Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 208 Sleepover

Chapter 208 Sleepover
On the way back to the star base, Mo Fei told Xiao Minyu about the matter in detail.

"If I'm not familiar with this place, I'm dead. Fortunately, I remembered that there was a mud pond over there, so I escaped the group of giant zombies in it, but it seems that Gu Huaiyuan and the people in that team were all eliminated by the giant zombies. "

Because Murphy put on a coat and drank some hot water, he was already much better.Although the sticky wet clothes on his body are still uncomfortable, at least it is not as cold as before.

"Hmph, this Gu Huaiyuan deserves it. If he hadn't found fault first, he wouldn't have ended up like this. Even if he's fine this time, I wouldn't let him go." Xiao Minyu said bitterly after hearing what Mo Fei said.

"Fifth, I'm home." While speaking, the car had already stopped in front of Xiao Minyu's villa.

Because Mo Fei encountered such a thing, and if Gu Huaiyuan disappeared, Li Jiao would probably go to find trouble with Mo Fei, so Xiao Minyu ignored Mo Fei's objection and insisted that she live with him recently.

"Get out of the car, Feifei, hurry up and take a hot bath, don't catch a cold." Xiao Minyu said softly to Mo Fei.

Mo Fei nodded, although he was a little dissatisfied with Xiao Minyu's insistence on letting him live in his villa, but he went to the mountains in the middle of the night to bring him back, and Mo Fei was very touched by this, so he came back with Xiao Minyu No more arguments.

After getting off the car and entering the villa, Mo Fei was arranged by Xiao Minyu to a room on the second floor.

"You live in this room, Feifei. I know the reason why you want to go home is that you prefer to be quiet. This room is the innermost one. We don't usually come here. It's very quiet here. You can use it these days. This room is fine."

"Yeah." Murphy nodded.

Xiao Minyu leaned on crutches and prepared to leave.

Looking at Xiao Minyu who was limping, Mo Fei suddenly felt a little sorry. He was injured and went to the mountain to find him in the middle of the night, and even came to arrange his room in person. He was very thoughtful. If he said he was not moved, that was fake.

Thinking about it, Mo Fei couldn't help shouting: "Xiao Minyu."

Xiao Minyu turned his head: "Feifei, do you need anything else?"

"No, nothing is needed, thank you."

"Don't thank me, it's not enough. You forgot that I plan to chase you. Does this add something to the consideration list?"

When Mo Fei heard Xiao Minyu say this, he couldn't help laughing, but the dried mud on his face fell down because of the smile.

Quickly reaching out to catch the falling mud, Mo Fei shrugged awkwardly: "I'd better go take a shower, it's like unearthed cultural relics."

"Go, go to bed early, don't rush to get up tomorrow, and I will tell the servant not to disturb you, just eat when you wake up."

Murphy just entered the room.

The room is very clean. Although there is not much furniture, there are many things that should be used.

Murphy was very satisfied with the decoration of this room, which was in line with his usual aesthetics.Just as she was about to enter the bathroom, there was another knock on the door.Mo Fei turned around and opened the door. It was a servant with a set of clean clothes in his hand. Just by looking at the size, he knew it belonged to Xiao Minyu.

"Miss Murphy, Mr. Xiao ordered the clothes to be delivered to you."

"I'm too dirty, you can just put it on the bed."

The servant nodded, then put the clothes on the bed and left the room.

Murphy re-locked the door and entered the bathroom.After washing off the mud on his body, Mo Fei washed the clothes on his body and hung them up to dry before starting to wash himself.

Other places are easy to wash, but the mud on the hair is too difficult to clean. Murphy washed it several times before finally no black muddy water appeared.After washing from top to bottom, Murphy walked out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel.

After changing his underwear, Murphy put on the clean shirt on the bed.After shaking the quilt, Murphy got into the bed and quickly fell asleep.

After sleeping until almost noon the next day, Mo Fei didn't get up. He felt a little groggy. Mo Fei guessed that he had soaked in the mud pond in the mountains for too long yesterday. This was also due to his own physique. Ordinary people in this kind of weather are mud ponds in the mountains. If they soak in it for such a long time in the middle of the night, they probably either freeze to death on the spot or they will definitely be seriously ill when they come back.

Murphy stood up and pushed open the window for a breath of air, then returned to the bed to practice Qi, allowing his body to recover a little.

However, after a lap, Murphy still felt that it was not so refreshing, but being able to come back to rest so quickly, the current situation is already the best result.

After getting dressed, Murphy opened the door.Looking into the corridor, the location of this room is indeed a place that is usually very quiet.

Walking out of the room, Mo Fei kept the door open and walked forward. When he reached the stairs, he saw Meng Zhibo sitting on the sofa in the hall downstairs looking at something.

Murphy walked down the stairs: "Brother Meng." Murphy greeted Meng Zhibo.

"Murphy, you're awake, do you want something to eat?" Meng Zhibo replied gruffly.

"I'll see what's in the kitchen later, and I'll just eat something. Why is it just you, what about the others?" Murphy walked to the sofa and sat down.

"You don't need to eat whatever you want. Old Five has already told you that you can eat whatever you want." Meng Zhibo shouted towards the kitchen after finishing speaking: "Old Zhao, come quickly."

