Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 210 Goodbye Notebook

Chapter 210 Goodbye Notebook

Murphy, who hadn't slept all night, was still waving his wrist.

But because of practicing all night, the tiredness on his face could not be concealed.

"Phew, it's finally done. As long as you raise your energy, you can draw a formal speed symbol." Mo Fei waved his hand again and nodded in satisfaction after waving a cumbersome line.

Looking up to the window, the sky outside is already bright.

"Oh my god, it's been a night, I need to catch up on sleep." Mo Fei rubbed his numb feet, then stood up and walked towards the bathroom.

After washing his face, Murphy lay down.Because he hadn't slept all night, Murphy soon fell asleep.

"Why didn't Feifei wake up? Didn't she go back to sleep early last night?" Xiao Minyu, who was eating breakfast early in the morning, asked when he saw that Murphy hadn't come down.

"Mr. Xiao, I deliberately didn't ask Miss Murphy to get up. After all, she was sick yesterday. It's better for the patient to sleep more. Don't worry, I will cook a meal for her when Miss Murphy wakes up." Zhao's old man replied.

Xiao Minyu nodded: "Old Zhao, then Feifei will be counting on you, we still have things to do today."

"Good Mr. Xiao, I will do my best." The old man surnamed Zhao replied with a slight bow towards Xiao Minyu.

After eating, Xiao Minyu and others left the villa.

It was already past twelve noon when Mo Fei woke up. He got up and stretched his body, and he was really energetic when he woke up.

Taking advantage of his proficiency in practicing yesterday, Mo Fei didn't get out of bed at all. He practiced Qi on the bed first to make his breath active, and then revisited the drawing method of the speed symbol in his mind.

Mobilize the breath, and draw in the hand according to the trajectory of repeated practice yesterday.

As the breath in his body emitted again, a speed symbol with complicated patterns appeared in Murphy's hand.

This speed talisman also has a time limit, so Mo Fei didn't paste it directly, but put it in the storage talisman temporarily, and post it when needed.

After drawing the speed symbol, Mo Fei looked at the time, and it had been an hour. It seemed that if he didn't get up again, he wouldn't even be in time for lunch.

After getting up and washing up, Murphy walked downstairs.

"Miss Murphy, you're up. Drink a cup of warm water to warm your stomach first, and I'll prepare lunch for you right now." After Murphy came down, the old man surnamed Zhao respectfully shouted at Murphy.

"Thank you Uncle Zhao, and you don't have to be so polite, just call me Mo Fei or Xiao Mo." Mo Fei took the water glass and replied.

"Miss Murphy, this can't be done. I'm here to be a housekeeper. How can I break the rules? Mr. Xiao and the others have treated me well. This is what I should do." After finishing speaking, Housekeeper Zhao turned around and ordered The kitchen prepares meals for Murphy.

Seeing Steward Zhao's insistence on this, Mo Fei didn't bother anymore. Anyway, there were many servants in Mo Fei's family when he was a child. Mo Fei wouldn't be restless or unaccustomed to being served.

The food will be ready in a short while, because only Mo Fei's is made, so the food is quite delicate.

After breakfast, Mo Fei tidied up a little and was ready to go out. Today, she planned to go to the city to find some clothes that she could wear. Even if she couldn't find any, she would have an excuse to take out the clothes in the storage amulet.

"Uncle Zhao, I'm going out. If Xiao Minyu and the others come back, tell him that I'm going to the city to find some clothes and I'll be back later." Murphy was about to go out after speaking.

"Miss Murphy, but Mr. Xiao told me to take good care of you. I'm afraid Mr. Xiao will worry if you go out like this."

"It's okay, I'll come back as soon as possible." Mo Fei waved to Butler Zhao, and walked out of the villa's gate quickly.

After leaving the villa, Mo Fei realized that his car was still under the original residence, so he could only go out and go home to get the car.

Just after walking out of the entrance of the villa area, Murphy's satellite communicator rang.

"Feifei, I have contacted you, where are you?" Lin Yixun's voice came from the communicator.

"I'm in the jurisdiction, what's wrong?"

"We researched the corpse of the zombie you brought back and found out that we wanted to ask you for more information, but we have been unable to contact you since yesterday. I even sent someone to your house to look for you, but there was no result. Man, I'm so anxious, I thought something happened to you." Lin Yixun said very fast.

"It's true that something happened. How about it? I'll come over later, but you can find some clothes for me." Mo Fei looked at himself, and it seemed that his plan to go out to find clothes today fell through again.

"Looking for clothes? Why are you looking for clothes?"

"Let's talk later, I'll be right there." Murphy didn't explain much, and he couldn't explain it clearly for a while, so he hung up the contactor and walked towards the Star Soul circle.

It is very close from the star heart circle to the star soul circle, especially from the jurisdiction of the star heart circle to the star soul circle, which is also convenient for temporary notification.Murphy soon arrived at the office area, and the road leading to the research institute was on the left.

"Murphy? Why are you dressed like this?" Before Murphy could go to the research institute, he met Lei Sen who came out.

"Captain Lei is going out on patrol?" Generally, when there is no mission, Lei Sen will often drive the Silver Wing to patrol around the star base, and he can notify the base in time if he finds anything suspicious.

"No, I have inspected in the morning. There is a meeting today, but it was delayed because of something, so I will go back first."

