Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 198 Opening up a new path

Chapter 198 Opening up a new path
There were many situations along the way, but fortunately, the situations were not serious.With this group of elite troops and the breakthrough of the mecha team, there is no damage.

Seeing that he was about to reach the downhill position, Murphy saw the fork in the road again.

It was from here that he bumped into the group of giant zombies for the first time and found the strange thin zombie. It's hard to say that this road is the shortcut to the canyon.It is necessary to climb the mountain from the ginkgo tree, so I don't know if it will work here.

However, it is impossible for Murphy to let the large army collectively take risks, so it is still necessary to ask for opinions at this time.

"Brother Geng, can you stop for a moment?" Murphy turned his head and shouted towards Geng Yunwei in the cab.

"Are you there?" Xiao Minyu in the back row looked around and asked.

"No, but I want to explore another way. I need to discuss this matter with Captain Lei." Murphy glanced at Xiao Minyu in the back row and replied.

"Just say it directly, and I'll inform him." Xiao Minyu was a little uncomfortable that Mo Fei wanted to discuss this matter with Lei Sen. Before, he thought that Lei Sen and Murphy had something to do, but later gradually realized that they were not in fact. Not very familiar, Xiao Minyu and Lei Sen didn't get along at first, so Xiao Minyu didn't want Murphy to have any contact with Lei Sen.

"Let me go, I still have to show the way." Murphy was surprised when he was upstairs, because he heard from Lin Yixun that the two team leaders of this mission were at odds, but he didn't know it at the time. It was just Lei Sen and Xiao Minyu, but seeing Xiao Minyu's attitude at this moment, Mo Fei also felt something different.

"Then I'll go with you!" Although Xiao Minyu was dissatisfied with Lei Sen, what Mo Fei said was right. Now only Mo Fei knows the way to get there, and the overall situation should be put first.

Mo Fei didn't refuse. She didn't really want to have too much contact with Lei Sen because of the mecha, but she could only discuss with Lei Sen for the mission. It would be better to have Xiao Minyu accompany her.These two people have conflicts, so they must pay as little attention to themselves as possible.

Since the car Murphy was sitting in was the leading car, after the car stopped, the cars behind also stopped.Mo Fei followed Xiao Minyu out of the car, and then walked to one of the mechas of the mecha team that also stopped.

"Hey, let me inform you Team Thunder, I have something to discuss." Murphy shouted loudly when he got under the mecha.

Xiao Minyu smiled and tugged Mo Fei, then took the communicator off his wrist: "Feifei, it seems that I followed the right way, I don't know how long you will shout like you, use this!" After finishing speaking, Xiao Minyu pressed the button on the first floor of the communicator, and then adjusted the channel, and then some noises came from inside.

"Huh? Why is the signal not good?" Xiao Minyu was a little embarrassed seeing that his communicator was not working.

"Of course, we're so close to those giant zombies, and we're in a mountainous area, otherwise I wouldn't be unable to use automatic driving every time I drive in." Murphy looked at Xiao Minyu with an expression of your lack of common sense, and then Keep shouting up.

Probably the people inside the mecha noticed Murphy's behavior, but he couldn't hear what Murphy was yelling, so the rear cabin door of the mecha opened, and then a person came out from the belly of the mecha: "Excuse me, what are you talking about?" what?"

"It's fine if you come out. I have something to discuss if I can contact your Thunder team." Murphy still shouted loudly because of the distance.

"Of course, but the signal is very poor now, you guys drive a little bit forward to make a space for me to use as a contact signal." After the man answered, he got into the mech again.

Xiao Minyu hurriedly called the people around him to drive forward, and then there was an open space in this section of the mountain.

Seeing the people scattered, the mecha began to pose in a strange pose, and then flashed lights into the air.

However, it was still effective, and soon Lei Sen landed from the sky with the silver wings.

"Team Thunder." Murphy waved violently at Lei Sen's mecha, and Lei Sen walked out from the rear cabin after stopping the mecha: "Why are they all parked here? According to the comparison of the approximate location, it should go back forward."

"Yes, but I have some other ideas that I want to discuss with you." Seeing Lei Sen's appearance, he seemed to be returning to the cabin and said quickly.

"Tell me, what's the matter?"

"That's a bit long to say."

"Long story short."

"Okay!" Murphy omitted the intermediate process and gave a rough overview of the situation he analyzed. "Although I don't know if the route I analyzed is correct, but the direction is correct. Only you can fly here. I want you to take me to fly along this route to have a look."

"No, the Silver Wing cannot carry other people. This is a rule." Lei Sen rejected Murphy's request immediately.

"I didn't say I'm going inside. I'll just sit in the small box outside that carries the goods. You'll be fine if you open half of it! Anyway, it's not the first time to sit in it." Murphy said unconsciously.

