Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 27 Inexplicable Cave

Chapter 27 Inexplicable Cave
Murphy jumped back. Just as the mecha moved away from the body of the first zombie elk, the other two zombie elk had already surrounded it.

Before he could turn around in time, Murphy was worried that he would be caught between two zombie elks, and that would put him in danger.

In order to stop it, Murphy hurried forward with an axe, trying to block the charging zombie elk.

As the ax in his hand fell again, a zombie elk closest to Murphy was hit by the ax on the side of its body.

However, just cutting the side of the zombie elk's body cannot completely kill the zombie elk.

Murphy's attack just now not only failed to effectively stop the zombie elk, but instead aroused the ferocity of the zombie elk.

The zombie elk roared, and went straight to Murphy with red eyes, and its speed increased sharply at this moment.

At this moment, the speed of the zombie elk is almost twice the limit speed of ordinary elk, and judging from this speed, the impact force will definitely not be small.

At the same time, driven by the viciousness of this zombie elk, another zombie elk also went berserk, and the two zombie elk rushed towards Murphy together.

In just a few seconds, two zombie elk arrived in front of Murphy.

Murphy hurriedly backed away again. The nervousness in his heart calmed down because of this critical moment.

Once the two zombie elks rushed to him, even Murphy would be in danger even if he was wearing a mecha.

Moreover, what Murphy used was not a hot weapon that could attack from a distance. With melee combat alone, he might not be able to deal with two zombie beasts that were as powerful as his own mecha.

Holding the ax tightly in his hand, Mophy pulled the arm of the mecha, and rushed to the zombie elk in the front again, and the whole movement unfolded as quickly as flowing clouds and flowing water.

In just a few seconds, Murphy smashed the ax into the head of a zombie elk in one go.

Finally, under the terrifying force of the collision between Murphy's recoil and the zombie elk's running, the zombie elk running in the front fell down, but Murphy's mech was also severely damaged.

However, Murphy's crisis has not been resolved at this moment, because the other zombie elk is still unharmed and has turned its direction, and it only takes a few seconds for this zombie elk to rush to Murphy's body .

At this time, for Murphy, the energy in the mech dropped a lot, and the corners of the screen kept flashing a faint red light for reminders.

While stepping back, Mo Fei thought about taking out the black crystal from a clip box on the edge of the mecha to absorb it. This is where he stored the energy crystal last time.

But before opening the cover on the right leg where the black crystal cartridge was placed, the zombie elk had already hit Murphy's body with a huge impact force.

Murphy rolled backwards and fell heavily to the ground.

At this time, the zombie elk charged towards Murphy again with its strong antlers. With its head lowered, the bone knife on its back was exposed like a mountain of swords.

If she pierced all over at once, Murphy and her mecha suit would probably all be scrapped.

Regardless of whether he had been prompted to replenish energy, Murphy quickly jumped up with one hand on the ground, narrowly dodged another round of attacks from the zombie elk, and took advantage of the opportunity to pick up a black crystal.

This black crystal happened to hit the head of one of the zombie elk corpses just now when Mo Fei's mecha rolled over, and rolled out of the zombie elk corpse on the ground.

Holding the Mo Jing of the zombie elk in his hand, Mo Fei wanted to hurry up and absorb it.

It's just that although she had a good idea, she forgot that there were not only three zombie elks.Although the fourth zombie elk ran the slowest, it took the opportunity to get behind Murphy from other roads.

Just as Mo Fei was holding Mo Jing to absorb it, the zombie elk attacked from behind.

Fortunately, there was a radar sensor behind him. Hearing the prompt from behind, Murphy turned around quickly, but the zombie elk had already arrived in front of him, and the huge antlers and the bone knife behind him stabbed Murphy.

Another zombie elk that was still alive also rushed from the front direction at this time.

Murphy couldn't dodge the blow behind her, but she kept paying attention to the zombie elk in front, so she simply retracted the ax at this time, grabbed the antler of the rushing zombie elk with one hand, and then used the antlers to support it , the whole mecha turned over from the body of the zombie elk.

It's just that the fuselage of the mecha inevitably collided with the sword-like bone knife on the back of the zombie elk.

Accompanied by the scraping sound of metal, Murphy finally got rid of the imprisonment of the two zombie elk temporarily.

Mo Fei, who was relaxed, quickly took the opportunity to run to a deeper place, and the two zombie elk who recovered from their senses followed Murphy closely.

Murphy's mecha was already glowing with a dangerous red light. No matter the energy or the damage of the mecha, he could no longer fight, but Murphy couldn't absorb the energy, because that would mean he had to stop.

