Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 206 A Signal Flare

Chapter 206 A Signal Flare
Murphy drove Gu Huaiyuan's car all the way to the outside of the star base, while Murphy was thinking about how to deal with Gu Huaiyuan and this group of people for a while.

You must know that it is still a bit difficult to deal with this group of supernatural beings by yourself. How to outsmart them is the key, otherwise you can only use the trump card.

"Murphy, it's all over now, don't you think you should apologize to me? Maybe I'll let you go for the sake of old friendship." Seeing that Murphy didn't speak all the way, Gu Huaiyuan thought that Murphy was scared, and couldn't help but feel proud.

"Or just follow me again, I think you have experienced the end of the world and you should have figured out a lot of things, right?" Seeing that Mo Fei didn't speak, Xiao Minyu continued on his own, and caressed Mo Fei dishonestly. the back of the hand.

Murphy pulled out his hand and moved into the seat. Now that he has just left the gate of the base, he can't do it here.Glancing at Gu Huaiyuan, Murphy turned her face out of the window, she really didn't want to say a word to this scum.

"What's the use of getting close to the captain of the mecha team? Let's see who can save you at a time like this." Seeing that Murphy just avoided him and didn't overreact, Gu Huaiyuan intensified a little.Especially when it was dark outside, Gu Huaiyuan felt that Murphy could not escape from his grasp.

The car drove forward quickly. In fact, it was still very dangerous to drive outside the base at night like this.

But at this time, Gu Huaiyuan didn't consider these things at all, or because Gu Huaiyuan has always been on soft food, he is not particularly clear about the difficulties in the end times.

Just because he didn't know it didn't mean that the captain of the supernatural team didn't know, so when the car drove to a distance from the base, the captain of the supernatural team suggested to Gu Huaiyuan not to go any further.

"Mr. Gu, look, it's dangerous to go any further. Shouldn't it be enough for us to get close to here?" The member of the team of supernatural beings asked Gu Huaiyuan.

Gu Huaiyuan looked out the car window, because the moonlight was very bright, so the road was not completely invisible, and some buildings beside the road could be vaguely seen.

"No, not here, didn't you hear what I said, let's go to the mountains." Gu Huaiyuan insisted on his previous arrangement.

"But it's too dangerous to go to the mountains so late."

"Don't worry, haven't you heard that that side has been cleaned up by the joint before? I'm from the special operations team, and I know the inside story." Gu Huaiyuan pretended to be mysterious and said to the captain of the superhuman team, as if It's all under your control.

"Oh, so that's the case, then I understand." The team leader looked clear, and then continued to drive forward.

Looking at Gu Huaiyuan's appearance, Murphy couldn't help but snorted in his heart: he really knows how to pretend.

When Xiao Minyu confessed to himself before, he mentioned that the reason why Gu Huaiyuan was able to join the special operations team was because of Li Jiao's father, Li He, the director of the Alliance Security Department.However, after Gu Huaiyuan entered the special operations team, he basically lived for nothing.

Not to mention the core circle and the combat readiness circle, according to his own ability, he can't even enter the auxiliary circle, that is, for Li He's sake, let him make a name for himself in the auxiliary circle.

Therefore, talking about the inside story is simply a joke, not to mention that Murphy is the one who knows the inside story, because she is among the people who participated in the battle.

But Murphy didn't intend to tell Gu Huaiyuan, because at this moment she had already thought of a solution to these people.

The car quickly drove into the mountainous area. In addition to the coldness in the mountainous area at night, everything around it felt creepy.

"What about Mo Fei, kneel down and beg me now, I can still spare your life." Gu Huaiyuan's face was already full of victory.

Murphy was still silent, but her eyes were not idle, but she was looking around.

Soon Mo Fei found the fork in the road. It seemed that she had already reached the part of the road she usually took, and she was about to reach the downhill position. Murphy kept thinking about it.

"Stop, there is a fork in the road here, we will turn in and throw her in it for a while, and see how much she can do." Gu Huaiyuan also saw the fork in the road not far away, and then patted the driver in front of him. said the man.

"No, you can't drive through that fork." Murphy couldn't help but want to stop it.

Unexpectedly, Murphy's stop had the opposite effect. Gu Huaiyuan thought that Murphy was scared, and his expression was extremely excited: "Scared? Hmph, let's go this way."

Murphy wanted to say something else, but when he saw Gu Huaiyuan's uneasy expression, he didn't speak again: That's fine, save yourself having to find a way to solve it.Murphy thought to himself, and his face became more and more calm.

Originally, Gu Huaiyuan thought that Murphy would show some fear, but Murphy's performance did not develop as he expected, which made Gu Huaiyuan very annoyed.

The car turned left and right along the road and came to a slightly empty place and stopped.

Gu Huaiyuan got out of the car first, and then asked the captain of the superhuman team to push Murphy down as well.

