Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 187 Accidental Discovery

Chapter 187 Accidental Discovery
Murphy and Xiao Minyu broke into the cave by mistake because they couldn't judge the direction due to interference.

Because there are zombies outside, and most caves don't have only one exit, so a few people groped all the way in.

After walking for a while, Geng Yunwei stopped because he heard the sound of water.

"It's good to have water! The presence of water means that we may be able to find the outside world through the river bed." Man Chengbin's eyes lit up and said.

Everyone had no objection, and they followed the sound and looked for the place where the sound of water was heard.

It's just that I haven't found the river after walking for a long time.

"Why haven't we found it yet? Could it be an invisible river?" Meng Zhibo complained, because he was strong and tall, walking in this damp cave made Meng Zhibo very depressed.

"Third brother, bear with me a little longer, the key is that we can go out." Man Chengbin quickly persuaded him, he couldn't let Meng Zhibo continue talking while seeing Xiao Minyu's face getting darker.

Meng Zhibo also saw Xiao Minyu's expression, so he closed his mouth.

"Xiao Minyu, let's take a break and take a closer look at the surrounding situation. It's really useless to walk endlessly like this." Although the surroundings were pitch black, Mo Fei still felt a bit of oppressive atmosphere, so he couldn't help but speak.

Hearing Mo Fei's words, Xiao Minyu calmed down: "Okay, then let's rest for a while, fourth brother, you and the boss go to see if there is anything abnormal around, we can't go in vain."

Geng Yunwei, the black brother with night vision, and the ugly old Sifang Xingping agreed, and then searched around with a light tube.

Looking at the actions of several people, Mo Fei couldn't help being curious. Xiao Minyu was obviously ranked fifth, but after several contacts, Mo Fei always felt that these people were faintly headed by Xiao Minyu. I didn't ask much, just took out the water bottle and drank a couple of sips.

Not long after, Geng Yunwei and Fang Xingping came back. Geng Yunwei's face, which was even darker than the inside of the cave, was a little white because of the light tube. It looked scary, but joy was evident on his face.

"Old Five, there is a fork in the road over there. We found that there is a light over there, but the two of us walked for a while and didn't reach the end, but if there is light, it may be a place leading to the outside world. Let's go over there and have a look! "

Hearing this news, several people's spirits were lifted up a little, after all, this is also the dawn in the darkness.

Without stopping any longer, everyone hurriedly followed Geng Yunwei to the fork in that direction.

After walking for a long time, I found a ray of light around the outside, and that light seemed as kind as the appearance of a holy light to everyone.

The burly man Meng Zhibo said with a naive smile, "Finally we see the light, let's go out!"

A group of people quickened their pace and ran towards the bright spot. The road became wider and wider, but the bright light became more and more obvious.

Just when everyone crossed the straight road again, thinking that the brightest place ahead was the exit to the outside world, a sudden heart-piercing scream made everyone's hearts tighten.

Everyone had to slow down, but the curiosity in their hearts was greater than the fear. What was in front of them, how could there be such a bright light, these questions made everyone move forward little by little.

When a few people finally came to the edge of the cave entrance, they found that the place they called leading to the outside world did lead to the outside, but it was not the ground, but a hole in the cliff.

And that heart-piercing scream came from the cliff below the cliff.

Several people looked down one by one, because falling from the height here is certain death, and the wind at the entrance of the cave also told them that the wind outside is very strong, and one who accidentally hangs on the cliff is likely to be blown by the wind immediately go down.

Because Murphy was thinner than the others, he squeezed to the side. Looking down with his enhanced eyesight, he saw that there were actually many zombies inside the cliff.

Surprisingly, these zombies included C2 zombies and C3 zombies, and even Murphy saw two C4 zombies that looked like they were wearing armor.

It's just that so many high-level zombies are surrounded by a zombie that looks like an ordinary C zombie.

Mo Fei suddenly felt that the thin zombie looked familiar. After thinking about it, he suddenly thought that it looked like he had encountered it on the way out of the valley where the ginkgo trees were planted.

At that time, the thin zombie seemed a bit out of place surrounded by huge C2 zombies and C3 zombies, but if it weren't for the scene I saw with my own eyes, who would have thought that such a zombie would be surrounded by so many high-level zombies? protected.

Just when several people were concentrating on looking down, suddenly Meng Zhibo sneezed loudly, and a hammer in his hand fell off and smashed down.

At this moment, the huge zombies below are staring at the thin zombie with all their attention, but judging from the distorted expression on the thin zombie's face, the thin zombie seems to be very uncomfortable at this moment.

