Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 26 Fighting alone

Chapter 26 Fighting alone
Just as Cui Baiyang's confident words fell, suddenly, the ground shook slightly, accompanied by the sound of "Boom, Boom, Boom."

It seemed that not far away, there was something rushing towards this side, which made everyone couldn't help raising their hearts to their throats.

As the shock got closer and closer, it was too late for everyone to run, because at some point behind them, more than [-] zombie cats and dogs appeared.

"Everyone be careful." Liang Tang quickly reminded everyone after seeing the surrounding situation clearly.

In fact, Liang Tang was very anxious, but he could only appease everyone in this situation.

Murphy didn't say much, and glanced around, trying to find a breakthrough.

Suddenly, a light flashed in Murphy's eyes, and then he moved towards Zhu Zhu and the others.

"Azhu, Su Na, Shun Li, when we meet the enemy later, you all move to the corner over there. If the things on the top over there can be loosened, we will lead these guys there and kill them. A part is a part, even if it cannot be smashed to death, it is good to isolate some."

Murphy whispered to the three of them the solution he thought of.

Zhu Zhu, Li Suna, and Zhen Shunli looked in the direction of Mo Fei's finger. There was a large pile of bricks, tools, etc. over there. It seemed that this section of the wall was going to be repaired, but the apocalypse happened before the repair was completed. The things that are not needed for maintenance are just piled up on the side.

On the wall next to the pile of bricks, there was a composite metal slope for pushing bricks. It was this that reflected the light just now, so Mophy thought of it.

The three of them nodded towards Murphy, staring around, waiting for the time to pass.

At this time, the surrounding zombie cats and zombie dogs had already gathered, Liang Tang took the lead, and a ball of flames went straight to the head of a rushing zombie dog.

However, because of Liang Tang's blow, the zombie cats and dogs around him rushed over as if they had opened a gate.

Mo Fei held the Suying gun tightly and protected Zhu Zhu, Li Suna and Zhen Shunli behind him.

Although the three of them usually attack zombies, none of them are supernatural beings or mutants. They can also use weapons to attack C zombies, but the fast zombie cats and zombie dogs are not so easy to deal with.

Here, Zhu Zhu and the others moved towards the entrance of the empty alley little by little, and Liang Tang and the others also retreated little by little.

"Ah..." With a scream, one of the team members was bitten by the neck by a zombie dog, and blood gushed out.

Everyone's hearts tugged, but the team member was dead, and everyone had no power to recover.

However, also because of the sacrifice of that team member, the fresh smell of blood attracted some zombie cats and zombie dogs to stop, buying some time for everyone.

After finally reaching the alley, Murphy quickly pushed the three of Zhu Zhu out.

"Quick, go up and prepare the things above."

The three of Zhu Zhu quickly climbed onto the pile of bricks, and then piled up the surrounding tools and some barrels on the composite metal slope at the edge of the pile of bricks.

As long as other people lead the zombie cats and zombie dogs over, they can intercept or even kill some of them.

Although Liang Tang didn't hear what Murphy said to Zhu Zhu and the others, he understood Murphy's intentions after a long time, so he cooperated with Murphy to lead the zombie cat and zombie dog here.

At this time, the corpses of the zombie dog and the zombie cat fell to the ground, but no one dared to go forward to collect meritorious service, they just kept attacking and retreating.

Just as everyone watched the zombie beasts being led into the ambush circle set up, they felt a wave of shaking at this moment.

"Not good, a big guy is rushing over." Liang Tang said as he rushed forward, telling the people in front to retreat as soon as possible.

At this time, one of the zombie dogs jumped up violently, biting Liang Tang's wrist with its sharp teeth.

With quick eyes and quick hands, Mo Fei swiped Suying's gun and pushed away a zombie cat in front of him, then turned the gun and stabbed at the zombie dog that was pounced on Liang Tang.

But the ground vibrated more and more intensely, and the sundries piled up by Zhu Zhu, Li Suna and Zhen Shunli to attack zombies began to fall down.

Seeing that a brick was knocked down, Liang Tang quickly pushed Murphy.

However, Liang Tang originally had good intentions, but at this moment, the slope of the composite metal above fell completely.

Liang Tang subconsciously made a backward mistake, trying to dodge the fallen composite metal slope, but he didn't expect that when Liang Tang dodged, the whole top fell down, blocking the road.


The exclamations of Zhu Zhu, Li Suna and Zhen Shunli sounded from the opposite side.

