Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 195 Confession

Chapter 195 Confession
The man's voice interrupted the conversation between Murphy and Lin Yixun, and the two looked at the door at the same time.

"Uncle Wan, you're back." Lin Yixun respectfully said to the person at the door, and then introduced to Mo Fei: "Uncle Wan, this is..."

Before he finished speaking, the middle-aged man interrupted Lin Yixun: "Yixun, help me find my notebook, I have something else to do, and besides, you will come to my laboratory later, I will There is something new in the culture fluid here." The middle-aged man stopped Lin Yixun's words, obviously not wanting to get in touch with Mo Feiduo.

"Oh, let me take a look!" Seeing the middle-aged man interrupting her, Lin Yixun responded with a bit of embarrassment on her face, then turned and walked towards the table next to the cabinet.

Murphy has been watching Lin Yixun's actions, and saw that the paper notebook was closed by Lin Yixun and handed it to the middle-aged man: "Dr. Wan, your notebook." Lin Yixun called it unfamiliar Let Mo Fei know that Lin Yixun is dissatisfied with the middle-aged man's contempt for Mo Fei, but he can't complain for some reason, and can only show it through the change of address.

The middle-aged man still didn't change his expression after hearing Lin Yixun's address, took the paper notebook and left.

After the middle-aged man left, Mo Fei came over: "Yi Xun, who is that person?"

"That person is a big celebrity in the Star Base Research Institute, Dr. Wan Qiang, who is also the main person in charge of the Sunny Project." Lin Yixun replied with curled lips.This Dr. Wan Qiang is good at everything, but he is a bit arrogant.

"Is that notebook his? It's rare to see people using paper notebooks now!" After listening to Lin Yixun's introduction, Mo Fei nodded slightly and asked again. This was the main reason for her inquiry.

"Well, that book records various researches on purification in great detail. It has always been a treasure that Dr. Wan Qiang carries with him, but there are many strange symbols on it. Occasionally we need some information, and he will bring them over, but Just for our reference for a while, I will take it back, for fear that someone will snatch his book."

When it comes to that notebook, Lin Yixun is full of complaints. The people in the laboratory have always wanted to study the contents carefully, but that Dr. Wan has always refused to show them the entire contents of the notebook.

So every time I borrow it for research, Dr. Wan will follow me.But when Dr. Wan came over, he would arrange meetings most of the time. Every time people in the research room touched the notebooks, the time could be counted in seconds. This was also the main reason for Lin Yixun's complaints.

Murphy was thinking while listening to Lin Yixun's complaints. She also had many doubts about that person.

"By the way, Feifei, do you have some important business to stay and wait for me?" After Lin Yixun complained, she finally remembered Murphy's original intention of staying and waiting for her.

"There is indeed a very strange thing." Murphy put aside the thoughts about the notebook just now, sorted out what he had experienced before, and then said about the group of giant zombies treating the thin zombies.

Of course, when Mo Fei said it himself, he said that after cutting the ginkgo branches and leaves, he was resting on the nearby mountain bag, and he turned over the mountain bag and saw it from the mountain when he heard some movement.Otherwise, she couldn't say that she flew there!
Lin Yixun couldn't help being surprised when he heard Murphy say that those giant zombies actually fed a zombie that looked like C zombie.Afterwards, Lin Yixun chased after Mo Fei and asked several questions. Although Mo Fei explained the details clearly, Mo Fei naturally didn't know the reason, otherwise he wouldn't have come to discuss with Lin Yixun.

"Feifei, your information is too important. I will contact you immediately to investigate. However, no one else can get into your position. You may need to help when the time comes."

"No problem, I also want to know why that thin zombie is so special, that's all, I have nothing else to do, so I'll go back first."

Mo Fei said goodbye to Lin Yixun and walked out of the research institute. When he reached the lobby, he saw Lei Sen walking in.

Because there were still a few steps to go downstairs, Murphy lowered his head and pretended not to see him going forward.

But Lei Sen, who just passed by Murphy, suddenly turned around: "Murphy."

Mo Fei sighed in his heart: I was really afraid of something, I didn't want to see this person at all.Of course, it's not that he hates Lei Sen, but that Murphy is really worried about being caught out of the mecha by Lei Sen before he has the ability to protect himself.

But Lei Sen had already spoken, so Murphy could only turn around and smile all over his face: "Captain Lei, I'm sorry, I was thinking about something and didn't see you."

Lei Sen didn't care. He just looked at Murphy and asked, "You didn't say who the armorer you knew was last time because people disturbed you."

When Murphy guessed that Lei Sen was going to ask this question, he had a big headache, but he could only truthfully say: "That's right, I have a relative who is a famous armor maker, but I just listened to it like everyone else. Said, because our relationship is not harmonious at all, so I just know that he came to work at the star base before the end of the world, and I don't know anything else."

