Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 203 Apologize

Chapter 203 Apologize
Seeing the surprise on Mo Fei's face, Lin Yixun touched his head: "Huh? Feifei, don't you know? I didn't say that?"

"Of course you didn't say whether it's good or not." Murphy rolled his eyes. Lin Yixun is good at everything but he's too confused, except of course when he's researching.

"Hey, okay, let me introduce you again." Lin Yixun pulled Murphy over with a playful smile.

"Dad, this is the good sister I said, and she is the amazing Murphy who has saved me many times."

Only then did Mo Fei respectfully salute Dean Lin: "Hello, Uncle Lin."

After Mo Fei stood up again, Lin Yixun grabbed Dean Lin's arm again: "Feifei, this kind-hearted old man, Dean Lin, is my father."

"Don't be naughty, let's get down to business after the introduction!" Dean Lin pretended to be angry and lightly tapped Lin Yixun's head and said.

"Look, let me just say that he is serious!" Lin Yixun stuck out his tongue at Mo Fei: "Okay! Let's get down to business!"

Lin Yixun had already heard some of the general situation just now from Dean Lin's mouth, and then Lin Yixun asked some detailed questions related to the experiment. After Murphy answered them one by one, Lin Yixun ordered someone to carry the The corpse of a strange zombie.

After bidding farewell to Dean Lin, Murphy followed downstairs, opened the back of the car, and the mother zombie was revealed inside.

"It's so small, no wonder you kept telling me that this strange zombie is very thin and weak. It's really weaker than the average C zombie." This is what Lin Yixun felt after seeing the corpse of the mother zombie. first reaction.

"Hurry up and lift it up while it's fresh. I'm going back to rest. I'm exhausted." Murphy said while moving his body.

"You've worked hard, Feifei, but I love you so much. You can give me such a big surprise every time. If you were a man, I would definitely marry you." Lin Yixun said, holding Murphy's arm.

"No, I don't want to marry you." Mo Fei turned his body aside with a straight face.

"Okay, how dare you despise me." Lin Yixun moved her body closer.

"Stop making trouble, go analyze it quickly, and get the results sooner! In addition, the people from Mecha Team also know the location of the ginkgo tree. Next time, ask them to pick it for you. I have to take a good rest recently, yes Come on, help me get more rewards! This is what I will rely on during my rest period." Before leaving, Murphy said to Lin Yixun.

"Don't worry, don't say you are my good sister. Even if you are an ordinary person, I will try my best to help you get rewards for such a big research project." Lin Yixun patted Murphy on the shoulder, and then went upstairs.

Murphy glanced at the car and remembered that there were still some usable things in the car. He opened the door to take away the usable things inside, and then walked to the gate of the office area.


Murphy had just walked out of the gate of the office area when someone called out to Murphy from behind.

Looking back, it was Lei Sen who called him.

"Murphy, I heard that you came back and brought back samples. I thought you left with Xiao Minyu's car, but I didn't expect..." Lei Sen seemed to be explaining to Murphy that he left her in the mountain area.

"It's nothing. Thanks to not taking me away, I found a chance to bring the samples back." Murphy replied indifferently. In fact, she wanted to leave quickly, for fear that Lei Sen would link this matter to other matters. .

"In short, as long as you are fine, go back and rest early!" Lei Sen really didn't know what to say, so he could only tell Murphy.

"Feifei, you're back." Xiao Minyu's voice came over before Mo Fei could reply to Lei Sen's words.

But after seeing Xiao Minyu's state, Mo Fei was stunned for a moment: "How did you do this?"

I saw Xiao Minyu's head was covered with gauze, while his feet were turned up, and he was leaning on a cane with one hand.

While Mo Fei was talking, he walked towards the wounded Xiao Minyu. Lei Sen who stayed where he was, looked at Murphy and then at Xiao Minyu, then turned and walked towards the office building, but Lei Sen who left had a strange feeling in his heart .

Mo Fei walked up to Xiao Minyu: "What did you do? How long did it take you to get hurt like this?"

Hearing Mo Fei's accusation, Xiao Minyu not only didn't get annoyed, but was in a good mood: "Fei Fei, I knew you cared about me. I went to chase you just now, but I was knocked unconscious by a flying stone. They didn't get my consent. I brought it back, and if anything happens to you, I will never forgive myself." Xiao Minyu pulled Mo Fei up and down to look him up and down, and he was relieved when he saw that Mo Fei was not hurt.

"I'm fine, but this time I discovered something very important."

"what's up?"

"Let's go back first, you'd better go back and recuperate your injuries." Murphy glanced at Xiao Minyu, who was bandaged a little ridiculously, and couldn't help laughing.

Xiao Minyu himself also looked down, this appearance really damaged his image in the past, then got back into the car, Geng Yunwei drove a few people back to Xiao Minyu's villa in Xingxin Circle.

"Slow down!" Murphy waited for the car to come to a stop, opened the door and jumped off, and then shouted into the car.

