Chapter 29
The light from the light source flashlight in Murphy's hand stimulated the giant insect, and Murphy was so scared that he ran away.

But at this time, the huge worm in the moss slid down the stone wall like a slide. Its movements were as nimble as if it was on flat ground, and even faster than on flat ground.

Soon, the worm chased the ground.

Originally, Murphy thought that after such a huge monster fell to the ground, its speed would slow down a bit.

But the reality was not what Mo Fei wanted. After the huge worm fell, it slid quickly among the slippery moss, chasing after Mo Fei who broke into its territory and disturbed its dream.

Murphy really wanted to run faster, but the slippery moss under her feet made her unable to run hard. Seeing that the huge worm chased after Murphy's feet.

Mo Fei felt that he could vaguely feel that the bottom of his trousers seemed to be stained with soft and slippery worms.

The great panic made Mo Fei hold the plain gun and the light source flashlight even more tightly, and ran forward desperately with three slips.

Probably because of his panic, he exerted too much force on his hands, and Mophy accidentally pressed the switch on the light source flashlight.

In an instant, the entire cave was plunged into darkness.

When the light source suddenly disappeared, Murphy's steps became even more chaotic due to the sudden darkness in front of his eyes.

After taking the next step, the whole person stepped on a slope because he couldn't see the road, and his feet fell because of wet slippery, and he just fell between a crack in the stone.

Mo Fei felt that the clothes outside his body seemed to be scratched, and his palms and knees were hurt by the stones on both sides.But fortunately, he fell between the cracks in the rocks instead of falling directly on the rocks.

Although some skin trauma, but the injury is not serious.

Mo Fei struggled to get up and continue running, but because the ground was too slippery, he just raised his head and slid down again.

At this time, the huge worm has come close.

Murphy was so nervous that he couldn't breathe. Could it be that he was buried in the belly of insects like this?

Just as Murphy was thinking wildly, the huge worm had already arrived on top of Murphy's head.

Mo Fei wanted to reach out to fight with his Suying Spear, only to realize that the Suying Spear was not in his hand. When he fell, the Suying Spear slid out along it.

When Murphy felt a little desperate, the worm with its tentacled crown had already landed on Murphy.

Mo Fei felt the cold tentacles wriggling on his face and hands.At this moment, Murphy felt close to death.

However, what Mofei didn't expect was that the giant worm just used Murphy as a pedal, twisted it again, and the whole huge worm left Murphy, and then the worm's belly slid across Murphy's body .

While the insect belly slid past, Murphy also felt the suffocation of the air being sucked out.Although it feels a little suffocated, it is better than being eaten.

Taking advantage of the gap between the next wave of the worm's body, Murphy took a deep breath, held his breath, and waited between the rocks.

After changing the air several times in this way, the worm finally left the top of his body. Murphy was sure that the worm was far away, so he sat up with difficulty digging at the cracks in the stone with his fingers.

He took a big mouthful of air, although the air in the cave didn't smell very fresh.

After taking a little breath, Mo Fei moved forward. First he found his plain gun, and then he found the light source flashlight.

Propping himself up with the plain gun, Murphy got up and turned on the flashlight.

However, as soon as he turned on the light source flashlight, Murphy heard a "cuckoo cluck" sound behind him.

Looking back, the huge worm was chasing after him again.

Originally, Murphy was already close to the entrance of the cave, so he quickly supported his body with the Suying gun and stepped out of the cave.

Immediately afterwards, the giant worm also arrived at the entrance of the cave, but it just kept spewing out those tentacles at the entrance of the cave, but did not take a step out of the cave.

Only now did Mo Fei understand that his own light must have stimulated the worm, so it chased him.

But later, my light source was cut off, and because I fell down, my whole body was covered with moss and it was in the crevices of the stones, so when the worm passed by me, I thought it was moss when I touched it with its tentacles.

It seemed that this worm only had senses and no sense of smell, and Mo Fei was secretly thankful.

As for why this huge worm does not come out of the cave, it probably has something to do with its body itself. It is really difficult for such a huge worm to move without the support of those slippery moss.

After making sure that the bug would not come out, Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief.

First, he checked the talisman in his arms to make sure that the talisman was fine, and then he saw that his body was covered with moss. Mo Fei shook it in disgust, but he only had a set of clean clothes in his backpack. There would be nothing else to encounter, so Murphy resisted the urge to continue walking without changing clothes.

In such a state, Mo Fei didn't want to enter the mech again, anyway, it was still so frustrating to come out from the confirmed direction.

Murphy simply judged for himself based on the sketch he drew just now and the direction of the compass on the watch.

In the end, Murphy chose the cave that seemed to be the farthest from the location.

"Okay, let's go with this one." Murphy simply judged based on his intuition.

