Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 213 Abnormal

Chapter 213 Abnormal
Originally, the first time I brought people to the ginkgo forest smoothly.

Unexpectedly, after turning over a mountain and seeing the ginkgo forest, Gao Qing fell into a state of sluggishness without moving.

Murphy had no choice but to shout, but after waking up, Gao Qing seemed to be suffering from dementia, not only his eyes were dull, but his actions seemed to be pressed by the slow button on the remote control.

"Uncle Gao, are you okay? Don't scare me?" Seeing Gao Qing's appearance, Murphy couldn't help feeling a little anxious. Could it be that the accident this time was not aimed at the environment but at the person himself?

Gao Qing was still unresponsive, so Murphy had to drag him back down the mountain.

"Uncle Gao, take a rest in the car." Murphy opened the back door of the car and let Gao Qing lie down.

However, before the person was completely dragged in, Gao Qing's spirit slowed down: "Feifei? Why are we still in the car? Isn't it climbing a mountain to collect?"

Seeing Gao Qing's reaction as if he didn't remember what happened just now, Murphy told Gao Qing what happened just now.

"How did this happen? Let's go up and have a look." Gao Qing said in disbelief.

Murphy had no choice but to lock the car again, and then led Gao Qing to climb up the mountain. This time, instead of focusing on climbing the mountain like before, Murphy asked Gao Qing from a distance. Seeing that Gao Qing was still awake, Mo Fei keep going up.

However, gradually, Murphy discovered that the closer to the top of the leap, the more blurred Gao Qing's consciousness became.

Murphy stopped quickly: "Uncle Gao, you should go back to the car and rest. I think this incident seems to be directly aimed at you, so don't come up here." Murphy patted Gao Qing's chaotic mind, and then put Gao Qing dragged it down for a while, letting him rest on the mountainside, because it would take some time for Murphy to go down.

Gao Qing obviously recovered a lot at the bottom. Murphy looked at Gao Qing, and because of this strange phenomenon, he had to stay. After waiting for a while to confirm that Gao Qing had regained consciousness, Murphy then headed towards the top of the mountain. keep climbing.

Because of the lack of Gao Qing, Murphy activated the flying talisman immediately after turning over the mountain, and then ran towards the green ginkgo forest.

When he arrived at the ginkgo forest, Mo Fei quickly cut off the branches and leaves he needed with a tool, and after collecting some of them into the storage talisman, Murphy filled up the two big bags he brought over, stuffed the bags into the storage talisman, Luffy flew past when Murphy was back and forth.

When Murphy flew to the edge of the mountain, he took out the bag and carried it on his back, then climbed over the mountain.

After climbing over the mountain, Murphy walked back to the halfway up the mountain but did not see Gao Qing. He guessed that Gao Qing should have gone down and came all the way to the front of the car.

But there was no figure of Gao Qing in front of the car.

Murphy put the things on his back on the ground, opened the trunk of the car, stuffed the things in, and looked around.

There were no traces of fighting around, and no zombies were found on the ground except for the car marks. What's more, Gao Qing's own abilities were ignored by the zombies, so it shouldn't matter even if there were zombies, but why did Gao Qing disappear? ?
After stuffing the things into the trunk, Murphy closed the car door and shouted to the surroundings, "Uncle Gao, where have you been?"

After shouting a few times, Murphy didn't see anyone come out. Really, he lost him when he came out to do a task.

Seeing that there was nothing around, Mo Fei started the car, lowered the window and drove forward slowly, shouting loudly while driving: "Uncle Gao..."

After a while, Murphy drove the car back to the way he came.

"Uncle Gao, what are you doing?" Mo Fei only saw Gao Qing at this moment. At this time, there were many zombies around Gao Qing, but they were all ordinary zombies, not giant zombies. At this time, he also stood with the group of zombies in a daze like unactivated zombies.

Murphy's voice activated the zombies like a start button, and Gao Qing also looked at Murphy because of Murphy's shout.

"Uncle Gao..." Murphy looked at Gao Qing's stiff movements and called out cautiously.

"Fei...Fei..." Gao Qing spat out two words with difficulty, and then fell to the ground.

"Uncle Gao!" Murphy exclaimed, and quickly got out of the car with a Suying gun. First, he wiped out a dozen ordinary zombies in front of him, and then ran to check on Gao Qing.

Gao Qing's eyes were closed tightly, but his body was clean and there were no zombie bites.

Seeing that Gao Qing was not injured, Mo Fei was relieved, but Mo Fei still had lingering fears about what happened to Gao Qing just now. What happened to Uncle Gao?Is it the aftereffect of coming to this mountain this time?

Dragging Gao Qing into the car, Mo Fei quickly collected the merit points of the zombies on the ground, dug out some black crystals, and then drove back to the star base.

Back at the star base, Murphy first took Gao Qing back to Gao Qing's own home. On the way, or shortly after leaving the mountain, Gao Qing had completely recovered.

Regarding Gao Qing's strange state, Murphy didn't go into too much detail, but just told Gao Qing that he just passed out, because Gao Qing's state made Murphy feel a little scared.But now Gao Qing has recovered, and Murphy thinks it should still be the problem of the mountain accident.

