Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 20 Retreat

Chapter 20 Retreat
Following Dean Lin of the research institute into a place similar to a conference room, Dean Lin motioned for Murphy to sit down first, and then pressed a few buttons. After a while, seven or eight people came in one after another.

Dean Lin looked up at several people: "Where is Commissioner Yin?"

"Yuan Lin, Commissioner Yin just now..." A middle-aged man with a rough appearance but a soft voice replied hesitantly.

Dean Lin nodded before he finished listening, and asked with a clear look: "Is Captain Lei escorting some important materials?"

"Back to the Forestry Institute, Captain Lei is here to get the C2 samples. We distributed some samples and slices to him, and gave him an electronic report. He has packed the samples and slices in a constant temperature box and returned." It was still just now It was Dean Lin who was answered by the man with rough appearance and soft voice.

"Forget it, let's start first." Dean Lin sat down, then looked at Mo Fei: "Miss Mo Fei, can I call you Little Mo?"

"Of course Dean Lin." Murphy politely smiled and nodded at Dean Lin.

"Xiao Mo, it's like this. What you brought back this time is the first C2 specimen in the Earth Alliance. We attach great importance to this, so yesterday we went to that location for detailed investigation according to your description..."

Murphy kept nodding while listening, but his mind was rapidly thinking about how to respond.

It turned out that the research institute sent people to inspect yesterday, and indeed found the bodies of the team and the C2 zombies at the approximate location that Murphy said.

For the giant C2 zombie of nearly 5 meters, the people in the research institute were full of embarrassment.

The whole body of the huge C2 zombie was brought back to the research institute for segmentation and comparison, but it was found that the skin of the C2 zombie has a strong defensive ability, and according to the on-site investigation, the mutation intensity of the C2 zombie body is almost three times that of C1. C zombie is more than ten times stronger.

The people in the research institute calculated the number of people in that team, and found that more than a dozen people were not supernatural beings, so they couldn't kill the C2 zombies at all.

What's more, there are guns in these people's hands or scattered on the ground, but the fatal wound of this C2 zombie is an attack like a cold weapon.

This makes the people in the research institute most strange.

After all, a cold weapon capable of inflicting such serious wounds on the giant zombie C2 should be huge, but based on the ratio of volume to weight, even a power mutant might not be able to carry this weapon.

Therefore, the people in the research institute were very curious about what was going on, and had no choice but to invite Murphy to assist in the investigation.

Murphy was relieved to hear that the people in the institute didn't seem to suspect anything else.

Murphy, who made up his mind not to admit it, no matter what the people in the research institute asked, Murphy only dealt with the mutated C zombie in the team in detail, and found that the giant zombie was pierced with a hunting recorder but it showed no record. Come back with samples.

In addition, Murphy also said that there was a small granary behind it, but the people from the research institute had already found the granary during the search, and sent a car to bring the grain back.

Although Murphy spoke in detail later, he didn't have anything about how to hunt and kill C2 zombies. The research institute saw that there was no more information, so they distributed the reward to Murphy, and because it was the first C2 zombie, Mo Fei Fay also got some special rewards.

This time, Murphy got a full 500 merit points, and also got a large box of cooked beef, some potatoes, carrots, onions, a pumpkin, and even a basket of apples.

It is said that these are all transported from the cultivation base, because it is winter itself, many vegetables and fruits are grown in the cultivation base, but the cultivation base is usually a combination of animal husbandry, there are many zombies there, so these vegetables and fruits are harvested It's super difficult.

In addition, because it was determined that the corpses of the people in that team were indeed killed by zombies, and they were later mutated into zombies and killed by Murphy, the merit points of those people were also transferred to Murphy's identity card.

In this way, Murphy now has 2634 points of merit. With so many merits, at least Murphy's life is not a problem.

Holding his ID card and putting the things he got in a bag, Murphy carried the bag and walked towards his place.

After returning, Murphy thought about whether he should move to Area C now. After all, the security measures and living quarters in Area D were not as good as the residences after Area C.But after thinking about it, I was alone, so it was better to keep a low profile.

It's too strange for a person who just entered the base to be able to live in Area C all at once, not to mention that he still has a lot of food, which is not convenient to carry, so Murphy stayed in Area D.

Due to a delay in the research institute in the morning, it was unlikely that Murphy would go out again today, so Murphy, who locked the door, continued to sit on the bed and practice Qi.

In this way, Murphy stayed at home for nine days.

Finally, according to the above-mentioned "Fulu", the most basic layer of qi has been cultivated. According to the above, this layer of qi is called the foundation.

With the practice of breath adjustment, in addition to drawing various talismans, it can also do the most basic strengthening for the body.

