Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 24 Group Tasks

Chapter 24 Group Tasks
Aside from the fact that the mech still couldn't be upgraded, there were other things that made Mo Fei even more depressed.

During this period of time, officials have also discovered the crystals in the zombie's head, and have already researched its use.

The crystallization of this zombie's head is officially named "Smoky Crystal" because the structure of the exterior is similar to that of carbon.

It is said that if this crystal called smoky crystal is taken by a person with supernatural powers, it can enhance the ability of the person with supernatural abilities.

Even ordinary people will have a certain chance of becoming a supernatural person if they take it.

However, the black crystals produced by ordinary people must be C1 zombies or above, and the black crystals produced by C zombies can only be absorbed by people with special abilities.

Moreover, each ordinary person can only take it three times at most. If it does not evolve after three uses, it means that there is no gene to become a supernatural person.

The ability of the supernatural being is obvious to all. Although the chance is slim, no one will let it go if there is such an opportunity.

It can be used by people with supernatural powers to improve their own abilities, and people without supernatural powers have the possibility of evolution.As a result, Mo Jing's value has risen, and naturally everyone will not let go of this beautiful gem-like Mo Jing in the zombie's head.

However, this kind of smoky crystal cannot be taken directly, but can only be taken after the official precipitates the toxic substances in the crystal, otherwise some uncontrollable things will happen, and it may even turn into a zombie.

Therefore, in addition to extracting meritorious deeds from zombies, the zombie hunting team has one more job to do is to peel off crystals.

The stripped crystals can be consumed by the official to precipitate toxins at the expense of meritorious service, or they can be handed over to the base in exchange for meritorious service.

This is good news for others, because in this way, the merit value of a zombie has increased a bit, and he may become a supernatural person.

But it was not a good thing for Murphy, because it made her lose a lot of energy that could be replenished.

However, because he has been going out with Zhu Zhu and his team to do missions recently, Murphy's mecha has never been turned on.Without consumption, Mo Fei also saved a lot of black crystals in his hands.

Such days passed quickly, but Mo Fei didn't make much progress with the talismans.

Except for drawing Yuan Ling Talisman to absorb the energy of the outside world faster and faster, the rest of the Talismans are still completely unable to draw.

And his own mecha had no chance to summon it, and he didn't know how to upgrade it at all.

Judging from the situation of going out to hunt zombies during this period, the possibility of going out alone to eliminate the zombie group is almost zero.

Because, judging from the conditions that one's own mecha must kill a few zombies to replenish energy, the final result of individual combat can only be besieged, so the upgrade of the mecha is also necessary.

"Feifei, there is a group mission today, are you going?"

Early in the morning, as soon as Murphy woke up, Zhu Zhu came to talk to Murphy about today's mission.

"What group task?" Murphy asked with some interest.

The last few times I went out to hunt, I found that there were fewer and fewer zombies around, so I harvested less.

Everyone had speculated before that if this continues, will the zombies be cleaned up soon?Then everyone may be able to rebuild their homes faster.

Of course, this is just a good wish, and the surrounding area is only around the base, but the number of zombies in the city center and zombie beasts in the mountain area is huge.

Hearing that Murphy was interested in group missions, Zhu Zhu replied as if he had experienced it: "This group mission is the mission of the official al Qaeda organization, and generally requires more people."

"Oh, it's a large-scale hunting mission? How about meritorious service?"

"Don't worry, I'll tell you slowly." Zhu Zhu was dissatisfied with Mo Fei's interruption, and muttered with her lips pouted.

Mo Fei smiled and said nothing, motioning Zhu Zhu to continue.

Only then did Zhu Zhu explain the general situation to the describer who took over the task from the small team.

This mission is because the base wants to train a group of supernatural soldiers, because most of the supernatural beings in the base today are not from the official staff, and if something happens, it will be very difficult to mobilize.

As for the official's own superpowers, the number of people who can take on important responsibilities is really too small.Therefore, Cangji decided to do a group task, which can be registered as a team or as an individual.

However, one or several base personnel will be sent to accompany them, and the meritorious service will be collected by the base personnel and distributed according to the number of people returning to the base.But Mo Jing collected all of them, and then used food and other things to distribute according to the amount of Mo Jing.

Although this will reduce the income of each team, it will be safer if there are more people. The base will also send armored teams and supernatural soldiers to assist.

Murphy nodded. He hadn't touched on the collective task yet, so it would be good to accumulate some experience for himself.

"Then I'll go back and tell you that you signed up as a member of our team. You come to our place to gather in a while, and I'll go back first!" Seeing that Mo Fei agreed to participate, Zhu Zhu saw that Mo Fei agreed to participate, and before Mo Fei could say anything, Excitedly, he ran out the door.

