Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 192 Mutated New Species

Chapter 192 Mutated New Species
After having dinner at Xiao Minyu's house, Murphy was sent home by Xiao Minyu.

"Xiao Minyu, you don't need to invite me to dinner every day, I'm really fine." Murphy stopped downstairs and said to Xiao Minyu who sent him back.

"Feifei, come live with us!" Xiao Minyu couldn't help blurting out.

Mo Fei shook his head and declined Xiao Minyu politely.Just kidding, living with them will not expose you sooner or later.

"Since you don't want to move in together, at least it's not difficult to have a meal together like a family?" Xiao Minyu had a sly smile on his face, as if he had expected that Murphy would not agree.

Now that it's all said and done, Mo Fei naturally can't refuse, not to mention that it's a great thing to have someone to take care of the meal every day!

"Okay, but as I said earlier, I have to pay for the food!" Since there is no need to worry about whether to go or not, Murphy also joked.

Although Xiao Minyu didn't intend to charge Murphy for food, but he finally agreed and couldn't refute it, so he just smiled and said nothing.

"Go back early. It's okay for me to stay at home all day today, but it's hard for you to come back from the mission, so take a good rest." Mo Fei waved to Xiao Minyu, turned and went upstairs.

Watching Mo Fei's figure disappear at the entrance of the building, Xiao Minyu said softly, "Are you concerned about me?" There was a gentle smile on his face, and if there was someone beside him, he would definitely drown in the smile.

Turning around and returning to the villa, Man Chengbin and the others had already packed their things.

"Fifth, it's too tiring for us to toss around like this. Why don't we put it in our villa next time? If you really like Mo Fei, she will know your general situation sooner or later." Man Chengbin saw Xiao Minyu came back to remind Xiao Minyu.

"Well, I am indeed prepared to let Mo Fei get to know me, but not now. In a few days, we have something to deal with recently. After this time, I will take her to the place where we really live."

Now that his boss was ready, Man Chengbin didn't say anything more, and a few people left the villa and drove back to the jurisdiction of Xingxin Circle.

Yulin has been guarding by the window, because she is tired, she has to support her head with her hands so as not to fall asleep lying on the window sill.

Just when Yulin's elbows were already a little red, a bunch of car lights in the distance turned around.

With the help of the moonlight and headlights, Yulin could clearly see that the approaching car was the one that Xiao Minyu and the others took when they went out.

The car stopped smoothly in front of a villa in front of it, and the car drove into the garage after the people in the car got off one after another, and the person Yulin was keeping her eyes on was the returned Xiao Minyu.

"Yu, it's really you, you're really so close to me." Yulin stood up excitedly.

It's just that she forgot that she was weak in the first place, and she had been waiting by the window for so long, so she got up all of a sudden, making Yulin's feet unsteady and fell to the ground, and the chair beside her was also knocked over on the ground.

The loud noise startled Mama Feng, she saw Mama Feng rushing in quickly, and Mama Feng rushed over to help her in panic when she saw Yulin fell to the ground.

"Oh, Miss Yulin, why did you fall? If you want to move, you can call me, what should you do if you break it?"

Facing Mama Feng's panicked words, Yulin felt sore. A person who has only been with her for a few days can care so much about her. Why can't she catch Xiao Minyu's heart?Thinking in my heart, I also looked a little sad.

"Miss Yulin, is it hurting from the fall? I'll go find a doctor for you." Seeing Yulin's painful expression, Mama Feng thought that Yulin had just fallen badly, and asked with concern.

"It's okay, Mama Feng. It's my fault. I couldn't sleep and wanted to look at the stars, but I kicked a chair."

"It's fine, it's fine, it's fine, your injury is better, don't break it again, you must call me whatever you want to do in the future, and do whatever you want when you are all well, but now you have to be obedient. "Feng's mother nagged and helped Yulin to the bed.

"I know Feng's mother." Yulin nodded in response. At this moment, it seemed that she had returned to the time when her mother was still alive, nagging her that she was actually caring for herself.

"You can look at the stars at any time. I'll bring you a basin of hot water to wipe it off. Go to bed early." Mama Feng looked at Yulin's pale but beautiful face. .

After Yulin settled down, Mama Feng turned around and went out, and after a while brought a basin of hot water over for Yulin to wipe.

After Mama Feng left with the basin again, Yulin didn't get up to go to the window again. Xiao Minyu must have gone home by now, but thinking that Xiao Minyu was only one courtyard away from her, Yulin couldn't sleep peacefully because of this incident. Tossing and turning in bed.

Several days passed like this, and Murphy also stayed at home for several days because he wanted to draw the speed symbol as soon as possible.

This morning, before Murphy got up, the satellite communicator rang.Murphy half-closed his eyes and took out the satellite communicator from the side of the cabinet under his feet.


