Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 28 Discovery in the Cave

Chapter 28 Discovery in the Cave

Mo Fei was very puzzled by this before, because every time he took the Suying gun and directly converted it into a mecha, after taking back the mecha, the Suying gun would still reappear. He didn't expect the backpack to do the same.

Murphy was very surprised by this.

Originally, Murphy thought that the things in his pockets would not be lost because he entered the mech directly with him, but he didn't expect that the backpack on his back was still there.

Because after entering the mecha, there is no backpack behind him, and no tasseled gun in his hand.

However, Murphy didn't want to explore these things for the time being. With these things, the hope of going out by himself would be greater.

Taking off his backpack and putting it on the ground, Mo Fei fumbled to open his small backpack. Murphy reached in as quickly as possible, hoping to find something that could be used right now.

For this mission, Murphy prepared some practical things in his backpack.

Relying on memory, Murphy found the light source flashlight at the bottom of the bag.

After putting away the mecha, the surroundings fell into darkness again. Mo Fei couldn't shine by himself. He was just wondering what to do, but he didn't expect that the backpack was still there.

Turn on the flashlight with the light source, and the surroundings finally brighten up.

After taking a photo in her small backpack, Mo Fei's eyes lit up immediately. The first thing she saw was instant bread.

This kind of bread is only the size of a candy bar, and eating a small piece can basically fill your stomach, not to mention that a girl like Murphy doesn't have a big appetite.

Because the packaging of this instant bread is independent and easy to carry, many expeditions in the past would prepare such instant bread, plus some multivitamins to provide the consumption required by the body, and such equipment will not affect the weight-bearing problem.

When Murphy went to that supermarket before, he took some emergency food, emergency medicine, etc. unconsciously with his camping tent, including this vacuum-sealed instant bread.

I heard that this mission was a bit difficult, and Murphy didn't know how long he would stay outside, so he grabbed a handful and put it in the small side pocket of the backpack.

While rejoicing at his convenience back then, Mo Fei casually tore a piece of instant bread and put it in his mouth.

This kind of bread doesn't have a sweet taste, but it will expand in the stomach after swallowing, which can definitely make people full, so you must not eat too much at one time.

After alleviating the hunger in his stomach, Mo Fei stood up and illuminated the walls on both sides with the light source flashlight, which looked very rough.

Mo Fei stretched out his hand and touched it lightly, and there was actually more and more sand falling down from the wall.

Seeing this, Murphy hurriedly ran out of the passage, she didn't want to be buried alive.

As the sand fell, Murphy ran all the way. He had eaten a little food just now, and it was basically consumed by physical energy.

It's just that the wall collapsed much faster than Murphy's running speed. Seeing that he was about to be buried in the falling sand, Murphy quickly called out the mecha.

Although there is not enough space above, you can still move while squatting.

Just moving forward a little bit, Mo Fei finally noticed carefully that the falling sand was emitting a little bit of golden light under the light.

Reaching out to pick up a handful of sand, when Mo Fei opened his hand to observe, suddenly there was a line of prompts in front of him.

Upgrade material collection 1/100000.

Could this sand be an upgrade material?
Mo Fei looked at his hand again through the light, but found that there seemed to be a little bit of other particles hidden in the sand.

Just as he was about to take a closer look, there was a loud noise from behind.Mo Fei didn't bother to study carefully, and used the collision ability of the mech to rush out of the narrow corridor.

After this section, the cave behind him was completely sealed. It seemed that it was impossible for him to seek a way out from there.

Mophy, who stopped, realized that he was in a big hole, and there were still some old-looking and worn-out tools scattered around the hole.

What kind of place is this?
It seems that this place is very old. Could it be the remains of ancient people?
But on second thought, Murphy denied his own idea.I am a student of ancient times, judging from the surrounding utensils, this place should be a place for labor.

Turning on the lights of the mecha brighter, Mo Fei walked forward for a while. There are not only some metal tools, but also some cars with tracks, and some sieves.

Mo Fei carefully recalled what he had learned before. What is the use of this place?

It's a pity that he didn't think of anything practical for a long time, so Murphy had to give up this idea.

By the way, what happened when my mech reminded me to find the upgrade material 1/100000?Can those sands upgrade mechs?If so, that is simply the best thing.

Murphy controlled the mecha and walked towards the collapsed hole.

The outstretched arm of the mecha grabbed a handful of sand, twisted it with his hands, and found that there was no reminder like just now, it seemed that these were just ordinary sand.He stretched out his hand to grab another handful, and there was nothing strange in this handful of sand.