Mo Fei saw that Zhu Zhu was gone, so he changed his clothes, put away the talisman, and left the residence with his plain gun.

When they came to Zhu Zhu's team, they saw Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli standing there talking and laughing from a distance.Those who didn't know thought that the two of them were going to travel.

Probably what is lacking has to be made up for. Murphy really likes their cheerful personalities.

"Feifei is here, you're pretty fast." The sharp-eyed Zhu Zhu saw Murphy walking towards them at a glance.

Murphy walked closer and nodded: "Well, where is Su Na?"

It's okay if you don't ask, but when you ask, Zhu Zhu and Zhen Shunli approach Murphy mysteriously.

"Nana, we're in love."

"Really? With whom?" Even though Murphy's temper was a little indifferent, the gossip spirit of girls has never been lacking since ancient times. Murphy couldn't help but asked curiously.

"Who else could it be? Of course it's Liang Tang, the superhuman captain of our team. At the beginning, I said that the two of them must have something. Otherwise, how could they bring us three burdens when they were in such a crisis."

At this moment, Zhu Zhu had another proud look that I knew earlier, which made Mo Fei laugh.

The three girls were giggling, when Li Suna and Liang Tang walked over together.

"Everyone, get ready. We'll go to the outside to gather right away. This time, except for a few larger teams who use their own cars, the rest of the teams and individuals will take the base car." Liang Tang explained the distribution plan after taking over the mission. Said to the crowd.

Li Suna followed Liang Tang and continued: "Our team is fairly large, so we can drive away in our own car. This is a temporary pass, and we can drive in the car later."

The drivers who were driving took the temporary pass and drove over first. Zhu Zhu dragged Murphy and Zhen Shunli into one of the off-road vehicles.

After a while, Li Suna also followed, and complained as soon as she came up: "Why don't you wait for me?"

The three girls in the car looked at each other and giggled.

"Are you laughing? You're so nervous." Li Suna gave them a blank look, and then sat up.

As soon as Li Suna sat down, she heard Liang Tang's voice outside: "You two with supernatural powers sit separately, I will get in the car in front, and the other car without supernatural powers will go in the middle."

After finishing speaking, the co-pilot door of the car that Mo Fei and the others were sitting in was opened, and it was Liang Tang who came up.

The three girls looked at each other again, and then burst out laughing.

The smiling Li Suna was puzzled, and when she looked at Liang Tang, the co-pilot, she understood a little bit, and turned her face away to ignore the three of them.

The car started and soon arrived at the gathering place outside.

Murphy looked outside through the glass.There are cars everywhere at the assembly position, moving slowly forward in order, and a heavy armor can be vaguely seen ahead, clearing the way ahead.

As the team drove away from Cang Base, this group mission kicked off.

The journey went smoothly, because Murphy and the others were relatively far behind. Basically, by the time they drove past, the scattered zombies in front had been wiped out.

These zombies on the road are not counted in the merits they have obtained, so they don't care about this part, it is better not to shoot, and it can save some effort.

After driving for nearly 5 hours, the car came to an open space.

The armor in front finally stopped. It seemed that a soldier with a speed change came to tell everyone to get off the car one by one.

There is still a distance from here to the place where the task is to be done, but the front is no longer suitable for driving to follow, so all the personnel participating in the task got out of the car and walked forward for a while.

After arriving at the place, Mo Fei realized that this was a section of road leading to Tin City.

Of course, it's not that Murphy has a good sense of direction, but that there are signs indicating the route.

Xicheng is the second largest city around Cangji after Nancheng.Although the population density is not as high as Nancheng, compared to other places around Cangji, this place has the most zombies.

Liang Tang has already gone to the front for a meeting at this time, and needs to specify the battle positions of each team, as well as the personnel sent by each team to the base to be responsible for the collection.

When Murphy was looking around, she suddenly discovered that she had robbed someone's C2 before, and of course, it was also the team that indirectly helped them out of danger.

While watching, the people in that team also looked at her, and then a girl pouted in this direction at the girl next to her, and after the two said something, one of the girls walked towards Murphy .

Murphy was taken aback. Could it be that they found out that they were the ones who robbed C2 that time?
But after thinking about it, it was wrong. I was wearing a mecha suit at the time, and I had taken a photo of myself from the reflective door before, and I couldn't see the situation inside from the outside, so it was impossible for those people to recognize her.

However, judging from the girl walking straight towards him, Murphy hesitated.

 There are a lot of things going on recently, and Xiao Xiao is also dizzy with her family. At the same time, I am very grateful to the editor for her support.

(End of this chapter)

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