Chapter 191
At the same time that Mo Fei went to Xiao Minyu's house for dinner, in another villa in Xingxin Circle, Yulin, who had just finished changing her medicine, moved her fingers slightly, but no one noticed it.

Until the next morning, Yulin struggled to open her eyes, but the glare of light and heavy eyelids made Yulin frown slightly.

"It seems to be waking up, that's great." The servant in charge of taking care of Yulin hurried out to report.

Not long after, a man in a neat suit who looked like an English gentleman appeared in the room. Although the man was not particularly handsome, he definitely stood out in the crowd, especially the one who was born aristocrat The general temperament is impossible to ignore.

The man stood by the bed without saying a word, and the servant respectfully moved a large sofa chair for the man to sit down on.

At this moment, Yulin was trying hard to adapt to the moment of waking up. The man watched Yulin's frowning, which was gradually waking up, and tapped the armrest of the seat with his fingers.

Yulin only felt pain all over her body, as if someone had broken her bones.

But being able to feel the pain means that he is not dead yet, which is not bad news.

She tried her best to open her eyes, but Yulin's vision was still blurry, and she closed her eyes subconsciously.

"Go and close the gauze curtain." The man seemed to see the discomfort in Yulin's eyes, and ordered the servant beside him.

After drawing a thin layer of gauze curtains, the light was no longer so glaring, and Yulin gradually got used to the surroundings, and all she saw was the man sitting by the bed.

"Who are you? Where am I?" Yulin said, her voice was so hoarse that it didn't seem to come out of her mouth.

"This is my villa. You were seriously injured but luckily survived, so I rescued you." The man replied with a standard smile.

"Thank you." Yulin said and was about to get up.

"No, you should have a good rest. No one will disturb you here. Mama Feng is standing over there. Just call her if you have any orders." The man glanced at Yulin again, his first impression should be Yes, there was no point in staying any longer, so I turned and left the room.

Yulin originally wanted to move, but her body was not under her control, so she gave up in the end.

Ok!Take this time as your own rebirth!I wonder if Murphy will be worried about his disappearance?Yulin couldn't help thinking, remembering how Mo Fei took care of her in the past, Yulin felt that she thought too much about Murphy and Xiao Minyu.

In the next few days, Yulin recovered very quickly under Feng Ma's careful care. Of course, because the man brought back a lot of first-level and second-level ink crystals for Yulin, not only the injury recovered quickly Soon, even Yulin's abilities have improved a lot.

Now Yulin can walk freely in the house. Although she will be a little tired after walking for a long time, she is no longer like lying in bed like a vegetative state and can't do anything.

And these days, Yulin has also learned her location, which is actually in a villa within the jurisdiction of the Xingxin Circle, which also shows that the identity of the owner of this villa is not ordinary.

It's just that no one is willing to disclose the true identity of the owner of this villa. Yulin only knows that the owner of this villa is Bai Sirui. Because she has not fully recovered, Yulin occasionally stands at the window and looks out.

Fortunately, Bai Sirui's villa is relatively close to the passage, from here you can see some people coming in and out.Although life is boring, there is no need to worry about food and drink, and there are people to take care of.This is a life that Yulin never enjoyed before the end of the world.

"Miss Yulin, the young master will accompany the young lady for dinner when my young lady comes back today. The young master told me to take care of your food."

"Then I will trouble you, Mama Feng." Although Yulin's body is not fully recovered due to the rest these days, her complexion is more moist than before. Originally, Yulin was a great beauty, but now she is even weaker and full of water. , more beautiful than before.

"Miss Yulin, you are too polite. This is what I should do. Just call me if you have any orders later. I will prepare meals for you when you are hungry."

Feng's mother's smiling eyes narrowed into a slit. She had been working in the Bai family before the end of the world. After the end of the world, she also relied on the Bai family to survive, and compared to the outsiders, she lived in heaven.I can be regarded as watching Bai Sirui, the young master of the Bai family, grow up. Although he is a good-looking talent, he has never been particularly attracted to a woman. He did not expect to save a seriously injured woman this time.

However, after Yulin woke up and got better, Mama Feng understood why. This girl is not only beautiful, but she also likes women, and she is born with a noble temperament, which is a good match for their young master, so Mama Feng treats her very well. Yulin is also regarded as the future hostess.

Yulin didn't know what Feng's mother thought, but she was very grateful to Bai Sirui, not only saved her, but also had people take care of her in every possible way, which was a rare thing before the end of the world.

The sound of Mama Feng closing the door brought back Yulin's thoughts, and she looked out of the window again. This action is now her only activity every day.

Looking at the vehicles passing by in the distance, Yulin was suddenly stunned, because a car turned in from the intersection, and the person who got out of the car was actually Xiao Minyu.

