Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 216 There are always some people looking for death

Chapter 216 There are always some people looking for death

Seeing the thin ice appearing on his child's body instantly, the man was startled, regardless of the coldness of the child's body, he hugged the child tightly.

"Xiaolu, what's wrong with you, Xiaolu? Don't scare Dad!" At the same time, he looked anxiously at Mo Fei: "Girl, what's wrong with my son?"

After seeing this layer of ice, Murphy breathed a sigh of relief, and replied with a relaxed smile: "Great, it's good to be able to send it out. Congratulations!"

The man was baffled by Mo Fei's words, but seeing Mo Fei's expression seemed to relax a lot, his heart seemed to be a little more stable, so he asked, "Girl, what's going on with my son?"

At this moment, the thin ice on the little boy's body has gradually disappeared, leaving behind the little boy's no longer blue face and soaked clothes.

"You can help your child change into dry clothes first, it will freeze, and I will tell you later." After finishing speaking, Murphy walked out of the crappy house.

The man changed his child's clothes neatly. While changing the clothes, the man noticed the changes in the child's body. The body that was originally blue like bruises had returned to a fair complexion, although it looked paler than a healthy child. , but at least it's not as scary as before.

After changing into clean clothes, the child seemed to be sound asleep, nestling quietly in the man's arms.

"Girl, it's been changed, but it's inconvenient for me to move now, may I trouble you to come in?" The man glanced at the son in his arms and was reluctant to move, for fear of disturbing the child's dream.

Murphy had already stepped in when he heard the voice.

Glancing at the child in the man's arms, Murphy smiled: "It seems that the little guy is already fast asleep."

"Yes, in the past few months since he was in a coma, although he has not been awake, he has not been so stable." The man's face showed a soft look.

"Thank you very much, girl, but I don't quite understand what's going on?"

Only then did Murphy tell what he knew.

When Murphy came in before, because of the darkness, she didn't notice anything special about the little boy. It wasn't until she was about to go out that Murphy just opened the curtains. Of course, it was also because of the improvement of Murphy's eyesight after Qi training that she could see Subtle differences in the little boy.

There is a fine layer of frost on many corners of the boy's body, just like the frost that has been in the refrigerator for a long time.

Mo Fei had heard Lin Yixun say that some supernatural beings could not change directly because of their age or physical fitness, but their bodies would have many different characteristics, but the supernatural beings who could evolve successfully from this situation Capable ones are very rare.

It's not that it's dangerous, but because most of the abnormal people will not be taken care of. Some people even think that such people may turn into zombies and throw them out. In fact, such people can break through with a little help. .

So when Mo Fei saw the man's son just now, he guessed that this might be the reason, so Mo Fei used Mo Jing to help him.

"Now your son is an ice-type supernatural user, and he will get better and better in the future. Okay, I'm leaving." Murphy got out of the tent after speaking.

"Little girl, wait a moment." The man felt relieved at this moment, so he put his son on the bed that had been made up and chased him out.

"Anything else?" Murphy turned to look at the man.

"This is for you. You have helped our father and son so much. I don't have anything of value. This is my thank you." The man took out a small black box from his arms after speaking.

"What is this?" Murphy didn't answer, the box looked a little strange.

"This box is a kind of amplifier. Generally, when the signal of the contactor is weak, you can use this amplifier to enhance the signal reception. Generally, this is very practical for people who are out in distress. But because it can only be used for a maximum of two hours at a time, it cannot Keep it open." The man said after handing the box to Murphy.

Mo Fei took a look at the small box and suddenly remembered: "Oh, I remembered, this box was invented not long ago before the end of the world, and the price was amazing at that time."

Indeed, the price of such an amplifier at that time could buy a slightly better energy car.Because the signal was very good at that time, only people like field expeditions, mining investigations, etc. could use it, so it was rare.

"Take it, these are nothing in the last days, if you can help you, it's not in vain. What's more, if you save my child's life, you will find a way for us to survive. Thank you, little girl." The man sincerely said Said to Murphy.

Murphy didn't say anything more, and walked along the way when things were coming and going.

After leaving the alley, Mo Fei looked around and put all the things in his hand into the storage amulet under the cover of the backpack. He put the backpack on his shoulder, and Mo Fei walked towards the jurisdiction in a good mood.

When passing by the market, several people whispered to each other for a while, and two of them followed behind Murphy.

Murphy felt that someone was following him from the market side, raised his eyebrows and quickened his pace.

