Chapter 215
It was found that the person who sold the function table had disappeared, that is to say, the man ran away with his 50 yuan first-class black crystal.

Murphy sneered, he really spent too long in the good times.

There is a price to pay for taking my things!Murphy was thinking in his heart, and his eyes were also looking around.

Looking at the messy footprints on the ground, it was difficult for so many people to distinguish them by footprints just now, but Mo Fei noticed that one of the footprints was in a hurry, each step was large, and the footprints that fell were relatively small. Deep, this is obviously a trace of striding away.

When ordinary people usually walk, each step does not have such a large span, and the footprints are either very stable or have different shades, but this footprint obviously ran away quickly. Because it is fast, the gravity also increases when it falls, so it is printed on the ground. This land is deeper.

The most important thing is that most of the other footprints are around, and some of the owners who can even trace the footprints are all people who dispersed after watching. Only that footprint ran all the way to the back door.

Murphy tilted his head to look in the direction of the footprint, and then chased after it all the way.

Obviously, the man who took Mo Fei Mo Jing and left was a novice, and the traces that could be traced along the way were too obvious.

Murphy ran along a road until the end, only to find a narrow alley at the end of the road, and further down the alley, Murphy could smell a sour smell.

The area is dirty and seems to be where people dump sewage.

Covering his nose, Murphy drilled forward. After crossing the sewage ditch, Murphy was surprised to find that there were actually people living behind.

A small house like a pigeon coop was built using the walls on both sides of the alley, and there was no door, and the entire door was blocked with a cotton curtain.

Mo Fei frowned, there were actually people living in such a place.

Just as he was thinking about it, a man came out with the curtain opened. The man was holding a basin in his hand, and the basin was filled with muddy and dirty water.

The man was taken aback when he looked up and saw Murphy, then quickly put down the basin, then turned and entered the room.

Just as Murphy was about to go there, the man ran out again, holding the function watch that Murphy had just bought in his hand.

"I'm sorry girl, I have something urgent just now. I thought you guys wouldn't finish it so soon and go back after you finish it." The man's face was full of gratitude, but there was no look of guilt.

"Do you know that a transaction requires integrity? If I didn't catch up with you, and I left without seeing you after the end, would you enjoy the money with peace of mind?"

After hearing what Mo Fei said, the man who sold the menu paused for a moment, then raised his head: "Girl, I apologize to you for my behavior just now, I know no matter how I explain it, I took the money and ran away first." Well, let’s do it, I still have some similar items here, I will pay you as compensation, no matter whether you can forgive me for sneaking away just now, it’s all my fault.”

The man said it sincerely, and Murphy was not afraid of him playing tricks, not to mention if he hadn't chased after him just now, who knows if he would have gone back, so Murphy nodded without being polite.

The man who sold the function watch first handed the function watch in his hand to Mo Fei, then opened the torn quilt, hung a piece of rope sewn on it from the nail on the edge, and then stepped aside to open the door.

When Murphy came to the door, an unconcealable stench came out.He covered his nose subconsciously, but this action made the face of the selling man turn red and white.

"I'm sorry, because there are many kinds of things, it's inconvenient to move them out." The man whispered.

"It's nothing, but I'm a little surprised, your things are so expensive, how come you don't even have money to rent a house?"

The man sighed after hearing Murphy's question: "Come in with me, girl."

After the man entered, Murphy discovered in the dimly lit room that there was actually a child who looked only seven or eight years old nestled in the corner.

"Girl, I think you are kind, to be honest, this is my son Xiaolu, because of him I can't live in a rented house, but after all, he is my own son, and his mother... so I can only Find such an inconspicuous corner to live in." Speaking of his son, the man's face was full of sorrow.

"What's the matter with your son?" Murphy looked at the little boy nestled there, then turned to look at the man.

"I don't know, since the end of the world, I took him and his mother to escape all the way, and I was about to reach the star base, but his mother was scratched by zombies, so I could only run wildly with him in my arms. But after we arrived at the base, we found that he also had wounds during the inspection." The man seemed to be caught in the previous memories.

Murphy didn't interrupt, and waited for the man to explain in detail, but her eyes were not idle, and she began to look around the room.