Then I saw an elderly man coming over: "Mr. Meng, please order."

"Murphy is awake, you ask her what she wants to eat and let the kitchen make it alone."

Mo Fei quickly waved his hand: "It's really not necessary, just eat whatever you have."

"Miss Murphy, right? You're welcome. Just tell us what you want to eat. As long as it's not too hard to find, we can make it." The old man surnamed Zhao replied politely.

"Then please cook me some hot soup. I must have been frozen last night. I got a little dizzy when I woke up in the morning. I don't really want to eat anything else. Just make me some hot soup." Murphy Said to the old man surnamed Zhao.

"If you catch a cold, miss Murphy, eat some vegetarian steamed buns first, and then I'll cook you a bowl of ginger syrup to drive you away from the cold. Do you think it's okay?"

Murphy nodded, and the old man surnamed Zhao turned to the kitchen to prepare.

"Murphy, are you uncomfortable?" Meng Zhibo asked after the old man surnamed Zhao left.

"Fortunately, I have a strong physique, but a little bit, it doesn't matter."

"It just so happens that the fifth one went to the headquarters, why don't we ask the doctor to come and see them when they come back?" Meng Zhibo told Mo Fei the reason why Xiao Minyu and the others were not at home.

Only then did Mo Fei know that Xiao Minyu went to the headquarters of the Star Soul Circle today, which seemed to be a report on the situation of this mission.And Mo Fei also knew at the same time that because of his own relationship, Meng Zhibo, who was going to the meeting with him, was actually left at home by Xiao Minyu on purpose.

The old man surnamed Zhao was very nimble, and he came out with steaming steamed buns and a bowl of ginger syrup in a short while.

"The stuffing of this vegetarian steamed stuffed bun is quite refreshing, and it won't get greasy when you're sick. The ginger syrup is made by Aunt Li, so eat it while it's hot. After eating, drink the ginger syrup and go back to bed to sweat it out. "Because Murphy was not feeling well, the old man surnamed Zhao also said a few more words.

"Thank you." Mo Fei said as he took the plate containing the buns.

"No, no, this is what I should do. Miss Murphy, just leave the plates and bowls here after you finish eating, and someone will come to collect them later." The old man responded and retreated.

Murphy finished the food in the bowl, told Meng Zhibo and went back to the room.After drinking the hot ginger water, he felt better, so Mo Fei decided to go back and sleep again.

While sleeping in a daze, Murphy felt a pair of hands touching his forehead.

Mo Fei opened his eyes slightly, and Xiao Minyu's face appeared in front of his eyes: "Xiao Minyu." Murphy shouted.

"Feifei, you're awake. When I came back, I heard from the third child that you were not feeling well, so I came here to have a look. Luckily, you don't have a fever."

"What time is it?" Murphy propped himself up, only to realize that it was getting dark outside.

"It's already past five o'clock. You've been sleeping since you had breakfast. Are you hungry now? Wake up and have something to eat? Dinner will be ready soon."

Mo Fei rubbed his stomach and felt a little hungry, so he nodded: "I'll come after I wash my face, you go down first!"

After washing, Mo Fei finally woke up. Shaking his head, he found that his head was no longer dizzy. It seemed that after drinking hot ginger water and sleeping for a long time, he was almost healed now.

Open the door and go downstairs, Xiao Minyu and the others are all there.

Seeing Mo Fei go downstairs, Xiao Minyu waved to Mo Fei: "Fei Fei."

Habitually sitting next to Xiao Minyu, the food was put on the table in a short time.

After eating, Mo Fei looked at Xiao Minyu who was at the side, because all his things were at home, so it was not a problem to always wear Xiao Minyu's clothes, not to mention that although he could secretly change his underwear, in the eyes of outsiders, he hadn't changed.

But now that he proposed to go home to live, he would definitely not allow it, so Mo Fei asked Xiao Minyu to go home to get clothes.

Xiao Minyu would naturally not refuse this request, but because Xiao Minyu himself was inconvenient to move, just in case, Xiao Minyu asked the burly man Meng Zhibo and the dark brother Geng Yunwei to go with Murphy.

So Mo Fei followed Geng Yunwei and Meng Zhibo out of the villa, Geng Yunwei drove the car, and Mo Fei got in the car and drove to the sea blue area of ​​the Xingmin circle where Mo Fei lived.

And all of this was seen by Yulin who was still waiting by the window.

"It's Feifei? Why did she come out of the villa? Besides, she's still wearing men's clothes. No, it's obviously Yu's clothes." Yulin stared at the car going away, very puzzled.

It's no wonder that Yulin didn't know, because it was already midnight when Mo Fei came back with Xiao Minyu and his party yesterday, and Yulin had already fallen asleep at that time.At the beginning, I did see Murphy leaving Xiao Minyu's villa, but I didn't see it. When I came back in the middle of the night, I was naturally surprised that Murphy came out of Xiao Minyu's villa at this time.

But Murphy didn't know this, and just followed the car to his residence.

After reaching the building where Murphy lived, the car stopped smoothly. Murphy went downstairs and walked upstairs. When he reached the second floor, he found that the door of his house was ajar, but Murphy clearly Remember to lock the door before you leave.

(End of this chapter)

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