Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 199 Pathfinder

Chapter 199 Pathfinder
"You go in alone? It's too dangerous!" Lei Sen gestured to get off the platform.

"You stay in the mecha, I'll come out in a while, not to mention that if something happens, you can save me with the mecha, and it will be easier to escape." Murphy stopped Lei Sen's actions, after all, Murphy listened Having said that, although Lei Sen is very good at operating the mecha, he is not a supernatural person. That is to say, in terms of fighting alone, Murphy might be stronger.

Seeing that Lei Sen was still standing outside, Murphy had no choice but to say helplessly: "I just went to see if it was the passage I was looking for and whether it was for a war. What's more, if there is a situation where I want to run out, you are still there." Standing here silly, do you think we can take off immediately?"

Lei Sen thought about it for a while, and what Murphy said was right, not to mention that the reason why Murphy was able to guide them was because Murphy had been here before.Lei Sen nodded and said, "Okay, I'll activate the mecha and wait for you outside. Once you're sure, come out quickly."

"Got it." Murphy responded and walked towards the entrance of the cave.

Murphy pretended to fumble in his pocket, then took out the light tube, opened the light tube and took a look inside, but found nothing at the opening of the hole.

After tentatively walking a few steps inside, Murphy appeared in the cave.

After entering the hole, Murphy turned the energy gun out.Before I came here, I just wanted to see the way, and it was not easy to place a tasseled gun in the cabin, so Murphy didn't bring the tasseled gun.

After walking a further distance, Murphy still found nothing, but judging from the gusts of wind blowing, there must be an exit ahead.

Regardless of whether it's here or not, Mo Fei doesn't plan to go in and take risks by himself. He turns around and walks back.
Murphy had only walked back a few steps, but at this moment, there was only a wailing sound, and the sound became more and more terrible, but it was obvious that the sound came from a deeper place in the hole.

Murphy, who had already walked back, didn't know what was going on, but the voice was very familiar, and it seemed to be from the thin zombie.

After thinking about it, Murphy decided to go back and take a look. After all, she was still very curious about the thin zombie. Once a large group of people came over, it was very likely that the thin zombie would be taken away in advance.

Relying on someone outside to respond, Murphy boldly went inside and fumbled again.

Slowly, Murphy got closer and closer to a passageway. The light not far away and the increasingly clear screams let Murphy know that he was close to the group of zombies.

Sure enough, Murphy just walked around a boulder covering the entrance of the cave and saw the giant zombies not far away, that is, the giant zombies in the canyon. At this moment, they were still surrounding the thin zombie, but the expression of the thin zombie was worse than the last time he saw it. It's even more painful.

However, because there were stones and giant zombies blocking it, Mo Fei couldn't see the specific situation clearly.

After determining the target, Murphy quietly backed away. All he had to do now was to quietly bring everyone over.

It's just that Murphy still miscalculated the mobility of humans after all calculations.

There was a sudden shout from behind Murphy.

It turned out that after Murphy and Leisen left, they didn't come back after a while, so those who stayed there were a little anxious.

Originally, the staff wanted to check the situation, but at this time, a huge rock suddenly rolled down from the top of the mountain, and one of the cars couldn't dodge, and was smashed to pieces by the people and the car, so the staff were unwilling to wait in place.

So Xiao Minyu brought the whole team over.

When everyone came inside, they found the big target of Leisen's huge mecha from a long distance away. It was only after learning that Mo Fei had entered the dark cave alone, Xiao Minyu was worried and brought people into the cave.

But after walking into the cave for a long time, he didn't find Murphy, and of course he didn't find any zombies, so he shouted.

But the zombie's sense of hearing is extremely sensitive, the crowd's shouts disturbed the zombie, the C4 zombie raised its head vigilantly, then roared, holding up the thin zombie with one hand and wanted to leave.It was only then that Mo Fei realized that this thin zombie seemed to be much fatter, and his whole body seemed to be swollen.

But just as the C4 zombie moved the thin zombie, the thin zombie screamed.

The C4 zombie seemed very helpless, so he had to put the thin zombie down again, and then roared at the surrounding C2 and C3 zombies, and those giant zombies walked towards the hole that Murphy was still avoiding.

Mo Fei only thought of running away at this moment, and quickly ran back, because it was head-on, so he soon met Xiao Minyu and the others.

"Feifei, you..." Xiao Minyu was about to greet Mo Fei, but was stopped by Mo Fei.

"Who told you to come in? Go, your voice has alarmed the group of giant zombies, get out." Mo Fei finished speaking very quickly, and before Xiao Minyu could react, he dragged Xiao Minyu and ran out.

The others also heard what Mo Fei said, and quickly ran back, but because the cave was very dark, some people accidentally fell to the ground, and they would be accidentally stepped on by the people behind. In the noisy cave, Echoed more chaotic voices.

