Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 209 Different Memory Methods

Chapter 209 Different Memory Methods
Originally, Murphy came back to get a change of clothes, but what Murphy didn't expect was that the door of his house was actually open.

Mo Fei hurriedly opened the door and rushed into the room. Everything he saw was a mess. The unsealed rice, noodles, oil, condiments, and pots that he kept at home were all gone, and the bedding was also covered with knives. The same sharp tool made a mess.

Murphy rummaged through the clothes in a hurry, and all the newer clothes were taken away, leaving only a few old clothes that Murphy usually wore as work clothes.

I looked through some supplies that I usually have at hand, and they were either missing or damaged.

It's also fortunate that I have a storage talisman, and valuables are placed in the storage talisman, otherwise I'm afraid they will be taken away.

Geng Yunwei and Meng Zhibo who followed up were also taken aback by the situation in front of them.

Meng Zhibo quickly asked: "Murphy, it seems that your house has been ransacked, can you see what's missing?"

Mo Fei looked at the situation in front of him and then at Meng Zhibo: "Since it's looting, what will be left? I just went through it, and everything that can be taken away is taken away, and what can't be taken away is almost destroyed. It's just that It's a pity that I haven't worn the few beautiful clothes I found." Mo Fei said with a curled lip.

Meng Zhibo and Geng Yunwei looked at each other and couldn't help sighing inwardly: She is really a little girl, and she only cares about beautiful clothes.

In fact, all of Murphy's valuables were in the storage talisman. It was a pity that apart from the half bag of rice and the noodles that had not been unpacked for a long time, and the pots and utensils that were conveniently used, there were probably only those new clothes left.

Because all the clothes were taken away, Murphy could only make a trip in vain, and followed Geng Yunwei and Meng Zhibo back to Xiao Minyu's villa, still wearing Xiao Minyu's clothes.

As soon as he entered the villa, Meng Zhibo with a loud voice told Xiao Minyu about the Murphy family.

"What? You actually broke into the house." Xiao Minyu was very grateful at this time to bring Mo Fei back to live by force, otherwise Mo Fei would be uncomfortable today, not to mention the items in the house, maybe even Mo Fei's people would have taken them away.

"Second child." Xiao Minyu called out to Man Chengbin.

The long-term tacit understanding made Man Chengbin immediately understand Xiao Minyu's meaning, nodded to Xiao Minyu, and then walked to the study on the second floor with a browser.

"Feifei, don't worry, I will ask the third child to go to the city and bring some clothes back tomorrow." Xiao Minyu looked at Murphy who was still wearing his own clothes and comforted him. After all, Murphy can be regarded as having nothing now.

"It's okay, I'll go by myself tomorrow."

"Then you go to rest first. If you have anything to say, you have to talk about it tomorrow. It's better to go to bed early when you're recovering from a serious illness." Xiao Minyu didn't stop Mo Fei's actions tomorrow, but asked Mo Fei to go to rest now.

After Mo Fei went upstairs, Xiao Minyu brought several other people into the study.

"Second brother, who do you think would have done this?" Xiao Minyu asked as soon as he entered the study.

"I think the biggest possibility is Li Jiao. After all, Gu Huaiyuan went out last night to seek revenge from Mo Fei, but he didn't come back all night. Li Jiao took someone to search Mo Fei's house, but found that Mo Fei was not there either. So in order to vent their anger, someone simply destroyed Murphy's things, and the person who destroyed the things took away all the usable things. This is the greatest possibility, because Li Jiao will not be short of those things, but others will not run away on purpose. Steal from Murphy's house."

Man Chengbin analyzed the cause and effect of the matter in one breath.

However, Man Chengbin's analysis is indeed very close to the facts, this time the incident was indeed done by someone sent by Li Jiao.

Gu Huaiyuan, who was countered by Murphy last night, returned to the place where Li Jiao lived with a swollen face. Then Gu Huaiyuan talked about Murphy, saying that Murphy is now backed by the captain of the mecha team, Lei Sen, So just bullied him outside.

After that, Gu Huaiyuan said that he wanted to seek revenge from Mo Fei. Originally, Li Jiao wanted to go with him, but Gu Huaiyuan comforted him at home.One reason is that Gu Huaiyuan still wanted to use tricks to make Murphy succumb, because although he had dated with Murphy for two years, he had never really touched Murphy.

What you don't get is the best, and Gu Huaiyuan is no exception, so he also wants to try to conquer Mo Fei, let Mo Fei see that he can have everything he wants now.

Another reason why Li Jiao was not allowed to go out together was that Li Jiao was pregnant for more than two months.

In order to hug Li Jiao's father, Li He, a big tree, Gu Huaiyuan did not lack "efforts".Of course, this effort was fully reflected in Li Jiao.

With Gu Huaiyuan's unremitting efforts, Li Jiao finally became pregnant with Gu Huaiyuan's child.

A father is more expensive than a son, because Li Jiao is pregnant with this child, and Gu Huaiyuan's position has become stronger and stronger, so he has become more arrogant, because he knows that the current Li Jiao cannot leave him, and Li He sees that he is For the sake of his future grandson's father, he will not ignore himself too much.

