Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 202 Emergency Information

Chapter 202 Emergency Information

After Murphy came back, he went straight to the star and soul circle, because he had discovered a great event.

When I closed the car door before, I thought about the merit value. Although the merit value of zombie C is not high, it must be a waste to give it directly to the laboratory. I might as well take it away. meritorious service.

So Mo Fei dug out his hunting recorder from the storage talisman.

However, when Murphy stuck the hunting recorder into the body of the suspected C zombie, Murphy couldn't believe his eyes.

Because according to the database analysis of the hunting recorder, the zombie that looked like a C zombie in front of her could not extract the records.

No way!Could it be that his hunting recorder is broken?Murphy stabbed again in disbelief, and it showed that the data still could not be extracted, please bring the sample back.

After closing the car door, Murphy drove forward, keeping an eye on the movements of the zombies along the way.

After that, Murphy encountered a total of ten C zombies and a few C1 zombies on the road. Although he did not encounter any higher-level zombies, Murphy was sure that his hunting recorder was not broken, and recorded every zombie. The data are very accurate.

After confirming that this special zombie did not belong to any stage of zombies, Murphy drove back to the star base at a high speed.

"Yi Xun, Yi Xun quickly find someone to come down." Murphy shouted loudly after rushing into the laboratory.

"Miss, please keep your voice down, Dr. Lin is doing an experiment." A staff member quickly stopped Murphy from shouting.

"Where's Dr. Lin? Just say that Murphy is back, and tell her to come out quickly, there is something very important." Murphy shouted a little unsteadily because he ran all the way upstairs.

"What's going on?" A middle-aged man came out of the office, obviously disturbed by the noise outside.

"Dr. Wan, I'm really sorry to disturb your research. It's this lady who insists on seeing Dr. Lin now." The staff member replied respectfully to the middle-aged man.

Murphy looked up at the middle-aged man. She knew this man. This was the arrogant man who held the notebook last time.

"Who are you? What are you doing here to find Dr. Lin? Don't you know that this is a laboratory? Is it a place where you come as soon as you say you want, and make a lot of noise?" The middle-aged man said in a bad tone.

Murphy was originally dissatisfied with this man last time, and at this time he was even more unwilling to say: "Sorry, I'm sorry to bother you, but I wouldn't do this if it wasn't because it was a very urgent matter, please help I will inform Dr. Lin."

"Just wait another half an hour. Come back in half an hour." The middle-aged man obviously didn't intend to help Murphy, so he turned around and entered the laboratory.

"You..." Murphy watched the middle-aged man dodge in, feeling angry and anxious.

At this moment, a gentle voice sounded from behind Mo Fei: "Little Mo? Why are you here?"

Looking back, Mo Fei saw that the person who came was an old man who looked as gentle as his voice, and Mo Fei saw that the old man was very familiar. After recalling it for a while, he shouted in surprise: "Dean Lin, it's you!"

The person who came was the Dean Lin whom Murphy had met when he first discovered C2 when he was in Cang Base.

"Dean Lin, you came just in time. Do you know Dr. Lin Yixun? I have something very important to find her, but now she is doing an experiment, and no one else will inform me." From the last contact, Mo Fei felt that Dean Lin was very nice, and he was originally from Cangji, so Murphy also felt very kind.

"Oh? What is the important matter? If it's not a personal matter, you can talk to the old man!" Dean Lin patted Murphy cheerfully: "After all, people are doing experiments, and experiments always have some risks. If there is something urgent and not personal, can you tell me first?"

"This..." Murphy hesitated.

"Don't you trust me, old man?" Dean Lin asked with a smile on his face.

"That's not true, it's just that you may not know the details before, so I don't know where to start to tell you." Murphy scratched his head and replied embarrassedly.

"I understand the general situation of your mission this time, so let's start with your return!" Dean Lin said and motioned for Murphy to follow him, and then led Murphy all the way to his office.

When we arrived at Dean Lin's office, Murphy sat down and said, "Dean Lin, do you know about the failure of this mission?" Murphy asked without further ado.

"I've heard about this, but I don't know the exact situation, but I heard that the guide disappeared this time and didn't come back with the large army." Dean Lin replied truthfully.

"Um... the missing guide you mentioned is me." Murphy grinned at Dean Lin and smiled.

"Oh? Then you are the last one to come back? Seeing that you are in such a hurry, you must have discovered something, right?"