However, because this was the second time Mo Fei came to this trading market, and Yulin was with him for the first time, so the road was not very familiar, and he walked to a relatively remote place after a while.

"Hey hey hey, little sister. Sister, where are you going?" A voice came from behind Murphy with a wicked smile.

There was no road ahead, so Murphy could only go back and take another road.While turning around, several people walked by in front of Murphy's eyes. They were people who had just started following Murphy from the trading market.

Mo Fei put one hand behind his back expressionlessly, and his fingers touched the Suying gun behind his back.

"Little sister. Sister, it's very dangerous to go out alone with too many valuable things on your body. Pay us the tuition today and let the brothers teach you what to do in the future so as not to attract attention." The man smiled and turned to Murphy in front of him.

Mo Fei squinted his eyes: These people should have evil intentions because they were generous when they bought things just now. Just now, I chased after the seller and disappeared, so these people didn't have time to make a move. When they passed by, they found out that they followed up again.

Looking around, it was very remote and there were no houses. Murphy's eyes became sharp.

Taking the Suying spear off his back, Mo Fei put the Suying spear across his chest.

"Little sister. Sister, we have all seen how you dealt with that fire-type first-level supernatural power just now. You do have two brushes, but how can such a low-level character compare to us? I advise you to be obedient." Come on, don't hurt your pretty little face." When the man spoke, his hand was already in front of Murphy.

Mo Fei lifted the Suying gun, and the body of the gun lifted the man's arm.

But the gun was also grabbed by the man with one hand.

The man's face didn't change at all, but he began to exert force on his hand, and Mo Fei's plain tassel gun changed at this moment.

The originally straight Suying spear gradually softened and began to deform in the man's hand.

Seeing the deformation of his Suying Spear, Mo Fei couldn't get angry. It was the Suying Spear that had been following him since the beginning of the end of the world. He used this Suying Spear when he didn't have a mecha. , but the Suying Spear, which has gone through so many battles, was destroyed in the hands of this man in front of him.

The Suying Spear collapsed like a piece of extremely flexible noodles, while the man with metal superpowers had a triumphant smile on his face.

Looking at the deformed Suying Spear in front of him, Mo Fei burst into a smile on his originally angry expression.

Originally, Mo Fei wasn't ugly. After going through Qi training, in addition to improving his physical fitness, his face also showed subtle changes. Otherwise, Gu Huaiyuan wouldn't have other problems after seeing Mo Fei again. idea.

So at this time, Murphy's smile was shining brightly, and those people thought they had got some hint, and couldn't help but feel elated.

Murphy unhurriedly threw the Suying gun to the ground.

"By the way, it would have been better to do this earlier, the little girl still has to be obedient to be pleasing." The person who damaged Mo Fei's tasseled gun had his eyes narrowed with a smile, and rubbed his hands towards Mo Fei.

From the storage talisman, Murphy took out the speed talisman that he had successfully drawn for several days.

The moment his fingers pulled the speed talisman from the storage talisman, Murphy stuck the speed talisman to his body, while his other hand touched the boot.Although he already had a storage talisman, Murphy still habitually put a dagger in the mouth of his boot.

Hiding the dagger in the palm of his hand, Murphy took a deep breath, and then moved slightly with his feet thinking about turning on the speed talisman. Murphy's speed more than doubled in a flash.

Murphy, who was originally faster than ordinary people, could imagine the speed after turning on the speed talisman.With lightning speed, Mo Fei dodged the hand of the culprit who had destroyed his Suying gun, and at the same time, the dagger in his hand cut the man's throat quickly.

Due to the extremely fast speed, the man fell to the ground before the blood spewed out.Then there was blood splattered out.

The rest of the people found that their leader had been killed and rushed forward. Only then did Murphy realize that most of this group of people were actually supernatural beings, and the others were mutants.

However, Mo Fei wasn't nervous at all. With his speed and precision, the dagger in his hand quickly harvested two more lives.

Seeing this, several people shouted repeatedly: "It's a speed mutant, let's go."

How could Murphy let them go? He had already seen her appearance, so what would he do in the future for revenge?Murphy doesn't want to cause more trouble for himself, since you find faults, you have to pay for your faults.

Speeding up his pace, Murphy first used the same method to clean up the two people around him, and then chased into the distance.

And just as Murphy was leaving, a person walked out from a hidden corner. This person quickly walked to the original fighting position, looked at the several corpses lying on the ground, and then picked up the twisted Suying gun.

(End of this chapter)

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