"Feifei, come to the research institute quickly." Lin Yixun's voice came from the communicator.

Mo Fei has been in contact with Lin Yixun for the past few days, firstly to tell her about Yulin, and last time he and Xiao Minyu and the others went to the labyrinth of hills and found that strange thin zombie, but no matter how hard he fought Unable to get through, Murphy estimated that Lin Yixun must have entered the research room because of some research and did not come out. In that case, even if he went in person, he might not be able to see Lin Yixun, so he could only wait for Lin Yixun to see his call notification Call yourself again.

So hearing Lin Yixun's voice, Mo Fei sat up all of a sudden: "Yixun, I happen to have something to tell you."

"Let's talk about it later, I still have something to do, come here quickly!" Lin Yixun hung up the communicator before Murphy finished speaking.

Anyway, he was going, so Murphy got up to wash up, changed his clothes and drove towards the research institute.

At the gate of the research institute, Murphy showed his pass and went upstairs.

It was not the first time that he came to the research institute, so Murphy soon came to the research room where Lin Yixun was located.

The door of the research room was not closed as usual, Lin Yixun saw Murphy at a glance: "Feifei, Feifei, come in quickly."

"Yixun, what's the rush?" Murphy walked in a few steps faster.

"Feifei, did you hear that the base got the body of a C4 zombie when the zombies attacked the city a few days ago?" Lin Yixun dragged Murphy into the room and asked.

Mo Fei said that he had heard about it, but he couldn't help complaining in his heart: It's not just about hearing about it, almost half of that C4 was killed by himself.However, it is inconvenient to publicize this kind of thing, so I have to wait for Lin Yixun's next question.

"It's good to hear about that C4 zombie. I haven't been out of the laboratory recently. The skin of that C4 zombie is too difficult to cut, and the body fluids in the body can hardly find the original human genes. It has transformed into another kind of creature." After Lin Yixun got Murphy's answer, he started talking again.

"Another kind of creature? Aren't zombies considered another kind of creature?" Murphy still had a little understanding of Lin Yixun's words.

"Of course not. From C zombies to C3 zombies, all the genes and slices can find human-like genes, that is to say, from C zombies to C3 zombies can only be said to be human variants, but C4 zombies have already changed The genes of human beings have completely changed. You must know that it is almost impossible for a species to completely change. Even if humans evolved from protozoans, it is only evolution. After such a long time, the genes can still Find something in common."

Murphy listened carefully to Lin Yixun's words, because Lin Yixun's words were relatively simple, so he understood a little bit.

"I roughly understand what you mean, but does this have anything to do with calling me here?" Murphy then brought the topic back.

"Don't mention it..." Lin Yixun sighed, and then said the matter again.

It turns out that the substance of the ginkgo tree was only found to help enhance the ability of people with supernatural powers, but recently it was suddenly discovered that these ginkgo extracts seemed to contain something that enhanced the zombie gene.In this way, some genes can be cultivated and then used as experiments to find out the final immune drug.

Therefore, the ginkgo materials used during this period are very expensive. Even though Mo Fei brought back a lot before, it was still not enough.But now he was in a hurry to study this C4 zombie that had transformed into a new species, so it was more costly, and now he had to ask Murphy to do another mission.

After Murphy understood the situation, he accepted the task, but if she didn't accept it, no one would be able to complete it.

"Then Feifei, go quickly, we are really in a hurry." Lin Yixun urged after seeing Murphy's response.

"Yixun..." Although Mo Fei knew that Lin Yixun was in a hurry to complete the task, she hadn't said anything about her yet, but he didn't know whether such a direct statement would affect Lin Yixun's subsequent experiments, so he hesitated.

"Oh, Feifei, what's wrong with you? If you have something to say, just say it, I'm really in a hurry, please, please!" Lin Yixun put his hands together and bowed to Mo Fei.

"Yixun, didn't I use the satellite contactor to find you several times before?"

"That's right! I almost forgot, what do you want from me?" Lin Yixun slapped his head. He had seen Murphy's call before, but he always had something on hand and said to put it aside for a while, and then he forgot.

Mo Fei's expression sank, and he first told Lin Yixun roughly about going out with Xiao Minyu and the others that day.

"So that thin zombie is very suspicious. I think there must be something wrong with it. It's best that the base can organize powerful people to check it again."

"Really? There are such special zombies? Okay, I'll contact you right away." Lin Yixun said as he was about to leave, but was grabbed by Mo Fei.

"Wait Yixun, I have one more thing."

"Then tell me quickly." Lin Yixun looked back at Murphy with big eyes flashing, his face full of eagerness.

Mo Fei sighed: "Yi Xun, actually another thing is..."

(End of this chapter)

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