So, yesterday when Gu Huaiyuan went out to teach Mo Fei a lesson, he asked Li Jiao to stay at home and rest well, saying that he would come back to accompany her immediately after dealing with Mo Fei.

However, Li Jiao waited and waited and waited until Gu Huaiyuan came back. When she was anxiously waiting, she would inevitably think wildly. Li Jiao remembered the fact that Gu Huaiyuan had dated with Murphy, and Li Jiao had also heard about it at that time. Thinking of how Gu Huaiyuan pursued Mo Fei, Li Jiao couldn't help thinking in the wrong direction.

Thinking about dawn alone, Gu Huaiyuan still didn't come back.Li Jiao couldn't sit still anymore, so she asked a reliable person who was in charge of taking care of her to find where Murphy lived.Then Li Jiao brought people to Murphy's house, but Murphy's house was not so easy to open.

Li Jiao asked someone to find several power mutants. After several "bombing" by the power mutants, the door of Murphy's house was finally knocked open.

However, there was no Gu Huaiyuan inside, not even Murphy.

Thinking that it might be that Mo Fei and Gu Huaiyuan eloped, Li Jiao cut the quilt on Mo Fei's bed with a knife because she had nowhere to vent her anger, and then told her subordinates to destroy Mo Fei's house.

Li Jiao's people didn't lack everything like Li Jiao did, so they naturally took away everything that was usable and edible, and destroyed the rest one by one.

If Li Jiao hadn't started tearing up Murphy's pillow and quilt to vent her anger, they might have moved these things home for use.

"Anyway, pay attention to Li Jiao and Li He's movements recently, and don't let them get close to Feifei." After listening to Man Chengbin's analysis, Xiao Minyu felt that it made sense, but he didn't care about other things, as long as Murphy was fine OK.

"I see, I will pay attention to the movements over there." Man Chengbin replied.

A few people talked about some business matters before they rested. On the other side, Li Jiao was crying and making a fuss in Li He's room.

"I don't care, Dad, you must get Huaiyuan back to me. It must be that little bastard Mo Fei. Someone seduced Huaiyuan away." Li Jiao cried and said to Li He.

"Jiaojiao, stop making trouble. Gu Huaiyuan is also an adult, and he is so careless and incompetent in doing things. Why are you blindfolded by such a man?" Li He's face was unhappy. How could a daughter do this because of a man.

"Dad..." Li Jiao dragged her voice, tears began to flow out again: "Dad, even if you don't like him, he is the father of the child in my womb anyway, you can't just see your grandson grow up without a father! Dad can't leave me alone."

Hearing that Li Jiao mentioned the child in her belly, Li He couldn't help but sighed: "It's a crime. I took precautions against myself. I didn't even allow Gu Huaiyuan to share a room with Li Jiao. I didn't expect Gu Huaiyuan to take advantage of it."

There was no other way, looking at his daughter, Li He had no choice but to nod: "Understood, you still cry like this when you know you are healthy, go and rest, tomorrow I will send someone to investigate the matter of Huaiyuan carefully."

Hearing that Li He agreed, Li Jiao wiped away her tears: "Dad, I know you love me the most, and you've been tired all day, so go and rest! Good night, Dad." After saying goodnight to Li He, Li Jiao said Then he walked out the door with one hand propped up on his waist.

When Mo Fei returned to the room, he didn't go to bed right away. He had slept all day during the day, and he was in much better health now. No one would come here now, so after closing the door, Mo Fei crossed his legs and practiced Qi.

Slowly moving the breath all over the body, Mo Fei felt that the breath flowed extremely fast today.

After a lap, Murphy's back was already slightly sweating.

After Murphy restrained his breath, he took off his clothes and walked into the bathroom to rinse again.After coming out of the shower, Murphy realized that his body was much more relaxed. It seemed that his breath had just expelled the last residual cold.

"By the way, let's just draw a new talisman while it's relatively free!" Mo Fei calculated the time now. His storage talisman will be replaced recently, so it's better to draw it today, just in case later When there is no time to draw, that pile of stuff might just pop out.

After calming down, Mo Fei recalled the picture of the storage talisman, and then drew it out of thin air with one hand, injecting his own breath into it to guide the surrounding air into the Yuan talisman.

Mo Fei was already very familiar with the method of drawing the storage talisman, so he drew it within a few strokes.After replacing the new talisman with the old talisman, Murphy finally settled one thing.

However, Mo Fei was inspired when he drew the storage talisman just now.

Most of the talismans I drew before were memorized mechanically, so it took so much effort to draw this more complicated speed talisman this time, so can I add some understanding when drawing the talismans?

Thinking about it, Mo Fei flipped his hands and took out his book of talismans from the storage talisman.

Turning on the lamp by the bed, Mo Fei turned over the talisman, turned to the page of the speed talisman, and carefully observed the composition of the speed talisman.

"So it's not as difficult to understand as imagined!" After Murphy read it carefully, this time he no longer remembered it like before.According to the re-drawing from his memory, Murphy actually finished the drawing in one go, although it was not smooth enough.

"Great, maybe my speed talisman will be released tomorrow." Murphy looked at the result of successfully drawing a complete talisman in one go, with a smile in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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