"Oh, I'm going to find Dr. Lin, so I'll go up first." Murphy pointed to the road leading to the research institute.

"Your clothes belong to Xiao Minyu, right?" Lei Sen didn't respond to Murphy's words, but suddenly said this.

Mo Fei looked down at his body, and replied generously: "That's right, all my clothes are gone, so he borrowed me to wear them."

"Missing? By the way, Gu Huaiyuan didn't bother you after you came home last time, did he?" Lei Sen saw that Murphy seemed too willing to talk, so he changed the subject.

Speaking of Gu Huaiyuan, Mo Fei frowned: "I looked for it, why didn't I look for it?"

"Then are you okay?" After all, Gu Huaiyuan has a backer, so Lei Sen asked quickly when he heard that Gu Huaiyuan was looking for trouble with Mo Fei again.

After thinking about it for a while, Mo Fei told the story of Gu Huaiyuan taking him to the mountain with a group of people after Lei Sen left that day.

"It was scary at the time. After they left, the sound led to a large number of giant zombies. Fortunately, I remembered that there was a mud pond around me and I lay down in it to escape the catastrophe. Otherwise, I would have died. I have been sleeping since I came back. I just woke up and almost got sick from the cold."

Murphy told Lei Sen all about the situation afterwards, except that Gu Huaiyuan and others had been eaten by giant zombies.This was what Xiao Minyu told Mo Fei, no matter who asked, he said that he was thrown in the mountains, and then got into the mud to avoid the zombies. As for Gu Huaiyuan, they said they didn't know.

After listening to what Mo Fei said, Lei Sen frowned: "Then you were brought back by Xiao Minyu? That's why you wore his clothes?" Lei Sen said after going through the matter.

"That's right, if Yixun hadn't come looking for me, I would still be sleeping right now, so I won't tell you, Yixun should be in a hurry." Mo Fei waved to Leisen as he spoke, and turned to the road to the research institute go.

Looking at Murphy's back, what Lei Sen thought repeatedly in his mind was: No wonder I haven't met her near Murphy's house in the past two days. It turns out that she lives at Xiao Minyu's house.

It wasn't until Murphy was no longer in sight that Lei Sen walked out of the gate of the area.

Murphy went upstairs and soon came to Lin Yixun's laboratory.

"Yixun, I'm here." Mo Fei gently pushed the door open, but there was no one in the room.

"Huh? We promised to be there soon. Where did this go?" Murphy shook his head, but there was no staff around, so Murphy simply opened the door and walked into Lin Yixun's office.

Mo Fei, who sat on the chair for a while, saw that Lin Yixun hadn't come back yet, so he stood up out of boredom.

While walking around, Murphy saw Lin Yixun's recorder.

With a light touch, the recorder lit up, and some physical indicators of that thin special zombie were written on it.And the number in the frame bar reads: C5 Zombie.

"Oh, it turned out to be a deeply evolved C5 zombie, no wonder." Murphy looked at it, and unconsciously picked up the recorder.

As the recorder was picked up by Mo Fei, a paper notebook pressed under the recorder also appeared in Murphy's eyes.

"Ah! Notebook." When Murphy saw the paper notebook, he was obviously more excited than seeing the number on Lin Yixun's recorder.

Turning the paper notebook to the cover page, Mo Fei looked at the familiar pattern on the cover page of the book, as well as some artificially sketched small strokes hidden in the pattern.

The last time I saw this book in Lin Yixun's office, before I had time to pick it up and read it carefully, I interrupted it because Lin Yixun came in. The strong doctor was taken away.

Seeing this notebook again, Murphy's heart was filled with nostalgia, but more doubts: Why is this notebook here?Who is that doctor named Wan Qiang?

Just as thoughts flashed through Murphy's mind one after another, the door that was originally ajar was pushed open.

"Who are you? Put down the notebook in your hand." A man's voice sounded from the door, and the man seemed very angry.

Murphy raised his head to look at the source of the voice, and it was Dr. Wan who came.

"What's the matter, Dr. Wan? Aren't you going in? Why are you standing at the door?" As Dr. Wan stood still and stared at Murphy, Lin Yixun's voice sounded behind him.

Because Lin Yixun was petite and cute, and this Dr. Wan was about 1.8 meters tall, so Dr. Wan who was walking in front stopped at the door, and Lin Yixun couldn't see anything.

When Lin Yixun sneaked in from the side and found that it was Murphy, he ran over quickly: "Uncle Wan, this is my good friend, and she is also the one who brought back the C5 zombie samples this time. I came here to ask about some About the habits of C5 zombies. By the way, didn’t you see it last time.”

It's just that Dr. Wan didn't relax because of this, but instead urged Lin Yixun: "Yixun, please give me the notebook. It seems that this notebook can't be left in the office in the future. Anyone here can come in."

"Dr. Wan, Feifei is not just anyone, she..." Lin Yixun was dissatisfied with what Wan Qiang said about Murphy, and was stopped by Murphy when he was about to argue.

Close the notebook and hand it to Lin Yixun: "Yixun, return the notebook, don't you have other things to ask me?"

Lin Yixun curled his lips and glanced at Dr. Wan, took the notebook over, walked over and stuffed it into Dr. Wan's hand, then turned around and walked back without saying a word.

That Dr. Wan didn't speak, took his notebook and left Lin Yixun's office.

(End of this chapter)

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