Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 204 Lessons

Chapter 204 Lessons
Seeing a trace of nervousness on Man Chengbin's face, Murphy laughed: "Haha, did it scare you?"

"No, I'm just listening carefully to see what kind of punishment I'm going to accept." Man Chengbin quickly denied it.

"No! I mean, although I got a lot of rewards, I won't pay for this meal." After Mo Fei finished laughing, he picked up a large piece of meat with his chopsticks and put it in his bowl , and then gave Xiao Minyu another piece before sitting down.

Xiao Minyu looked at the meat in the bowl a little flattered, Mo Fei was taking care of himself, and after talking so much, he still didn't forget to pick up some food for himself.

I was feeling beautiful in my heart, but I heard Mo Fei say: "I also bribed Xiao Minyu, so don't expect him to help you get the bill!"

Hearing this, Xiao Minyu shook his head angrily and amusedly. Although Mo Fei said so, Xiao Minyu was quite satisfied with being able to treat himself like this.

Then Xiao Minyu echoed: "I was bribed, don't ask my opinion, I am a wounded person, I only know how to eat." Then he buried his head and started eating.

Man Chengbin was left speechless by a series of nonsensical words from Murphy, while Meng Zhibo, a burly man beside him, laughed happily: "Haha, seeing the second child for the first time makes me speechless, it's so happy, Murphy ,I admire you."

After the meal, the atmosphere was always relaxed. No one mentioned the matter of forgetting about Mo Fei, and Mo Fei did not take it to heart.

After dinner, Mo Fei was about to go back. Xiao Minyu wanted to send Mo Fei off because of his injury, but Mo Fei refused: "Okay, it's not that I don't know the way, I'm going to take a good rest from tomorrow, so what? I have no income, so I can only come to your house for dinner every night."

Murphy said it reluctantly, as if it was right to come here for a meal, but Xiao Minyu really liked Murphy's attitude towards him. Does this mean that Murphy no longer regards himself as an outsider?

"Welcome to Cengfan, Mo Fei, I'm the first to welcome you." Meng Zhibo, a burly man, spoke bluntly, and said without waiting for Xiao Minyu to speak.

"Let's talk about it first, I won't pay for the meal, so your dishes can be more ordinary!"

Man Chengbin is probably also used to Murphy's joke mode. After Murphy said this, Man Chengbin turned his head and shouted: "Tomorrow, let's eat boiled vegetables in plain water, don't put oil."

A group of people laughed together again, but Xiao Minyu understood that the reason why Murphy looked like this was actually because he hoped that he would not blame himself for leaving her in the mountains before.

"Okay, I'm going back. I'm exhausted today, so you guys should go to bed earlier." Murphy waved to a few people and was about to leave.

"Feifei, I can take you to the door!" Xiao Minyu stood up with a cane.

Mo Fei understood that if Xiao Minyu didn't send him this passage, it would take a long time to talk, and he probably wouldn't be able to get home in the middle of the night, so he nodded.

In fact, it was from the living room of the villa to the door, but Xiao Minyu still let him walk out.

"Let's go here, there are still steps outside, I'm going home." Murphy opened the door and stopped Xiao Minyu who was still going forward.

"Okay, then be careful on the road."


After seeing Mo Fei off, Xiao Minyu walked back into the house on crutches.

"Boss, go follow Feifei and escort her back home when she is safe." Xiao Minyu said to Geng Yunwei who was at the side.

Geng Yunwei nodded, opened the door and followed.

Murphy walked all the way home, before reaching the entrance of the jurisdiction, he unexpectedly ran into Gu Huaiyuan who had returned from drinking.

"Yo, Murphy, it's ok! Now you can even enter the jurisdiction, did you go to bed with that surnamed Lei? Let me just say, pretending to be innocent, in the last days, in order to survive, you still have to come out and sell it " Gu Huaiyuan sprayed the alcohol on Mo Fei's face, and patted Mo Fei's shoulder with his hand.

Mo Fei moved his body away in disgust, and walked forward pretending not to see it.

"Murphy, stop! Do you think you are someone who can enter the jurisdiction? You are just a watch..."

"Boom..." Before Gu Huaiyuan finished speaking, he received a solid punch on the face.

Mo Fei was about to turn around when he heard Gu Huaiyuan's words, but when Gu Huaiyuan's words were interrupted, he shouted out in pain: "Ah! Who dares to hit me!"

Turning around, Murphy saw Gu Huaiyuan covering half of his face with his hand and fell to the ground, while Lei Sen was standing behind him.

"Boy, speak with respect." Lei Sen's deep voice was tinged with anger.

"Murphy, are you looking for help? Isn't the captain of the mecha team on the list amazing? You pair..." Gu Huaiyuan's words were interrupted again, but this time it was Murphy who made the move. It was only heavier than Lei Sen and would not be lighter than him. Gu Huaiyuan was so beaten that he held his cheeks and was speechless for a long time.

