao Minyu shook his head and said helplessly.

Meng Zhibo slapped each other's thick palms: "I'll just say, how do you get down here like this." The serious crowd couldn't help but smile knowingly like that.

Several people got into the car, this time with a goal, the car drove down the mountain road quickly.Murphy had to admire the driving skills of the black brother Geng Yunwei, because in the mountainous area, if you want to drive fast, you can only do it manually, but Geng Yunwei not only drives fast but also drives very steadily.

If Murphy were to drive, he would either be driving at a relatively slow speed, or he would have rushed out of the guardrail and fell to the bottom of the cliff.

The car drove steadily down to the place where they found a steep slope, followed the traces, and there were small hills in front of them.

Several people looked at each other, Xiao Minyu said to Man Chengbin and the others: "The zombie group is probably here, we have to be careful, let's go in now!"

Nodding to each other, they moved forward almost silently.

These small hills are actually small hills, and some can only be regarded as hills, but they are arranged in random order, so that the whole area forms a natural barrier.

"This is the famous hill labyrinth. There used to be a lot of tourists, but now I can't see a single zombie. I think this is really likely to be the base of those zombies." Xiao Minyu, who used to be a native of Beijing, knows this area quite well. , while walking, lowered his voice and said to the few people beside him.

"The maze, we should have prepared some signs when we first entered, otherwise how would we get out!" Mo Fei felt that they came in a little recklessly after hearing Xiao Minyu say this.

"You don't have to worry, the fourth child will take care of it." Xiao Minyu gave Mo Fei a calm look.

At the same time, Fang Xingping, the ugly man who hadn't spoken since, immediately replied, "I've already made a mark, don't worry."

As soon as the voice fell, there seemed to be some voices coming from the place across the hill in front, Xiao Minyu quickly stopped everyone from speaking again, gestured a silent gesture to a few people, and then quietly poked inside.

Groping along the edge of the mountain, after a while, several people saw a few C1 zombies pacing back and forth behind the mountain, as if they were two well-trained patrol soldiers.

"No way! Are these guys already able to assign and arrange work?" Meng Zhibo, a burly man, couldn't help but sigh, but it was also this sound that made those C1 zombies suddenly vigilant.

Xiao Minyu glared at Meng Zhibo, then pulled a few people back, and took out the recorder to write a few words on it.

Only halfway back, there was a soft ringtone coming from Murphy's backpack. Although the ringtone was beautiful, no one was in the mood to appreciate it now, because the sound completely alarmed the C1 zombies at the entrance of the cave, and made the sound even more disturbing. What makes people feel uneasy is that these C1 zombies did not chase after them, but instead made shrill and shrill screams.

Because the cry echoed in the hills, it lingered for a long time.

Xiao Minyu didn't care about continuing to investigate, and shouted at the people around him: "Go!"

(End of this chapter)

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