Chapter 200
Murphy followed Xiao Minyu's group and followed the route that Murphy had taken before to that hill. It was from here that Murphy flew over to see the group of giant zombies last time.

But because he was not acting alone this time, Murphy could only climb with a few people and could not use the flying talisman.

"Feifei, be careful." Xiao Minyu looked back at Murphy from time to time, and urged.

"I'm used to climbing, otherwise how would I get the branches and leaves of the ginkgo tree, hurry up." Murphy lowered her head and replied, because she might eat the dust that fell from the top when she raised her head and spoke.

Xiao Minyu kept his mouth shut and stopped talking, and worked hard to climb up.

Several people finally came to the top of a small hill, but there was still some distance from the front position.

"How do we go now?" Xiao Minyu pointed around and asked.

"Go over there." Murphy said, walking towards the side wall. There is a very narrow edge here. The last part of Murphy's escape before was to use this to quickly run over.

"It's too narrow." Meng Zhibo, a burly man, took a look at the narrow edge and rattled his head vigorously.

Mo Fei took a look at Meng Zhibo's figure, and the narrow road was really difficult for him: "Well, I'll go there first. I have a rope in my backpack, so it should be better if there is a place to pull it?"

"Let me go. I am also a speed change. It should be easier for me to go." Xiao Minyu stood up when he saw Murphy take out the rope.

"You are not familiar with it. There is still a short section of the past to turn around before there is a place to fix the rope. You can stay here. I will call you to try it when I get better. Find a place to fix the end of the rope. "After Mo Fei finished speaking, he handed one end of the rope to Xiao Minyu, and he walked towards the narrow road with a large roll of rope.

Originally, Mo Fei wanted to carry the rope with his hands, but when he actually climbed, he realized that it was impossible to cross the stone wall without grasping with both hands.

Finally, Murphy tied one end of the rope to his body, and then walked forward with the rope, while his hands tightly grasped everything on the cliff that could fix his body, and moved forward in small steps.Only now did Murphy realize the magical effect of the flying talisman.

After finally moving over, Murphy tied the rope and walked back a few steps. When he reached the place where everyone could see, Murphy waved his hand, and then Xiao Minyu also walked onto the narrow road.

They came one by one, including the burly man Meng Zhibo.

All the staff arrived and walked forward again.

A few people came to the mountain by the canyon, looking around, there seemed to be a lot less giant zombies, and it is estimated that many of them went to the front to deal with the bombardment of the mecha team.

But Murphy was a little strange. With the wisdom of the C4 zombie, it hadn't left at this time. Is it because of its trust in other giant zombies?Or is there other reliance?
While several people were observing the situation below, a spotlight hit several people. Murphy blocked a little light with one hand and looked forward. Leisen's silver wings were already standing on the other side of the mountain, and it seemed that he was doing something. Ready to go.

Murphy raised his arms above his head, and gathered his hands together to form a circle. This was the signal they ordered before. If it was a circle with both hands, it meant that this side was ready, and if it was with one hand, it meant that it would take a while.

"Everyone get ready to attract the attention of that C4 zombie." Xiao Minyu said to several people after making sure that Lei Sen was ready.

Immediately, after clearing their throats, several people yelled and attacked the C4 zombies below frantically.

This was Murphy's idea: First, let the people in front attract the attention of a large number of giant zombies. Since the opening of the hole is only so small, it is impossible to have too many giant zombies in a row, and their size seriously affects their actions.

On the other side, Murphy and Xiao Minyu climbed over the hill on the right, because the hill on the right is the shortest one, and at first glance, they belonged to those whose fighting power was not enough to threaten the C4, but from before Mo Fei From what Fei saw, their interference would definitely affect the thin zombie, and in this way, the C4 zombie could be angered.

But they are not fighting alone, their last card is the Silver Wing driven by Lei Sen.Since Silver Wings can fly, climbing up the hill is not a problem, so that Raisen can attack from the other side.

So now is the second step of the plan. A few people only need to shout loudly, first to attract the attention of the C4 zombies, and then the task is to attack down.It is best to be able to hit the thin zombie, if not, at least attract the attention of the C4 zombie.

Shouting and attacking, I didn't expect that he was usually reticent. Basically, Mo Fei only regarded him as the black brother Geng Yunwei who was a full-time driver. Although Mo Fei knew that he had night vision and was a water-type supernatural being, it turned out that he could not only release soft water , when he uses the energy gun to attack, he can also use his own supernatural ability to enhance the attack effect.

