Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 205 Unbreakable

Chapter 205 Unbreakable
The leading man who was rushing towards Murphy's residence saw that his face was bruised and swollen, half of his face was swollen, and the other half of his face was not as serious as this one, but it was also red and swollen. There was a trace of blood that had dried up.

This person was none other than Gu Huaiyuan who had just been repaired by Lei Sen and Murphy.

After being beaten, Gu Huaiyuan was speechless in pain and could only hold his cheeks to watch Murphy and Lei Sen leave.Gu Huaiyuan did not expect that Murphy's hands would be so strong, but now he can't say anything, only the anger from his eyes makes him unable to vent.

It wasn't until Gu Huaiyuan felt that he didn't have the burning sensation on his face just now that he hurriedly ran towards Li Jiao's residence.

Seeing Gu Huaiyuan being beaten like this, Li Jiao was naturally distressed, and hurriedly found a team of supernatural beings.

This group of people would often help Li Jiao and Gu Huaiyuan to do some inconvenient things, because Gu Huaiyuan and Li Jiao were quite generous in their actions, not to mention being able to get close to the daughter and prospective son-in-law of the director of the Security Department. The capable team can be considered to have worked hard.

So when the people sent by Li Jiao found this team of supernatural beings, and the people in the team heard that Gu Huaiyuan had been beaten, they quickly assembled and made an appointment with Gu Huaiyuan at a time and place.

After Gu Huaiyuan applied an ice pack to his red and swollen cheeks, he went out angrily.

After finding the location agreed by the group, Gu Huaiyuan led the team of supernatural beings to kill Murphy's house all the way.

At this moment, Murphy, who was quietly practicing Qi at home, did not know that a group of people were coming towards his house.

Geng Yunwei had followed Mo Fei since he came out of the villa, so he knew the whole story of this incident, and seeing Gu Huaiyuan coming now, he knew that he must have come for revenge.

Glancing at Murphy's residence where the lights were turned off, Geng Yunwei quickly took out the communicator, but no matter how Geng Yunwei pressed it, the signal was always vague.

"Damn it, I lost the chain at a critical moment." Geng Yunwei cursed, and then quickly ran along the edge of the darkness to the star circle, and he wanted to go back and inform Xiao Minyu.

"It's here. I checked before. That stinky girl lives in Room 201 on the second floor. Go and tie her down. We'll do it after leaving the base. If someone finds out in the base, it's not easy to deal with." Things after that." Gu Huaiyuan pointed to the window where Murphy lived and said to the captain of the supernatural team.

The captain immediately smiled all over his face: "What you said is, don't worry, take care of us."

The captain of the team of supernatural beings instructed the two burly people beside him, "You two know how to do it, don't you?"

The two nodded at the same time, and then ran upstairs.

"Please, I ask you to take a good look at our performance so that I can vent your anger on you." The captain said to Gu Huaiyuan with a flattering face, and then made a gesture of please.

Faced with such treatment, Gu Huaiyuan couldn't help but feel his heart swell again: Hmph!Murphy, let's see how I deal with you later, you dare to hit me.Gu Huaiyuan's hand unconsciously touched the swollen half of his face, and he couldn't help but feel another burst of pain.

The two people who went upstairs first had already appeared on the second floor. After they came up, they turned on the flashlights in their hands and looked around. Then they saw the number of Room 201 written on the door.

"It's here, let's do it!" One of them pointed to the house number and said to the other.

The other person closed his eyes, slowly concentrated his breath on the right half of his body, and then slammed into the door.

It turns out that this person is a body-strengthening mutant, who can strengthen his body every time, but because he can only strengthen part of it, he is not the main force in the team, but does some auxiliary work.

However, under such a strong impact, the door did not move at all.

The other person also looked at his companion strangely: "Shitou, your ability has regressed. You can't even break through such a small door? Let me do it!"

The man took a few steps back as he spoke, then rushed forward, pushing forward with both hands.It turned out that this person was a power mutant.

However, astonishing things continued to happen, and Murphy's door was still not shaken in the slightest.

The two looked at each other in amazement, and really couldn't figure out why.

At this moment, Murphy had already heard the voice outside, slowly collected his breath, and then stood up.

Why is it so noisy outside? The house has been demolished?Murphy thought about it and walked towards the door.

The two people continued to bump into the door of Murphy's house, but the door remained motionless, as if it was integrated with the wall.

"Evil door, how is it possible?" Both of them stared at the door with incredulous eyes.

"What are you two doing? Why haven't you even opened the door yet?" The captain of the team who came up later originally asked Gu Huaiyuan to come up to watch a good show, but to his embarrassment, he found that the two of them hadn't even opened the door. He even boasted to Gu Huaiyuan just now.

Just when the team leader was scolding the two people who still hadn't opened the door of Murphy's house, a voice came from inside the room: "Who is it?"

