Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 188 Bad News

Chapter 188 Bad News

Without Xiao Minyu's restraint, the C2 zombie accelerated towards this side.

Xiao Minyu was stopped by the C2 zombie before he got in the car in time.

"Xiao Minyu, come back quickly." Murphy, who was already in the car, shouted towards Xiao Minyu.

It's just that the car circled around the C2 zombie a few times, but Xiao Minyu still didn't find the right time to get in the car.

But during the delay, two C2 zombies emerged from the entrance not far away.

A C2 zombie can't deal with it, and it will definitely be a dead end.

Regardless of the car was still moving, Murphy jumped out of the car with his Suying gun in his arms.After rolling a few times on the ground, Mo Fei ran towards Xiao Minyu and the C2 zombies with his Suying gun in his hand.

"Feifei, what are you doing down here, go back quickly." Seeing Mo Fei come back, Xiao Minyu's heart felt warm, but he couldn't help but worry about Mo Fei's recklessness.

"Xiao Minyu, you'll run away when I call you away, you know?" Murphy didn't answer Xiao Minyu's question, but said directly.

"What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry, I'm not great enough to sacrifice myself. Remember, if I tell you to run away, I can only hold on for a moment." Murphy said seriously.

Seeing what Mo Fei said was affirmative, Xiao Minyu nodded, and then ran to Murphy's side.

Murphy followed Xiao Minyu around the C2 zombie, and suddenly, Murphy shouted: "Go."

Xiao Minyu raised his foot and ran, while Mo Fei's Suying gun poked at the foot of the C2 zombie.

While the C2 zombie's footsteps slowed down for a moment, its huge arm slapped down on Murphy.

The moment Mo Fei dodged his body, he pulled out the tasseled gun that had just been stuck in the foot of the C2 zombie, and then hurried back to the car before the C2 zombie could react.

"Slow down, let Feifei come up." Seeing that Murphy returned safely, Xiao Minyu shouted.

Mo Fei quickly got into the car, and before the door was closed, the car drove away.

When the car drove away, Murphy was also afraid for a while. Thanks to his body's strengthening due to Qi training, whether it was the C2 zombie's foot that was stabbed with a Suying gun and let it pause for a while, it was because of the strengthened reaction later on. Only the nerves escaped the attack of the C2 zombies. These are very dangerous, and if there is a slight mistake, he will die.

When the car had climbed to the top of the mountain road, the C2 zombies below seemed to know that they could not catch up, so they retreated into the maze of hills.

Several people sighed with emotion and only hoped to return to the base soon.

Because Geng Yunwei's driving skills are very good, he didn't switch to automatic driving all the way, and the car quickly returned to the star base.

"Feifei, today's mission was not expected to be so dangerous. It was unexpected. Go back and rest early." Xiao Minyu said apologetically after sending Murphy back to the villa in the blue area.

"You don't have to feel guilty! There may be no danger at all when you go out on a mission, not to mention that we came back smoothly, isn't it great!"

"It's good that you understand, then go back and rest first! Leave the rewards to me."

Murphy nodded, turned and walked upstairs.

After watching Mo Fei go upstairs, Xiao Minyu turned back to the car and told Geng Yunwei who was driving, "Go to the Star Soul Circle."

Xiao Minyu went to report on the mission, while Mo Fei went upstairs to the door of Yulin's room.

I originally agreed to go out on a mission today to bring food back, but I didn't bring back anything because of these things, but I still have a lot of materials that can be made, so Mo Fei is going to call Yulin out first and then go home to change Clothes come here.

Unexpectedly, no one answered after knocking on the door for a long time.

"Sister Yulin hasn't come back from her mission yet?" Seeing that no one came to open the door, Mo Fei pouted and walked towards the door of his room.

At this time, Yulin was lying on a clean bed with light blue sheets and a complete set of pillows and quilts, while Yulin was sleeping peacefully.

A man in a black suit walked in with a glass of red wine, and the servant beside him quickly bowed deeply to the man: "You are back."

"Well, is this lady still awake?" the man asked after taking a sip of the blood-red wine.

"Not yet, but her breathing has stabilized. The doctor has seen this young lady's condition before, and it seems to be caused by the overdraft of supernatural powers. She has already received two injections of nutrition. As long as she rests, she will be fine." The servant said truthfully. replied.

"Okay, you can go out first." The man waved the servant to go down, and he sat sideways on the luxurious single sofa inlaid with gold thread next to the bed.

After staring at Yulin who was like a sleeping beauty for a while, the man curled his lips, this time he went to accept this task with great reluctance, but he unexpectedly let him pick up a treasure.

Seeing that Yulin was still sleeping soundly, the man watched for a while before getting up and leaving the room.

The tired Murphy fell asleep very early, and when he woke up in the morning, warm sunlight came through the gaps in Murphy's tightly covered curtains.Mo Fei rubbed his eyes, touched his hungry stomach, raised his wrist to check the time, it was already past 10 o'clock, and he slept soundly this time.

