Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 196 The Seed of Hatred

Chapter 196 The Seed of Hatred

Xiao Minyu arrived at Murphy's downstairs 5 minutes before 06:30 on time, and Murphy hurriedly went downstairs to get on the bus.

The two drove all the way forward, but Murphy found that they had already passed Xiao Minyu's single-family villa in Orange District.

"Xiao Minyu, have we already driven?" Mo Fei looked at Xiao Minyu who was driving and asked.

"Feifei, I'm sorry, I don't know how to say it now, I will explain it to you in a while." Xiao Minyu said and continued to drive the car forward.

As soon as I saw it, I drove to the door of the star circle.

"Xiao Minyu, you are crazy. We can't get in without a pass." Mo Fei rolled her eyes helplessly. Although she had one, she really couldn't understand why she wanted to enter the star circle.

Xiao Minyu didn't answer. After reaching the door, Xiao Minyu swiped the sign on the card reader for the entrance, and the blocking bar was raised.

Under Mo Fei's puzzled eyes, Xiao Minyu drove the car to the jurisdiction of Star Heart Circle.

"Xiao Minyu, you'd better explain in detail later." After seeing Xiao Minyu swiping his card to enter the jurisdiction, Mo Fei's face darkened.

"Feifei, don't be angry. I didn't mean to hide it from you. I'll explain it clearly when I sit down later." Xiao Minyu replied cautiously like a child who did something wrong.

Mo Fei glanced at Xiao Minyu and turned his head away, the car continued to drive forward, and Mo Fei saw the villa where Lei Sen lived. She had been here last time, because the entrance was too plain, so it was very rare in the luxurious villa area. Easy to recognize.

Murphy glanced at the window on the second floor. There was a light on there. It seemed that Captain Lei had also returned.

After bypassing Leisen's villa and walking a little further, the car finally stopped in front of a very elegantly decorated but not luxurious villa.

"Feifei is here, let's get out of the car!" Xiao Minyu looked at Mo Fei, but he knew that his explanation now might arouse Mo Fei's disgust, so he didn't say much.

Mo Fei looked up at where they were, and since they had arrived, he simply got out of the car and listened to Xiao Minyu's explanation.

After opening the door and getting off the car, Murphy followed Xiao Minyu to the front of the house.

At this time, Yulin was standing in front of the window waiting for Xiao Minyu's arrival. Usually Xiao Minyu would go out with Man Chengbin and the others and return together, but today only Man Chengbin and others came back first, and Xiao Minyu didn't know where he went alone. .

Because she wanted to see Xiao Minyu and was worried about Xiao Minyu, Yulin stayed by the window until now.

Finally found Xiao Minyu's other car coming from a distance, Yulin's heart was pounding with excitement.

However, when she saw Murphy stepping down from the co-pilot, and Xiao Minyu hurriedly followed and opened the door for Murphy, something in Yulin's heart seemed to be torn apart.

The scene in front of her made her never imagined.

"Murphy, you are really my good sister. You have not changed since I disappeared, and you even seduced the man I love. Murphy, you are really a good friend, a good sister!" Yulin glared at Mo Fei. Fei and Xiao Minyu chanted at the door where they disappeared.

While thinking about it, Yulin suddenly burst out laughing.

"Miss Yulin, what's the matter with you?" Mama Feng couldn't help but ran in when she heard the laughter from the outside. For so many days, this Miss Yulin had never laughed out loud, let alone the loud laughter. normal.

"Feng Ma, I'm hungry, I want to eat." Yulin put away her laughter and turned to Feng Ma with a smile on her face.

"Okay, I'll prepare it right away." Mama Feng happily replied. These days, she always eats it by herself, and she never says anything wrong. Today, she finally wants to eat by herself.

Seeing Feng's mother turned and left with joy on her face, Yulin's face flashed a trace of sternness, yes, I can't go on being so decadent anymore, I have to recover and become stronger: "Murphy, I will remember all of this. "

Mo Fei followed Xiao Minyu into the villa. The decoration style of the villa was quite similar to Xiao Minyu's. It was very elegant but unassuming. It looked calm but every detail was very delicate.

Man Chengbin and the others stood by the table, while the servants were busy.

Mo Fei only now understands that it's no wonder she's always been surprised that these big men are not only good at craftsmanship, but also very neat in cleaning up. It turns out that those things were not prepared by Man Chengbin and the others, but were basically made by these servants.

Seeing Mo Fei looking around up and down, Xiao Minyu coughed slightly in embarrassment: "Hmm! Don't stand still, let's eat first!"

Mo Fei thought for a while, she must have heard the reason for coming, but she was already hungry after a busy day, and she didn't come to suffer, so she walked over to her seat unceremoniously.

After finding a seat to sit, Xiao Minyu thoughtfully helped Mo Fei open the chair, and then sat down next to Mo Fei.

The rest of the people also sat down, and the servants began to open the dishes one by one.

