Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 211 New Creatures

Chapter 211 New Creatures

After watching that Dr. Wan leave, Murphy looked down at Lin Yixun who was pouting: "Yixun, what's there to be angry about?"

"Of course I'm angry. You're my best friend, and you're the one who brought back the samples this time. You're not an idler. I'm just angry!" Lin Yixun replied with a small face and pouted. .

Obviously a little older than Murphy, but Lin Yixun is so cute, Murphy couldn't help smiling and patted Lin Yixun on the head: "I'm not angry, it's okay, right, don't mention it to him in the future I don't need to introduce to us, I always feel that there is something wrong with this person." Murphy said softly to Lin Yixun.

"What's the problem? By the way, Feifei, why are you wearing a man's clothes?" Lin Yixun only noticed Murphy's attire at this time.

"It's a long story..." Murphy then told the whole thing.

"What? That scumbag dares to harass you? How dare he leave you in the mountains in the middle of the night? This Gu Huaiyuan is really going too far!" Lin Yixun put his hands on his hips, looking as if he wanted to fight.

Murphy told Lin Yixun the result of the discussion with Xiao Minyu again.

Although Murphy originally didn't intend to hide Lin Yixun, because Lin Yixun was one of the few people she could trust in the last days, but thinking of Lin Yixun's relatively simple personality, maybe when he said something, So he gave up his confidence in telling the truth, and just said that Gu Huaiyuan left her behind and left.

"I slept all day yesterday, and my head was still groggy. Fortunately, the housekeeper of Xiao Minyu's house made ginger soup for me. I drank it and sweated so that I felt better."

"Really? Feifei, look, I didn't even know you were sick. I'm sorry, no wonder you're wearing men's clothes. Wait for me. I have a lot of spare clothes at the back of my office. I'll get some for you. By the way, do you want a change of underwear? Did I unpack them." Lin Yixun then remembered that Mo Fei asked her for clothes before.

"Yes, the main thing is underwear and the like. It's okay to borrow the coat from him, but there is really no way for the underwear." Murphy responded quickly.

Lin Yixun was fast, and took a pile of clothes and a bag in a short while, which contained several sets of underwear and panties in bags.

"There are so many, no need, as long as I have replacements, I have to go to the city in the next two days, so I can look for them then." Murphy saw Lin Yixun took out a bunch and said quickly.

"Not many, I have plenty of clothes like this, but I wear work clothes the most in the laboratory all day long, so I'll leave these clothes where you left them." Lin Yixun was all about the clothes in his hands. All stuffed to Murphy.

"Okay, then I'll take it." Murphy stuffed everything together and tied it, then put the bag aside.

"Okay, Feifei, let's talk about the test report." Lin Yixun said seriously at this time, every time Lin Yixun talked about research, he would be more serious, probably this is the rigorous attitude that a scientific researcher should have!
Afterwards, Lin Yixun gave Mo Fei a rough overview of the results of the analysis of the emaciated maternal zombie.

The maternal zombie that Murphy brought back this time was genetically similar to the C4 zombie, but it had many body lines.The system has been improved even more.The C4 zombie in the previous city battle surprised the research room.

Because the zombies that have evolved to C4 seem to have become a new species, and are no longer simply mutants of humans.

And the female zombie brought back by Murphy this time, especially this female zombie, can reproduce, which shows that this new species has further improved its own characteristics.

The birth of a species is not terrible, what is terrible is that it will harm human beings, and will carry out this kind of group breeding.

According to the research institute's analysis, the evolution of this kind of C5 zombies is very difficult, probably one in ten million chance, but C5 zombies can reproduce, so C5 zombies can create new zombies.


But this is even more terrifying, which means that the small zombies bred by C5 zombies can at least grow into giant C4 zombies in armor, or even directly become C5 zombies that can continue to reproduce.If every C5 zombie can breed C5 zombies, it means that there will be more and more new species derived from zombies.

"Fortunately, there is very little chance of the transformation of C5 zombies now, but in terms of reproduction, it is worthy of our continued attention. Feifei, can you tell me about the situation when the mother zombie gave birth, and have you seen the appearance of that little zombie? ?”

After Lin Yixun told Murphy the conclusion of the analysis, he begged Murphy to give her a detailed description of other situations about the C5 zombie.

"Yixun, it's not that I don't help. It's because I was far away when it was born, so I couldn't see it very clearly. I have already told you the general situation. There is no way to go into more detail." Murphy shrugged, with an expression of helplessness.

