Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 25 Invitation to Team Spark

Chapter 25 Invitation to Team Spark

Seeing the girl walking towards him, Murphy turned sideways uncomfortably.

However, such a cover-up was useless, and the girl still walked up to Murphy.

After approaching, Mo Fei noticed that this girl was very tall, about 1.7 meters tall, with a good figure, narrow shoulders, and a snow-white down jacket lined it up beautifully.

There are two kinds of girls who can still wear snow-white clothes in such an apocalyptic world. One is well protected, and the other is very strong.

However, judging from how the girl who came over gave Mo Fei, it seemed more like the latter, with a strong look in her eyes, an aura that weak girls didn't have.And Murphy had indeed seen the cooperation of their entire team's attack.

The girl stretched out her hand with a smile, and lightly patted Murphy on the shoulder.

"Murphy, right?"

Mo Fei was even more puzzled by the girl's opening, why did she still know her own name?

Seeing the doubt on Murphy's face, the girl quickly introduced herself: "My name is Qu Yingluo, and I'm from Team Spark."

"Squad Spark?" Murphy was even more puzzled.

Although Mo Fei has been in Cang base for a whole month, but hunting zombies during the day and researching talismans at night made her not care about other things at all, so she hardly knew anything except Zhu Zhu and the light speed team they were in. Team name.

On the contrary, Zhu Zhu from the side ran over with a look of admiration: "Wow, you are Qu Yingluo, the lightning queen of Team Spark, I admire you so much."

Mo Fei turned to look at Zhu Zhu: "A Zhu, do you know this one?"

Zhu Zhu was not at all surprised by Murphy's belated awareness.

Communication was so developed back then, she unexpectedly didn't know many celebrities, let alone now.

So Zhu Zhu hurriedly explained to Mo Fei: "This is Qu Yingluo, a supernatural user of the special department and the electric department. Their spark team is super powerful. They are the top three teams in Cangji, and almost everyone knows it. "

Only then did Murphy realize that it turned out to be a very capable team, no wonder they dared to go deep into Nancheng to eliminate the zombies.

In the current base, abilities are divided into several categories. Among them, the largest and most common abilities are the fire element and the water element, followed by the wind element. There are very few special abilities, and electricity is one of them. It is said that there are only two electricity-type superpowers in the whole base.

Mo Fei slightly nodded towards Qu Yingluo: "Oh, I'm sorry. But how do you know me?"

Being able to call out his name immediately after seeing himself, it shouldn't be possible to be fooled.

Qu Yingluo didn't answer right away, but smiled at Zhu Zhu: "Lend it to your friend." Then she pulled Mo Fei towards their team: "Come on, let's talk to you slowly."

With so many people around, Murphy wasn't afraid of anything happening, let alone such a famous team.Murphy let Qu Yingluo pull him and followed Qu Yingluo to Team Spark.

"Erzhu, the person who took Fei Fei away was Qu Yingluo from Team Spark?" Seeing that Murphy was being taken away, Li Suna asked quickly.

Although Li Suna knew more than Mo Fei, she had never seen a real member of Team Spark. Compared to Zhu Zhu who was outside every day and liked to gossip, Zhu Zhu was naturally more informed.

Zhu Zhu seemed to be still in agitation, and only after hearing Li Suna's question did she react from the excitement.

"Yes, yes, it's Qu Yingluo, Queen of Electric Light, she is herself."

"Strange, how did Qu Yingluo know Feifei? And it seems that Feifei doesn't know her." Li Suna muttered looking at the backs of Murphy and Qu Yingluo in the distance.

At this time, Murphy was also completely confused. He seemed to have kept a low profile since he arrived at Cang Base. Why did he suddenly have such a famous team recognize him?
After arriving at Team Spark, Murphy glanced at the others.

Among them, another girl who started talking to Qu Yingluo also stepped forward at this time: "I am a speed mutant, my name is Li Lin, and I finally saw a real person."

The girl named Li Lin was also tall, with a pointed chin, big eyes, and slightly sunken eye sockets. She looked a bit like a mixed race, and she was very beautiful.

Looking at the two men around him again, one of them is the thin man he saw last time, but his strength is surprisingly strong, he is probably a power mutant.

There is another one who looks a little silent, not too tall, with natural curly hair, fair skin, and a bit bookish.

Qu Yingluo was probably very talkative, she pulled Mo Fei and pointed to the lean and strong man and said, "His name is Wang Dali, his parents really didn't give him this name for nothing, he is a power mutant, and the other one is called Zhang Lekun, who is People with ice abilities are just a bit boring and don't talk too much."

Mo Fei nodded to the two people introduced by Qu Yingluo, and then said, "But I still don't know you, please explain."

Qu Yingluo was bold: "Hey, I almost forgot when I came here to talk, you were not in the isolation room before..."

After Qu Yingluo finished speaking, Murphy suddenly realized that this team of Sparks was the team he met in the isolation room before.

