Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 193 The Connected Valley

Chapter 193 The Connected Valley
Murphy left the institute with a heavy heart, and she felt a little uncomfortable when she drove away.

Just now, after Lin Yixun heard about Yulin's possible death, she was so surprised that she couldn't speak at first, but when she came back to her senses, she hugged Mo Fei and cried.

The other people in the harmed research room ran over when they heard the sound and didn't know what happened.

Mo Fei comforted Lin Yixun well, and his own tears were in the circles of his eyes, but life had to go on, and what Lin Yixun asked him to do for himself was also related to many people, so although Murphy felt uncomfortable, But he still decided to do the task that Lin Yixun entrusted to him today.

Thinking of the last time he said that he would call Uncle Gao Qing when he received this task, Murphy controlled the direction and drove towards Gao Qing's place.

According to memory, Murphy drove downstairs to Gao Qing's house, got out of the car and went upstairs to knock on the door, but no one opened after knocking for a long time.

"It seems that Uncle Gao is out on a mission again." While speaking, Mo Fei walked downstairs and got into the car again. Because most of his things were in the storage amulet, he didn't have anything to go back to get, so the car went all the way. He drove to the gate of the outer city of the star base without stopping. After passing through, Mo Fei began to set a rough route.

After setting the route of the car, Mo Fei didn't care about it anymore, and the days of working, eating and chatting with Yulin came to the fore again.

In the past few days, Mo Fei immersed himself in drawing talismans in order not to think about it deliberately, but telling Lin Yixun just now undoubtedly revealed the sadness that was originally covered up.

Tears flowed down his cheeks uncontrollably.

Murphy, who fell into memory, soon arrived at the mountainous area accompanied by tears.

After entering the mountainous area, it was necessary to switch to manual driving, so Mo Fei stopped the car, wiped away his tears, restarted the car and drove towards the mountainous area.

When driving through two curves, Murphy's eyes couldn't help looking towards the side road where he met the group of zombies last time. There was nothing clean on the side road, as if there had never been a large group of zombies passing by.

Although the surroundings were quiet, Murphy didn't dare to take it lightly. You must know that what appeared here last time was not just a simple one, but a group of zombies.Among them were C2 zombies and C3 zombies, so even though Murphy had walked this road many times, he still looked around cautiously.

However, Mo Fei didn't encounter anything along the way. He arrived at the place where he could go down to the valley very smoothly, and slid down the road he had stepped on.

After descending the slope, Murphy ran in the direction of the ginkgo tree. At this time, he was more certain that he must learn the speed talisman.

However, Murphy, who is already at a stable level, has a physique that has surpassed the level of ordinary people. Even those sprint champions before the end of the world come to compete with her, and I am afraid that there is no big problem.

After running all the way to the target location, Murphy gasped for breath and took a rest.After drinking some water, Mo Fei raised his head and looked up. He jumped up and activated the flying talisman at the same time, and the whole person flew up as if gravity was reversed.

After falling steadily on the branch, Mo Fei pulled out the tools and began to harvest the branches and leaves of the ginkgo tree.

Adhering to the principle of taking a little bit from each tree, Murphy changed one tree after another. Because of the improvement of physique, not only the speed, but also the strength became greater, so it was very easy to cut down, and he collected them in a short time. There are almost half a car of ginkgo trees.

After putting away the tools, Mo Fei saw that it was still early and took out something to eat. Sitting on a tall ginkgo tree, Mo Fei took a breath of fresh air and bit the food he took out.

While eating happily, Mo Fei looked around, but suddenly found that there was a piece of withered yellow grass at the entrance of a turning hill in the distance.

Mo Fei couldn't help but stop eating, and carefully looked in that direction with his eyes.With further confirmation, Murphy's eyes couldn't help but light up, and after finishing the food in his hands in two or three bites, Murphy slid down the tree and came to the ground.

If ordinary people came here and saw this piece of withered and yellow grass, they would definitely think it was dead grass, but Mo Fei followed her father in and out of the cultivation room of Mo's flowers and plants since she was a child, and she recognized this grass at a glance.

Running all the way forward, Mo Fei turned over two small hills before arriving at this desolate-looking dry grassland.

Mo Fei squatted down and looked at the withered and yellow plants in front of him, feeling a lot of familiar warmth in his heart.

After looking at it for a long time, Mo Fei decided to take one back. He took out a small shovel from the storage talisman, and at the edge of the edge of the withered grass, he gestured the length of the withered grass with his hands, and then used his hands to After measuring on the ground, the shovel shoveled down the edge after the measurement.

As the shovel went deeper into the soil, Mo Fei gently twisted the handle of the shovel, and the soil loosened a little, making Mo Fei's eyes narrow.

