Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 214 Shopping

Chapter 214 Shopping

When Murphy said that he was going to leave the star base, Xiao Minyu's first reaction was that Murphy was going to the sea base.

Because I have heard about some things about Murphy at the sea base before, especially when Murphy was on a mission with them last time, the satellite phone call also let Xiao Minyu know about Shao Qing, the investigation team leader of the sea base.

Later, Xiao Minyu also went to check things about Shao Qing. Xiao Minyu was very impressed with Shao Qing's information. Let's not talk about Shao Qing's background, just take out Shao Qing's personal qualities, which is also very good. That's why Xiao Minyu was a little nervous.

Regarding his whereabouts, Mo Fei didn't want Xiao Minyu to know too much: "I just have something to deal with, and I guess I'll be back in half a month at the longest."

Hearing the time Murphy said, Xiao Minyu was even more sure that Murphy was going to the sea base.

"It's dangerous to go out, why don't we go with you?"

"No, besides, you are all so busy, and it's not a big deal. I'll deal with it and I'll be back."

"Feifei, aren't we friends? Don't you think friends should help each other? We'll take care of you on the way." Although Mo Fei refused, Xiao Minyu still didn't give up.

"No need, I'll be back soon. If you vacuum up, heal your foot injury quickly. I'll see you recover when I come back!"

"Okay, since you said that, then you have to be careful when you go out, and come back as soon as possible." Xiao Minyu replied to Mo Fei with a little dim eyes, and then left Mo Fei's room without saying anything else.

After Xiao Minyu left, Mo Fei closed the door and began to practice Qi. She planned to hand over the materials to Lin Yixun tomorrow, and told Lin Yixun before leaving.

This time Murphy hadn't actually received Lin Yixun's mission yet, but because she had something to confirm, she went to collect some and gave them to Lin Yixun for later use.

The reason why he wanted to bring Gao Qing this time was that Murphy originally thought that if Gao Qing could take over his task, maybe Gao Qing could continue to complete this task when it was inconvenient for him to do it in the future.In the end, he didn't expect Gao Qing's reaction after going there to be so big, and Murphy had no choice but to give up.

After practicing Qi, Murphy soon fell asleep, but there were some signs of crisis in a certain corner of the base.

Mo Fei woke up early in the morning and went downstairs to have breakfast with Xiao Minyu and the others after washing up. After breakfast, Murphy and Xiao Minyu went out at the same time, and they all went to the central building of the Star Soul Circle.

Arriving at the entrance of the central building one after another, Murphy took out the pass given by Lin Yixun, and drove the car directly into the central building.

Going around to the direction of the laboratory, Murphy parked the car at the gate of the laboratory building.

"Yixun, here I come!" Murphy greeted Lin Yixun as soon as he entered Lin Yixun's office.

"Feifei, why are you here? Hehe, you came just in time. I found a lot of clothes yesterday, and I give them to you." Lin Yixun greeted Murphy cheerfully.

"Yixun, I'm here to give you the branches and leaves of the ginkgo tree."

"The branches and leaves of the ginkgo tree? I didn't arrange a task for you?" Lin Yixun asked a little strangely.

Only then did Murphy talk about his preparations for a long trip.

"I was afraid that you would need to use them during this time, so I cut some more ahead of time."

"Feifei, I love you the most. You are too thoughtful, but are you going out alone? It is very dangerous, or I will ask my dad to find someone to go with you?" Lin Yixun first gave Murphy a Bear Hug, then couldn't help worrying.

"It's all right, I'll be right back."

He talked to Lin Yixun for a while, because Lin Yixun's laboratory was also very busy, so Murphy didn't stay long and left.

Leaving the experimental building, Murphy drove the car back. Just as he was about to leave the Star Soul Circle, an ambulance suddenly drove towards Murphy's car from the gate of the Star Soul Circle.Murphy quickly drove the car to the side to give way to the car. After all, it was an ambulance, so someone must have been seriously ill or injured.

The ambulance quickly stopped at the entrance of the central building, and on the side of the central building was the only hospital in the star base.

After the ambulance stopped, the door at the back of the car was opened, and a man with a grim face was lifted out from inside.The man's body was tightly tied to the stretcher, and his face was constantly twitching.

Murphy just glanced at it and then continued to drive towards the gate. There were not many people who could call an ambulance to see a doctor in the base. It was probably a team of supernatural beings or a base official who fell ill.Murphy left the star soul circle without paying too much attention.

Back in the jurisdiction of Xingxin circle, Murphy parked the car behind Xiao Minyu's villa, and then did not enter the door immediately, but walked out of the jurisdiction again.

Because he will be going out tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, Mo Fei is going to walk around the trading market in Star Heart Circle to see if there is anything that can be used on the road.

Walking to the trading market, I didn't expect that there were quite a lot of people in the market.Murphy walked around the booth little by little, but he didn't find anything special after walking for a long time.

