Chapter 197

Hearing that Man Chengbin said that there was another news from above and that the situation had changed, Xiao Minyu quickly turned to look at Man Chengbin.

"What's the situation?"

"I don't know. I just said that the situation has changed. Today, we will hold a meeting overnight. It seems that we are going to leave early. We will leave at around 10 o'clock tomorrow morning." Man Chengbin replied truthfully with the order.

"What time is the meeting?" Xiao Minyu then asked.

"It's scheduled for 10:30 in the meeting room on the third floor of the office area." Man Chengbin also reported the time to Xiao Minyu.

Xiao Minyu raised his wrist and looked at the time: "There is still some time, you go directly, I will send Feifei home first."

"You don't need to send me home, just take me out of the jurisdiction and I'll walk back by myself." Murphy quickly shied away, seeing that it should be a more urgent matter, otherwise the meeting would not be held overnight.

"It's okay, there's enough time, I don't worry about letting you go back by yourself so late, let's go!" Xiao Minyu picked up the single coat that was on the sofa and put it on Mo Fei, then pushed Mo Fei towards the door.

When Mo Fei arrived at the door, he turned his head and waved goodbye to Man Cheng Bin and the others, and then left the villa.

Xiao Minyu sent Mo Fei home. After watching Mo Fei go upstairs, he drove straight to the office area of ​​the Star Soul Circle for a meeting.When Xiao Minyu arrived, there were already many people sitting in the room.

While finding a place to sit down, the commander of the star base also walked in and began to arrange the situation of tomorrow's mission.

Murphy returned to her residence and lay on the bed after taking a shower. What happened just now was a bit sudden, and she still feels that what happened just now was a bit unreal.

I would never have thought that Xiao Minyu would confess his love to him. Was it because he was too slow to react?Why haven't found it before.

Although Mo Fei had been in a relationship with Gu Huaiyuan before, in fact, Mo Fei didn't understand feelings at all, because Gu Huaiyuan had been chasing her in a high-profile way before, and everyone from teachers, students to cleaners knew that Gu Huaiyuan was chasing Murphy. This also caused Murphy to be envied by his roommates all day long.

Thinking about it this way, I was able to agree at the time that it might have something to do with such high-pressure emotions.But Xiao Minyu was asking for his own consent this time, which made Mo Fei not know how to deal with it.

"Oh, I'm so annoying!" Mo Fei turned over from the bed, he couldn't figure it out, so he just didn't think about it, let's talk about Xiao Minyu's performance later!

Thinking of this, Mo Fei calmed down on the bed and began to practice Qi.

The breath flowed along Murphy's body little by little. It seems that flying on the cliff with nervousness today made the breath in Murphy's body more solid.

After a lap, Mo Fei fell asleep satisfied, because she had to go to the laboratory to find Lin Yixun tomorrow morning.

Early the next morning, Murphy received a notice from Lin Yixun, asking her to pack her things before going to the research institute.

Mo Fei collected her things and went downstairs. There was already a car from the research institute downstairs to pick her up. After picking her up, Murphy drove directly to the research institute.

"Feifei, some information came back from the satellite signal of the investigation team of the star base last night. It seems that there was a strong fluctuation. I don't know what the situation is, but the higher-ups hope that this operation can be advanced, so we will set off today, and we will act together with you in a while. The staff will gather in the lobby downstairs, and I will tell them to take care of your safety." Lin Yixun said a little worriedly.

"Okay, Yixun, you don't know me yet. I'm not so lucky." Mo Fei smiled at Lin Yixun, hoping she wouldn't worry too much.

"Understood, you are the best! By the way, if you have a chance, help me get some ginkgo branches back. I will tell the two team leaders this time. If you have a chance, bring some back. If you don't have it, forget it." Safety first." Lin Yixun began to think about the test items after admonishing Murphy.

"There are two team leaders?" Murphy couldn't help asking strangely.

"There's a reason for it, but it doesn't hinder their cooperation. After all, both of them are very powerful and know the pros and cons." Lin Yixun replied without any surprise.

When the two were talking, the downstairs had already assembled, but the atmosphere between the two teams was really not very good.

"Dr. Lin, the people below have assembled, let's go down!" A staff member ran up to report to Lin Yixun.

"Let's go, Feifei, let's go down." Lin Yixun stretched out his arm and walked downstairs with Murphy on his arm.

Murphy and Lin Yixun hadn't finished walking down the stairs when two voices appeared from below at the same time.



Murphy was whispering this to Lin Yixun, and only now did he notice when he heard the shouts. It was none other than Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen who called him downstairs.

"Eh..." Mo Fei was stunned for a moment, then turned to look at Lin Yixun: "Yixun, the two team leaders you mentioned, can't they be them?"

"That's right, it's them, Captain Lei Sen of the Mecha Team, and Xiao Minyu, captain of the Special Operations Team. Although I don't know exactly how the members of the Special Operations Team are arranged, but this time it is Captain Xiao who leads the team. But having said that, , Feifei, why do they all know you?"

