Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 18 The Lobbyist

Chapter 18 The Lobbyist
Realizing that the control method in the ancient book had obvious similarities with the self-defense technique his grandfather had taught him, Murphy studied the introduction in the ancient book more carefully.

After carefully comparing the control method in the ancient book with the self-defense technique taught by his grandfather, as well as the text of the previous talisman itself and those translated by his ancestors later, Murphy finally came to a conclusion.

According to Murphy's guess, the difference between the two should be because the ancestor who researched a part of the content didn't fully understand it!

It can be seen from the passage written by the ancestor later that although the meaning can be understood, many characters are written incorrectly.

However, even so, the general meaning is almost the same.

It seems that this ancestor who comprehended part of it is still very powerful. He was able to study this kind of earthworm-like characters. Unfortunately, without the dictation of his grandfather and father, Murphy would never know exactly what this ancestor translated. .

After looking through the general situation again, Mo Fei closed the "Tales" and couldn't calm down for a long time.

Taking a deep breath, Mo Fei pressed the book inside the sleeping bag, and after a tiring day, she got into the sleeping bag and fell asleep deeply.

Early the next morning, Mo Fei had just washed up and was about to cook some porridge for breakfast when he heard a knock on the door.

Mo Fei first hid the rice bag in the small cabinet, then tied up his hair neatly, walked to the door and asked, "Who is it?"

"Excuse me, is this Miss Murphy?" A woman's voice sounded from outside.

"Who are you?" Hearing the woman's voice outside, which he had never heard before, Murphy did not respond immediately, but asked instead.

However, the woman outside seemed to be sure and replied: "I finally found you. I am a member of Cangji's personnel management department. I want to talk to you about something."

Murphy thought about it, and he just entered the base, and he didn't seem to offend anyone.But being careful, he stuffed the dagger into the side of his boot and opened the door.

"Hello Miss Murphy, may I come in?" The woman looked very polite and asked with a smile on her face.

Mo Fei nodded, and when the woman came in, Mo Fei closed the door vigilantly. If this woman was against her, at least she would not let her accomplices come in together.Only this woman, with her skills, still has the confidence to deal with it.

The woman smiled when she saw Murphy's little action, but she didn't care. She didn't come to fight in the first place.

When the woman entered the room, she saw Murphy's sleeping bag.

It was only then that Mo Fei realized that there was no place to sit here, so he smiled awkwardly at the woman.

"May I ask what you want?" Murphy was sure that she didn't know this woman, and she didn't seem to be looking for faults when she saw that woman, so Murphy asked directly.

The woman smiled very friendly: "It's actually like this, I'm a lobbyist."

Afterwards, the woman explained her reason for coming this time.

It turned out that in the isolation room that day, the person the administrator was waiting for was one of the corpse hunting teams spontaneously organized by the base personnel. These people survived by hunting zombies and earning meritorious service.

However, these corpse hunting teams vary in size and ability.

These corpse hunting teams not only hunted zombies to earn meritorious service, but also took on some more dangerous missions with high rewards. They were considered desperate teams.

Although it is a high-risk job, it is also the most profitable, so these corpse hunting teams are still very common in the base.

However, the corpse hunting team that was guarded and waiting yesterday was a very famous corpse hunting team in Cangji.

There are only 5 people in this corpse hunting team, but all of them are evolutionary mutants.From the time they were established and began to do tasks until now, not only have they all lived in Area B, but there have never been any casualties.

Many people and even supernatural beings in the base sharpened their heads and wanted to join this corpse hunting team, but they were all rejected by the captain on the grounds of not expanding.

But that day, the captain suddenly ordered his subordinates to ask the guards to give him the information about Murphy. Unfortunately, Murphy was too vigilant, and the guards only asked for one name.

Afterwards, Murphy was assigned here after passing the isolation inspection. Based on the data exclusion, they selected her and another girl who was about the same age as another girl among the five girls named Murphy.

"Then you must be me? Maybe it's the other one." Hearing this, Murphy interjected.

The woman smiled again: "I have already met that girl, because she was assigned to Building 1. I went to her place first yesterday, and then came to see you, but you were not there. But since I saw her, I am sure it is not her gone."

"Even if you're right, but I don't know anyone in that corpse hunting team, why did you find me? Besides, the people in that team are all supernatural beings, and I'm not a supernatural being."

Murphy didn't show any excitement after listening, but calmly raised his own question.

The woman appreciated Murphy's calm answer. Captain Sun was right. Now that we are in the last days, there are not many people who can calmly refuse such a good offer, let alone girls.