Just when Murphy was about to walk and go back, he suddenly found a man selling a function watch.

Murphy leaned over curiously and found that this watch is really multi-functional. In addition to the original time and date, it not only has a satellite locator, but also a compass and thermometer, as well as measuring distance, a stopwatch, a calculator, and a memorandum. , camera and video recording function, even with a key to test the cleanliness of the water source, ignition function and many other functions, and the most convenient point is that this is light energy charging.

This thing is indeed very practical, and it basically has all the functions you can think of when you go to the field in the future, but the person's asking price is relatively high, so many people are hesitant.

After thinking about it, Murphy thought that this thing was quite useful to him, as long as it was worn on his wrist, it would be very convenient to solve future problems, so after thinking about it, Murphy decided to buy it.

Feeling from the small bag that he carried, Mo Fei was actually filling the ink crystal from the storage talisman.

When Mo Fei approached, he happened to hear someone bargaining: "It's too expensive to ask for 50 yuan for a small thing like yours, and 50 yuan for a first-class black crystal is not 50 yuan for a zero-grade black crystal. There are so many black crystals." Jing and I can advance to a second-level power user. Can you use less? 20 yuan for a first-level Smoky Jing is already a lot, your thing is tasteless, and your asking price is too high."

The man shook his head, and replied in a low voice: "As I said just now, this is the lowest price, and I won't sell anything less."

"You don't have to drink a toast." The person who had previously counter-offered angrily raised his fist.

Mo Fei leaned over at this time, and used the tip of the plain gun to pry the counter-offer's wrist away, and looked at the function table on the man's hand: "Can you show me how to use it?"

"Hey, there's a little girl here to help." The person who started the counter-offer realized that his wrist had been pulled away, and looked at Mo Fei sideways. Seeing that it was just a little girl, the person's arrogance could not help but rise.

The man who sold the function watch glanced at Mo Fei, then at the man whose wrist was thrown off to bargain, and then began to skillfully fiddle with it.Mo Fei secretly remembered how to use all the functions. Because of the relationship between drawing talismans, Mo Fei felt that the result of his regular practice was that his memory was getting better and better.

After memorizing the usage, Mo Fei grabbed a handful of first-grade black crystals from the small bag and counted them in his hand.

"This is 30 yuan for a first-grade black crystal. You count it, and I'll give you another 20 yuan." Mo Fei handed the counted first-grade black crystal to the man, and then took out a handful of first-grade black crystal.

The man who was haggling at the beginning saw the two people ignoring him and started a deal on his own, so he got angry and pushed towards Murphy's shoulder with one hand.

Mo Fei silently recited Mo Jing's words while dodging the attack of the counter-offer man. The counter-offer man originally wanted to push Mo Fei away, but he didn't expect Mo Fei to dodge and let him miss with one blow. It was a coincidence. Yes, the man who made the counter-offer missed Mo Fei, but he tripped over a stone on the ground, and suddenly fell to the ground with an unsteady center of gravity. The people around him burst into laughter when they saw this.

The man became angry with embarrassment, his face turned pale from anger or shame, he got up and dusted the dirt, and then a not-so-big flame appeared in his hand and quickly threw it towards Murphy.

"Twenty..." Mo Fei suddenly said, and then threw the extra Mo Jing in his hand into the small bag.Then, with an unhurried profile, he easily dodged the attack of the counter-offering man.

"This is the remaining 20 yuan for a first-class black crystal, give me the function list!" Mo Fei stretched out the remaining 20 yuan.

And at this moment, the man behind the counter-offering fire attribute power user attacked again.

Mo Fei stuffed the first-level smoky crystal into the hands of the man who sold the function table and said, "Count it clearly." Then he swung the Suying spear in his hand at the fire-type superpower.

Of course, a fire-type power user who didn't even reach the second level was no match for Murphy who had already entered the stable layer, so within ten rounds, Murphy pushed the man to the ground with the handle of the plain spear.

The fire-type power user who made the counter-offer got up without even daring to look at Murphy, and ran away in no time.

Murphy shook his head: At this level, he dares to come out and act fiercely.

In fact, what Murphy didn't know was that although there were many high-level supernatural users, most of them could only stay at the first or second level.Because the black crystals of zombies are hard to find, and the degree of absorption varies from person to person.

Because Murphy is not a supernatural user, she usually pays little attention to these things, so she is not very clear about it.In fact, a fire-type supernatural being who will break through to the second level at this level is considered a powerful figure in the base.

Mo Fei clapped his hands, then turned around to look for the person who was selling function watches, but he didn't expect that person to have disappeared.

 I would like to say: Dear readers of book reviews, you have some professional ethics. Although my book is titled "Golden Armor of the End Times", it is indeed a female-language article, not to mention that Xiaoxiao's pen name does not look like a man, no need. One big brother at a time, give me the essence!
(End of this chapter)

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