Gu Huaiyuan signaled the others to stop talking, and walked to the door by himself: "Murphy, if you have the guts to hit me just now, you should know the consequences, come out and let's talk."

Hearing it was Gu Huaiyuan's voice, Murphy's face was full of disgust: This Gu Huaiyuan is really lingering, so annoying!But since he found it so late, he must have a helper. Can he get out?
Seeing that Mo Fei didn't respond, Gu Huaiyuan said again: "Mur Fei, you're not afraid, are you? If I had known why it was now, if you had come out to make me happy, maybe I would have considered letting you go, otherwise you would be Don't even think about staying in the star base."

Gu Huaiyuan's arrogant attitude really annoyed Murphy: Good!Gu Huaiyuan, since you are looking for something to do, then I don't need to be polite to you.

Mo Fei turned around and went back to put on his clothes, then picked up his Su Ying spear, after thinking for a while, Mo Fei put the Su Ying gun into the storage talisman.

After waiting for a while, finding that Murphy hadn't moved, Gu Huaiyuan asked the captain of the team: "Can't this door be opened? Let me rush in."

The captain hurriedly yelled at the two mutants who came up to open the door: "Two trash, one door is difficult? Let me break through."

The two mutants felt bitter and indescribable. This door is really evil. No matter how the two of them bumped into each other, there was no response. .

This really can't be blamed on the incompetence of the two mutants. It's really because the door was affixed with an enhanced version of the defensive talisman by Murphy, so if you want the mutant to break through, the highest endurance without hitting the defensive talisman will definitely not be able to open it. of.

Murphy prepared everything leisurely, and then walked to the door.

The door was opened suddenly, and the mutant who could strengthen the body part was rushing towards him, and rushed in.

After Mo Fei dodged sideways, he stretched out his foot, and the mutant was tripped to the ground.

"Murphy, do you dare to come out?" When Gu Huaiyuan said this, he didn't know why, and inexplicably thought of the situation when he was slapped by Murphy just now, and his face also conditioned to ache.

"What's the matter, tell me! Why are you banging on the door of my house so hard? If it breaks, you will pay for it?" Murphy glanced at Gu Huaiyuan lightly, his tone was freezing cold.

"Okay, since you love your door so much, let's go outside so as not to damage it." After Gu Huaiyuan finished speaking, he winked at the captain of the team of supernatural beings.

The team leader of the superhuman team nodded, and the people who were standing behind turned around and walked downstairs, but they were all blocked at the stairs, fearing that Murphy would run away.

Murphy turned around and locked the door without haste, and then walked downstairs.

All the way out of Hailan District, there were actually a few cars parked in front of it.

"Get in the car, this is not the place to talk, it's not good if you startle others." Although Gu Huaiyuan spoke in a negotiating tone, Mo Fei saw that several supernatural beings around him had already put on a posture, and a battle was imminent. the taste of.

Murphy didn't bother arguing with a few people, anyway, she didn't plan to be in the base, it would be better to go out.

So Murphy didn't resist, and got into a car that seemed to be more comfortable.

"Let's go to the mountains." Gu Huaiyuan whispered to the captain of the team of supernatural beings before he saw Murphy get into the car.

A group of people drove to the gate of the star base.

Just as Mo Fei followed Gu Huaiyuan's car and left, on the other side, more than a dozen cars drove towards Murphy's house.

"Hurry up, hurry up." The people in the car urged anxiously.

"Fifth, don't move around, you are still injured." A man wearing glasses couldn't help reminding.

The people who came were Xiao Minyu and people from the elite circle of the special operations team.

Before Geng Yunwei secretly escorted Mo Fei home and was about to leave, he found Gu Huaiyuan leading a team of supernatural beings rushing towards Murphy's house. Since Gu Huaiyuan brought a lot of people, Geng Yunwei went back to rescue the soldiers.

After Xiao Minyu heard the news, he asked Geng Yunwei, Man Chengbin, Meng Zhibo, and Fang Xingping, four direct captains, to bring more reliable people from the elite circle to help.

The car quickly drove to the downstairs of Murphy's house, but there was no one below: "Go up and have a look." Xiao Minyu had to urge him because of his limited mobility.

Fang Xingping jumped out of the car first, and then ran upstairs.After knocking on the door for a long time, no one came to open the door. Fang Xingping took out a small bottle from his pocket, poured out a slender spider from the bottle, and let the spider crawl along the wall to Murphy's window. .

After a while, the spider crawled out again, and Fang Xingping put the spider back into the bottle.

"Old Five, there is no one in the house, I'm afraid Murphy has already been taken away by Gu Huaiyuan." Fang Xingping trotted all the way down the stairs and replied.

"Gu Huaiyuan, you are courting death!" Xiao Minyu clenched his hands tightly into fists: "Second brother, go and investigate quickly, and find Feifei's whereabouts for me as soon as possible."

While ordering several people, Xiao Minyu secretly prayed in his heart: Feifei, nothing will happen to you!I will definitely find you as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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