Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 201 The Shocking Secret

Chapter 201 The Shocking Secret
Mo Fei originally thought well, taking advantage of this joint dispatch to wipe out the giant zombie group gathered, in the future, whether it is the anti-star base or the ginkgo tree branches and leaves collected by himself, it will reduce a lot of threats.

Unexpectedly, she still overestimated the assembly capacity of the star base. The armor-piercing bombs loaded on the mechs of the mecha team simply did not have enough power and quantity to destroy all the zombies.

Because Xiao Minyu was sent away in a coma, and Lei Sen thought that Murphy left with Xiao Minyu's car, so after the large army drove away from the mountain, Lei Sen and his mecha team members also left.

Now Murphy was left alone on the mountain.

"Um... you all retreated, what should I do?" Mo Fei was speechless for a while, probably he didn't even save a car for himself!
Just as Murphy lamented his luck, the wailing of the thin zombies came from the valley again.

However, the injured C4 zombie ignored his injuries and tore the limbs of the dead C2 and C3 zombies around him, and then picked some intact meat and sent it to the thin zombie's mouth.

When Murphy saw this situation, her eyes widened. She had never seen zombies eating each other, especially feeding a seemingly giant zombie with the corpses of C2 and C3 zombies that had evolved into giant zombies. There are only C zombie level zombies.

That thin and weak zombie, no, it should be a swollen and thin zombie now, and there were bursts of noises in its throat, and finally ate the pieces of meat.

Murphy didn't understand the behavior of these zombies. It was obvious that the C4 zombie was able to escape just now, but it stayed until the end. If it wasn't for the lack of complete weapons assembled by the mecha team, I'm afraid the C4 zombie would have completely confessed. here it is.

However, even with injuries all over his body, every giant zombie here did not leave.

Such an unwavering spirit really terrified Murphy. After all, zombies were originally individuals who only knew how to forage. What is this kind of unity not terror?
"Forget it, I'll go back to the base too. Even if I call out the mecha, I can't deal with so many giant zombies alone." While muttering, Murphy was also preparing to use the flying talisman to fly down.

However, just when Murphy also had the idea of ​​leaving, the remaining zombies below started to walk out of the cave because of the roar of the C4 zombie.

Murphy didn't know what they were going to do, because he had a flying talisman, so he would run away if he couldn't beat it.With this in mind, Murphy's rationality still defeated curiosity.

Stay in place again to observe the movements of the zombies below.

Soon, all the zombies except the C4 zombie left the canyon, and the huge body of the C4 zombie took advantage of the buffer force of the tail to sit down. It seems that it was indeed hit hard in the first battle, although the zombie If you don't destroy the head, you won't die completely, but the armor of the head has been damaged a lot, and you will definitely die if you attack it a few more times.

The C4 zombie with a severe head injury is like a human being seriously injured, so it is estimated that no one will disturb it at this moment, so it relaxes its vigilance.

Murphy saw that there were no other zombies around at this time, and the C4 zombie looked listless, so Murphy felt that this opportunity was specially prepared for him.

After calculating the distance a little, Murphy felt that he had enough time to fly down and kill that special zombie. If he could transform into a mecha below, he might be able to bring back the specimen of that zombie.

Murphy made up his mind and moved a little further forward. This position was directly facing the thin zombie below, and it was also the position farthest from the C4 zombie.

Just when Murphy was about to dive, suddenly the strange zombie who was thin but now his body seemed to be swollen tensed up, and then raised his head and yelled loudly, the voice was more miserable than the previous few times .

Murphy was almost stunned by the shrill voice, because he didn't know the reason, so Murphy didn't dare to act rashly.

But after hearing the cry of the emaciated zombie with a swollen body, the C4 zombie who had been resting sat up straight again and looked at the strange zombie.

The whole body of that peculiar zombie seemed to be convulsed, and it roared intermittently.Murphy was surprised to find that the zombie's body was a little bloated.

At this time, two C3 zombies came in one after another, and each zombie was holding some human corpses that had been killed in the previous battle or died in the cave in the chaos. The C4 zombie saw the C3 zombie coming in holding the corpse and roared a few times. The C3 zombie dismantled the corpse in his hand and fed the bloody meat to the strange zombie.

Murphy looked at the scene in front of him because he was so shocked that he forgot how cruel this scene was.

Just like that, the strange zombie twitched again after being fed some meat, accompanied by louder wailing.

This went on for more than ten minutes, because there were zombies coming in and out all the time, making it impossible for Murphy to make a move, not to mention that Murphy was very curious about what the zombies below were doing.

Until suddenly, the strange zombie stopped moving, and its body swelled to a certain extent. Mo Fei looked at the zombie as if it was about to explode.