In the past few days, besides going to the cafeteria to order a dish and eating for a day, Mo Fei is practicing Qi.After finally seeing his eyes, Mo Fei began to draw the simplest Yuanling Talisman on "Fu Lu".

After wasting a lot of energy, I drew the first Yuanling Talisman by referring to the ancient book and turning it into an entity with energy.

This kind of talisman is the most basic talisman, which can guide the vitality of the heaven and the earth into the body. In this way, the effect of Qi training with the assistance of Yuanling Talisman is several times better than that without the assistance of Yuanling Talisman, so that Qi training can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

The successfully drawn Yuanling Talisman is a thin piece of paper that seems straight but not paper, silk that is not silk, it seems to be nothing in the hand but it is real.

Murphy can only draw this most basic Yuanling Talisman now, and he will be able to draw more advanced Yuanling Talismans with the accumulation of body breath in the future.

However, drawing the first basic spirit talisman made Mo Fei very happy. Although it took many experiments to succeed, at least this was a good start for her to formally get in touch with talismans.

After eating something casually, Mo Fei absorbed the first basic Yuanling Talisman in one night. This Yuanling Talisman is a one-time use. The absorbed Yuanling Talisman is like burnt paper, and it shatters into ashes when touched by a finger. .

However, the effect of the Yuanling Talisman was really good, it was only one piece, and Mo Fei felt that the aura in his body had improved a lot all of a sudden.Murphy secretly vowed that she must be proficient in drawing the Yuanling Talisman, which would save her a lot of time in Qi training.

With the assistance of Yuanling Talisman, Murphy is also making rapid progress.

After being bored at home for another five full days, Murphy had already been in the base for half a month.

Due to the rapid consumption of energy from Qi training, Murphy ate a lot every day, and paid the rent again during the period.

When paying the rent, Murphy realized that the cost of water and electricity used by him had to be deducted from the merit points, and the water and electricity of each household were not used in vain.

Seeing that his merit points were decreasing, Murphy decided to go out and do some tasks, and by the way, experience how much his body had been strengthened with the help of Yuan Ling Talisman.

After tidying up the room, Murphy left the room with his prime gun.

When you come to the task reception area, there are various tasks here, but most of them are tasks to clear obstacles or find supplies.

Murphy looked around, and it seemed that most of the people who came to accept the mission were in small groups.

In fact, it is not uncommon for a person like Murphy to act alone, but most of them are men, and generally they are people with supernatural powers.

Thinking that he was just trying his hand, Murphy took on a relatively small task so that it would not be too conspicuous.

This is a small task to collect tools. There is no specified goal. You just need to bring back any type of tool and hand it in. The reward will be judged according to the handed in.

There are often people who have enough food and clothing to take such simple tasks, go out to find more at a time, and then pay a little at a time, so that it is enough to mess up.

After accepting the mission, Murphy walked out of the mission reception area with his plain gun.

When I came to my car, because I hadn't driven it for half a month, there was a layer of dust on the car.Murphy patted it with a duster, and then drove the aerodynamic car out of the base.

After leaving the gate of the base, Murphy drove to the urban area of ​​Nancheng. She remembered that when she was looking for a bedding last time, there seemed to be a hardware store that sold tools nearby.

It's just that when Mo Fei arrived here, he realized that because most of the tools were made of metal, many of them were taken away and exchanged for things.

But Mo Fei is not in a hurry, this is just the edge, she is going to slowly drive in and clear it all the way, even if she doesn't find these tools and accessories, she can still earn some merit points.

Along the way, Murphy almost cleaned up a few zombies and drove forward without stopping.

What made Murphy a little strange was that although she was driving along the edge of the road, it was considered to be in the urban area. How could there be so few zombies.

Just when he was wondering, Mo Fei suddenly heard the sound of explosions, and then saw four or five C1 zombies attacking a group of people not far away.

The group of people was very small, only five people, three men and two women, but it could be seen that they were all supernatural beings.

Although several people cooperated very well, but C1 was too much, and there were C zombies around, so several people couldn't handle it, and everyone was injured.

Murphy parked the car and observed the actions of those people. The reason why he didn't encounter any zombies along the way was probably because the zombies were attracted by these five people.

However, doesn't C1 divide territories?There are so many C1s gathered together.

When Murphy was guessing secretly, there was a roar in the distance, and one of the C1 angrily grabbed a dying C1 who was beaten beside him, grabbed the head of the dying C1, and put the inside of the head swallowed something.

Immediately, with the huge roar of the C1 zombie, its size also began to skyrocket.

"No, that C1 zombie is about to evolve into C2."

(End of this chapter)

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