Xiao Minyu poured a glass of red wine for Mo Fei: "Feifei, first apologize for my concealment from you, and we will talk about the explanation after dinner, but I didn't mean it."

Xiao Minyu paid a respect to Mo Fei, and then drank it down: "This glass is my apology wine, I will do it first."

Murphy also picked up the wine glass: "If the answer is satisfactory.

Hearing Mo Fei's answer, Xiao Minyu knew that he still had hope: "I will definitely report the truth."

After that, several people finished their meal in a fairly harmonious atmosphere, and then Man Chengbin, Geng Yunwei, Meng Zhibo, and Fang Xingping left the stage tactfully, leaving only Murphy and Xiao Minyu.

"Now that we've finished eating and drinking, shouldn't we talk about the topic?" Murphy sat down on the sofa, scooped a piece of ice cream into his mouth and asked.

"Okay, let me start with the first time we met!" Xiao Minyu sat across from Mo Fei and said while watching Mo Fei sip the ice cream into his mouth.

Xiao Minyu started talking about seeing Mo Fei, they actually went to Cang Base for a mission, but they didn't expect to encounter such a thing, because they wanted to leave from the side because they were rushing back to the star base, but they didn't expect to meet Murphy, because Also going to the Star Base, Murphy was alone again, so he decided to take her with him.

Xiao Minyu kept talking about that after returning to the star base, although he separated from Murphy, he looked for her many times, but for some reason he always missed and waited to say it again.Then they also said that they were members of the special operations team.

"That's why we live here. The outside is our cover, but it really belongs to our villa. In fact, there is a reason why I didn't tell you the truth. After all, we are a special operations team. We can't tell others easily with our normal identities. I didn’t say I’m really sorry, but I really feel for you and you should feel it, I hope you can understand.”

Mo Fei stared at Xiao Minyu's eyes for a while again: "I can understand what you said, but since you want to hide that you are a member of the special operations team, why are you telling me now?"

Xiao Minyu knew that Mo Fei was a smart girl, now that Mo Fei asked, Xiao Min Yu stood up from the sofa he was sitting on and walked to Mo Fei: "Fei Fei, this is another thing I want to tell you today .”

"Xiao Minyu, don't you have too many secrets?" Murphy couldn't help but said when he heard that there was something else.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Minyu knelt down in front of Mo Fei on one knee.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Murphy stood up in shock.

"Feifei, I like you. Although it is due to professional restrictions, I want to confess to the person I like, and I also believe that you will not talk nonsense to the outside world. I hope you can give me a chance." Xiao Minyu finished speaking in one breath. Standing up, he stared at Murphy.

This series of words made Murphy a little overwhelmed. Although it was not the first time she had heard the confession, in the context of the end of the world, Murphy had never considered such a thing. What she thought about most every day was how to improve herself The ability to allow oneself to live longer and better in the last days.

Seeing that Mo Fei didn't answer, Xiao Minyu continued: "Feifei, don't refuse in a hurry, think about it carefully, okay? There won't be any harm if we are together. On the contrary, you can use this as a cover to avoid some annoying people. people."

When talking about avoiding some annoying people, Mo Fei subconsciously looked up at Xiao Minyu.

Seeing that Mo Fei was touched, Xiao Minyu continued: "Actually, I didn't fail every time I went to find you. Once you came back from a mission, I just saw you and chased after you, but a car stopped you. I see That person was very arrogant when he came down, and I wanted to teach him a lesson, but the guy named Lei from Mecha Team..."

When Xiao Minyu said this, Mo Fei knew it was that time, the time he met Gu Huaiyuan on the road after returning to the base, so Xiao Minyu also saw that time.

"Feifei, that Gu Huaiyuan happened to be assigned to the special operations team. Of course, his rank is much lower than ours, so I deliberately asked him to give him some trivial tasks so that he can't bother you. I really appreciate you. Carefully, I also hope you can understand my heart."

Xiao Minyu's words did not leave Mo Fei untouched. In such an apocalyptic world, who would do many things for a stranger, not even relatives.

Recalling the journey from Cang Base to Star Base, although Xiao Minyu was in his car uninvited, he was indeed helping.


Xiao Minyu's call made Mo Fei stop his thoughts and slowly raised his head: "I have to think about it again, can you give me some time?"

Seeing that Mo Fei didn't immediately refuse, Xiao Minyu showed a smile on his face: "Of course, this is absolutely necessary. In addition, I want to say that I won't interfere with your affairs too much. At that time, you can choose to live in the jurisdiction or not." It doesn't matter if you live in the Orange District or the Seablue District of the Xingmin Circle." Xiao Minyu added another layer of bargaining chips so that Mo Fei would not be burdened.

As soon as the words were finished, before Murphy could answer anything, Man Chengbin and the others hurried down from upstairs: "Old Wu, the higher-ups have come to inform you that the situation has changed."

(End of this chapter)

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