"Isn't it the first time?" Lei Sen suddenly narrowed his eyes and stared at Mo Fei after hearing this: "When have you ever sat in my mecha, could it be..."

On the other hand, Xiao Minyu already understood what Mo Fei was referring to, but only now did he realize that it turned out that Lei Sen never knew that it was Murphy who brought him back that time.But at the beginning, because of this incident, I misunderstood Murphy as Leisen's person and approached Murphy, and made a lot of mistakes along the way, but later I was attracted by the strong and brave Murphy. Fortunately, Murphy was lucky and did not have any accidents. , otherwise I will really regret it to death.

"Oh...the clay figurine that crawled out of the pit last time is you!" Lei Sen recalled for a long time, except for the two people who tested the machine, there was only one special time for the people who sat in his own mecha, and he went to destroy a mecha by himself. It was a giant zombie. When C2 was still a rare thing, I encountered it because of a solo mission, so I almost died.

Later, the giant zombie fell into the pothole by accident, but a person covered in mud came out of the pit again.At that time, that person asked me to take her back to Cang base, and I sent that person back along with it, but that person was too dirty at the time to see who it was, and it turned out to be Murphy.

Seeing that Lei Sen had already remembered, Murphy had no choice but to admit: "Yeah, it was me last time, and when you sent me over there, I was almost killed by the people in the laboratory. Fortunately, I escaped. And accidentally hid in Dr. Lin's laboratory."

After finishing speaking, Murphy didn't say anything, and waved at Lei Sen: "Don't talk so much, the problem now is that we should check the situation, just take me like last time."

"Then come up!" Lei Sen didn't ask any more, turned and entered the cockpit, and then opened half of the door of the carrying compartment.

Mo Fei quickly got in and waved at Xiao Minyu: "Xiao Minyu, wave to him and tell him to drive!"

Xiao Minyu came back to his senses, he didn't know about Murphy's experience, but just listening to it was thrilling.

After hearing what Mo Fei said, Xiao Minyu raised his hand and gestured to Lei Sen above. Although they were at odds, they still had some tacit understanding when they acted.

The huge mech rose slowly, because it carried Murphy and did not fly too high. After passing over the heads of the crowd, it flew towards the direction Murphy pointed before.

"Others stay put and stand by." Xiao Minyu was the highest leader at this time, so he saw that other people didn't know what was going on, so he issued an order aloud.

Flying along that path, Murphy quickly found the end of the path. Yes, the path was not smooth. It seemed that his judgment was still wrong.Just as he was thinking, Mo Fei suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something hidden on the side of the mountain.

Murphy wanted to fly back to have a look, but Leisen couldn't hear her shout.

Soon after reaching the top of a hill, Lei Sen stopped.

After parking the mecha, Leisen came out from the belly compartment of the mecha, glanced at Murphy on the leg, Leisen shouted: "Did you find anything?"

Mo Fei was worried that he couldn't communicate with Lei Sen. Seeing that Lei Sen was very careful, he knew how to stop on the mountain to ask about his situation, so he quickly replied: "I was just about to stop and go to the side of the mountain, um, that's..." Murphy paused for a moment to judge the direction before continuing: "It's on the right side of where we're parked now, and there seems to be something over there."

"Okay, hold on tight, I'm going down." After saying this, Lei Sen returned to the cabin of the mech again.

The mecha restarted and rushed towards the right side of the mountain.When falling, Murphy only felt as if he was on a jumping machine, and his whole body was about to jump out of the carrying compartment.Fortunately, with Murphy's current physical fitness, without borrowing any insurance measures, there is absolutely no problem with the ability to hold the mecha with his hands and not let himself fly out.

After the mech quickly fell to a certain height, it finally buffered, and after decelerating, it landed in front of a broken wall of the mountain.

However, because of the buffer, Murphy almost hit the bottom of the carrying compartment.It was only now that Mo Fei knew that he didn't feel it inside the mecha, but the outside of the mecha was actually so dangerous.

After finally landing, Murphy poked his head out from the half-open opening of the carrying compartment.

What you can see is straight trees like natural barriers, and behind the trees is a large dark cave.

"Yes!" Murphy was delighted for a while. It seemed that his judgment was correct. This is probably where the zombies came in and out.

Lei Sen, who also saw this big cave, also came out of the control room of the mech. Without Murphy telling him, he could roughly judge that this might be another entrance that Murphy mentioned.

"Is it right here?" Lei Sen asked.

"I'm not [-]% sure, but basically there is nothing wrong. I want to go in and check it out. Wait for me outside!" Murphy said, and jumped out along the hatch of the carrying compartment.

(End of this chapter)

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