"It's okay, don't worry." While Murphy responded, the Suying gun in his hand hurriedly picked up the remaining zombie cats and zombie dogs that were not blocked.

Unfortunately, recently, because of practicing the breath adjustment on the talisman, his body has been strengthened to a large extent, otherwise these zombie cats and zombie dogs would be enough to kill Mo Fei.

Just when Murphy smiled knowingly with victory in sight, more violent shocks came from far to near.

In the distance, I saw four elk running side by side, making the originally wide road appear narrow and congested.

All four elk were extremely abnormal in size.


These four elk, however, were very different.

The smallest of the four elks was about two and a half meters long by visual inspection. Its fur was a little damaged, revealing some gray meat inside, and even vaguely visible white bones.

This is enough to tell that they are no longer alive, but zombie elk.

But it's not just their size and zombification that's truly unusual, it's their backs that are truly terrifying.

The backs of these four zombie elk suddenly had a row of bony spurs, drilled out from the dilapidated fur, exposed to the outside, like a row of steel swords, arranged in sequence with the huge antlers, this is the real horror The place.

Murphy gasped. It seemed that the four zombie elk were not ordinary zombie beasts, they should be evolved zombie beasts.

Even ordinary zombies are about the same level as C1 zombies. After the evolution, Murphy dare not think that such zombies can no longer be solved by their team alone.

Mo Fei glanced at the barriers piled up behind him, and then shouted loudly: "Everyone can run as fast as they can. It's a mutated zombie elk. It's very big. Go away."

"Feifei, come here quickly." Zhu Zhu shouted anxiously after hearing Murphy's voice.

"It's too late for me to turn over now. I'm running to the other side of the alley. I'm leaving." After Murphy replied, he turned around and ran towards the other side of the alley.

It's not that Murphy has any great dedication complex, but it's really too late for her to turn over now, and directly fighting over there, Murphy has no plans to expose her mecha for the time being.

While running, Murphy looked back, just now he ran this way after facing the four zombie elks head-on, so the four zombie elks didn't notice the crowd behind the pile of collapsed bricks. Qi followed Murphy and ran to the other side.

Murphy ran all the way, exhausted from running straight.

Fortunately, she chose to walk in a narrow place as much as possible. The huge zombie elk had to destroy the building before continuing to chase her, otherwise Murphy would have been caught up.

Seeing that Murphy ran out of the area with buildings and came to a relatively barren place, although he didn't know what it was, but it was relatively empty, and it looked like a deserted place, which was quite suitable for him to fight .

Since there was no cover, the zombie elk behind him was getting closer and closer. Murphy simply stopped, thinking about his mecha in his mind, and then the whole person appeared inside the mecha.

Quickly call up the weapon selection board, there are still no other choices except knives and axes.

Looking at the size of the zombie elk, Murphy still chose the axe.

In fact, in the case of multiple weapons, it is more beneficial for you to choose a longer weapon, but now you have no choice but to do so.

The ax was chosen as the weapon, and then there was an extra ax in the manipulator outside the mecha.

The strongest one ran the fastest and was already very close to Murphy.Murphy clenched the handle of the ax and rushed towards the zombie elk.

The ax fell with inertia, but the ax couldn't play because of the huge horns of the zombie elk.

The other hand hastily grasped the huge horn of the zombie elk, and while trying to break it apart, the hand holding the ax strikes again.

However, when the ax fell, it only sank into the head of the zombie elk.

The zombie elk shook its body and did not fall down. The huge antlers caught the axe, preventing the ax from exerting its real strength. Therefore, although the ax hit the head of the zombie elk, it did not completely damage its head.

The zombie elk couldn't be wiped out all at once, but the ax was stuck on the head of the zombie elk and couldn't move.

At this moment, two more zombie moose seemed to have discovered something that attracted them, and they rushed towards Murphy at the same pace as if they had discovered something that attracted them.

Seeing that two zombie elks came up again, Mo Fei didn't care too much. The huge mechanical body pressed heavily on the end of the ax handle.

The force on the handle of the ax increased several times in an instant, and with the momentum of the downward pressure, the ax pierced through the head of the first zombie elk, allowing Mo Fei to split it in two.

However, because of the excessive use of strength, the mecha, which originally had very little energy storage, used up nearly half of its energy at once, and the screen began to prompt instructions to replenish energy.

Murphy didn't have time to pick up the energy crystals on the head of the first zombie elk. Seeing that the other two had arrived, Murphy quickly controlled the mech body to jump back.

(End of this chapter)

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