Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 21 Energy Block

Chapter 21 Energy Block

Those people turned their backs to Murphy's side, so the zombies facing them could be seen clearly from Murphy's perspective.

That C1 zombie seemed to be physically stronger than the other C1s, so when it was at a critical moment, that C1 ate the head of the other dying C1, and then its body size skyrocketed.

Murphy, who brought back the first C2 zombie, soon understood that the C1 zombie was about to evolve again.

Murphy looked at the reflective door next to him, and then remembered that his body appeared inside the mech.

This is the first time Mo Fei has seen the appearance of her mecha. The overall body is red with black streamlines. The body is very beautiful, and it is better than the mecha suits she has seen in military exercises on TV. Much prettier.

But they can't compare, after all, what is the military mech suit so beautiful, practicality is the last word.

Murphy didn't look at it for the sake of beauty, she wanted to see if she could see herself from the outside.If it is seen, it will be very troublesome in the future.After making sure he couldn't see himself from the outside, Murphy quickly ran in the direction of the five people.

The five people who were fighting with several C1s originally found that one of the C1s was killed immediately, but they were directly killed and gnawed by the C1s on the side. They immediately discovered the unusual changes in C1.

Although I don't understand why this C1 suddenly changed, several people with rich combat experience responded quickly, and at the same time, the captain also noticed the person behind him.

"Everyone, be careful ahead. It seems that we are saved this time. There are people from the armored army behind us."

One of the thin and tall girls turned her head to look, and then replied: "Captain, this doesn't look like a member of the Mech Team. When have you seen such beautiful mecha suits?"

"That's right, everyone should be more careful, and withdraw if it doesn't work, the most important thing is to save your life."

After a few people said a few words, one of the girls paid attention to Murphy who was coming from behind, while the people in front dealt with the zombies.

However, that C1 has evolved again at this time. Although it is not as big as the last zombie, it is definitely not the height of an ordinary person.

A giant zombie mutated into C2, with its tongue sticking out, trying to roll up the man closest to it.

This man looked very thin, but he was able to intercept the C1 zombie just now, but now that the C1 zombie had evolved, he couldn't hold back his strength. Seeing the C2 zombie attacking him, he quickly dodged and ran away.

"Dali, move quickly." Following the pull of the captain, the man named Dali was dragged over.

The C2 zombie rushed to nothing, turned around, and grabbed the girl who was watching Murphy's movements with its sharp claws.

At this time, Murphy had already arrived. Seeing that the C2 zombie was about to catch the girl, Murphy didn't waste any time, and hurriedly ran over to knock the C2 zombie away.

Immediately, Murphy hurriedly chose a weapon, but unfortunately, except for the ax and the double knives, the rest were still gray.

It was okay to deal with an axe, but there were other zombies to deal with, so Murphy chose two knives and slashed towards C2 in front of him.

Before Murphy, everything else he learned was okay, but the pair of knives were uncoordinated, so C2 was not fatally injured after several chops.On the other hand, one of C1 was hacked to death by Murphy, and there were some C zombies.

The people in that team were relieved a lot because of Murphy's help, and then cleaned up the C zombies around them.Concentrate on dealing with the remaining C1 zombies.

When Murphy finally hacked C2 to death, he found that the mecha was a little abnormal, and there was nothing around that would cause major damage, and his goal was reached, so he picked up C2's body and ran towards the distance go.

The five members of that team looked at the mecha going away and the corpse of the C2 zombie, all showing regretful expressions.

"It seems to be a C2 zombie. It's a pity. I saw that the merit points of the C2 zombies have been posted at the mission reception. There are 300 to 500 merit points. I'm afraid it's more than the sum of these C1s." Before The girl who was in charge of keeping an eye on Murphy's mecha said regretfully.

On the contrary, the captain shook his clothes casually: "What are you talking about, without that person's mecha, let's not talk about C2 zombies, I'm afraid they will die here. That person not only helped us kill C2, but also killed many people." Nothing else, it’s cheap for us to take only one C2, so we must be content.”

"Well, today's harvest is good, let's go back!" Another girl cheerfully took her hunting recorder and quickly stabbed at the corpse of the zombie, as if picking up a treasure.

A few people packed up and walked back for a while, got into their car and drove towards the base.

"Captain, what did that girl say? Are you coming or not?" After getting into the car, the girl who had just received meritorious service from zombies suddenly asked.

The captain shook his head: "It is said that he did not agree or completely reject it. It should be because he is new to the base and is not familiar with the surrounding things, and he has never heard of us!"

"But it's been half a month, I don't know what's going on now." The girl curled her lips. She was the one who went to explain to the administrator of the isolation room, but she forgot to ask the administrator to explain the situation of their team first. for so long.

