Chapter 19
The recorder who went to find Murphy was in vain, so he had to go back and reply to the staff of the research institute.

"Xiao Zhang, did you ask that girl how to eliminate the C2 zombie yesterday? We analyzed it and found that the C2 zombie is not easy, and it is absolutely impossible to eliminate it alone." The research institute is in charge of the liaison task When the person at the reception heard that Murphy hadn't been found, he asked.

Only then did the recorder report what Murphy told him after yesterday.

When the people in the research institute heard that this C2 was destroyed by sacrificing the lives of a team, and that Murphy was just lucky enough to pick it up, they were relieved.

"So that's how it is. Very good. Xiao Zhang did his work very carefully." The person from the research institute praised the recorder named Zhang, and then ended the communication.

Now they couldn't know how those people eliminated the C2 zombies, so they had to send people to the general location described by Murphy to find C2's corpse, hoping to find some clues.

At this time, Murphy had already arrived at the edge of Nancheng City. The population of Nancheng City was relatively dense, so there were many zombies in the city.

But Murphy didn't plan to enter the city center.

Along a relatively secluded road, Murphy drove all the way, and there happened to be a bedding store, and there were not many zombies at the door.

Murphy stopped the car, then got out of the car with the key and his plain gun.

Recalling the agility he used when fighting zombie C yesterday, Murphy tried to deal with the zombies in front of him.

Sure enough, after gaining actual combat experience and then using the Suying gun to deal with C zombies, Murphy could deal with one with as little effort as possible.

After killing the slow zombies in front of him, Murphy was still a little dissatisfied.Looks like more practice is needed.

Entering the bedding store, Murphy found a few quilts, and took pillows, quilt covers and other things.It was all packed and stuffed into the car.

There was still rice and noodles in the car, so Mo Fei didn't go to other places, he had to empty the car first.

Going back with his things, Murphy passed the wound scan at the door before driving into the base.

The car stopped, and Mo Fei started to take out quilts and other things, and at the same time stuffed the rice bag into the outer packaging of the quilt, and the quilt was directly held in his hand.

After doing it several times, the quilts and pillows were brought into the place where I lived, and I also brought several bags of rice noodles back to the place where I lived.

After taking a look at the car and removing some of the rice noodles, it was relatively empty, so Mo Fei packed another bag of noodles in his backpack and brought them back.

After locking the car, Murphy returned to Room 6, Building 909, Area D, where she lived, with her backpack on her back.

Today, because he came back early, Mo Fei thought about it, put the cooking oil he brought into the pot, opened another box of canned food, and fried the rice.

Seeing that he hadn't eaten food for a long time, Mo Fei took his ID card to the cafeteria in the base to buy some food.

The merit points in the hunting recorder and the identity card are interlinked, and the meritorious service in the hunting recorder can also be used with the identity card, and you only need to swipe the identity card to use it inside the base.

Mo Fei bought two dishes, and she planned to study the breath adjustment on the first page of "Fulu" in the house, and she didn't plan to come out again. Now in winter, she didn't have to worry about the food going bad in the afternoon, so she just brushed it. two copies.

The dishes were not good, but for Mo Fei who hadn't eaten freshly cooked dishes for several days, the aroma of this dish kept getting into his nose.

There is one canteen in each district, and the dishes are said to be classified.

Murphy ordered a potato cake and a cabbage vermicelli.However, the cabbage that people in District D can eat can only be the root of cabbage, and the leaves and tender parts on it will be distributed to the places above District C.

As for meat and oil stars, it is even more difficult to see.

Fortunately, Mo Fei brought his own oil. Just now, the rice was fried with oil and a box of opened meat cans. Now it is served with some vegetarian dishes, which is considered good.

But after swiping his ID card, Murphy understood why meritorious service was so easy to earn, and there were still many people living in District D, because the food was too expensive.

Mo Fei just made a potato pancake, two cabbage vermicelli and a stir-fried shredded carrot, and she got 19 meritorious deeds without even a little shredded pork.

This is because she doesn't need to buy rice, otherwise she would have to add 2 meritorious service.If you have a big appetite, you will eat dozens of meritorious deeds for this meal.

Returning to the residence with the food, Mo Fei left a portion first, and then ate the lunch portion in big gulps.

After drinking some water, Mo Fei spread out the quilt he brought back, put away the sleeping bag from before, and then took off his shoes and went to bed to read her family's ancestral "Tales".

Mo Fei remembered that the beginning of this talisman was the application of Qi. If the first step is not done well, everything that follows will be useless.

There are many kinds of talismans recorded here, but Mo Fei has seen it before. When drawing each talisman, it needs the breath in front of it to pave the way, otherwise it will be just a distorted painting.

Thinking of this, Murphy turned his attention to the first page.

According to the above method, Murphy gradually relaxed his body, then breathed according to the above method, and imagined the flow of a mass of qi in his body with his consciousness.

