Chapter 23

Hearing someone calling him, Mo Fei raised his head subconsciously, and then a girl with short and medium hair appeared in front of Mo Fei with a big smiling face.

Mo Fei paused for a moment, apparently not expecting to meet someone he knew, and then smiled at the girl: "Zhu Zhu, you're fine, that's great."

The girl seemed to be accustomed to Murphy's plainness, and she still said enthusiastically: "Yes, yes, not only me, Li Suna and Zhen Shunli are also here."

Murphy nodded, then asked, "Do you live in Area C?"

"Yeah, we only live in the 4th building. You live in the...6th building? That's great, we're so close. Murphy, you can join our team too. The captain of our team is amazing. He saved and brought the base."

"Oh, it turns out that you've joined the team. It's really great, as long as you are all safe. By the way, when did you come to the base?" Murphy asked while sorting out the things in the car.

When Zhu Zhu heard Murphy's question, she immediately opened up the chatter box and started talking about the previous and subsequent events.

Due to the situation at Murphy's family, Murphy seldom had much contact with others at school.However, the former Murphy also had roommates, and the three people in the same dormitory: Zhu Zhu, Li Suna and Zhen Shunli still had some conversations with him.

Zhu Zhu is a very lively and lovely girl, sometimes calm, sometimes naive, she has absolutely nothing to say to her friends.

Li Suna is a quick talker, she speaks well but is reasonable, she will never ignore her friends when they are in trouble, but she will definitely preach at length, she is a girl with a sharp mouth and a bean curd heart.

And Zhen Shunli is a girl with a carefree personality, with a cheerful personality, but she often makes mistakes in a daze, and then she is taught by Li Suna.

Several people have lived together since entering school. Although they are in different grades and departments, they get along very well because there are no conflicts.

After the apocalypse, Murphy also tried to contact three people with the communicator on his wrist, but they couldn't get in touch.

In fact, on the afternoon before the end of the world, there were no classes.Zhu Zhu suggested that everyone go shopping together, but Murphy didn't go, she wanted to go home, change some clothes and come back after dinner.

So that afternoon, Murphy went home alone, and then went to Gu Huaiyuan's house to encounter those things.

Murphy, who was in a bad mood, stayed at home without going back to the dormitory at night. He didn't expect to wake up the next day in such a state.

As for Zhu Zhu and the others.

Originally, Zhu Zhu, Li Suna and Zhen Shunli went shopping alone, and seeing that Murphy didn't come back at night, she probably stayed at home and didn't think much about it when she came back tomorrow.

Early the next morning, several people got up early to pack their things and prepared to go out, but they heard someone screaming in the corridor outside.

Li Suna was more courageous, opened the door to look out, and saw a monster with a mouth full of blood, gnawing on a corpse.

No matter how courageous Li Suna was, she had never seen such a bloody scene, she hurriedly closed the door in panic, her face pale.

Originally Zhu Zhu was afraid, but after Li Suna explained the situation outside, the three became more worried about their own situation.

At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside, accompanied by a roar.

Judging from the sound, it is obviously not the sound that humans should make.

The three were terrified, because their bedroom was on the second floor, so the three opened the window and ran out along the window.

Later, they met Li Suna's classmates, and one of the boys awakened super powers, so they ran away with these people.

Later, they went to the sports department and took the equipment as weapons. The three of them also learned to fight with weapons, and then they ran out of the school all the way in a thrilling way.

As for the watch communicator, that was used by a classmate who majored in electronics.

That day, they were in danger just after they escaped from the school. They originally wanted to go to the back parking lot to get a car and escape, but they didn't expect that there were so many zombies there, they were besieged by many zombies and couldn't get out.

In the end, a student majoring in electronics put away all the communicators on everyone's watches, adjusted them and turned them into small bombs, and finally killed the surrounding zombies, and they were able to escape.

"No wonder I couldn't get in touch with you later. It turned out that the watch was broken." Murphy couldn't help but said after listening to Zhu Zhu talking about it.

"Yeah, actually we wanted to contact you too, but the situation didn't allow it at the time, and now we don't have any watches and we don't have your number. Fortunately, you're fine. It's great to meet you here, Murphy , but you, how did you come here?"

Murphy briefly talked about his going home that day, going to Gu Huaiyuan's house, and what happened after that. Zhu Zhu was angry and scolded Gu Huaiyuan.

At the beginning, they were envious of Mo Fei, but who would have thought that Gu Huaiyuan, who was always by Mo Fei's side in every possible way, would do such a thing and make Zhu Zhu keep complaining for Mo Fei.

Mo Fei shook his head, expressing that he didn't care much about it, Zhu Zhu then continued to listen to Mo Fei's talk about what happened after the end of the world.