Lin Yixun first explained and then asked in doubt.

"It's a long story, and I'll explain it to you later." Murphy didn't know what to say for a while, but it was obvious that the task was more important now.

It was only now that Mo Fei remembered that Man Chengbin had clearly said last night that their mission the day after tomorrow had been changed to today, and the time for assembly was indeed nearly ten o'clock, but he was a little confused by Xiao Minyu's confession at the time, Didn't think about it at all.

Lin Yixun didn't continue to ask Murphy, it was really not a good time to talk in detail: "Today's task was released by our research institute, but it is about the whole base. It's clear. Now that the two team leaders know the guides of our mission, I won't make any more introductions. I hope you two can protect Murphy's safety. In addition, if possible, you can bring back some ginkgo Branches are better, but only when safety comes first."

Lin Yixun quickly explained what he had to do, and then let Mo Fei choose the vehicle he wanted to take.

Without thinking about it, Xiao Minyu stepped forward and pulled Mo Fei over: "Dr. Lin, don't worry, I will take full responsibility for her safety." Then he looked down at Mo Fei: "Fei Fei sit with me."

Murphy has no objection to riding with Xiao Minyu, firstly, he is very familiar with Xiao Minyu and Man Chengbin, and secondly, it will be relatively safer to go with them.So Murphy just nodded without saying a word.

On the other hand, Lei Sen nodded when he saw that Mo Fei didn't say anything, and couldn't help but look at Mo Fei more, and then at Xiao Minyu holding Mo Fei's hand, turning around and walking towards his Silver Wing parked outside.

Mo Fei waved to Lin Yixun, and then got into Xiao Minyu's car.

After the convoy started, Lin Yixun looked at the convoy leaving with a puzzled face, then shrugged and returned to his laboratory.

"Feifei, I didn't expect that we are really destined. Today's mission guide is actually you." Xiao Minyu was in a particularly good mood at this time, not only because he saw Murphy today, but also because he asked to ride with Murphy, and Murphy did not refuse at all. , which shows whether Murphy agreed to his own request yesterday.

Mo Fei had already sat down firmly, and only after hearing Xiao Minyu's question did he speak: "Maybe, what's the matter with the team leader?"

Only then did Xiao Minyu realize that when he confessed yesterday, he sounded like he was just an ordinary member, but today he was found to be the team leader...

After realizing this, Xiao Minyu's attitude was not as complacent as before, and his face instantly became depressed: "Feifei, listen to my explanation."

"Don't talk, I'll squint for a while." After finishing speaking, Murphy moved his head closer to the front and shouted at Geng Yunwei who was driving: "Brother Geng, do you know the road from here to the southwest entrance of the mountain?"

"Well, I know."

"Just drive along the road, call me again when you get to the entrance over there, and I'll tell you how to get there."

"Okay, I see." Geng Yunwei responded.

"Feifei, I..." Xiao Minyu waited for Mo Fei to finish speaking before speaking again.

"Shhh, if you stay quiet for a while, I'll listen to your explanation when I get back. Others had better take a break too, otherwise they won't be able to keep up with it." Murphy stopped Xiao Minyu from speaking again, and took out a set of clothes from his backpack It was rolled up and stuffed next to the seat, then leaned on it and squinted.

Xiao Minyu had no choice but to sit down, and at the same time looked at several people around, signaling them to rest too.

"Feifei, we've arrived at the entrance of the mountain." Mo Fei, who had slept for a while, was jolted awake by Xiao Minyu who was beside her.

"Have you arrived yet? Second Brother Man and I will change seats! I'm going to see the road." After Mo Fei opened his eyes and looked around, he said to Man Chengbin who was sitting in the co-pilot.

Man Cheng Bin never procrastinated when it came to business, and quickly stood up from the co-pilot's seat, while Murphy also moved forward.

After the two exchanges, Murphy began to teach Geng Yunwei how to drive.

However, just as the car drove into the mountainous area, a huge falling rock appeared not far away.

Mo Fei looked at the huge falling rock with some headaches. It was the same before. When he came here, these things never happened, but every time he brought people over, some accidents would happen.

Fortunately, because of the previous situation, the people in the command department also took this into consideration, so they arranged for the mecha team to act together. Now that there was a rockfall, Lei Sen in the silver wing mecha naturally bore the brunt and landed the silver wing on the ground. In front of the boulder, he joined forces with the other two mechas to push the falling rock away.

The road was clear, and the people on this mission continued to move forward.

Looking at the tall mecha standing beside him, Murphy put his mind away again. He must be careful about what he says in this mission, and he must not let Leisen find out about his mecha.

Having made up his mind, Murphy continued to look forward, and at the same time kept reminding Geng Yunwei of the direction of the road.

(End of this chapter)

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