"Understood." Xiao Minyu agreed, with a different kind of warmth in his heart.

At the window of another villa, Yulin was nervously waiting for Xiao Minyu to come back. Before she found out that Xiao Minyu was carried off the car by Meng Zhibo, she wondered if she was injured.

However, Yulin could only watch by the window but was unable to check the situation. She had waited for an hour, but she turned her head when Mama Feng told her to eat, and when she turned around, she found that Xiao Minyu's car had already left.

Yulin didn't know if something happened to Xiao Minyu, because she couldn't see Xiao Minyu walking out, only saw the car leaving.

In order to make sure Xiao Minyu was fine, Yulin waited by the window after eating.

Mama Feng didn't know what was going on with Yulin recently. From the past few days, Yulin seemed to like the position by the window very much. Except for sleeping, she basically stayed here all day.But seeing that Yulin's spirit was getting better and better, Mama Feng didn't ask any more questions, but told Yulin to drink water and take medicine on time.

After finally looking forward to Xiao Minyu's car driving back, it was Murphy who got out of the car first.

Mo Fei helped Xiao Minyu by the arm: "Come on wounded, let's enter the house slowly."

Seeing Mo Fei come to help him, Xiao Minyu couldn't help but smile.

But Xiao Minyu's smile hurt Yulin's eyes: Yu, I have done so many things for you before, but you have never treated me like this, why?Why can Murphy?

While Yulin was grieving upstairs, the other people downstairs didn't know that Yulin, who they thought had died, was not far away from them.

After helping Xiao Minyu into the house, Xiao Minyu sat on the sofa, and Mo Fei went to the bathroom to wash his hands. He came back all the way. In addition to starting to climb the mountain, he also killed a lot of zombies to prove that his hunting recorder was not broken. So now my hands are a little dirty.

"Feifei, I have some new clothes over there. Why don't you just take a shower! After washing and changing, are you going to wear this outfit after dinner?" Xiao Minyu waited for Mo Fei to come out after washing his hands and look at it. Murphy said.

Mo Fei lowered his head and looked at his body, only to realize that because he started to climb the mountain, his clothes were scratched apart from the soil, and some unknown liquid was also stained, which should have been accidentally splashed when he killed the zombies. .

Thinking of himself wearing such dirty clothes and sitting at the dining table eating delicious food, Mo Fei's appetite lost half: "Okay, then help me find a set!"

Anyway, the clothes inside are fine, so I just change his coat.What's more, underwear is also in Murphy's storage talisman, even if it is changed, no one else will know, so Murphy readily agreed.

Xiao Minyu asked Man Chengbin to help Mo Fei find two clean coats from his closet because he was inconvenient to move. Murphy carried the clothes and walked towards the bathroom in the upstairs suite.

Walking into the bathroom, Mo Fei found that the things here were neatly arranged. From Man Cheng Bin's words just now, Mo Fei knew that this should be Xiao Minyu's room.

"It's pretty clean and tidy. The impression of the room is not bad." Murphy walked into the bathroom while talking.

After taking a shower, I changed into clothes, because they were men's clothes, and Xiao Minyu's height was at least 1.8 meters, so Mo Fei wore them very loosely.

Helpless, Mo Fei had no choice but to roll up the sleeves and trouser legs of the clothes, and Mo Fei wore a good casual outfit as if he was going to fish.

However, when choosing between dirty clothes and loose clothes, Mo Fei would rather wear such big clothes than eat in dirty clothes stained with zombie liquid.

After going downstairs, the table was already filled with steaming meals by the servants.

"Wow, it smells so good. Did your chef work in a big restaurant before?" Murphy said, breathing in the air filled with the smell of food.

"Of course, and it's not an ordinary chef, come and eat!" Xiao Minyu looked at Mo Fei wearing his own clothes. Although it was very big and was rolled up by Mo Fei many layers, it was not stupid at all, but very cute.

Man Chengbin and the others held back their laughter, and then sat down one by one, leaving the seat next to Xiao Minyu for Murphy.

"Feifei, why are you staring blankly? Are you full? Come and eat!" Seeing that Mo Fei was still standing at the stairs, Xiao Minyu stretched out his hand to beckon Mo Fei to come and sit down.

Mo Fei looked at the location, and walked towards the location next to Xiao Minyu.As soon as Murphy sat down, Man Chengbin picked up the wine glass in front of him and stood up.

"Murphy, I'm really sorry today. We were also in a hurry because the fifth child was injured. We thought you would come back on Captain Lei's silver wings, but they didn't notice you. This was my negligence. I have made it clear to the members of Mecha Team, so this cup is my respect to you, and I will apologize on my behalf, and I will do my best in the future if there is any need for my help."

Hearing what Man Chengbin said, Murphy also stood up: "It's nothing, I know none of you did it on purpose, and I also got a lot of rewards this time, but..." Murphy changed the subject to Man Cheng Bin's heart skipped a beat, not knowing what Murphy would let him do, he looked at Murphy nervously.

(End of this chapter)

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