But the two zombie elks ran fast in such a wide and flat place.

"Reminder, the energy is seriously insufficient, please add energy."

"Warning, the armor is seriously damaged and needs to be repaired."

Accompanied by the "beep beep" alarm, two lines of prompts appeared on the screen of the mecha.

It's just that Murphy doesn't care about it at all now. She regrets her decision a little bit, and still overestimates her ability. Having a mecha doesn't mean invincibility, and it's still not enough to deal with four mutated zombie elk at the same time.

As the mech's alarm sound became more and more urgent, Murphy's steps became more and more slow. Looking back, the two zombie elk chasing him were getting closer and closer to him, but Murphy was a little helpless.

Opening his hand, he saw the black crystal of the zombie elk still held in the mecha's hand.This black crystal is dark blue. Obviously, the largest zombie elk is already a second-level zombie beast, which is equivalent to the late stage of C3 zombies.


At the same time as Mo Fei instructed in his mind, he turned his body and jumped up suddenly, trying to absorb the black crystal in his hand within the time it fell in mid-air.

The two zombie elk jumped when they saw Murphy's mech flying into the air, and followed the trajectory in mid-air.

Mo Fei didn't have time to worry about these things, and focused on absorbing the smoky crystal in his hand.

After the energy is absorbed, the current energy is 1000/100, the energy exceeds the storage value, and only 200 energy value can be reserved.

A line of words was displayed on the screen in front of Murphy.

Unexpectedly, a black crystal of a second-level zombie beast could provide 1000 points of energy. Although Murphy was a bit sorry for wasting the 800 points of energy, the mech finally had power now.

Just when Murphy was about to fall to counterattack, the mech's feet hit the ground but it didn't stop there. Instead, the whole ground collapsed with a "bang".

Mo Fei stepped on the air, and the whole mech fell rapidly like a free fall.

And the two zombie elk following them, because of their fast pursuit, had no time to stop before the pit, and they also fell down together.

The moment he fell, Murphy quickly turned on the lighting system, but there was nothing special around him. He could only see the falling mud and two huge zombie elk.

Due to the heavy weight of the two zombie elk, they fell very fast, and saw that the two behemoths were about to hit themselves.

Murphy quickly chose the knife among the mecha weapons.

Mo Fei used the back of the knife to push away the zombie elk that was about to hit the fuselage of his mecha, and at the same time grabbed the antlers of a zombie elk with one hand. .

The two zombie elk quickly overtook Murphy's mecha and fell down quickly, but Murphy's mecha couldn't slow down at this time, and fell down just as quickly.

Murphy tried to find something that could slow him down, but unfortunately he couldn't find any.

The hole seemed very deep, and Murphy fell down for a long time, and the light above was gradually lost.

Finally, Murphy felt that the place below became narrower, and the fuselage kept bumping into something around it, and then fell heavily below before he had time to react.

Mo Fei felt dizzy for a while, and she felt that her body was about to fall apart from the impact, but she didn't fall into pieces as expected.

Supporting it with his hands again, he realized that his lower body seemed to be a little soft.

Taking a breath, Mo Fei directed the mecha to stand up.Looking down again, it was the corpses of the two zombie elks under him.

The two zombie elk fell down early in the morning and were already completely dead.The heads of the zombie elk had been smashed to pieces, and their skeletons could even be felt to be broken, but fortunately, they became the back of Murphy's mecha, giving Murphy a cushion.

Even so, Murphy couldn't stop feeling uncomfortable all over his body.

It was lucky not to fall into a puddle of mud after falling from such a high place.Murphy had never been so lucky as at this moment. Fortunately, he had two super-large zombie beasts as his back.

Mo Fei braced his body to dig out the black crystals on the heads of the two zombie elks for later use, and then took away the mechs.Exhausted, Murphy found a corner and fell asleep in the mech.

When Mo Fei woke up, he felt a little hungry, but he looked around and saw that it was pitch black.

Murphy went back to the place where she fell and looked up. There was not even a little light on it, which showed that the hole was really deep, and the possibility of climbing out of it was almost slim.

Mo Fei turned on the lights of the mecha again and looked around. On one side was an entrance to the cave, and on the other side was a stone wall.

There was no other choice, so Mo Fei walked towards the cave.

After getting into the cave, it got shorter and shorter as it went forward, so Murphy had to put away the mech.

At this time, Murphy realized that after the mecha was put away, there was an extra plain gun in his hand, and what was on his back was the backpack he carried before he set off.

(End of this chapter)

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