The man paused and continued: "Later we survived the inspection and were allowed to enter the base, but I found that my son was never able to wake up again, and he was always in such a chaotic state, because he couldn't take him with him like this. I don’t feel at ease leaving him at home on a mission, so I can only find a corner and build such a temporary shelter in the hope that my child can wake up. Just now I heard from my neighbor that they heard movement from my side, I thought It was Xiaolu who woke up, that's why he hurried back."

Murphy nodded. Judging from the man's candid words and what he saw now, as well as the obviously not very smooth way of leaving before, although Murphy could not fully trust the man in front of him, he agreed with the man's statement .

"Girl, everything is in the corner on the right. The curtain on the right can be opened. You can choose whatever you want. It's my apology for making such a trip." The man pointed to the right to Mo Fei said.

Murphy stepped aside and opened the curtain at the position the man said, and the light came in from the hole that was regarded as a window.

It was only at this time that Mo Fei could clearly see the things in the corner. There were quite a lot of things here, and most of them were suitable for survival in the wild.

At this time, the man turned over his child and muttered to Mo Fei: "My child's mother used to like field adventures very much. Although she went out a little less after she had children, she liked to collect these tools. I don't know. I charged too much before I realized it, and this time I packed all of them into the car, I didn’t expect to be able to exchange money now. The place where I live now is also remodeled from the original tent.” The man smiled self-deprecatingly when he said this.

"How long is the longest climbing rope? Give me the longest one, and sell me this lifter and that rock spike." Murphy flipped through and said.

"It's okay, I'll give these to you. Most people don't need them, and I can't sell them for much money. You didn't even pay back the price today. The few things you picked are all given to you." The man looked at it. He glanced at what Murphy picked and said.

Murphy took a look, and found that these few things were indeed not worth much, and they might not be able to sell for a high price, so he didn't refuse.Just as he was about to leave, when Mo Fei stood up, the light outside the window flashed Mo Fei's eyes at a certain angle.

Murphy originally walked over and then backed away.

After walking his body back and forth three times before finding that point again, Mo Fei reached out and opened the surrounding things, and found a delicate little key from inside.

"What does this key open?" Murphy picked up the key and looked at it carefully. The key is beautiful, and there is a small shiny stone inlaid on it, but it can be seen that it is not a diamond.

"That's a small pendant that my wife used to have. It's useless. If you like it, girl, take it away!" the man replied.

"It belongs to your wife, so how can I take it casually." Murphy said and put it back.

"Take it away, girl. That thing was originally piled up with the sundries after my wife didn't like it very much. It should have been brought out by accident this time."

Murphy picked up the key, looked at it again and again, and finally put it away.After speaking to the man, Murphy was about to go out.But before going out, Murphy glanced at the child, and then Murphy stopped again.

Turning around and walking in front of the kid named Xiaolu, Murphy stretched out his hand.

Pulling the child's wrist out of the quilt, Murphy's eyes were full of surprise.

"Girl, do you know how to see a doctor?" Seeing Mo Fei looking at his son, the man's eyes were full of expectation.

Mo Fei shook his head apologetically: "I don't know how to see a doctor, but I don't think your son is sick. Can you take him to a place with light for me to see?"

The man nodded quickly, quickly picked up the child, and put him in the position just before Mophy opened the curtain.

Because the light allowed Mo Fei to see more clearly, the child's face and hands were faintly chilled.

Murphy thought for a while and looked at the man: "I want to ask, how old is your child?"

"He's only five years old."

Murphy nodded knowingly. The child looked seven or eight years old, but was actually only five years old. It seemed that the family conditions were very good before, and the child was well-raised.

"Uncle, where's the black crystal I gave you just now? Can you take one out?" Mo Fei said to the man.

The man glanced at Mo Fei, hesitated for a moment, and took out a first-grade ink crystal.

Mo Fei put Mo Jing on the ground, supported it with one hand, and held the Suying Spear to the end of the gun with the other hand, poked along the edge of Mo Jing with the tip of the gun, and then put the whole Mo Jing into the man's body. child's mouth.

Under the man's nervous gaze, Murphy asked the man to slowly lift the child up.

After waiting for about 15 minutes, suddenly, the child who was in a coma suddenly opened his eyes, and at the same time, the boy's body was instantly covered with a layer of crystal clear ice.

(End of this chapter)

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