Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 212 Proceeding in a Planned Way

Chapter 212 Proceeding in a Planned Way
According to Gao Qing's description, Mo Fei searched for the people in his memory, and because this matter was related to Gu Huaiyuan, Mo Fei immediately guessed Li Jiao.

Although Xiao Minyu and Man Chengbin deduced that Li Jiao should have done it before, they didn't tell Murphy.

However, even if Xiao Minyu hadn't said it, Gu Huaiyuan's house had become like this the moment Gu Huaiyuan disappeared. Even if Gao Qing didn't come to confirm with him, Mo Fei would probably guess who did it after thinking about it.

"Feifei, you should be more careful recently, or you'd better move to Uncle Gao's house." Gao Qing asked with concern when he heard that Murphy seemed to know who it was.

"It's okay, Uncle Gao, I don't have to worry about staying with my friend recently, by the way, I may have to collect materials recently, Uncle Gao, are you free? Can you go with me? Last time I went to collect materials I wanted to go with you, but you were not at home." Murphy quickly changed the subject.

The reason why he didn't go to Gao Qing's house was not because Murphy was wary of Gao Qing, but because Mo Fei knew the situation of Li Jiao's house and didn't want to hurt Gao Qing.

So Mo Fei felt that it would be more suitable to live in Xiao Minyu's house for the time being. After all, Xiao Minyu was an official, and the security of the house was higher. What's more, she had other plans recently, and she didn't plan to stay at Xiao Minyu's house all the time.

Hearing Murphy's invitation, Gao Qing nodded quickly: "Okay, I won't be doing big tasks recently, and I'll be here basically in the morning and evening."

"It won't be long, maybe just a day or two. It's okay, Uncle Gao, just pay more attention to yourself."

After Mo Fei and Gao Qing said some trivial words, Gao Qing left, and Mo Fei tidied up the room a little bit, throwing away the damaged ones, and putting the rest of the usable ones into the storage talisman .

In the past, it was because Yulin was still living here, so Mo Fei kept the house, but now Yulin is gone, and the address here is known again, so Mo Fei is going to simply return the house.

After packing up her things, Mo Fei looked around the room. This is the room she has been living in since she came to the Star Base. Although it is only a rented house, she has already gotten used to it after living in it for a while.

But who made me get into trouble? Mo Fei smiled at himself, turned and left the room.

As soon as he went out, Mo Fei looked up to the next door: "Sister Yulin, it's great to be your neighbor. I hope you can be more free in the sky." After finishing speaking, Mo Fei silently stared at the room where Yulin used to live, It was a farewell before leaving the suite.

She went downstairs to her parking space. Fortunately, Li Jiao didn't recognize her car, and the car was still parked on the spot unharmed.

After driving directly to the housing management center of the star base, and handing in his keys, Murphy breathed a sigh of relief: Finally, one more matter has been resolved, and the rest is the matter that he wants to determine.

He drove the car to the gate of the Xingxin Circle jurisdiction, because the car couldn't enter and leave casually, so Murphy stopped at the gate and asked the guards to notify Butler Zhao.

Not long after, Butler Zhao followed the guard's car out, seeing that it was Murphy who quickly took out the pass.

"Miss Murphy, you are back."

"Get in the car, Butler Zhao, I just went back and drove the car back. The villa area is really too big, so it's a little easier to get in and out." Mo Fei smiled and motioned Butler Zhao to get in the car.

After Butler Zhao got into the car, Mo Fei started the car and drove towards Xiao Minyu's villa.

At the door of Xiao Minyu's house, Butler Zhao arranged Murphy's car in a place behind the villa, and then Murphy followed Butler Zhao into the house.After entering the house, Mo Fei realized that Xiao Minyu and the others were at home.

"Xiao Minyu, you are all here!" Mo Fei looked up at the clock hanging on the wall: "Isn't there a meeting coming soon? Are you still going?"

"Feifei, didn't you say you don't want to go out for the time being?" Xiao Minyu asked angrily.

"It's okay. It's not too dangerous in the base. Besides, I didn't go out today. I went to the research institute. It happened that Yixun asked me about the content of today's meeting. By the way, I asked her for a few sets of clothes." Murphy As he spoke, he raised the clothes in his hand.

"Feifei, the enemy is in the dark now, what if something happens? The main reason is that you are in danger." Xiao Minyu could only emphasize.

Murphy raised his eyebrows: "I already know who it is, so don't worry."

Xiao Minyu looked at Mo Fei: "Since you know, it's better, but the rights over there are still not small, so..."

"I understand that today I mainly want to find some clothes to change. Now that this matter is settled, I'm going to put the clothes. If you don't go to the meeting room, it will be too late." Murphy interrupted simply Xiao Minyu continued to instruct, and then pointed to the clock.

Man Chengbin glanced at the time: "Old Five, if you don't go, you will be late. Let's go. Murphy is also a smart person, so you can rest assured."

