Chapter 186

Originally, Murphy followed Xiao Minyu and the others to find the location where the zombies gathered, but in order to confirm, Xiao Minyu wrote down the words on the recorder: Prepare to eliminate C1 zombies.

Several people were going to find a way to eliminate the C1 zombies guarding the door before investigating further.

Unexpectedly, the sudden ringtone completely disrupted the plans of several people.

Mo Fei didn't expect that his satellite communicator would ring at this time, but because it was inconvenient to get it in his backpack, he could only run wildly with Xiao Minyu and the others.

It was during the running that the satellite communicator stopped ringing again. At this time, everyone had no idea where they were running.

"It's broken, we're lost, fourth child, quickly find the mark you just made." Xiao Minyu looked around at the terrain and said.

The fourth ugly man, Fang Xingping, nodded silently, and then began to do something in a strange posture.

Seeing that it finally stopped, Murphy quickly took out the satellite communicator from his backpack.

Looking at the display above, it was Shao Qing from the sea base who called.But this is not the time to confirm what happened to Shao Qing, Mo Fei quickly turned on the shield button of the satellite contactor, and then looked at everyone.

"I'm really sorry. I was careless. I didn't expect my communicator to ring." Murphy felt a little guilty. Everything went so smoothly just now, but he was disrupted by his own sound.

"It's nothing, just block it, we still have a chance." Although Xiao Minyu said, his face was a little gloomy.

But at this time, Xiao Minyu was not dissatisfied that Murphy disrupted their plan, but that Murphy actually had a satellite communicator, but he didn't know the number, and he didn't intend to tell himself, so Xiao Minyu was very upset. A little uncomfortable.

"But where are we running now?" Murphy looked around now, and found that this area was located in the maze of hills, but it was not where they had been before.

"The fourth child has already gone to find the mark. By the way, who is calling you at this time?" Xiao Minyu raised the voice just now, seemingly unintentionally.

There is nothing shameful about this, so Murphy replied bluntly: "Oh, he is the investigation team leader of the sea base. He helped me a lot at the sea base last time, so we also became friends. It's just that he usually calls at night, but I didn't expect it to be at this time today."

"The leader of the investigation team?" Xiao Minyu repeated a sentence and looked at Man Chengbin. Man Chengbin nodded quickly to indicate that he had written it down, and Xiao Minyu then asked: "Feifei, I didn't even know you still had a satellite contactor. I don’t even know your number, otherwise I can contact you.”

"I picked up this communicator from the sacrificed guard. There are only four people who know the number, and one of them is the team leader during the last mission to the sea base. I haven't contacted him since then. The other two are my good friends. Sister, one of them doesn't have the same communicator yet, so the utilization rate is not high and I forget about it."

Mo Fei answered Xiao Minyu with a smile. He was actually laughing at himself. There were very few people he could contact with his communicator, but Xiao Minyu heard it. Murphy's communicator basically only contacted two people. One is the investigation team leader of this sea base, which shows that the relationship is really unusual.

But after thinking about it, Xiao Minyu didn't show it on his face. Instead, he recited his number to Murphy: "Let's exchange our numbers, and we can contact you if you need anything."

"Okay." Mo Fei quickly wrote down Xiao Minyu's number, and Xiao Minyu felt a little more balanced about Murphy's quick reaction.

"Fifth and fourth are back." Man Chengbin reminded Xiao Minyu who was intoxicated with happiness.

Xiao Minyu restrained the smile on his face, then turned around and looked over, only to see Fang Xingping running back in a hurry, but his face was slightly anxious.

"How's the situation? How far are we from the exit?" Before Fang Xingping could stand still, Xiao Minyu asked.

"We're completely lost. I can't connect with the marks I made before." Fang Xingping's ugly face, which had always been the same, added a hint of anxiety, making the whole face even more distorted.

"It seems that we are really in trouble this time." Xiao Minyu said involuntarily, and then began to arrange for everyone: "Then we must find a way to get out, let's get a general grasp of the current direction, and then go out, try not to make any noise when we act. Too loud."

Several people each took out items that they could judge, and Murphy also took out a compass, but it was still possible to communicate here at first, but now it seems that the frequency has been disturbed.

Could it be that there are also mutated zombie bats here?Murphy thought about it and told Xiao Minyu his doubts.Xiao Minyu and others also encountered such a situation, and now they turn on the satellite communicator, but there is only a weak signal that cannot be connected to the outside world at all. It seems that something has just been alarmed, and the surroundings have changed.

A few people groped out with the worst intentions. This place is worthy of being called a maze. I don’t know how many hours they walked, but they still didn’t get out.