"Murphy, it seems that it's useless to talk about it. If that's the case, you should stay here! Hahahahaha... Oops!" Gu Huaiyuan raised his head and laughed, but pulled his cheeks, making the swollen His face felt like it was on fire again.

Murphy stood aside and stared at Gu Huaiyuan with a pair of eyes watching the show, then took a deep breath and shouted with all the strength in his body.

"What are you doing? What are you screaming? If you're really scared, you might as well beg me." Gu Huaiyuan was gently rubbing his cheeks with his hands, but he couldn't help being startled when he heard Murphy's shout.

"What the hell are you doing? Hey, where are you going?" Gu Huaiyuan looked at Murphy who turned around and ran away, a little puzzled.

Murphy didn't say a word, just hooked the corners of his mouth, and then ran into the grass.

"Don't let her run away, attack me." Seeing that Murphy had run away, Gu Huaiyuan quickly asked those supernatural beings to attack.

It was the captain of the team of supernatural beings who felt that something was wrong: "Mr. Gu, I think something is wrong, let's go quickly, don't worry about that girl, anyway, where can she go in this mountainous area in the middle of the night?"

After listening to the suggestion of the captain of the superhuman team, Gu Huaiyuan nodded: "Okay, let's go back and let her fend for herself."

When the group was about to get into the car, they noticed something strange.

In front of their car, two huge C2 zombies stood at an unknown time, and the driver who was in the car had already been separated.

"Oh my god, help, it's a C2 zombie." The members of the superhuman team exploded. With their abilities, it would take a lot of effort to deal with one C2 zombie, let alone two. night.

Only then did a group of people understand why Murphy ran, and quickly ran in the direction Murphy was fleeing.

However, what they didn't expect was that there was already a huge C3 zombie standing in the direction of Murphy's escape, staring at their movements.

Two C2 zombies and one C3 zombie, this situation made the whole team a little desperate.

"Don't worry about the car, run into the woods, hurry up!" Although the captain of the superhuman team is very good at fawning in order to climb up, his mind is still very fast.After panicking, he ordered the team members to run to the woods. Judging by the huge size of those giant zombies, it might not be possible to find them quickly in the forest, and there might be a possibility of escape.

After listening to the captain's words, the remaining team members and Gu Huaiyuan ran desperately into the woods, especially Gu Huaiyuan, although he had no offensive power with the wind ability, but he could still use some strength to run.

At this time, Murphy had already flown up a tree to look at the situation in the distance. Although he couldn't see very far because of the light problem, the general situation was clear.

"Want to run? That's not fun." Mo Fei smiled slightly, and pulled out the long-distance spotlight from the storage talisman. This kind of spotlight is usually used in square performances, but because of the light The photo was far away, so it was compressed into a small size for some explorers to use.

Murphy's light shone straight ahead, and the light just hit the back of the fleeing team.

In the darkness of the surrounding area, this beam of light is literally the sun.Those huge monsters followed the light and chased after them.

Seeing that the giant zombie was looking in the right direction, Murphy turned off the light tube and put it away again in order to avoid exposing himself.

No way, they ran all the way here, the trees became denser as they went in, so these people might escape, especially Gu Huaiyuan who ran at the front.He came here several times to find fault, and he had put up with him many times, and this time he had to clean up the dregs no matter what he said.

Murphy thought, and suddenly thought of a good way.

After touching the storage talisman, Murphy took out a signal flare. Of course, this is also a special survival tool for outdoor adventurers. I put it away when I was walking around the camping area. It was because of Gu Huaiyuan. .

"It just so happens that this is returned to you because of what you got." Murphy murmured to himself as he pulled off the upper ring in his hand and threw it towards a clearing in the distance.

"Hoo..." With the sound, a red light rushed into the sky.

Gu Huaiyuan and the others naturally saw the light.

"Quick, go that way, that girl must have let her go, maybe Silver Wing from Mecha Team came to pick her up, let's go there quickly." Gu Huaiyuan remembered that Murphy and Lei Sen knew each other, maybe there is some way to contact her , so Murphy must have pulled a distress bomb for him to come to rescue.

Thinking of this, Gu Huaiyuan and the team of supernatural beings changed direction and ran towards that area together.

Mo Fei looked at Gu Huaiyuan and the others who changed direction, and the smile on her face became more and more obvious, because she saw more giant figures appeared in the distance, and those figures rushed along the mountain in the same direction .

Besides Gu Huaiyuan and the others and other zombies, there was a group of people who saw this signal.

"Fifth, it seems to be a mountainous area over there. There is a signal flare flashing. Could it be that Murphy and the others are over there?" Man Chengbin, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned his head and asked Xiao Minyu after seeing the light first.

"Really, most likely, who would go to the mountains so late. Let's go, let's drive there."

Xiao Minyu also rushed to the direction of the mountain with a group of people.

At this moment, Mo Fei was waiting for the three giant zombies chasing Gu Huaiyuan and the others to leave her, but what Mo Fei didn't expect was that on her right, a giant zombie was walking A little closer to where she is.

(End of this chapter)

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