Chapter 22
Although Mo Fei accidentally found a way to replenish his mecha's energy, but at this time, the mecha swallowed it and just replenished 20.00% of its energy.

Thinking of the corpse of the C2 zombie that he had just thrown away, Mo Fei hurried out with the mecha again.

Murphy went back to the corner to find the body of the C2 zombie.

He smashed the head of the C2 zombie with an axe, then took the axe away and found a wooden stick to stir inside.

The zombie dog just now was a corpse in the form of an animal, and Murphy diverted his attention because of the sudden prompt on the screen, and only focused on finding the energy block.

At this moment, when he stirred the head of the C2 zombie, Mo Fei felt a wave of nausea.

Fortunately, he was wearing a mecha suit, so the stench of zombies would not be smelled.Even so, stirring the white brain with a knife can't help but make people's hearts churn.

"I found it." Following a burst of sunlight reflection, Murphy picked out a crystal-clear jewel-like energy block from the head of the C2 zombie.

But this one is different from the previous ones, this energy block is purple.

What I just killed was a zombie beast. A normal zombie beast is equivalent to C1, but this zombie is C2.Is it possible that each grade will be distinguished by color?

Thinking of this, Murphy went to collect some C zombie corpses.

However, Murphy gradually discovered that although not all the zombies he just killed had such beautiful crystals in their bodies, at least five of the ten killed had this crystal. High, all of them have crystals.

But for the zombies that had been dead for a long time, Murphy tried to chop up a dozen of them but found no crystals.Mo Fei suspected that the crystals would dissipate on their own after a long time, so dead zombies that had been dead for a long time no longer had this kind of energy block.

Murphy also found that the crystals that appeared on the head of zombie C were different from those from C1 and C2.

The crystals produced by these ordinary C zombies are white and can provide only one point of energy; while the crystals produced by C1 zombies are beautiful red and can provide ten points of energy.

But the purple crystal produced by the C2 zombie can actually provide one hundred points of energy.

After Murphy absorbed the C2 purple crystal, the energy of her mecha suit exceeded 100 points.Afterwards, the system prompted Murphy to upgrade the mecha.

Mo Fei happily clicked on the upgrade, but found that the above prompt lacked upgrade materials and could not start the upgrade.

Because he didn't know what materials were needed to upgrade, seeing that the upgrade failed, Murphy had to hunt zombies again.

It wasn't until the mecha absorbed 200/100, showing that it had stored the highest energy value, that Murphy stopped absorbing it.It's just that after killing the zombies, take out the crystals and store them in a bag, which can be replenished at any time in the future.

However, the energy of this mecha battlesuit is consumed very quickly, almost every action consumes it, and 200 points of energy can't do much.

If there is no energy, Murphy will replenish it.

It seems that it won't work if you don't upgrade. If you don't have time to replenish in the future, it won't be too bad.

It also takes a short while to absorb this energy replenishment. Today, for the experiment, Mo Fei found a relatively empty place to hunt and kill zombies, but if there is an emergency in the future, there will be no time for you to continuously replenish energy.

So upgrading is very necessary, and Murphy is going to study the talisman after going back.

After all, my mecha is sealed in the body as a weapon. Since it is counted as a weapon, there may be a way to upgrade the weapon, and maybe the two have something in common.

After cleaning up the surrounding zombies, Murphy put away the mecha suit, and Murphy began to use the hunting recorder to collect meritorious deeds.

Today, because of the experiment, Murphy hacked and killed a lot of zombies, and the collection of meritorious deeds was enough, but thinking that these can be exchanged for things, Murphy's interest rose again.

The collection was almost done, and Murphy returned to the gold store. This was the main purpose of his mission today.

He smashed the glass table in the store, took out all the accessories inside, took off the backpack from behind, and Mo Fei put it inside.

After packing his backpack full, he took some large gold products, and then Mo Fei left the gold shop and got into his car.

Taking out another backpack from the car, Mo Fei went in again and packed all the goldware in the store. Then Mo Fei got into the car, set the orientation of the base, and the car drove towards the base.

Back at the base, Murphy first handed over a small bag of gold, then stuffed the bags in the car, and carried only one bag up.

After entering the house, Mo Fei put down the gold jewelry before going to the cafeteria to buy food.

Mo Fei, who was full, was very satisfied with today's harvest. Like a landlady, he spread the gold ornaments on the floor, and picked two small gold ingots to play with in his hands.

Immediately thinking of the bag of collected energy blocks, Murphy took it to the sink and washed it again.

The cleaned energy block is more crystal clear, and the streamer is tactful under the illumination of the light.With his fingers, Mo Fei picked up a red energy block produced by a C1 zombie. It was a little surprising that such a gem about three centimeters in size could provide energy for the mecha.