Lei Sen nodded: "The armorers have gotten to know each other quite well. Give me the name of your relative, and I will ask him."

"Okay, but don't mention me, our relationship is really bad." Mo Fei warned, it's not that Mo Fei is afraid of them, but the faces of those people Mo Fei will never forget for the rest of his life.

Lei Sen looked at Murphy thoughtfully, and finally nodded: "Okay, I promise you, just tell me!"

Mo Fei then said: "His name is Mo Qisheng, have you heard of the title of child prodigy armor maker? He has been involved in mecha repair since he was 15 years old, and he often pointed out some problems straight to the point. In the experimental class of the university, I assembled a mecha model with the existing parts, even the inner core is almost the same."

When Murphy said this, he couldn't help being a little involved, but it was nothing else, because this cousin was also the only one in the Mo family who didn't do anything evil to her.

Although there was no bitterness or hatred, even when those people came to carve up the company, that budding cousin even offered to help. It's just that he was a soft-spoken person at the time. Later, after he became famous, he wanted to find Murphy, but was rejected. Murphy refused, because other people in his family, especially Mo Zhengming, who was Uncle Murphy and his cousin's father, really made it impossible for Murphy to get closer to this cousin.

But also because of this, Murphy also paid attention to the affairs of this cousin who became more and more famous later on, so he knew this.

"Oh, it turned out to be him, well, I see, I will go to him to find out."

Lei Sen didn't expect that Mo Fei would actually be a member of Mo's Enterprise. You must know that although Mo's Enterprise has regressed in recent years, it is still a well-known large enterprise. Of course, these people were naturally treated well in the early days of the end. In addition, many members of the Mo family have also obtained good jobs in government departments, so now basically there is no such misery as Murphy.

Seeing that Murphy had nothing to say, Lei Sen didn't ask any further questions. After all, this was Murphy's privacy.

Of course, if Lei Sen knew that the person who had the special mech and the magical talisman was the poor little girl Murphy in front of him, he might feel that his idea was very unreliable.

"Captain Lei, that's all I know." Murphy felt that Lei Sen had been staring at him. Could there be some loopholes in what he said?But after thinking about it again and again, he didn't feel that there was anything wrong, so he boldly replied.

"Well, you just came back from the mission last night, right? Then go back and rest, don't worry, I won't mention you." Lei Sen gave Murphy a reassurance, then turned and continued to walk into the building.

After Lei Sen left, Murphy breathed a sigh of relief, then turned around and walked outside.

Murphy drove all the way back to his residence in Xingmin Circle. As soon as he went upstairs and saw Yulin's room, Murphy was in a daze for a while.

Sighing, Murphy took the key and turned to his apartment.


Suddenly there was a shout behind Mo Fei, and Mo Fei recognized that it was Xiao Minyu, so he stopped entering the room and turned around: "Xiao Minyu, what's wrong?"

"Feifei, I'm going to do a mission tomorrow, and it's the United Mech Team. Come over for dinner tonight. I want to tell you something." Xiao Minyu stared at Mo Fei for a while and then said.

"United mecha team? Is it a big task?" Mo Fei asked immediately after hearing this. Seeing Lei Sen rushing to the office area today, it seemed that something was up.

"I don't know yet. It is said that I will dispatch the mission tomorrow to prepare and leave the day after tomorrow, but I will be very busy at night, so I may not have time to come to you, so there is something I want to tell you tonight."

Xiao Minyu's face was full of sincerity, and Mo Fei was embarrassed to refuse.

In fact, ever since she saw the paper notebook in Lin Yixun's office today, her mind has been in a mess. Originally, Mo Fei wanted to tidy it up at home, but seeing Xiao Minyu's eyes, especially tomorrow he wants to Going out to do big tasks, Murphy still nodded in agreement.

"Great, I'll go back and tidy up first, and I'll pick you up later." Seeing that Mo Fei agreed, Xiao Minyu had a burst of joy on his face, and then he was about to leave.

"Xiao Minyu, don't come to pick me up, I'll walk over by myself, it's not far away."

"No, I'll pick you up, wait for me, I'll be there on time at 06:30." Xiao Minyu said, the person had already walked downstairs, only the voice could be heard but no one could be seen.

Mo Fei smiled and shook his head, but he felt lucky to know such a good friend.

He retreated back into the house and changed the dirty clothes on his body. Today, he has been climbing trees, mountains, and flying cliffs. His body is either mud or dirt, so Mo Fei needs to clean himself up first.

At this time, in the cave next to the canyon that Mophy visited today, the zombies are very busy. If anyone is here at this time, they will be surprised to find that the thin zombie is eating big mouthfuls of something similar to his own body. The corpse of a huge mutant beast that didn't match at all, and the C4 zombie was still standing next to it.

 Recently, Calvin, I hope to get everyone's encouragement
(End of this chapter)

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