It seems that the upgrade material is not the sand, but the granular things that have just been mixed in the sand.

After digging a little more, more sand rolled down from above, but Murphy still found nothing else, and the collapsed hole was even looser.

Murphy was worried that even this place would collapse, and he didn't dare to dig deeper.

It seems that we have to look further, even if we can't find the upgrade materials, at least we have to leave here first.I don't know what kind of place this is. If it was a factory in ancient times, why was it buried deep underground?

Turning on the lights, Murphy continued to walk forward. I don't know how long he walked, but there were still potholes without any special changes.The continuous energy consumption has reduced the energy that has just been replenished.

Although there was still 30% of the energy, just in case, Mo Fei still took out the bag of black crystals stored last time from the storage box on the leg of the mecha.

Picked 4 white smoky crystals produced by C zombies and 1 red smoky crystals of the same grade as C[-] zombies provided by ordinary zombies to absorb, and added [-] points of energy to the mecha.

Mech energy is now 100/100 full.

Just after replenishing the energy, Murphy walked forward for a certain distance, and suddenly the mecha scan prompted: Upgradable materials were found 100 meters ahead.

Murphy hurried forward, but found that there seemed to be many forked roads ahead.

But the mecha only showed the position 100 meters ahead, but it didn't know which road was the only way to go.

Murphy looked at the approximate location, and chose the one that seemed to be the closest to the red dot. Anyway, it was only 100 meters away. Even if it was wrong, just come out again.

Just like that, Murphy entered the cave that looked closest.

Two hours later, Murphy returned to his original position out of breath.

When Murphy came out, the first thing he said was: "Huh, finally came out."

Originally, I thought the cave was the closest to the red dot, let alone only 100 meters away, so I didn't come out again, but who knew that after Murphy entered, there was actually a very spacious cave inside.

There are more than ten small fork roads in this cave.

Still walking along the road closest to the red dot, unexpectedly it became narrower and narrower after entering. Murphy could only put away the mecha and turn on the light source torch and walk in.

But in this way, Murphy couldn't judge the specific location scanned by the mecha.

After going around a few times and finally walking out of the narrow area, Mo Fei hurriedly summoned the mecha, only to realize that the location had passed.

There was no way, Murphy had to reconfirm and put away the mecha and walk on the narrow road, but there was another dark river on the road.

Looking at the rushing river in front of him, Murphy really couldn't get through, so he had to find the way again.

But without the instructions of the mecha, Murphy could only determine the general direction according to the compass on the watch.

After walking for a long time, Murphy walked out of the narrow area and returned to the original starting point.

After finally getting out of the narrow area, Murphy turned on the mecha again and re-planned the position. After closing the mecha, Murphy chose the cave again.

Not long after entering, Murphy stepped on a sticky and slippery mass, causing Murphy to almost slip.

After lighting it with a light source flashlight, Mo Fei found that the ground was covered with moss as tall as a finger.These mosses have not seen the sun for thousands of years, they are all dark brown, and they look like rotten straw.

But it is not easy for moss to grow so much.

Murphy could only use the plain tassel gun as a crutch to move forward carefully, and try to pick places where the moss is relatively low.

But the moss seemed endless. Murphy hadn't walked out of this area for a long time, but it was obvious that 100 meters had passed, and there was no fork in the road.

Disappointed and feeling greasy, Murphy had to come out slowly.

When approaching the entrance of the cave, Murphy's light source flashlight tilted and shone on the top of the cave.The casual glance startled Murphy.

The top of the cave is also covered with moss, the difference is that the moss below is dark brown, while the moss above is ordinary green.

Murphy was watching curiously, but suddenly felt something move in the turquoise moss.

Probably Murphy's light affected it, and the thing shook.

Murphy was surprised to find that it was a worm. It could be seen that there was a port in front of the worm's body, and there was a crown-like thing around the mouth, and there were many tentacles on it.

When Mo Fei looked at the worm in astonishment, the worm seemed to change its position and squirmed in the green moss.

Murphy looked in the direction it was wriggling, and the whole worm was actually as long as this cave.

Perhaps Murphy's light had been shining on it for too long, the front end of the worm's crown drooped down as if exploring, and the tentacles around its mouth kept shrinking.

Seeing the worm moving, Murphy was startled into a cold sweat, ignoring the muddy dark brown moss under his feet, and stumbled towards the outside.

(End of this chapter)

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