But it's already so late and it's time to get up, not to mention that Xiao Minyu said yesterday that he might come directly to send the task reward to himself today.

"Get up, hoo, I slept so comfortably." Mo Fei stood up while stretching.

After looking for something to eat, because he didn't know when Xiao Minyu would come back, Mo Fei got dressed and opened the door to Yulin's house.

However, Murphy knocked on the door vigorously, and after knocking for a long time, there was still no one. Even the house opposite Murphy had someone yelling in dissatisfaction.

It seemed that Yulin hadn't come back yet, and Murphy couldn't help but feel worried.

After thinking for a while, Murphy turned around and went home to take a magnetic message board. This kind of magnetic message board is not big and can be used repeatedly. Behind the magnetic board is a kind of magnet that is not only able to attract iron, but all All kinds of metals can basically absorb, of course, except for some very special metals.

The front of the magnetic board is a board for leaving messages, and a special electronic pen is used to write on it, and the button behind the special electronic pen can also be used to lock the content or clear the content.

Murphy left a message to Xiao Minyu saying that he was going out for a while, and if he came, wait for a while, and he would be back soon.

After finishing writing, Murphy posted the magnetic message board on his door and activated the security lock, which meant that no one else could change the contents of the message board.

After locking the door, Murphy ran towards the task reception area. She wanted to inquire about the return status of the task that Yulin did yesterday.

When Mo Fei came back again, Xiao Minyu was already sitting in the car downstairs waiting for Murphy to come back, and the items in Xiao Minyu's car also showed plenty of things.

But Murphy walked all the way here with heavy steps as if he didn't see Xiao Minyu.

Sensing that something was wrong with Mo Fei, Xiao Minyu quickly got out of the car and ran towards Mo Fei: "Feifei, what's wrong?"

Hearing someone calling him, Murphy raised his head as if waking up from a dream: "Xiao Minyu..." After he shouted, the circles of Murphy's eyes turned red, and crystal tears slid down the corners of his eyes.

Xiao Minyu, who had never seen such a fragile Murphy, couldn't help but panic: "Feifei, what happened? Don't cry!" Then Xiao Minyu suddenly thought of Gu Huaiyuan, and his anger continued to rise: "Is someone bullying you? Yes Who?"

Murphy shook his head, and replied with a choked voice: "No one bullied me, it was my neighbor sister. She asked me to go to the task together yesterday, but I promised you first and didn't go. I went before she came back this morning." I inquired at the task receiving office, I didn’t expect that this mission suddenly encountered a pure C1 regiment, most of them died, only a small team came back, and that team was still a whole, so..."

Xiao Minyu was also very surprised when he heard the news. He didn't expect it to be Yulin. Although Yulin pestered him for so long, it was a bit annoying to her, but after all, he had fought together before, and Xiao Minyu just couldn't like Yulin as a lover, but he didn't. I don't hate Yulin, if Yulin wasn't so entangled at the beginning, maybe they could still be friends.

Hearing the news, Xiao Minyu sighed. He had heard before that the relationship between Murphy and Yulin was quite good, and now it seems that it is so.

Xiao Minyu reached out and patted Mo Fei's shoulder: "Don't be sad, I'll ask someone to ask the person who cleaned up the battlefield later, if it's true, I'll ask someone to bury the body properly."

At this time, most of the corpses are disposed of by fire, so being buried is considered a complete destination.

Only then did Mo Fei react a little: "Thank you, then please help me to ask about this matter, I don't know anyone at this star base."

"Well, wait for my news." Xiao Minyu took Mo Fei and carried all the things in the car upstairs, and then comforted Mo Fei a few words before driving back to his residence.

As soon as Xiao Minyu entered the room, he yelled at Man Chengbin: "Second brother, check Yulin's situation for me. She didn't seem to come back from the mission yesterday. By the way, ask the personnel who will clean up the battlefield later. If it is confirmed that Yulin is dead Find the body and bury it properly."

When Man Chengbin heard that it was Yulin, he couldn't help being stunned for a moment: "Old Wu, how did you know this news? Could it be a mistake?" The usual Xiao Minyu had never cared about Yulin's situation, so Man Chengbin Cheng Bin couldn't help confirming again.

Yulin was the girl they rescued in Yuncheng. At that time, Xiao Minyu took them to a special mission. Because of the long distance, he joined a relatively large team.Although that team originally had a team leader, Xiao Minyu's outstanding leadership and supernatural powers made everyone in that team vaguely headed by Xiao Minyu.

When I entered Yuncheng that time, I happened to meet Yulin who had awakened her supernatural powers after being bitten by a zombie, but was very weak due to severe injuries.

At that time, Yulin's whole body was covered in blood, and the weak snowflakes attacked the zombies without any reaction. Besides the zombies, there were also a group of lustful men staring at Yulin.

(End of this chapter)

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