The woman nodded slightly, and then replied: "In fact, I value your ability and courage. You can not panic in such a closed place, and you can kill zombies with such a small dagger with your strength. I am afraid that many men are inferior to you." Up."

Seeing that Murphy didn't talk to her, the woman continued, "Then do you know why many people, even supernatural beings, are vying to join the corpse hunting team, but the captain doesn't accept it?"

Murphy shook her head, she really couldn't understand the captain's intentions.

If it is said that this corpse hunting team is all supernatural beings, and they have done a lot of tasks, but no one was injured, then there must be more people here attracted by the name.

If ordinary people go in, it may weaken the overall quality of the team, so it's not surprising if they don't accept them.But people with supernatural powers should at least check their quality before rejecting them. However, they came to him after denying everything. Murphy didn't think he would be stronger than people with supernatural abilities. Of course, Murphy was referring to the premise of not using mechas. Down.

But others don't know about their mechs, so why should they give themselves special treatment?
Seeing that Murphy didn't speak, the woman continued to introduce to Murphy: "Actually, although there were no casualties in the corpse hunting team, everyone dared to fight, and the road they worked out could ensure the safety of themselves and everyone else. Another point is that you are alone, and everyone in that hunting team is also alone."

The woman paused at this point. She observed Murphy's expression and knew that Murphy understood.

Murphy really understood, that is to say, the members of that team all had a heart that wanted to live but dared to work hard with their own strength.

Another point is that I am alone.Only one person can better integrate into a group, and having worries behind him will make a person too weak.

"I understand what you mean, but you also know that I am new to the base, and I don't want to join any group for the time being. I want to learn more about the current information. After entering the group, I will act collectively. If you are unfamiliar with the surroundings, It's no small trouble for me or for the people in that team."

Murphy thought about it and then refused.

She doesn't object to joining a group, but she has no idea of ​​joining a group yet.

One is because she has just started to get acquainted with the "Fulu" handed down by her family, and she needs a lot of time to study before she is familiar with it, so living alone is more free than living in a group.

What's more, she just arrived at the Cang Base, and she doesn't know everything around her, and she doesn't know about this corpse hunting team, and she hasn't heard of it, so it's better to be cautious with a cautious attitude.

Seeing that although Murphy didn't completely refuse, but temporarily shirked it, the woman guessed that Murphy might be young and energetic and wanted to go out alone, or because he wanted to observe more because of vigilance, she didn't persuade him any more.

"Well, if you change your mind, come to the personnel management department of the base to find me. My name is Bai Youyou." After the woman gave her name, she walked towards the door.

"Well, I'll think about it, and I'll trouble you to make this trip for nothing." Mo Fei replied politely. After all, Bai Youyou seems to be an official member of the base, so he should keep a low profile and not cause trouble.

Mo Fei sent Bai Youyou away, thinking that Bai Youyou didn't even have a place to stand when he came in just now, then he looked into the room, and he really needed some supplies here.

Because of the special incident yesterday, I didn't have any spare time to look for these daily necessities. Now that I don't have to worry about meritorious service for the time being, Mo Fei decided to find some daily necessities in some urban areas without many zombies today. .

After making up his mind, Murphy simply ate some breakfast and prepared to go out with his plain gun.

At the research institute at this time, the sample brought back by Murphy was placed in an ion box and analyzed by the instrument.

"This is indeed a three-time mutated C2 zombie. Judging from the cell analysis, this zombie should be very large. It is definitely not something that one person can kill."

"I heard that the sample was brought back by a little girl with no abilities."

"Just her?"

"Yes! Still a 17-year-old girl."

"How is it possible? It's purely absurd. Don't say you don't have supernatural powers. Even if you have supernatural powers, you can't kill a C2 by yourself."

Several geneticists in the institute couldn't help discussing with each other in surprise after receiving the news.

"Go and invite that little girl, we need to ask about the details, maybe there is some fatal weakness in this C2." One of them said quickly.

"Yes, if a weakness is found, it will be very helpful to us in the future. I will notify the recorder who handed over yesterday."

After a while, the recorder who took the record for Murphy yesterday received a notification from the research institute, asking her to go to Murphy for some details.

According to the information on Murphy's ID card, the recorder went to Room 6, Building 909, Area D, but at this time Murphy had already left the base to search for daily necessities in the nearby urban area.

 Xiaoxiao continues to struggle in Xiangxi at this time!

(End of this chapter)

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