Going along the cave, this cave is not a straight road, as the road twists and turns, after walking for a while, the line of the cave actually bends back again.

However, this made Murphy even more sure that it should be this way.

After walking for a while, Murphy suddenly heard the sound of rushing water.

Continuing to walk along the cave, Mo Fei found that he had unknowingly come to the upper reaches of the dark river that he had encountered in a certain cave before.

Murphy was a little happy about the water flow so close at hand, which meant that he didn't have to continue wearing this sticky and dirty clothes.

Walking to the river, Murphy first illuminated it with a flashlight.

The upper river bed was very shallow, and the water looked crystal clear, and Murphy didn't find anything.

I reached out to scoop up a handful of water and put it under my nose to smell it, but there was no strange smell.

Only then did Murphy put it to his mouth, and licked it with the tip of his tongue.

After entering the water, it feels clear and sweet. It should be underground spring water with good water quality.

After drinking a few sips of water, Murphy went further down, took off the clothes on his body, washed his body with the water below with his hands, and then rubbed the dirty clothes back and forth in the water.

Seeing the dark brown moss floating down the water, Mo Fei picked up his clothes and shook them.

After wringing out the water from the clothes, Murphy wiped his body with the wet clothes.Because she only brought a set of clean clothes, which won't keep you warm if it gets wet.

After drying his body as much as possible, Mo Fei changed into clean clothes, while wet clothes had to find a stone to dry on.

Then I washed off the slime on the outside of the backpack. Fortunately, the backpack was waterproof, so the contents of the backpack were not affected in the slightest.

Looking at his watch, it was already evening, and Mo Fei felt a little hungry.After taking out a piece of instant bread and eating it, Murphy re-entered the mech, ready to take a break.

Just as Murphy was slowly entering his dream, an animal slowly climbed up from the flowing river outside.The animal gradually approached Murphy's clothes hanging on the boulder.

He patted on Murphy's wet clothes, and then lay down on it and fell asleep.

Upon waking up, Murphy raised his wrist to look at the time on his watch with blurred eyes.

Probably I was too tired yesterday, and I slept for a long time this time, and it is already 6 o'clock in the morning.

Stretching, the mech stood up with a bang following Murphy's movements.

At this time, the animal on the stone heard the noise, and slowly raised its head from the stone.

Although it was daytime, the cave was still dark. After stretching his legs and feet, Mo Fei put away the mecha, and then took out the light source flashlight in his backpack.

When the light source flashlight was turned on, Murphy happened to see the stone.

Right next to the wet clothes he was drying, a taupe-like lizard-like animal was lazily lying on it.

What kind of animal is this?
Seeing that the animal didn't seem to be aggressive, Murphy held the Suying gun tightly in his hand, ready to deal with it at any time, and at the same time began to size up the animal.

This gray-brown animal is about 2 meters in size.The shape is a bit like a lizard, but it is fatter and flatter than a lizard, and the body surface is smoother and has no scales.

Its head is flat and its mouth is very large. Judging from the way I shook it with the light, it seems that its eyesight is not very good.There are obvious skin folds on both sides of the animal's body, and the limbs are short and flat, with a little webbing.

Mo Fei's heart skipped a beat. He seemed to have seen this kind of animal in ancient biology textbooks.This kind of animal seems to be called "giant salamander", also known as "salamander".

But... Murphy thought with a little uncertainty that this amphibian seemed to have become extinct a long time ago.

Thousands of years ago, it was said that it was already a protected wild animal, but it was still extinct after that.

Mo Fei rubbed his eyes and carefully recalled the pictures he had seen in the textbook, and compared the creature in front of him, which was indeed exactly the same as the "giant salamander", which had been declared extinct.

Mo Fei tentatively moved forward two steps, and the "Giant Salamander" was still lying on Mo Fei's wet clothes hanging on the stone, looking very cute.

However, when Murphy got closer and closer to the "giant salamander", it seemed to feel that the distance was too close and it was threatening, so it opened its mouth and let out a few "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ", and then jumped off the stone. Come down and swim along the river.

"Sure enough, it sounds like a child crying, so cute." After watching the giant salamander swim away, Murphy smiled, and then went to pick up his clothes.

However, when she got her clothes, she couldn't laugh anymore. The top of the clothes was really sticky, and besides, there were several cuts.

It seems that this dress can't be worn either.

But Murphy still washed the clothes and packed them in sealed bags.In this environment, who knows if these things will be useful.

After finishing his backpack and washing his face, Mo Fei ate another piece of instant bread.Although I'm already tired of eating this thing for a few meals, it's better than starving to death.

After filling his stomach, Murphy re-entered the mech to confirm his position.

After choosing a location, Murphy continued walking along the river bed.

However, after reaching a certain distance ahead, the river bed disappeared, and Mo Fei could see water gushing out of a channel.

(End of this chapter)

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