After deftly loosening the soil, Mo Fei turned his wrist, and a whole piece of root and soil was dug out.

However, Mo Fei was not in a hurry to put the things away, but tapped lightly on the roots with a shovel, and the soil fell down piece by piece.

When all the clods fell, the rhizome of the withered and yellow plant also revealed its original appearance.

A black hexagonal rhizome that looks like a cold gem in the dark night, it would not be an exaggeration to compare it to a dark diamond.

This is one of the necessary extracts when Mo's Enterprise cultivated and purified flowers and plants: cold night grass.

This kind of plant is very good at camouflage. It looks like a piece of dry grass, and it grows together, but it really has a rhizome, that is, cold night grass. There is only one plant in a piece, and this plant is also called the mother plant. .

Once the cold night grass around the mother plant is the first to be destroyed, the mother plant will quickly cut off the meridians connected to its rhizome, and then dive into the deeper soil until the next time there is a suitable living environment. grow into one piece.

Therefore, those who collect cold night grass usually bring instruments to dig.

But that was someone else, and it was an easy task for Murphy, who had watched his father do it since he was a child.At that time, in the cultivation room of Mo's Enterprise, dozens of mother plants of nightweed were cultivated.

Putting the shovel away, Murphy turned the root upside down: "It's such a big cold night grass, Dad will be very happy if he sees it." Murphy blurted out unconsciously, but immediately remembered that his father had passed away a long time ago, and The group of people who robbed Mo's company no longer studied flowers and plants, but used the name of Mo's group to carry out other projects.

Mo Fei carefully put the cold night grass into the storage talisman, and then prepared to leave and return to the base.

But the scene in the distance made her feel very familiar. Walking along the edge, Mo Fei looked at the strips of stones lying horizontally and a twisted hammer on the ground, and then looked up along the stone wall , it was the hole that she and Xiao Minyu came to after wandering around after getting lost while investigating the zombie base camp that day.

In other words, the place where she saw the group of C1 C2 C3 zombies surrounding a thin zombie that day was where she was standing.

Murphy's body broke out in a cold sweat, and he looked around, hoping that he hadn't been ambushed, otherwise it would be difficult for him to escape all the giant zombies from this single-exit valley by himself.

Thinking of this, Murphy didn't stay any longer, and quickly ran out along the way he came.

Just when Murphy was about to leave, a huge C2 zombie got out of the cave entrance on the side when he came in, and strode towards Murphy head-on.

Although it was only a C2 zombie, Murphy didn't intend to fight.You must know that there may be higher-level zombies hidden here, and the consequence of delaying time is that more zombies may be ushered in.

While running, Murphy activated the flying talisman, jumped onto the cliff next to him, and then moved forward while grabbing the edge of the cliff with both hands.

The C2 zombie didn't expect the prey in front of it to jump to such a high place all of a sudden, turned around and slammed into the rock wall, trying to shake Murphy off the cliff.

However, Murphy's hands were firmly digging at the edge of the cliff, and the flying talisman had not yet expired, so Murphy could still use the flying talisman to move forward.

It's just that the C2 zombie, who couldn't catch Murphy, seemed a little annoyed. It stopped hitting and kept retreating until it reached the rock wall on the other side of the valley. There was also a loud roar.

Seeing the posture of the C2 zombie, Murphy quickly crawled forward with both hands and feet, trying to get rid of the C2 zombie as soon as possible.

The roar of the C2 zombie also alarmed the other zombies that were originally in the cave. At this moment, two other giant C2 zombies and a C3 zombie have already shaken out of the cave.

Seeing this situation, Murphy was once again thankful that he didn't stay below to confront the C2 zombie just now, otherwise, facing so many giant zombies at the same time, he might not even have the space to fly to the cliff.

But this is not the time to be emotional, Murphy used his ability to run desperately along the cliff, because the first flight of his flying talisman will be over in 3 minutes. Although there is only 1 minute before the next opening, within 1 minute, I am afraid that I have been shaken off the cliff by this group of crazy giant zombies.

As several zombies attacked the cliff in turn, the soil on the cliff mixed with stones kept falling on Murphy, but also because of the attacks of several giant zombies, a large amount of soil fell off the cave where they were located.

At this time, a scene that surprised Murphy beyond compare appeared.

A dozen or so C2 zombies and a few C3 zombies kept running out of the hole.And finally, a C4 zombie walked out of the cave gently holding the thin zombie in its hand. As soon as the C4 zombie appeared, his eyes locked on Murphy who was lying on the cliff, and he gently put the thin zombie in his hand on the stone beside him, and the giant armored C4 zombie turned around to face the cliff A howl.

(End of this chapter)

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