Murphy gradually entered a calm stage, his body was completely relaxed, and he could only feel his own breathing and heartbeat.

In this way, the sunlight outside gradually dimmed, and the moon slowly replaced the sunlight. Only then did Mo Fei truly feel the gradual formation of an airflow in his body as he breathed, instead of just a purely conscious imagination.

Murphy kept letting this airflow run until his body was exhausted, then he stopped and gradually opened his eyes.

Look outside, the moon is already hanging high.Mo Fei got off the bed, touched his empty stomach, and then went to heat up the food and ate it with a snort.

Judging from today's experience, it seems that I have mastered the application of this breath quite quickly.

After eating and drinking enough, Mo Fei took a shower and went to bed. Because there were many layers of mattresses, although it was a very hard polyester bed, he could finally sleep on a soft bed today.

Murphy who lay down soon fell asleep.

Due to sleeping late, Mo Fei didn't wake up until the sun shone into the room, so he turned his head and pulled the quilt up to cover the sun and continued to sleep.

Just turning around, I heard a knock on the door outside.

Mo Fei rubbed his eyes and sat up. Why did he enter the base by himself, and there were so many people looking for him.

"Who is it?" Asked, Mo Fei got out of bed, and then put on his coat. Although there was sunshine, the winter morning was still very cold.

"Is that Murphy?" A woman's voice outside asked softly.

Hearing the familiar voice, Murphy stuffed the dagger beside the bed into his boots, and walked towards the door at the same time.

Opening the door, Mo Fei saw that he had seen it.

The person outside was the recorder who had been in charge of recording for her at the task receiving office before.

"Hi, you came to me so early. Has the reward been distributed?" Murphy immediately thought of the C2 zombie sample he had handed in.

The woman nodded: "The people from the research institute wanted to ask you for details yesterday, but you were not there, but later the people from the research institute went to the scene to check, and those people were indeed mutated into zombies before being injured by sharp weapons , It’s just that the C2 zombie’s death method is very strange, so I would like to ask you to go to understand the situation while distributing rewards today, of course, I won’t let you go in vain.”

The recorder explained to Murphy why he came.

"Okay, I get it. Just wait a moment, I'll come when I change my clothes." Murphy agreed, and the woman stood outside the door waiting for Murphy to change.

While changing clothes, Mo Fei murmured in his heart. After all, those people used guns, and he used cold weapons, but the weapon used to cut down the giant zombie C2 was an axe.

While hesitating, Murphy also changed his clothes. He couldn't think of an excuse for a while, so Murphy was ready to adapt to the situation when the time came.

After locking the door, Murphy followed the recorder to the research institute.

"Here, right here, you go in, and give them your ID card in a while, and they will send you the reward directly." The recorder completed the task and took Murphy to a suite of the institute In front of the door of one of the rooms, he said immediately.

"Yeah." Murphy nodded in response, and then stretched out his hand towards the door.

Before Mo Fei could knock on the door, the door suddenly opened, and Mo Fei's hand touched a warm body.

Feeling the special sense of touch from his hand, Mo Fei raised his head. Opposite to Mo Fei's eyes were a pair of deep and dark eyes, and a face as cold as ice.

Murphy couldn't help shivering, retracted his hands, and at the same time turned his body to the side, letting the man go first.

After the man left, Murphy shrugged and reached out to knock on the door.

It's just that Murphy hit someone else again this time, the difference is that this time the touch is much softer.

"Uh... sorry, I was just about to knock on the door and go in."

Mo Fei retracted his hand again in embarrassment, and this time someone came out again, but this time it was a beautiful woman with long curly hair, but Murphy's hand hit her chest.

The woman seemed very anxious. Before Mo Fei could say anything, she ran away in the distance.

Murphy glanced at the woman who was going away. This time, she learned how to behave. She first put her hand on the door, and then made sure that it was not opened before falling down.

With the opening inside, the door was opened, and Murphy walked in.

"Little girl, who are you looking for?" A kind-looking old man looked at Murphy and asked.

"Hello, my name is Murphy, and I'm the person at the task reception office who said that the Institute asked me for some questions." Murphy replied truthfully.Seeing this kind old man made Mo Fei think of his grandfather. If his grandfather was still alive and healthy, he would probably be this old.

"Oh, you are the little girl who brought back the C2 sample!" The old man suddenly realized.

Then he said: "My surname is Lin, and I am the dean of the research institute. Come with me!"

"Oh, it's Dean Lin." Murphy responded, and then walked inside with Dean Lin.

From the outside, it looked like it was just a room. After Mo Fei walked in with Dean Lin, he realized that it was actually very big, and it was so intricate that Mo Fei didn't dare to look around, for fear that he would lose it if he was not careful.

After making a few detours, Murphy followed Dean Lin to a relatively quiet room, and then walked in.

(End of this chapter)

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