I'm afraid no one would have thought that Bai Sirui's villa was the one behind the villa where Xiao Minyu lived.

"Yu..." Yulin's fingers stuck to the glass, caressing the glass lingeringly, as if it was Xiao Minyu's face.

After Xiao Minyu got off the car, he went straight into the villa, and then several other people followed Xiao Minyu into the villa.

"Yu, your identity has been kept secret!" Yulin understood when Xiao Minyu opened the door with an electronic card. Xiao Minyu didn't come to find someone but lived here. I have never met Xiao Minyu.

Normally, Yulin would have been tired if she had stood for so long, and would have gone back to rest, but because of Xiao Minyu's appearance, Yulin was reluctant to leave the window, and she still stood quietly.

"Miss Yulin, do you need to serve your dinner?" Mama Feng's voice reached Yulin's ears, and Yulin finally looked away from the window.

Yulin turned around, but staggered a little because she stood for too long.

"Miss Yulin, have you been standing here all this time? Sit down and rest." Mama Feng was so frightened that she hurried over to support Yulin.

"Feng Ma, I want to eat at the window, can you move me a higher chair?" Yulin asked Feng Ma pleadingly, regardless of her weak legs.

"Yes, please sit down, and I will move it here for you right away." Mother Feng hurriedly let Yulin sit on the bed with lingering fears, and it was obvious that the young master took good care of Miss Yulin. Mistake, how can I be worthy of the young master's care for me before and after the end of the world.

Yulin nodded, and Mama Feng ran out the door in a hurry.

After Feng's mother left, Yulin supported her body and came to the window again. At this time, the villa in the front row was lit up for a while, and then darkened again. After that, Xiao Minyu and the others left in a hurry.

Yulin looked anxiously at Xiao Minyu who was going away. She didn't know where Xiao Minyu was going, but she couldn't catch up because she was still immobile, so she could only watch Xiao Minyu and his party leave disappointedly.

"Miss Yulin, here are the chairs. You sit down first, and I'll serve you a meal." Panting, Mama Feng brought a high bar chair over to Yulin.

"Thank you, Mama Feng." Although Yulin was not in the mood to sit here anymore, Mama Feng managed to move here, so Yulin sat down by the window.

Soon, Mama Feng brought up the food. The food was delicate but varied, with a reasonable combination of meat and vegetables, and most of them were suitable for injured patients.

Yulin sat at the window and ate the food. Although the food was actually delicious, she didn't know what it tasted like in Yulin's mouth. What she was thinking about was Xiao Minyu who had just appeared and disappeared.

And at this moment Xiao Minyu just came back from a secret mission, but Xiao Minyu, who hadn't seen Mo Fei for a day, was a little worried, especially because of Yulin's matter, Murphy seemed to be in a low mood yesterday, so Xiao Minyu only returned to The villa changed the dirty clothes and came out again.

Ask Man Chengbin to take a few other people to the villa of Xingmin Circle to prepare meals, while he himself goes to the blue area to pick up Murphy for dinner.

Murphy, who stayed at home all day today, only did one thing: that is to practice repeatedly drawing speed symbols.

"Oh, I made a mistake again." Murphy tapped her head with her hand. This is already how many times she made mistakes.It seems that I am really not a genius suitable for learning this talisman, but it just so happens that my body's genes are more suitable for inheritance. If there is a second choice in the family, it probably won't be my turn.

Raising his head, Mo Fei twisted his somewhat stiff neck, maintaining the same posture, and his whole body was about to turn into a log.

Mo Fei couldn't draw well for a while, so Mo Fei stood up and saw that the time was almost six o'clock, because he always had to raise his arms when drawing, so he stood up and shook his sore arms, and made some food by the way Sacrifice your five internal organs temple.

After standing up and doing a few gymnastics, I felt that my stiff body finally recovered a little, but there was a knock on the door.

Murphy wondered who might be here, and instantly thought of Yulin.

Quickly went to open the door, only to see Xiao Minyu standing at the door.

"Feifei, haven't you eaten yet? Go eat with me, it's too deserted to be alone." Seeing Mo Fei open the door, Xiao Minyu said first.

"Don't bother, you prepare so much every time you go, it's too expensive." Murphy shook his head.

"How can you think that way? Besides, the second child and the others are already doing it. Your share is already prepared. It's a waste if you don't go. Well, don't talk so much, let's go!"

Mo Fei looked at Xiao Minyu, finally agreed, turned around, went back to change his shoes, and followed Xiao Minyu downstairs.

And Yulin, who had already finished her meal, still refused to leave the window, silently waiting for the moment when Xiao Minyu might come back again.

(End of this chapter)

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