Moreover, because several people wanted to fight while shouting, the burly man Meng Zhibo also moved a lot, so he accidentally bumped into Geng Yunwei who was attacking.It was just a sideways shot, and the shot just hit the thin zombie.

Although it didn't hit the point, this move stimulated the C4 zombies again and again.

The C4 zombie slowly turned around its metal armor-like body, roared and walked towards the hill where several people were.With a huge body, every step he took made everyone feel a little trembling.

Rayson knew that now was the time.Seeing that the C4 zombie turned around, the armor-piercing projectile shot towards C4.

Murphy felt a little regretful. She forgot to tell Lei Sen to fight the C2 zombies and C3 zombies first, but it was too late. At this time, the armor-piercing shells roared and exploded at the vital parts of the C4 zombies.

It's a pity that the armor-piercing projectile didn't really penetrate the head of the C4 zombie, it just blew up its hard armor beyond recognition.

"Roar..." With a long roar, the giant C4 zombie turned around and ran towards Leisen's silver wings with anger.

"Quick, hurry up and attack now." Xiao Minyu hurriedly urged several people.

Attacks like raindrops are falling, but unfortunately because of the distance, the accuracy of the attack is much worse, but with such a dense attack, there will always be one or two attacks.

The C4 zombies were probably really angry, and roared and ran towards the hill where Murphy and the others were located, and the C3 zombies who heard the roar came back from the cave one by one.It looks like they finally realized they had been duped.

The hill was not high in the first place, because the goals of the few people were small, and they could only attract attention in this way, so at this moment when C4, who was angry, bumped into him, the hill fell down with mud and quickly .

At this time, Lei Sen realized that the problem was serious now, and hurriedly turned on the lights forward, trying to get the rest of the mecha team members to attack from the hole.

"Let's retreat first, this is no longer a battle we can interfere with." Xiao Minyu looked at the situation in front of him, and there was only so much they could do to deal with these big guys, not to mention that their main task this time was to confirm the target , That's why he didn't know that the Mecha team had specially equipped armor-piercing projectiles.

"But it's a pity to leave like this, let's do it! I'll go to the mountain we explored last time to check the situation, and we will split up." Murphy said and ran in another direction.

"Feifei, don't go." Xiao Minyu saw that Murphy had left just like that and hurriedly chased after him, and the C4 zombie attacked again.

At this moment, the members of the mecha team turned over from behind. One of the members climbed up the hillside and stretched out his hand to let Xiao Minyu and the others come down.

"No, you guys go first, I'll go see Feifei." Xiao Minyu turned around to leave after finishing speaking, but at this time the attack of the C4 zombies had already landed, and the huge impact force flew up clods of dirt.One of them hit Xiao Minyu who was running forward impartially.

"Old five." Man Chengbin screamed, and Meng Zhibo, a burly man, hurried over to pick up Xiao Minyu.

Several people carried Xiao Minyu to the mecha arm of a member of the mecha team, and then walked to the other side of the small mountain bag to hand over to a mecha still standing outside, and then several people were put below.

"Third brother, wait with your back on Fifth, let's drive over here." When Man Chengbin spoke, Geng Yunwei, the black brother, had already run towards the direction of the car.

After Xiao Minyu was settled down, Man Chengbin discovered that the back of Xiao Minyu's head was swollen.

"Let's go back to the base. The boss's brain seems to be a little bruised." Xiao Minyu was in a coma, and Man Chengbin, as his usual think tank, decided to return to the base directly. If you are not optimistic, you may need to ask for support.

The car started quickly, headed towards the way it came, and soon got on the road.

Some members who were originally hiding in the dense forest also left with Xiao Minyu and their car.

At this moment, Murphy had climbed to the mountain wall that she had leaped before, and the C4 zombies were hitting the side hill like crazy.Because of the angle, Murphy couldn't see the specific situation of Xiaoshan, so Murphy secretly hoped that Xiao Minyu and the others had already evacuated.

Looking up to the other side, the Silver Wing had already flown into the sky and did not attack, and there were many C2 and C3 zombies lying on the ground in the valley.

Although there are still many C2 zombies and C3 zombies, neither the Silver Wing nor other mechas have attacked again. Only then did Murphy realize that each mecha has to move, so it is impossible to equip too many external weapons. The weapon, must have run out of armor-piercing rounds.

After walking forward for a while, Mo Fei discovered that there were still a few mechas on the side of the hill, but they also did not attack but retreated one after another, and finally even Lei Sen's silver wings flew away.

It was only after seeing such a situation that Mo Fei realized that everyone might have evacuated.

(End of this chapter)

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