Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 189 Breaking Through the Basics

Chapter 189 Breaking Through the Basics
The first time Yulin saw Xiao Minyu was when Yulin was at her most miserable, and Xiao Minyu was like a savior standing in front of her with such brilliance.

Yulin lives in the city closest to Beijing: Yuncheng.

On the night of the sunny project, because Yuncheng was the closest to the test base where the sunny project was launched, it was also the place where the first large-scale outbreak of zombies occurred.

Yulin hid at home for several days, but was forced to go out because of food problems, but was caught and seriously injured by a zombie.

Originally, Yulin was already desperately thinking that she was bound to die, and that she might turn into a horrible zombie like the outside, but her body felt different, and then Yulin fell to the ground because of the unbearable pain.

Opening her eyes again, Yulin found that she was not dead, but felt a burst of cold in her body, which seemed to burst out.

Yulin felt very uncomfortable and tried hard to drive out the cold air, but Yulin was surprised that beautiful ice flowers bloomed in her hands because of this action, and the cold air was so cold. as beautiful.

In the broadcast notification, Yulin had seen it before. This is a special ability of awakened supernatural beings.

But before there was any surprise, Yulin ran into trouble.

Probably because they found fresh blood, several zombies swayed towards Yulin.

In the early days of the apocalypse, although those were just ordinary C zombies, even so, if several C zombies surrounded her weak body, it would be fatal to Yulin.

Yulin didn't care about anything else, she just scrambled forward.

At this moment, a group of people came from the side. Although the leader was fat, he was tall. The tall figure and the weapon in his hand made Yulin hopeful.

"Help me, save me..." Yulin stretched out her hand towards the team, hoping to get a helping hand.

"Brother, this girl is so beautiful." A person in the team exclaimed after seeing Yulin's face clearly.

And the tall fat man called Big Brother already had an extremely wretched look on his face, staring at Yulin's snow-white body faintly exposed in the clothes that were torn because of being caught by zombies.

"Excellent, it's really the best in the world, but it's a pity that he was scratched." Although the tall and fat man was lewd, he was not overwhelmed, and his wretched face was full of regret.

Hearing this, another sly-eyed man came over, pointed at the snowflakes left by Yulin along the way, and said, "Brother, this top-quality girl is still a supernatural being with poor abilities. Zombie viruses are immune."

"Okay, very good, take it..." The tall and fat man only realized the difference in Yulin's body, and the light in his eyes became more intense.

Yulin had seen such eyes many times before the end of the world. She knew that this group of people had bad intentions for her, so she could not beg this group of people anymore. She would rather be bitten to death by zombies.

With all her strength, Yulin no longer looked at those people, but staggered towards the outside and ran away desperately.

"Oh, it looks like you have some strength, follow along." The tall and fat man was not in a hurry, how far a seriously injured woman could run.

Yulin felt that her physical strength was exhausted and she could no longer support herself, and her body fell to the ground.

Looking at the zombies getting closer and closer behind her, and the group of men who were getting closer, Yulin closed her eyes.

"Boom." After the sound, there was a burning "crackling" sound.

Yulin felt warmth around her, and opened her eyes hard, only to see a handsome and tall man with charming eyes, with a fire in his hand, as if a god had descended.

"Old fifth, this woman is still alive, she seems to be an ice-type supernatural being." A man crouched in front of him and shouted at the god-like man.

"Well, save me!" The man's voice flowed into Yulin's heart like the sound of nature, and the next moment, the impression of the man was firmly imprinted in Yulin's heart like a brand. Later, Yulin knew, The man who saved him was Xiao Minyu.

In the days that followed, Yulin fought with this team until she reached the star base.

Originally, Yulin was used to seeing Xiao Minyu every day, but after arriving at the star base, Xiao Minyu left the team.Yulin chased Xiao Minyu out of the team, but Xiao Minyu clearly told Yulin that no one else would join his team.

So Yulin lived the life of a lone ranger, but occasionally the people in the team she used to stay in would take care of her.

Man Chengbin was the first to squat down to check Yulin's injury.

Man Chengbin has always liked Yulin in his heart, but Yulin's heart is full of Xiao Minyu, which makes Man Chengbin never show his feelings, so now he suddenly heard the news of Yulin's death, Man Chengbin was a little bit dismayed confidence.

"Are you sure it's Yulin?"

"Murphy said, isn't the relationship between the two of them very good? Yulin went out to do a mission yesterday and hasn't come back yet, so she went to the mission receiving place to ask, but it turned out to be bad news, but the details are not clear. So check it carefully." Xiao Minyu replied.