"Gu Huaiyuan, are you disgusted enough? I've endured you for so long and you still don't know how to restrain yourself. Now that you have said it, you will be responsible. Let me tell you, stay away from me in the future." After finishing speaking, Murphy looked at Lei Sen: " Captain Lei, I'm really sorry to cause you to be misunderstood, thank you for helping to teach this scumbag a lesson today, then I'll go first."

After Murphy said goodbye to Lei Sen, he gave Gu Huaiyuan a hard look on the ground who was still speechless, and then turned to leave.

"Wait..." Lei Sen couldn't help calling out to Murphy when he saw Murphy turn around and leave in front of his eyes again.

Murphy turned his head strangely: "Is there anything else Captain Lei can do?"

"..." Lei Sen was silent for a while before speaking: "It's so late, if you meet such a drunk and nonsense person again, it's not convenient for you as a girl to deal with, so let me send you back!"

"No need, it's too much trouble for Captain Lei to go back once he's at his residence, and besides, I'm fine." Murphy politely rejected Lei Sen and wanted to leave again.

"It's okay, let's go!" Lei Sen didn't wait for Murphy to leave, grabbed Murphy's arm and walked towards the gate of the jurisdiction.Only Gu Huaiyuan was left sitting there, covering his face and moaning, looking at the two people who were leaving with resentment.

"Captain Lei, you can just walk." Out of the gate of the jurisdiction, Murphy slipped his arm out of Lei Sen's hand without a trace.

It was only then that Leisen realized that he had reached out and dragged Murphy for a while.

"Let's go, let's go!" Lei Sen pointed to the somewhat dark road unnaturally.

Murphy didn't refuse at all, and the two of them just walked in silence, without saying anything along the way, mainly because Murphy really didn't know what to say to Lei Sen, so he couldn't say: Hey, Captain Lei, what you are looking for That special mech is me, so don't ask around in the future.

Murphy reckoned that when he said something like that, he might have just short-circuited his brain.

"By the way, I found the relative you mentioned that day. It seems that he hasn't been an armorer for a long time. He is indeed in the star base now, but he doesn't work in the office building. He has established a team with his father, and he I am also a supernatural person." After walking for a long time, Lei Sen finally found a topic and broke the silence between the two.

"Oh, actually, you don't need to tell me. Anyway, we have nothing to do with each other." Murphy replied lightly.

Because of Murphy's indifferent attitude, Lei Sen had nothing to say again. He was not a talkative person in the first place, especially he rarely talked to women.

Probably feeling Lei Sen's embarrassment, Murphy had no choice but to speak again: "Captain Lei, your mecha is so good at handling, have you been driving it for many years?" I didn't mention it, why did I talk about the mecha?

Speaking of mechs, Lei Sen finally opened up the topic, and began to tell Mo Fei about the first time he was assigned to control the Silver Wing. Although the words were light, one could hear how much effort he had made before. It's not easy.

Because there is a topic, the time on the road will not seem so difficult.

Finally arrived at the Hailan District of the Xingmin circle, when Lei Sen sent Murphy downstairs, he looked up: "You live here?"

"That's right! The money I earn is only enough to rent this house, but I think it's pretty good. It's very convenient to get in and out here and it won't be too close to the edge." Murphy replied, and then smiled at Lei Sen: "Captain Lei , thank you for sending me back, then please go slowly."

"Well, goodbye." Lei Sen nodded and walked back the way he came.

Mo Fei breathed a sigh of relief. When he was chatting with Lei Sen just now, his spirit had been tense, and he was afraid that he would bring up the matter of looking for special mechs again.

Fortunately, Lei Sen talked about Silver Wing all the way, which made Mo Fei feel a little bit at ease. It seemed that Lei Sen didn't doubt him.

Going upstairs and turning on the lights, Mo Fei tidied up his things a little bit, because he just took a shower in Xiao Minyu's villa and didn't need to wash anymore. After tidying up his things, Mo Fei turned off the lights and began to practice Qi under the soft moonlight outside the window .

And in the darkness downstairs of Murphy's, Geng Yunwei, the black brother, stood in the darkness, and did not leave until Murphy turned off the light.

He saw everything that happened just now, and Geng Yunwei followed Mo Fei after he came out of the villa, but the distance was not too close to ensure that he would not be discovered.

When Murphy met Gu Huaiyuan and what happened after that, Geng Yunwei saw it clearly.

Later, Geng Yunwei saw that Lei Sen dragged Murphy away, and then followed Murphy and Lei Sen to Murphy's residence.

Xiao Minyu asked him to watch Murphy arrive home before going back, so Geng Yunwei stayed in the dark, first waited until Lei Sen left, and then turned around and decided to leave after seeing Murphy's lights turn on and off.

After only a few steps, Geng Yunwei saw not far away, a man leading a group of people came towards this direction aggressively.

Relying on his night vision ability, Geng Yunwei clearly saw the person headed by the group who was getting closer and closer, and the first thought in his heart was: Murphy is in danger.

(End of this chapter)

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