It lasted for a minute, and none of the zombies around dared to move. Murphy also felt that something unusual was about to happen, and even Murphy himself held his breath.

Suddenly, the strange zombie let out a sharp and piercing sound from its mouth. The C4 zombie raised its head and roared, then swung its tail, which was more flexible than its limbs, and gently patted the strange zombie's swollen body. down.

I saw that the strange zombie's body was rolling like water, and then a hand stretched out from under the strange zombie's body.

This shocked Murphy who was watching intently, but as the hand continued to move out, another hand and a small head with a hideous face were revealed inside.

Murphy covered his mouth that was about to exclaim with both hands in disbelief: Oh my god, how is it possible, zombies are giving birth to baby zombies...

Now Mo Fei finally understands why those giant zombies want to protect such a thin zombie that only looks like a C zombie. It turns out that this zombie is a mother that breeds small zombies, but he has never heard anyone say that zombies can reproduce before. ah?

Moreover, originally the number of zombies could only increase by infecting humans, but as humans gradually stabilized, scientific research institutions also developed more powerful weapons, and the level of the supernatural beings is getting higher and higher, and they can even be made into pieces. If the zombies are eliminated, there will be fewer and fewer zombies, and the victory of mankind is just around the corner.

But what does it mean when zombies can also reproduce?Can human beings still have a future?
The little zombie had crawled out in its entirety at this time, and the body of the thin zombie, which was swollen and about to explode, quickly shrank.

The C3 zombie, who had been waiting for a long time, hurriedly dragged the corpse to the side of the little zombie's body, and then squeezed the human corpse hard to let the blood flow out for the little zombie to suck.

The C4 zombie was waiting for the C3 zombie to feed the little zombie. After feeding the little zombie, he held the little zombie into his palm very lovingly, and then yelled at the other zombies. Those giant zombies turned around and walked out of the cave, probably continuing to search for food.

Murphy was surprised for a long time, but he also knew that now was the last chance, and if he didn't attack now, he would never have another chance.

Picking up the flying talisman, Murphy swooped towards the female zombie who had just given birth to a baby zombie, and stabbed straight out with the tasseled gun in his hand.

Since the other giant zombies were all looking for food, and the c4 zombies were all focused on the small zombies, Murphy's move was a success in one fell swoop.

After the Suying spear penetrated deeply into the female zombie's head, the C4 zombie noticed Murphy.

The huge and flexible tail swept towards Murphy angrily, but now that the flying talisman was on him, he was not only flexible but also able to leap high and not be afraid of a single C4 zombie.

Dodging the attack of the C4 zombie, Murphy's tasseled gun stabbed at the little zombie in the arms of the C4 zombie.

The C4 zombie quickly protected the little zombie, and Murphy took the opportunity to summon the mecha. Before the C4 zombie turned around, Murphy controlled the mecha to grab the strange zombie's body and jumped up, then turned over The hill on the right suddenly disappeared in front of the C4 zombies.

The angry roar of the C4 zombie that stayed in place echoed behind Murphy, but I don't know if it was because it was still injured or because of the newborn baby zombie in its arms. Anyway, the C4 zombie didn't chase after it.

Murphy ran for a long time with this peculiar maternal zombie. Fortunately, he found an unmanned car on the road. Although there was no key in the car, with the hand that Yulin taught her before, Mo Fei Fee finally hit the car.

Putting the zombie's body behind, Murphy drove in the direction of the star base.

Xiao Minyu, who had come to his senses at this time, was yelling at Man Chengbin: "Who told you to bring me back on your own? Where's Feifei? Where's her?"

"This... I heard that the members of the Mecha Team have also returned, but they didn't find that Murphy came back with them." Man Chengbin replied at this time with a lack of confidence. He didn't expect that Murphy was left behind in the mountains.

"Then why are you still in a daze? Go and look for me in the mountains." Xiao Minyu was about to die of anger at this moment. Why was he so unlucky today? He wanted to chase Mo Fei but was hit by a stone. The idiot Meng Zhibo hurt his foot, so now he can only act in a hurry.

Originally, Xiao Minyu was going to find Mo Fei after waking up. Man Chengbin was worried that Xiao Minyu would be too impulsive, so he asked Meng Zhibo, a power mutant, to stop him. However, Meng Zhibo was not good at controlling his strength, so he pushed Xiao Minyu down the stairs while shoving. Fortunately, Xiao Minyu himself is a speed mutant, and his skills are quite flexible. However, he was unlucky. When he fell, there was a board placed by someone below, and he stepped on it and slid out, twisting his foot.

"Fifth, Murphy is back." During the dispute, Geng Yunwei, who was sent out to inquire about the situation, ran back.

(End of this chapter)

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