Looking at it, Murphy felt a little sleepy, and wanted to rest after a tiring day.Although most of them were wearing mecha suits to kill zombies, in the mecha, every action required Murphy to act personally.

Although this kind of control is more flexible and changeable, even many actions that ordinary mechas cannot do can be done, but it consumes more energy.

Moreover, when collecting merit points later, I can only obtain them by myself using the hunting recorder, so it is quite tiring.

Murphy, who was lying on the bed, fell asleep in half a minute.

Waking up early in the morning, Mo Fei washed up and ate something.

With these gold ornaments, and the merit points she got from killing the zombies yesterday, she can stay at home again to study the talismans on the "talisman", and continue to practice Qi.

After tidying up, Murphy sat cross-legged on the bed and practiced breath adjustment.

For Murphy now, the time for practicing qi and breath adjustment is getting shorter and shorter, and it will be smooth for a complete week of breath adjustment.

When practicing Qi for the first time, it took Murphy almost a day to run through the complete breath adjustment, and it was all stumbling.

After that, it gradually decreased, and before making the first talisman, Murphy had shortened the time to four or five hours.

Now a complete breath adjustment week only takes about two hours.

After a complete breath adjustment, Mo Fei slowly opened his eyes, got up and drank some water, and then prepared to study the talisman behind the "talisman" to see if there was any record about weapon upgrades.

Just before he opened the talisman and had no time to look at it, Mo Fei felt the ground shaking for a while.

First he was stunned for a moment, then he recovered.

There was an earthquake. You must know that the Cang base where Murphy is located belongs to the plain area, and there are almost no earthquakes. At least Murphy has never experienced it since he was a child.

The vibration became more and more violent, and Mo Fei put the talisman into his arms, then picked up one of his backpacks and ran to the door.

When we reached the door, the door frame was deformed due to shaking, and fell off under pressure.

The door collapsed with a "boom", and Murphy opened it, too.

After rushing out the door, Murphy quickly walked to the stairwell of the safe passage.

It's not in vain these days, Murphy ran down quickly on tiptoe, while other residents in the building rushed towards the stairwell.

Since Murphy lived on the 9th floor, the first few floors ran smoothly, and the more people went down, the more people went down.

Before Murphy could run out, there were cracks in the wall of the stairwell, and the dirt on the stairs was falling down.

Murphy was always paying attention, worried that the building would suddenly collapse.

After finally running out of the gate, Murphy's head and body were covered with dirt.

After dusting his hands, Murphy looked up at the building he lived in. The surface of the building was a crack like a distorted scar.

Only now did Murphy know why the houses in District ABC were more expensive than those in District D, because only the houses in District D were seriously damaged, and there were no major problems in the other districts.

There are two houses in District C with slight cracks, and the houses in Districts A and B have no damage.

But District D is more miserable. Each building has different degrees of damage, and the 1st and 10th buildings at both ends have collapsed because of the open side, and the other buildings are also almost crumbling.

Just looking at it, the Cang base official has sent people here, first to keep everyone away from the building area, and then send out different teams for each building.

Since Buildings 1 and 10 have collapsed, most of the people in charge of Buildings 1 and 10 are ambulance workers and excavators.

From buildings 2 to 9, experts were sent to investigate the damage to the buildings.


However, in comparison, the damage in Building 4 and Building 5 was more serious, so the residents of Building 5 and Building 6 were only allowed to return to their homes floor by floor to take out their belongings.

Murphy glanced at the huge crack in the body of the building, thought about it and gave up and continued to live.

Due to the special reasons of the earthquake, the base agreed that the residents of buildings 5 ​​and 6, which are relatively safe, drive in to pick up their supplies.

Murphy went out of the gate and went straight to the parking lot. He packed the rice, noodles, quilts and other things he brought into the car, and then drove to the accommodation management center.

Since the relocation was a non-human accident, some accommodation merit points were refunded, and Murphy added some more and chose to live in Area C.

This time, Murphy was still arranged in Building 6. After looking at the room types, Murphy knew that only Buildings 5, 6, and 7 had single rooms.

There are very few people who come to the base alone, so not every building has a single room.

After taking the room key to Room 6, Building 602, Area C, and handing over the original key, the person from the accommodation management center gave Murphy a certificate allowing the vehicle to enter temporarily, and then Murphy drove to Area C.

Entering Area C, Murphy quickly found 6 buildings because the layout of the houses was roughly the same.

Just as I got out of the car and was about to move things up, I suddenly heard a cheerful voice: "My God, Murphy!"

(End of this chapter)

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