Xiao Minyu nodded.In fact, he also understood that Murphy himself should know what to do, but he just didn't feel at ease. Maybe this is the so-called chaos when caring!
Xiao Minyu and his group went out to the command center, while Mo Fei went upstairs with her clothes, which she had to wash and dry in the sun.

For the next two days, Murphy simply stayed behind closed doors. Except for going downstairs for dinner, he spent the rest of the time practicing Qi in his room.

Because the breath is very abundant these days, Mo Fei simply drew a few more spare talismans in one breath.

"The preparations are almost done, and we can collect them tomorrow." Murphy looked at the results of the past two days and then spit out a few words.

"Miss Murphy, dinner will be ready in 10 minutes. You can come down to eat later!" Butler Zhao's voice sounded at the door, interrupting Murphy's thoughts.

"Understood, Butler Zhao." Mo Fei replied, and then packed all the things into the storage talisman.

"Feifei, what have you been doing in your room lately?" Xiao Minyu hurriedly asked when Mo Fei came downstairs. These days, he was basically only seen at dinner.

"Take a break. I don't know if a cold needs more sleep and drink more water. Besides, you are worried that I will go out and cause trouble." Murphy stuck out her tongue and turned back to Xiao Minyu, then pulled out a chair and sat next to Xiao Minyu. Fei's fixed position.

"Do you feel better now?"

"It's completely alive and kicking. By the way, Xiao Minyu, I'm going to do a mission tomorrow. Give me a temporary pass." After picking up the chopsticks, Murphy thought of a question, and quickly said to Xiao Minyu.

"Go to the mission? What mission?"

"It's the mission of the research institute, it's okay, someone will go with me." Murphy blinked.

"Is someone with you? Who is it?" Xiao Minyu still asked.

"It's an uncle from a former neighbor. Well, will you give me a pass?" Murphy looked at Xiao Minyu with his mouth curled up.

"Understood, I will ask my second child to give you one in a while." Xiao Minyu smiled wryly, he was really eaten by Murphy now, and he had no ability to resist at all.

Hearing Xiao Minyu's words, Mo Fei smiled again: "Eat."

After dinner, Mo Fei walked out of the villa. Taking the pass, Mo Fei walked directly to Gao Qing's house.

Tell Gao Qing about going out on a mission tomorrow morning and ask him to prepare, after which Mo Fei walked back to the jurisdiction.

After a good night's rest, Mo Fei drove out of the jurisdiction and went straight to Gao Qing's house early the next morning.Because it was agreed last night to drive Murphy's car today.

After Gao Qing got in the car, Murphy drove towards the mountainous area. The closer he got to the mountainous area, the more unusual Gao Qing felt.

After telling Mo Fei his thoughts, Mo Fei told Gao Qing that there were many giant zombies in this mountain area, including the C5 zombies that were captured this time. The matter has been posted, so it is not a secret.

Hearing Gao Qing's constant sighs, the evolution speed of the zombies is now.

The car drove all the way to the mountainous area, and after entering the mountainous area, it had to switch to manual driving.

Murphy drove the car all the way down, because Xiao Minyu and the others cleared the road leading down last time, so this time Murphy didn't have to park the car on the side of the road, and drove directly in.

Driving the car all the way to the valley where the ginkgo trees appeared, Mo Fei stopped the car, but he kept thinking about a problem: before bringing people here, there would always be inexplicable accidents, but today when he brought Gao Qing here, nothing happened Happened, and why?
But it's a good thing that nothing happened, so Murphy, who couldn't figure it out, quickly put the problem behind him.

"Uncle Gao, we're going to climb the mountain here, so we'll put the car here, and we'll be able to get to the ginkgo forest after a while. By the way, we each carry a set of these tools." Murphy put the tools away last night I took it out of the storage talisman and put it in the car, and now I also handed a set to Gao Qing.

Gao Qing took the tools, and the two climbed up the mountain one after the other.After turning over the mountain, I saw the denser ginkgo forest.

The weather is getting warmer and warmer recently, and the vegetables grown in the base have already sprouted. It is estimated that they will be able to eat the first batch of vegetables grown outdoors after the end of the world.

Mo Fei pointed to the ginkgo forest in the distance to indicate that Gao Qing was coming, but at this time Gao Qing had a strange expression, staring blankly at the ginkgo forest but unable to take a step.

Noticing Gao Qing's weirdness, Mo Fei couldn't help pushing Gao Qing: "Uncle Gao, what's wrong with you? Why are you in a daze? Let's go there quickly, finish collecting as soon as possible and go back sooner."

But after Mo Fei finished speaking, Gao Qing didn't respond. He still stared blankly at the ginkgo forest, but still refused to move his feet.

Murphy had no choice but to increase his voice and shout in Gao Qing's ear: "Uncle Gao..."

After being yelled by Mo Fei, Gao Qingcai turned his head to look at Mo Fei as if he had just woken up from a dream, but Mo Fei couldn't help being surprised by the slow movement and dull eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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