Is it possible that zombies can also get sick?While Mo Fei was thinking suspiciously, Meng Zhibo's hammer also fell below.

"Boom." The zombies couldn't help being startled by the loud noise. Dozens of C2 zombies, C3 zombies, and C4 zombies raised their huge heads, making Murphy and the others worried.

Only one of the C4 zombies seemed to have spotted them and roared towards the top, and then a dozen C2 zombies and one C3 zombie got in through a hole.

"They didn't come to look for us, did they?" Mo Fei was a little stunned. After finding them, these zombies didn't rush forward all at once, but knew how to divide the work reasonably.

"They came up to look for us, but what happened down there, what happened to that C zombie?" Xiao Minyu's face was serious.

"No matter what it is, let's get out of here." Man Chengbin hurriedly told everyone to step back, ready to leave.

And just as several people were retreating one by one, Mo Fei, who stayed at the end, suddenly heard a long cry from below, and that miserable sound made people's skin crawl.

Mo Fei hurriedly looked down again, and then Mo Fei's mouth opened in surprise, the big one could stuff an egg.

Yulin opened her eyes dazedly, she was not dead, the person who fell down just now covered her, although her body seemed to be in pain like being stepped on, but she was not dead after all.

There was only a sound of footsteps, and then someone was moving Yulin's body: "It seems that there is no one alive on their side."

"Then check the finances or something, and you can't go back empty-handed." Another person said.

As her body lightened, Yulin felt that the person on her body should have been moved away, but immediately a pair of hands touched her body.

Yulin wanted to raise her arms in disgust to shake off the invasion of her body by those hands.The owner of those hands immediately noticed the situation: "Boss, there is still a living one here, and there is no scratch. It should be covered up after being unconscious."

Yulin really wanted to open her eyes, but everything was in vain. She only heard footsteps, and then she was dug out from the surrounding corpses.

The man pressed Yulin's wrist for a while: "The heartbeat is normal, but a little weak, take it back!"

The rest of the people hurriedly carried Yulin to a car, and left with the car after a while.

Let's not talk about Yulin's side for now, let's talk about Mo Fei's side.

After seeing that scene, Mo Fei was dragged away by Xiao Minyu from the edge of the hole and ran in another direction.

Because the ones who came up to look for them were C2 zombies and C3 zombies, big guys that could not be destroyed by human power, so the only thing they could do was to run away.

Several people ran wildly all the way, but Mo Fei was a little confused and let Xiao Minyu drag him to run.

What I saw just now, if I didn't have hallucinations, then this is really a big event.

"Feifei, don't be in a daze, you can already hear the roars of those big guys, we have to get out of here quickly." Xiao Minyu's anxious voice rang in Mo Fei's ears, and then Mo Fei's soul was hooked back.

Mo Fei looked at Xiao Minyu: "I'm sorry I was distracted, I'll run by myself!" Only then did Mo Fei realize that he was running completely by Xiao Minyu's dragging and dragging, which would consume a lot of Xiao Minyu.

"Don't be in a daze, let's talk about everything after escaping." Although Xiao Minyu stopped dragging Mo Fei, he still held Mo Fei's hand.

Probably he didn't have so many scruples when he ran away, and Mo Fei didn't care, and was still dragged forward by Xiao Minyu.

I don't know whether it's God's care or everyone's sixth sense is better at a critical moment. This time, with more than a dozen C2 zombies and C3 zombies chasing behind them, they actually found the exit.

Just when they came out, they encountered C1 zombies. Everyone hurriedly used their own skills to fight, and continued to run forward while fighting zombies, until the old Sifang Xingping excitedly found the mark he left before.

Several people finally escaped the maze of hills in embarrassment, but the C1 zombies behind them were still chasing after them, and judging from the heavy footsteps getting closer, the distance between the C2 and C3 zombies was constantly increasing. shorten.

"Run, run as hard as you can and get into the car." Xiao Minyu gave an order, and several people desperately ran towards the car that was listening in the distance.

At this time, Geng Yunwei had already started the car with a controller in his hand.

A C2 zombie behind him has already rushed out of the hill maze and followed closely behind everyone.

"Get in the car first, I'll stop the C2 and come." Xiao Minyu pushed Mo Fei: "Feifei, get in the car." Then Xiao Minyu stayed where he was.

Mo Fei kept turning his head: "Is Xiao Minyu okay?"

"The fifth one is a person with super speed. Let's hurry up and get in the car and he can still catch up." Man Chengbin seemed to have adapted to this mode early on, and hurriedly urged Murphy.

After hearing this, Mo Fei continued to run towards the car hard, and Xiao Minyu ran towards the car after several people got into the car.

(End of this chapter)

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