Later, Bai Youyou from the personnel management department of the base came to be a lobbyist, but at that time, Murphy had just obtained the ancestral talisman, so he didn't agree for research.

That time, Team Spark was in danger, and when they returned to the base, they thought about asking Murphy if he would agree to join the team, but suddenly there was an earthquake.

Because there were too many staff fluctuations at that time, Bai Youyou couldn't transfer Murphy's accommodation record, so the matter was delayed like this.I didn't expect to meet Murphy here today.

"Before, I had Li Lin, who went to the isolation room with Team Sun, so I recognized you. You were so handsome at the time. If it was me, I'm afraid I wouldn't dare to do that without supernatural powers." Qu Yingluo praised He praised Murphy endlessly.

It was Li Lin who was calmer, and tugged at Qu Yingluo: "Okay, let's ask Mo Fei if he would like to join our team, and I'll just listen to you alone."

Qu Yingluo stuck out her tongue: "Hehe, I forgot it once we started talking." Then she looked at Murphy.

"But I already have a team. Those are my alumni from the same school. I met them after I came to the base, so..." Murphy declined.

Although this Sparks team is very powerful, Murphy still has her own ideas, and she is not a person who can quickly integrate into the group.Being able to be in the Lightspeed team is also because of the relationship between Zhu Zhu and the others who have been in the same dormitory for several years.

Qu Yingluo was a little disappointed: "Huh? You're not coming? It's rare for us to meet a team member who is suitable for our team. It's a pity."

"It's okay. After all, they have a team. We can be friends in the future. If you have any difficult things, you can come to us." Li Lin knew that Qu Yingluo was a straightforward girl, and she would put everything on her face. Feeling embarrassed, Fei hurriedly smoothed things over.

"I'm really sorry. When Ms. Bai first told me, I didn't understand anything when I first entered the base, and I was a little worried. Then I met my roommate and went to their team. I'm really embarrassed."

"It's nothing, we should have told you directly earlier." Seeing Qu Yingluo pouted beside her, Li Lin continued to answer Mo Fei.

Just when the two of them didn't know what to say, the captains of each team had already led the area and returned to the team.

Murphy greeted Captain Sun of Team Spark, then left Team Spark and returned to Team Lightspeed.

After returning, Mo Fei was hugged by Zhu Zhu: "Feifei, how did Team Spark know you? What did you say?"

Mo Fei shook his head with a smile, pointed to Liang Tang who was arranging the attack layout, and stopped talking.

Seeing that Mo Fei didn't answer, Zhu Zhu could only listen to Liang Tang's arrangement with restrained curiosity.

Everything is ready, the team in front has already started to set off, and the Lightspeed team is also walking towards the city of Xicheng under the leadership of Liang Tang.

When we arrived at the location where the Lightspeed team was assigned, it was surprisingly quiet here.

"Aren't there any zombies here? You can't memorize it like this? Then how do we earn our merits?" Zhu Zhu blurted out a series of questions.

"Hush, keep your voice down, I always think there is something weird here." Mo Fei turned around and stopped Zhu Zhu from continuing.

Murphy felt that this place was weird, and he couldn't tell what was wrong, but the atmosphere here really didn't feel like a safe place.

"It's so quiet, how can there be anything, those zombies are not such unknown guys." Another girl in the Lightspeed team raised her chin and said arrogantly.

This girl's name was Cui Baiyang, and she had long disliked Mo Fei and the others.

Originally, she and Liang Tang met for the first time. She was the only girl in the team at that time, and she was also a supernatural being, and a water-type supernatural being able to attack.

Although there are many water and fire supernatural beings, water supernatural beings who can attack are very rare. A supernatural being like her who can both attack and provide water for life is definitely the target of other teams.

However, Cui Baiyang liked Liang Tang very much when he was in school, so after the end of the world, Cui Baiyang immediately went to find Liang Tang.

When he found out that Liang Tang was also a supernatural being, Cui Baiyang felt that they were a match made in heaven.

But before he left the school, he met three girls, Li Suna, on the way.

Afterwards, the relationship between Liang Tang and Li Suna was extraordinary, and now Murphy was added.

As soon as Murphy, a non-supernatural being, was recognized with his spear skills, Cui Baiyang was always very uncomfortable.

Before yesterday's mission, Cui Baiyang had a headache all the time. He didn't expect to find that his hearing was particularly sensitive this morning, so he judged that his hearing might be mutated.

Being both a supernatural being and a mutant, Cui Baiyang felt that he was at the same level as Mo Fei and the others.

But today, Cui Baiyang didn't hear anything unusual after listening for a long time. To say that there is something weird in such an obviously empty place must be the cowardice of these non-supernatural beings.Cui Baiyang looked at Murphy and the others disdainfully, and then came to a conclusion.

So at this moment, Cui Baiyang loudly refuted Murphy's guess, wanting to prove that his judgment was correct.

At this moment, there was a chaotic loud noise.

(End of this chapter)

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