"Yes, we actually have too few people in the team. Like today, if someone suddenly attacked us, we have nothing to do." Another girl continued.

"Go back and ask Section Chief Bai to ask, but the strange thing is that we have never met her since then, could it be..."

A team of people guessed to drive to the base. This team actually came to eliminate zombies in the isolation room before, and then invited Bai Youyou from the personnel management department to find the corpse hunting team that Murphy joined—Squad Spark.

There are only five people in this team. The captain, Sun Qiaofeng, is a fire-type supernatural being.

The lean man that Murphy saw wearing the zombie was actually a power mutant named Wang Dali.

The woman who ran towards Murphy's mecha was named Li Lin, and she was a speed mutant.

And the character is a bit lively, the girl who finally went to stab the corpse of the zombie to collect her meritorious service is called Qu Yingluo.

There is also a dull man with translucent skin named Zhang Lekun who didn't say a word for a long time.

The five of them quickly returned to the base like this. After driving the car into Area B, Qu Yingluo got out of the car and walked towards the personnel management department of the base.

Because she and Bai Youyou are from the same hometown, she asked Bai Youyou for this matter.

Besides, Murphy left with C2's body in his arms, went to the corner where he parked, and put away the mech.Murphy first used the hunting recorder to collect the merits of the C2 zombies. This time, the C2 zombies were probably newly evolved and unstable, so they only got 320 merits.

After putting these away, Murphy drove to a relatively secluded place ahead.She came out this time to accept a mission to find metal.

There was a gold shop on a street not far in front of Mophy, and the location of the gold shop was relatively remote and it opened late, because most of the shop was engaged in online sales, and Murphy estimated that there should be nothing there. people, and there should be a lot of precious metals.

After driving around three streets, I finally came to the gold store.It was as expected here, as Murphy had guessed, the street outside was very quiet, only zombies in twos and threes.

Murphy wiped out the two zombies with her plain gun, and then smashed open the door of the gold shop.

Although there was no one in the gold store, there were actually three zombie dogs.

If it was a zombie dog, maybe Murphy could handle it, but three zombie dogs were almost equivalent to three C1s, and Murphy knew he couldn't handle it.

Murphy hurriedly summoned his mecha, but when Murphy's body entered the mecha again, he found that the mecha's ability to move was getting worse and worse.

Reluctantly hacking the three zombie dogs to death, Murphy was about to get out of the mecha, but found that his mecha made a "beep beep" sound, and at the same time a locked red circle appeared in front of his vision.

The red circle points directly to the head of one of the zombie dogs.

At this time, Mo Fei looked closely, only to find a line of small words at the bottom of the red circle: energy lock.

This should be the emergency energy detection system set up when the mecha was built. Ordinary mechs use electricity to supplement energy, and the emergency energy detection system is set up to replenish electricity when they cannot go back to the headquarters. or alternatives.

It's just that because of the magic of this mecha, Murphy thought that this mecha didn't need to be charged. After all, this mecha was sealed in her body. Could it be possible to let her get an electric shock?

However, just what energy will the head of this zombie dog have?
Mo Fei carefully smashed the zombie dog's head with an axe, and after a little poking, he saw a small red gemstone shining brightly under the reflection of the sun.

Mo Fei manipulated the mech to pick up the red gem and looked at it. It was hard to imagine that such a beautiful thing was actually taken out of such a disgusting zombie's head.

Before waiting too long, Murphy's eyes reminded him of "energy lock" again.

Probably the reason why I feel that the mecha is not flexible is because my mecha has no energy!

Murphy thought about it, using the reflection on the glass countertop to see where the energy can be stored on the fuselage, but after looking for a long time, he couldn't find it. Murphy had no choice but to hold the ruby-like thing in one hand, and the other Touch the position behind with your hand to see if there is any energy supply port behind you.

Just when the ruby ​​touched the palm of the mecha's left hand, the palm of the hand spun like a blooming flower, at the same time wrapped the red gem, put it in the palm and then closed it.

A line of small words was immediately updated in front of Murphy's eyes: The energy has been replenished by 10/100.

According to the method just now, Murphy took out and absorbed the rubies of the other two zombie dogs, but it seemed that not all of them had the energy crystals. Murphy beat three zombie dogs and only got two rubies.

However, even so, Murphy was very content. It seemed that apart from gaining meritorious service, the zombie could actually replenish energy for himself.

Thinking of this, Murphy suddenly thought of something, turned around and ran out.

 Originally, Xiaoxiao could update it by herself starting today, but unfortunately received a bad news yesterday afternoon, Xiaoxiao has to rush home today, and I have to trouble the editor for a few days. At the same time, I would like to thank the relatives who supported Jinjia, and hope that everyone Stay healthy and safe!
(End of this chapter)

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