Murphy kept nodding his head: "Dean Lin, you guessed it right. I do have some amazing news, no, more than one..."

Having said that, Murphy's face also became serious.

"What? Is the situation serious?" Dean Lin hurriedly asked.

After that, Murphy told Dean Lin about what he was lurking around the mountain and what he saw.

Dean Lin was also surprised by the fact that zombies can reproduce, and he couldn't help standing up when he heard this: "What? Xiao Mo, what you said is true? If zombies can reproduce as you said, then It’s a really big deal.”

"Dean Lin, this is a matter of life and death for human beings. I would never joke about such a thing." Seeing Dean Lin standing up, Murphy stood up involuntarily.

"No, I have to notify the higher-ups quickly. If such a thing really happens, I'm afraid it's not our Dragon Kingdom's own business. We must be vigilant all over the world." Dean Lin said and was about to go out: "That's right Xiao Mo, you stay with me first, I will notify Yi Xun to come and see you later."

"Wait a minute, Dean." Murphy quickly called to stop Dean Lin.

"Is there anything else?" Dean Lin's thoughts had already flown away at this time. If this incident is true, mankind may really be facing a catastrophe.

"Dean Lin, I still have something to say, so don't worry." Murphy replied.

Only then did Dean Lin realize that he had lost his composure, but anyone who encountered such a thing would be anxious.

"Dean Lin, in fact, the real reason I was looking for Dr. Lin was because I killed the mother zombie that gave birth to the baby zombie, and I brought back the sample of the mother zombie." Murphy quickly replied , she was worried that if she spoke too slowly, the kind Dean Lin in front of her would die of panic.

"Xiao Mo, what you said is absolutely true? You have really made a great contribution to mankind." Dean Lin couldn't be more excited.

"Don't get excited, now you know why I yelled at the door of the laboratory? I was also anxious at the time, and I wanted the experimental team to quickly analyze the situation of this zombie." Murphy's speech speed was normal now. down.

"It should, it should be, Xiao Mo, you wait, I will immediately ask them to stop the experiment in hand to analyze this mother zombie." Dean Lin was more emotional than before, but the current excitement is because he saw a glimmer of hope like that.

"But Dean Lin, that, this time's reward..." It's no wonder that Mo Fei is still thinking about her reward at this time. Erase the rewards, knowing that I still have to rely on them to live.

"Hahahaha, you! Don't worry, I will definitely give you a satisfactory reward." Dean Lin didn't think there was anything wrong with Murphy's directness. There should be a reward, not to mention that after the Mecha Squadron and the Special Operations Team failed to evacuate, they could still bring a sample back. How can this reward be less, and the information brought back by Murphy has never been seen before. of.

"Then thank you. By the way, the body of that special zombie is now behind the car I drove back. Just find two people to lift it out in a while. I picked up that car on the road, and I also Don't just deal with it casually!"

After Murphy finished speaking, Dean Lin first called a guard in, then gave the guard a few words, and walked out of the room himself. Before going out, he asked Murphy to wait for him in the room for a while, and then left.

After Dean Lin went out, a staff member brought Mo Fei a glass of water not long after.

Mo Fei waited while drinking water, and soon heard the sound of running footsteps in the corridor, and then the door was pushed open, and Lin Yixun appeared at the door: "Feifei, is it true?"

Seeing the big doubts on Lin Yixun's face, Mo Fei couldn't help shaking his head: You are a scientist!
"Not really?" Seeing Mo Fei smiling and shaking his head, Lin Yixun asked nervously.

"There is no beginning and no end, how do I know what you say is true?"

"Oh, Feifei, stop teasing me. Listen to my dad, you said that zombies will reproduce, and you brought back the sample of the mother zombie. Also, I just found out, how did you come back by yourself? I also specifically asked those two team leaders, but in the end I lost you, thankfully you came back, otherwise I would never end with them." Lin Yixun said like a cannonball.

"Yixun, you kid runs so fast, and why does Xiao Mo answer so many questions?" Following Lin Yixun, Dean Lin also trotted back.

"Wait..." Mo Fei seemed to hear what Lin Yixun said just now, and after thinking about it for a while, he looked at Lin Yixun and Dean Lin: "President Lin's surname is Lin, Yixun and your surname are also Lin, and you I just said that your father said, could Dean Lin be your father?"

(End of this chapter)

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