Murphy quickly returned to the cave. At this time, there were still many people in the cave, but the roar of giant zombies was also heard. It was obvious that those giant zombies had already caught up with some people.

"Retreat first and drive towards the dense forest." Mo Fei said after letting go of Xiao Minyu's hand and looking at the surrounding environment.

Xiao Minyu quickly ordered everyone to retreat in the direction of the dense forest, while Murphy ran back under Lei Sen's mecha.

"Murphy, what's going on?" Lei Sen, who came out of the belly of the cabin, asked without knowing why.

"The giant zombies are chasing out, we have to get out of here."

"No, this time we specially installed armor-piercing bullets for our mecha team. Originally, this mission was to eliminate these zombies. It would be better to come out." Lei Sen said to Murphy with a flat face.

"Oh? Wearing armor-piercing shells, why didn't you say earlier, tell everyone to retreat, your mecha team goes up from the other side, we are going to the top of the canyon to eliminate those giant zombies, especially a C4 zombie inside and a very Strange zombie." After hearing about Lei Sen's equipment, Murphy couldn't help but change his mind.

"No, you forgot that only my Silver Wing can fly in the mecha team, and the other mechas can only engage in land combat." Lei Sen immediately vetoed Murphy's proposal.

"I know what to do now." Mo Fei turned to look at Xiao Minyu who had directed most of the people to the direction of the dense forest: "Xiao Minyu, are there any speed-type mutants?"

"Of course, this is a must-have candidate for the mission." Xiao Minyu turned around and replied.

"You don't know that the mecha team is equipped with armor-piercing bullets, do you?" Murphy asked back.

"Are they equipped with armor-piercing bullets? I really don't know, this Lei Sen, do you want to use them after killing everyone?" Xiao Minyu said with dissatisfaction in his eyes.

"This is not the time, the mechas of Mecha Team..." Before Murphy finished speaking, he heard a loud bang, and an armor-piercing projectile penetrated the head of the first C3 zombie tracked out. , the huge body fell to the entrance of the cave, just blocking the entrance of the cave.

Following the C3 zombie is a C2 zombie, so the fall of the C3 zombie also blocked the C2 zombie from moving.

However, because of its huge size, it fell to the ground, and a lot of stones were splashed over.Xiao Minyu pulled Mo Fei around and used his back to block the flying stones, but Mo Fei didn't get hit by any of them.

"Feifei, keep talking." After the dust settled a little, Xiao Minyu pulled Mo Fei away a little and continued to ask.

For Xiao Minyu's seemingly natural behavior, Mo Fei's heart warmed up: "Are you okay?"

"It's okay, it's fine if you didn't hit it."

Murphy smiled, and then explained his plan again.

"Do you think it's feasible? We only have this one chance. If we start a surprise attack, then we may not have so many opportunities to catch them all in one go." After finishing speaking, Murphy looked at Xiao Minyu.

I don't know who suddenly shouted that the corpse of the C3 zombie was pushed away. As expected, the corpse of the C3 zombie that fell first was being moved away little by little.

"Okay, just do as you said, we are running out of time, I will inform Lei Sen." Xiao Minyu looked at the situation in front of him, finally nodded and agreed.

After all, Xiao Minyu has more experience. After Murphy finished speaking, he added some details, and then Man Chengbin and the others started to act, while Xiao Minyu was communicating with a body language that Murphy could not understand. After a while Xiao Minyu ran back.

"Feifei, I've already made an agreement with Leisen, let's go there first!"

Murphy nodded, and several people got into the car driven by Geng Yunwei and drove to a deeper location.

A group of people bypassed the dense forest and went up the original mountain road, so that they could not only bypass the location where the rock fell before, but also drive on the road they should have taken.

Arriving at the road where Mo Fei collected ginkgo branches and leaves every time, Mo Fei pointed to the path and said, "This is the road, but it's not easy for the car to go down."

"There's nowhere you can't get down. Third and fourth, go and shovel the surrounding branches." As Xiao Minyu's voice fell, the third burly man Meng Zhibo and the fourth wretched man Fang Xingping both got out of the car.

The two stood in front of each other, with Fang Xingping loosening the soil in front, while Meng Zhibo used his strength to uproot the surrounding bushes and small trees.The downhill position was quickly vacated, and the two people also reached the bottom of the slope and waved to several people.

"Let's go! Let's go." Xiao Minyu saw that the road was clear, several people got into the car, and then the car slid down.After Meng Zhibo and Fang Xingping got into the car, the car drove towards the location that Murphy could only reach by climbing a hill.

And at this moment, in the front of the cave, the members of the mecha team ushered in another wave of giant zombie attacks, but they did not see Lei Sen who was driving the Silver Wing.

(End of this chapter)

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