"I see." After Man Chengbin returned to Xiao Minyu as usual, he began to look up the information desperately when Xiao Minyu turned to leave.

It's just that each record does not show good news.

After checking the information, Man Chengbin stood up with a heavy face. He wanted to ask the team responsible for the cleanup this time. If there was still no clue, Man Chengbin decided to find Yulin no matter what, even if it was a corpse. Even Yulin who turned into a zombie.

Mo Fei is sitting in the house at the moment. The friends who met yesterday are still alive and dead today, and may even have been killed. Although there have been many deaths since the end of the world, those who are close to him are Murphy experienced it for the first time.

Just like when the news of his parents' sudden death came back that time, Murphy didn't speak or move, just sat quietly on the bed, his mind was blank.

And just when Mo Fei emptied his body and mind and immersed himself in sadness, the talisman in the storage talisman emitted a soft light.As the light changed, Murphy's consciousness gradually lost, and he fell on the bed. Then, just like when he absorbed the mech for the first time, Murphy's whole body was covered by the light, and the light streamed on Murphy's body. Subtly.

When he woke up again, it was already pitch black outside, which meant that Murphy had slept on the bed for a whole day.

After rubbing his aching head, Mo Fei saw that the time on his wrist was already past 11 o'clock at night.

No way, why did I fall asleep inexplicably?Mo Fei was wondering, his memory only went to the moment when Yulin was sitting at home in a daze, but how could he fall asleep strangely?
Shaking his head, Murphy decided not to think about it anymore, he still had to live in such a cruel end of the world.

Mo Fei, who stood up, was going to get some food to fill his stomach, but just got up, but the world was spinning for a while, and his body was as weak as if he had been hollowed out.

It's just that I haven't eaten for a day!Murphy quickly supported the side of the bed.

After the dizziness gradually disappeared, Mo Fei grabbed the plain gun beside the bed and leaned on it to go to the kitchen.

There are some ready-made food cans in the kitchen, and a bag of cakes is taken out from the space, and these are sent to the stomach with water.

It's just that although the stomach is full, there is still no strength in the body.Mo Fei sat back on the bed again, crossed his legs and mobilized the energy in his body.

Surprisingly, when the breath circulated in Murphy's previous way, the place where the breath passed exploded like a firecracker, and then the warm current rushed out along the point of explosion. Murphy was originally pulled out. The empty body warmed up as if filled with energy.

After Murphy digested such a strange energy, he realized that his body had actually broken through the base layer and entered the stable layer.

"Impossible!" Murphy exclaimed after realizing that his abilities had surpassed by a lot.

I practiced for so long before, and every level of the basic layer was very difficult to rise, but it should be the most difficult to break through the basic five layers, that is, the last layer of the basic layer, but after I woke up, I somehow upgraded up.

In fact, I can't blame Murphy, because she doesn't know the ancestral precepts passed down by word of mouth in Mo's family. Every time she hits a level, she needs some opportunities. Just like this time, Murphy, who is always busy, has no time to relax his mind. The things in the heart, but unconsciously do not think about it because of sadness.

The blankness in his mind allowed the accumulated energy to break through the confinement, and with the assistance of the talisman after Murphy fell into a coma, it was so easy to upgrade to the stable level.

However, no matter what the reason was, Murphy's upgrade from the basic level to the stable level represented another earth-shaking change in his abilities.What does that mean?It shows that I can learn one or even a few more of the abilities on the talisman.

This talisman is very strange. When Mo Fei got it for the first time, it displayed all the most obvious things. As he upgraded his Qi training, this talisman seemed to be supplemented gradually, so Murphy While groping and learning all the way, I am more and more amazed at the magic of this talisman.

Even if the technology before the end of the world is so advanced, there has never been such a book. Of course, e-books may be able to achieve it, but they cannot do it independently. They also need to enter the program in advance and then rely on manual adjustments or software upgrades.

Thinking of this, Murphy couldn't wait to see what abilities he could learn after he advanced to the stable level. Although it was late and it was time to take a good rest, Murphy couldn't wait for tomorrow.

Although every time you learn a new ability, you can't learn it all at once, not to mention that you haven't heard from Xiao Minyu today, maybe Yulin is still alive, maybe tomorrow you will notify yourself to search and rescue together.

But Mo Fei couldn't help but found the old-looking talisman from the storage talisman.

(End of this chapter)

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