Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 207 Clay Figure

Chapter 207 Clay Figure
Sitting on the tree and waiting for a while, Mo Fei was relieved to see that the giant zombie in front of him finally ran away in the direction of Gu Huaiyuan and the others.

After looking around for nothing, Murphy jumped under the tree and was about to leave.

Just after Murphy walked for a while, he suddenly felt that something was staring at him.

Because of the improvement in Qi training, Murphy's senses became much sharper.

Subconsciously looking around, Mo Fei suddenly noticed that it was in the rear right.One tree seemed to be much wider than the others.

Because of the lack of light, Mo Fei stared carefully at the strange place for a long time before realizing that it didn't seem to be a tree.There seemed to be something hidden behind that.

Murphy turned his head away as if he hadn't noticed anything, and then walked forward at the same speed as before, but his ears paid more attention to the movement after getting up.

When Murphy got out of the woods and returned to the previous forked road, Murphy walked forward quickly.

Unexpectedly, the thing following Murphy also accelerated, and soon rushed out of the woods and strode towards Murphy.

Murphy turned around and realized that he was followed by a C2 zombie.

How did this C2 zombie find itself?Murphy was surprised and slowed down at the same time. If he ran with his feet like this, he would definitely not be able to match its speed, not to mention that it was just a C2 zombie.Murphy simply stopped, and then summoned the mecha in his body.

Standing in the mech, Murphy felt solid.

After choosing a weapon, Murphy attacked the C2 zombie.

After neatly eliminating the C2 zombies, Murphy came to the front of the car left by the team of supernatural beings, cleaned the inside of the car with the arm of the mecha, and then put the mecha back into his body to prepare to leave in the car .

"Fei... Fei'er? So you are also from the Mecha Team. I was wrong before. I was joking with you. Please help me."

Murphy was just about to leave when she heard a voice that she didn't want to hear the most.

Looking back, I saw Gu Huaiyuan running towards him in a very embarrassing situation, and behind Gu Huaiyuan were two C3 zombies and one C2 zombie.

But the rest of the zombies didn't follow. Obviously, the members of the supernatural team were either fighting with the zombies, or they had all entered the stomachs of the zombies.As for Gu Huaiyuan, it seems that he managed to escape by relying on his wind power.

Mo Fei just sneered: "Gu Huaiyuan, don't you think you're doing it yourself?" I had put up with him a few times before, but this time I just slapped him out of anger. It stands to reason that he really deserved it, but he Gu Huaiyuan actually summoned people to tie him up, and wanted to throw himself in this mountainous area at such a late hour.

And just now I clearly reminded them that they can't go this way, but Gu Huaiyuan insisted on going his own way and couldn't blame others. Now that he found out about his mech, Murphy couldn't keep him.

Because everything was so sudden just now, the key on the car was still on it, so Murphy turned the key to start the car and backed away.

"Fei'er, I was wrong, I was really wrong, help me..." Gu Huaiyuan's pleading voice fell into Mo Fei's ears, but Mo Fei didn't have any sympathy for him.

Not knowing whether he had lost his last hope or was tired from running, Gu Huaiyuan's speed was getting slower and slower, and soon he was caught by C3 who was chasing after him with big strides.

When Murphy turned the car around and prepared to speed up and leave here, a huge monster like a hill appeared in front of Murphy's car.

The huge tail twitched and landed on Murphy's car.

Murphy quickly opened the car door and rolled out, and then the huge and thick tail hit the roof of the car, and the whole car was flattened.

Looking up again, Murphy suddenly realized that the huge tail that hit him was exactly the giant zombie in armor, the C4 zombie.

Looking at the peeling skin on the top of the C4 zombie's head, this is the C4 zombie that had been with the mother zombie before.

Seeing that the blow didn't hit Murphy, the C4 zombie swung its huge arm down towards Murphy, and at the same time let out a roar.

Mo Fei quickly rolled aside from the ground, dodging the palm.

However, the C4 zombies did not stop but kept attacking Murphy.

Facing C3, Murphy might have a chance to fight due to the surrounding terrain, but facing C4 zombies, Murphy seemed a little powerless and could only keep dodging.

No, if I hide like this, I will suffer sooner or later.But because this place was relatively empty, even if Murphy wanted to fly to the cliff, he couldn't do it.

While avoiding the attack of C4 zombies, Murphy looked at the things that could be used around him, but because of distraction, Murphy didn't see the C2 zombies and C3 zombies running over from behind.

One of the C3 zombies' quick palm caught Mo Fei off guard and gave him a solid slap.

Although there was a defensive talisman attached to Murphy's body, the blow from the C3 zombie was not light, causing Murphy to fly for a while and then fell to the ground.