"Ah? What a pity. It would be great if I could see it with my own eyes. Now everything is based on what you said and the anatomy." Lin Yixun was a little disappointed when he heard that Murphy could not provide more detailed information. But understand that this is reasonable.

It was considered a miracle that Murphy was able to bring the mother zombie back intact, how could he ask for more.It seems that future research still depends on the laboratory.

Talked to Murphy again, and told Murphy about the meeting where the mother zombie would be announced as a C5 zombie. It's a high-level meeting, so Murphy still can't participate.

Lin Yixun told Murphy everything he could say, and Murphy repeated the situation when he saw the mother zombie C5 several times before, and stayed for a while before Murphy took this reward Shan left Lin Yixun's office.

After going to the prize receiving place, Mo Fei took out the things and realized that there were so many rewards this time that he probably couldn't take them all by himself.

Worried about it, the person at the prize receiving office said that they could send a car to help Murphy take the things home.If he could have a car to help deliver rewards, Murphy would naturally not refuse.

After loading the things into the car, Murphy thought for a while and drove directly to the Hailan District.

After the person who sent Mo Fei back moved the things upstairs for Mo Fei, Mo Fei waited for those people to leave and put all the things into the storage talisman.

Looking at his messy home, Mo Fei was going to clean up a little bit. Although he was forced to live with Xiao Minyu for a while recently, he couldn't live in his house all the time, so Murphy was going to clean up a little bit and go to the city tomorrow Find something like bedding and come back.

Just after throwing the scratched quilt on the bed to the ground, the door of Murphy's house rang.

Mo Fei frowned: Could it be that the person who destroyed his home followed him just after he came back?
Pulling the Suying Spear out of the storage talisman, Mo Fei walked to the gate holding the Suying Spear.Turning the door open, Murphy wanted to see who it was.

Unexpectedly, after Murphy opened the door, he found Gao Qing standing at the door.

"Uncle Gao? Why are you here?" Murphy quickly opened the door to let Gao Qing in.

"Feifei, are you okay? Uncle Gao has been waiting for you for two days and hasn't seen you coming back. You just saw someone's image and you came over and knocked on the door. Sure enough, you are back." After Gao Qing entered the door, he closed the door carefully, and then Said to Murphy.

"Something happened, and then I went to live with a friend." Murphy replied lightly.

"Silly boy, do you still want to hide it from Uncle Gao? I saw it that day." Gao Qing shook his head and looked at Mo Fei. He was relieved when he saw that Mo Fei himself was not injured.

"Uncle Gao, what did you see?"

Hearing Mo Fei asking himself, Gao Qing told Mo Fei exactly what he had seen before.

That morning, Gao Qing returned from his mission, because others were worried about zombies, so he usually returned at night during daytime missions.But because of Gao Qing's special physique, he was reluctant to show up in front of people during the day, and the competition between the teams during the day was also fierce. Gao Qing who was alone would definitely not be able to compete with the whole team.

So Gao Qing chose to work at night, so that he doesn't have to worry about being discovered and can gain more.

That day, Gao Qing went out to work at night, and when he came back the next morning, passing by Murphy, he found a woman leading a large group of people to the Hailan District in a hurry.

Out of curiosity, Gao Qing followed the group into the Hailan District.Unexpectedly, the group stopped downstairs at Murphy's house.

After that, Gao Qing only heard the sound of knocking on the door. Because he was afraid of being discovered, Gao Qing hid at the door and waited for the group of people to come out.

Finally, after the group of people left, Gao Qing came out from the side. Because it was the same building he entered, Gao Qing was worried about Murphy, so he went upstairs directly.

After going upstairs, Gao Qing realized that the door that was knocked open was Murphy's house, but there were two or three people inside at that time, so Gao Qing didn't enter the house, but just looked outside.

"Others don't remember much. I only remember the woman who took the lead. She looked about 20 years old. She was weak and weak. She was not tall, but she looked a bit arrogant." Gao Qing recalled and gave Murphy described.

"Wait...Uncle Gao, does that girl have curly hair and a mole on her temple?" Gao Qing's description immediately reminded Mo Fei of a person, so he asked.

"Let me think about it." Gao Qing paused for a moment, as if he was carefully recalling the situation in his memory, and then nodded sharply after a while: "Yes, yes, there is a mole on the temple, I thought It's dirty."

A clear expression appeared on Murphy's face: "Oh! Then I know who destroyed my house."

(End of this chapter)

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