After telling the whole situation, Murphy only concealed the problem of his ancient books and mechas from Zhu Zhu, and only said that he used the meat to distract the zombies all the way, and then drove to Cang base.

"Originally, I lived in District D. If the earthquake hadn't damaged the house, I would still be living in District D. I just applied to come to District C today. I didn't expect to meet you." Murphy and Zhu Zhu talked In the meantime, everything has been packed.

"Let me help you move up there. It just so happens that we don't have to go out on missions today. After moving out, I will go with me to the place where our team lives. Su Na and Shun Li will be very happy to see you." Zhu Zhu couldn't help saying, helping Murphy Pick up two packages.

Mo Fei smiled and did not refuse. He also picked up two heavy packages and carried them into the building door.

After getting on the elevator, the two of them went up to the 6th floor and found Room 602 where Murphy lived.

After opening the door and entering, Murphy could tell at a glance that the houses in District C were indeed much better than those in District D.

In the room in area D, apart from a hard board bed with no bedding, which is made of the same flammable composite board used in the isolation room, and a small cabinet, the rest is basically Gone.

In the room in area C, the bed is obviously much more durable, and there is a cushion on it, and the most important thing is a layer of curtains.

In addition, there is a dressing table, a large wardrobe and lamps in the house.

There is also a small refrigerator in the kitchen, and the shower in the bathroom also has glass, which can be separated from the outside.

Of course, whether you use a refrigerator or a desk lamp, you need to pay the utility bills yourself.

Murphy put the bag on the table, and went downstairs with Zhu Zhu to bring up the rest of the bag.After going back and forth several times, the move was finally completed.

"Murphy, you really have quite a lot of things. You brought all of these here?" Zhu Zhu looked at Murphy's big and small bags. They're all pretty heavy.

"Some were brought here, and some were found after going out to kill zombies." Mo Fei replied, wiping off his sweat.Just now Zhu Zhu was carrying some quilts, clothes and so on.And what Mo Fei carried was wrapped rice noodles.

"Okay, you can pack these things when you come back. Come, follow me to the place where we live and check the door. As for whether you want to come to our team, you can think about it."

After all, they have lived together for so many years, and Zhu Zhu knew that Murphy's temperament didn't like crowds, so he didn't force Murphy to join the team.

Murphy nodded, piled things up a little, and followed Zhu Zhu to Building 4.

When they came to the place where Zhu Zhu and their team lived, only Zhen Shunli was there, and Li Suna went out with others.

Zhen Shunli was also very happy to see Murphy, and kept asking Murphy to join the team, but Murphy still declined, after all, she still had things to do.

The three chatted for an hour before Li Suna came back from outside.When they saw Murphy, the four of them felt emotional for a while. Even though Murphy was not very talkative, it was inevitable that he would talk too much when he was with his roommate for many years.Several girls talked straight until it was time for dinner.

Originally, Murphy wanted to go back, but Zhu Zhu, Li Suna, and Zhen Shunli couldn't persuade them, so he stayed in their team for dinner.

The food is not rich, there is only a bowl of rice and some vegetarian dishes for each person, but a few roommates can live in District C and have hot meals and hot dishes to eat, in fact, their lives are not bad.

Murphy didn't say much. Although she seemed to leave some rice and noodles for Zhu Zhu and the others, Murphy was not familiar with the other members of their team. In order not to cause trouble for herself, Murphy didn't plan to do anything for the time being.

After eating, Murphy chatted with Zhu Zhu and the others for a while, and then said goodbye to the three of them and went back to his place.

Back at his residence, Murphy roughly arranged his things, then took a shower and turned on the desk lamp.

Sitting under the desk lamp, Mo Fei carefully flipped through the "fulu".

In the past few days, I sat cross-legged on the bed to watch, and I couldn’t record while watching in many places. Now that I finally have a table and lamp, Mo Fei took off his watch and called up the record book to record some experience on it.

After carefully comprehending the first article again, Mo Fei could use the qi in his body more accurately.

After a week of satisfactory practice, Murphy lay down and fell asleep.

For the next half month, Murphy basically went out with Zhu Zhu and her team to do missions during the day, and practiced Qi at home at night.

Although he still didn't join Zhu Zhu and the others' team, Murphy seemed to be a lot familiar with these former alumni from the same school.

Because of the ingenious use of Murphy's Suying spear, it has become the main force in Zhu Zhu's team.

But what makes Mo Fei depressed is that because Qi training has improved the quality of the body itself, Mo Fei's Su Ying spear is also more handy to use. With actual combat, the Su Ying spear's marksmanship has also improved rapidly.

However, Murphy's mecha still couldn't be upgraded.

 Thank you for your support, thank you for your help, thank you very much

(End of this chapter)

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