"Cough, cough, cough..." Mo Fei felt a tightness in his chest and coughed twice.

Rubbing the place where he was hit, Murphy stood up and felt a taste of blood in his mouth.Only then did Murphy notice the surroundings, and there were more and more giant zombies around. It seemed that the members of the team of supernatural beings had also confessed here, and now he was the only one left.

How to do how to do?Murphy's mind was spinning quickly, hoping that he could think of a way to rush out.

Murphy was thinking of a way, when the C4 zombie roared and rushed towards Murphy again.

But at this time, Murphy couldn't think of any solution in his mind and could only retreat step by step.

Backing away, there was a small mud puddle behind Mo Fei. Mo Fei's foot stepped into the mud puddle all of a sudden, and the muddy soup was poured into it along the shoes.

Mo Fei felt cold under his feet, and his body shivered from the cold.

But because of this, Murphy thought of one thing.

Glancing at the many giant zombies in front of him, Murphy picked up the flying talisman and ran forward.Although the height of the flying talisman is not high enough to avoid giant zombies, it is good to increase some speed at this time.

Murphy ran forward with all his strength, and the giant zombies realized that their prey had run away, and they all roared and followed behind Murphy, especially the C4 zombie, whose speed was even faster than Murphy's.

Seeing that the C4 zombies were about to chase after Murphy, but the next moment, Murphy disappeared in front of many giant zombies.

The C4 zombie raised its head and roared loudly, as if unwilling to lose its target.

After waiting for a long time, the chasing giant zombies circled around several times but did not find Murphy's figure. Led by the C4 zombies, they left step by step and returned to the canyon behind the cave where they gathered among.

After waiting for an unknown amount of time, just when Mo Fei felt that he was about to freeze, Mo Fei raised his head.

He looked around to see that there were no traces of those giant zombies before standing up.

At this time, Murphy's whole body was soaked, and his clothes and face were covered with mud.

It turned out that the moment Mo Fei stepped on the small mud pit, he thought of a way to avoid these behemoths.

Murphy used to come here often, so he was quite familiar with the surroundings. Naturally, Murphy also knew that there was a shallow river ditch that was not very clear not far away.The ditch is full of silt, but judging from the withered stems, it is likely that this place used to be the edge of a shallow lotus pond.

So the purpose of Murphy just carrying the flying talisman was not to escape, but to escape into this muddy river, using mud to cover up his own smell, and taking advantage of the habit of most zombies who are reluctant to get close to water, Murphy took a Breathe slowly through the straw.

I didn't expect to really fool the smart C4 zombie.

"Bah bah." Murphy spat out the mud around his mouth, and shivered again: "It's really cold here."

With his shoulders in his arms, Murphy climbed along the edge to the branch road he had been walking on.

There is no way to go back to the cave. Although there are cars there, if the group of giant zombies find it again, it may be difficult to use the same trick a second time.

It's still dark now, and Murphy estimated that it should be past zero.

"It's really unlucky, Gu Huaiyuan. You should be glad that the zombies ate you. If you are still alive, I will definitely make your life worse than death." Murphy vented his anger angrily. If it wasn't for Gu Huaiyuan, he would have died by now. I fell asleep beautifully on the bed.

While Murphy was muttering, suddenly, a light came on, and then Murphy saw several cars approaching from a distance.

The people in the car obviously also saw Murphy, and the car stopped after driving over.

Probably Murphy was covered in mud and couldn't tell what it was. The person in the car carefully lowered the window and asked, "Are you a human or a zombie?"

Murphy was a little dazzled by the light, and stretched out his hand to cover his forehead to see clearly that the person who opened the window was Geng Yunwei.

"Brother Geng, why are you?" Murphy said in surprise.

Hearing it was Mo Fei's voice, Xiao Minyu opened the car door all of a sudden: "Feifei, it's great that you're fine, those people didn't do anything to you, did they?"

"Xiao Minyu, you, you..."

Xiao Minyu got off the car on one foot, walked over with a cane, held Mo Fei and looked up and down: "Feifei, are you okay? How did you get into this state? What about the group? They treat you like this, I want Teach them a lesson."

"I'm fine. I'm cold right now. Let's go back first, shall we? I'll tell you slowly." Murphy's teeth were already chattering when he spoke.

Seeing that Mo Fei was so cold, Xiao Minyu quickly took off his clothes and put them on for Mo Fei.

"I'm too dirty."

"It's just a piece of clothing. Put it on and let's go. It's still not safe in the mountains at night."

Murphy didn't refuse anymore, and let Xiao Minyu put on his coat and get into the car, and the car turned around and drove towards the star base.

(End of this chapter)

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