"No, I'm going to sit for a while. How long does it take to walk this way?" Meng Zhibo sat down on the ground at once, and his feet were sore from walking for so long.

Several people spread the isolating cloth on the ground again, and then sat down.

"Would you like something to eat?" Murphy rummaged through his backpack and took out some food and water and handed them to several people.

Meng Zhibo was not polite, he took what Mo Fei handed over and bit it down.

While eating, the boss Geng Yunwei suddenly listened, and then lowered his voice: "There is movement, coming from the direction over there."

Although Geng Yunwei possesses the ability of water system and night vision, but the so-called sharp ears are good eyesight, Geng Yunwei's hearing is quite sensitive, so I remind everyone who is still eating and drinking at this moment.

Several people stuffed the things in their hands into their mouths in twos and threes, and then stood up one by one to listen to the movement from the other side.

Sure enough, the sound became louder and louder, and it could be roughly judged that there were zombies approaching.

While several people were preparing to fight, in a city adjacent to the star base, a group of people were fighting zombies to the death. One of the beautiful women kept holding ice flowers, but her face was completely bloodless, but she still kept going. Fight against the zombies on the opposite side.

This group was exactly the people Yulin and she had signed up for to do the mission together, but they didn't expect that today would be so unlucky that they would encounter a large number of C1 zombies.

If it is an ordinary C zombie, because there are not a few supernatural beings in the team, and if there are enough weapons, it doesn’t matter if the number is doubled, but what I encountered today is a pure C1 zombie group, as if they were picked neatly Passed mediocre.

A large number of C1 zombies are gathered together, but their power is quite impressive.

Originally, this team had a large number of people, but it was unexpectedly dispersed because of this sudden situation. After the force was dispersed, the casualties became more and more serious.

Yulin's supernatural ability has bottomed out but she is still struggling, and finally because the person in front of her fell to the ground, Yulin, who was exhausted, was dragged to the ground together.

Seeing the zombies swaying in this direction, Yulin's face was full of despair, but she thought of Mo Fei in her heart: Yes, while I was here desperately trying to survive, she was protected by her most beloved man, From the initial dissatisfaction in Yulin's heart to this moment, it has turned into a kind of anger, and there is a trace of hatred, but this small trace of hatred has taken root in Yulin's heart.

And Murphy, who didn't know it, was actually not having a good time at the moment, because the first batch of zombies ushered in this time was also a group of C1 zombies, and because of the narrow roads here, Murphy couldn't use his full prime gun at all. Advantage.

Fortunately, Murphy's physique has been strengthened, and Xiao Minyu and the others are not rookies, and all of them have good strength, so Murphy does not have to be too embarrassed.

It's just that they are now in the base camp of zombies, and the zombies are not only not decreasing but increasing, which makes them feel a little overwhelmed.

"Xiao Minyu." Mo Fei shouted at Xiao Minyu, standing on the edge because he couldn't get the best attack.

"Feifei, come behind me, I will protect you." Xiao Minyu thought that Mo Fei called himself out of fear at this moment, so he said.

"No, there is a road over there without zombies, let's rush over." Because Murphy stood at a better angle, he saw the situation farther than the others.

There was no other way at this time, Xiao Minyu nodded quickly, pointed at the other people and said to rush over.

Several people ran over there quickly while intercepting the activities of the zombies. Although there was no way to stop the zombies when attacking before, but now escaping from the Suying gun is the best way to stop them, so that the group of zombies behind is isolated After a long distance, Murphy pulled the rope tied to the handle of the gun and pulled the Suying gun back.

A few people ran indiscriminately because they couldn't tell the direction, but when they ran, they found that the surroundings were a bit dark, and when they looked up, they realized that they had already run into the cave.

"We've entered the cave, and there may be mutated zombie bats like the Hai base that cause the tide of zombies, so we have to be careful." After entering the cave, Murphy reminded everyone with experience.

But this is already the base camp of the zombie group, no one will take it lightly.

Mo Fei took out two light tubes from his backpack. In fact, there was only one light tube in his backpack, but those few people only brought one, so Murphy took out another point from the storage talisman. Give it to them, because Geng Yunwei has night vision and doesn't need it, and Xiao Minyu didn't give him a light tube because he had to do a contingency attack, but Xiao Minyu was also very happy, because then he could walk side by side with Murphy logically.

This section of the road is very quiet. I don't know if it's because the zombies have gone out to find them or for other reasons. In short, I haven't encountered a single zombie along the way.

When he reached the next intersection, Geng Yunwei stopped suddenly: "There is the sound of water ahead..."

 Time flies so fast, it’s almost the middle of the month, and the weather is getting colder and colder, but I’m happy that I can finally wear KT’s one-piece home clothes

(End of this chapter)

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