"Feifei, I'm really sorry for you today. It didn't help me to go with you in vain, and I caused you trouble." Gao Qing looked at Mo Fei slightly apologetically.

"It's nothing, Uncle Gao, why are you so polite? I think that mountain area is a curse. Every time I take people there, there are problems. I thought that Uncle Gao's special physique would be fine, but it turned out to be more serious. It seems that the mountain area is a curse. I can only go there." Murphy shrugged and smiled at Gao Qing.

"Go back and have a rest. I'm already busy enough to move me today. It's hard work. By the way, Uncle Gao found a pretty gadget in a hole when he was on a mission a few days ago. For you, I forgot when I went out today." Gao Qing turned around and rummaged through his drawer, and quickly took out a wooden block from it.

It is said to be a wooden block because it is a rectangular whole, and the joints are not visible, but the wooden block looks very delicate, and even the carved patterns on it are very clear.

"Is it a wooden box? It's so delicate!" Mo Fei fell in love with this little thing at first glance.

Seeing Mo Fei's expression, Gao Qing knew that Mo Fei liked it, but he shook his head: "This is not a wooden box, and I don't know what it is for, I just brought it back because I saw that this wooden box is quite rare, but this It has some weight." After finishing speaking, Gao Qing handed the wooden block to Murphy.

The length of this piece of wood is only about [-] centimeters, and the width is about [-] centimeters, but such a small piece of wood is actually very heavy.Mo Fei thought for a moment that he was holding a piece of iron.

"This piece of wood is engraved with patterns, and its weight doesn't match its volume at all. I thought it was weird, so I brought it back." Gao Qing pointed to the piece of wood in Murphy's hand.

"Thank you, Uncle Gao, I like this very much." Mo Fei smiled and touched the pattern on the wooden block and replied.

Saying goodbye to Gao Qing, Mo Fei left Gao Qing's house with this piece of wood as heavy as iron, and drove to the jurisdiction of the star circle.

On the way, Murphy put the wooden block into the storage talisman, and then the car drove outside the villa where Xiao Minyu lived.

Familiar with the road, Mo Fei parked the car at the back, and then walked back to the main entrance of Xiao Minyu's villa.

Subconsciously looked around, suddenly, Mo Fei's eyes swept to the other side of the window, it seemed that there was a person standing, but because of the reflection of the glass, Mo Fei couldn't see who was inside, but intuitively, Mo Fei felt that this person was look at yourself.

At this time, it was Yulin who was standing at the window and staring at Murphy.

Yulin didn't see Mo Fei come back for many days, thinking that Mo Fei had stopped the communication with Xiao Minyu, but what she didn't expect at all was that Mo Fei came here by car since yesterday, and he didn't come out after entering the door. He left after seeing Murphy, and now he drove back again: Could it be that Murphy is already living with Xiao Minyu?

Yulin's heart became more and more unbalanced. Just as she was thinking about it, she realized that Murphy was looking this way. Although she knew that she should not be able to see through such a distance and the glass, Yulin subconsciously hid behind the curtain.

Murphy looked up again, but the figure at the window had disappeared, probably someone passed by the window just now and happened to look out.Shrugging his shoulders, Murphy didn't pay much attention, and turned around and walked up the steps.

Following Murphy's knock on the door, the door of the villa was also opened: "Feifei, you are back, is the mission going well today?" Murphy heard Xiao Minyu's question just after entering the room.

"It's a bit strange, but I'm fine, have you eaten yet?" Murphy walked towards the sink as he turned back.

"No, the fifth brother said that we will not start eating until you come back." Instead of Xiao Minyu, Meng Zhibo, a burly man with thick lines, answered.

"Actually, you don't have to wait for me, just leave a copy for me, in case I come back late." Mo Fei smiled, and walked back to the living room after washing his hands.

"Old Zhao, go and get the food!" Xiao Minyu waved his hand and shouted at Butler Zhao.

"Okay, Mr. Xiao, the food will be served right away." Butler Zhao bowed slightly, and the steaming food was served on the table in a short while.

After dinner, Mo Fei went back to his room, but after taking a shower for a while, he heard a knock on the door.

"Feifei, are you there? I want to talk to you about something." Xiao Minyu's voice and the knock on the door sounded at the same time.

Mo Fei got up and went to the door, and opened the door to let Xiao Minyu in.

Xiao Minyu sat down and explained his intentions. It turned out that Xiao Minyu felt that Murphy's renting a house would not be safe in the future, so he might as well just live with him, and wanted Murphy to cancel the registration of his residence, and then directly register the address here with his identity card , so that Murphy can have an independent jurisdiction pass, instead of Man Chengbin having to open it every time he goes out.

After listening to Xiao Minyu's words, Mo Fei showed a smile on his face: "I know you care about me, but I still have to live my own life after all. I will bother you for a few more days, and I will go on a long trip in a few days. When I come back, it may be calm."

"A long trip? Where are you going?"

 The book review area is very lively recently, but unfortunately most of them come to review the essence. I look forward to those who have really read the book to leave a message. It doesn't matter if you don't leave a message. I am very pleased to have your silent support.It’s a good time to eat delicious food when the weather is slightly cold but not so cold that the upper and lower teeth are fighting (in fact, for foodies, it doesn’t matter the season, this is just an excuse.)
(End of this chapter)

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