Chapter 217
Murphy chased those people forward, and those people were no match for Murphy with the speed symbol on them.

After quickly catching up with those people, Murphy ended their lives with a knife in his hand.

After wiping the dagger on one of the men, Mo Fei took out a pair of gloves from the storage talisman, and searched the pockets of those men.

Originally, he wanted to leave directly and forget about the remaining things of those people, but thinking that the Suying gun he destroyed was still there, Murphy returned to the same place.

After searching the ground, Mo Fei couldn't help but frown: his plain tasseled spear had just been put on the ground, but now it was gone.It is impossible for Suying Spear to leave by itself, which means someone took his Suying Spear away.

Thinking of this result, Murphy blamed himself for being careless. He should have carefully checked the surroundings just now.

The reason why Mo Fei was sure that it was other people around was because Mo Fei had already seen the corpses on the ground, even the ones he had just killed were quite a few, which meant that the person who took his plain gun was another person. There are people.

Turning around, Mo Fei didn't find anyone, but he also saw a recessed place in the corner, and behind it was a path wide for one person.I also blame myself for not paying attention just now, it is really difficult to find someone hiding here.

He raised his eyebrows, since he ran away anyway, he had no choice but to leave. Fortunately, he didn't expose anything else just now, so it was at best an over-defense.While comforting himself, Mo Fei turned those people over. In order to prevent them from mutating, Murphy stabbed them again, and then quickly left the place.

After running out of this area, Murphy turned around again before finding his way back.After returning to the jurisdiction, Murphy went directly into the house, took a shower, changed his clothes, and scrubbed his dagger.

It seems that my plan has to be advanced, otherwise I don't even have a weapon at hand now.

Murphy, who was planning to go out these few days, decided to leave early tomorrow morning because of what happened today.

After dinner in the evening, Mo Fei told Xiao Minyu that he was leaving tomorrow to do some things, and was told by Xiao Minyu for a long time before giving up.

After Murphy returned to his room and locked the door, he began to adjust his breath, preparing for tomorrow's action in a vigorous state.

Xiao Minyu, who waited for Murphy to leave, used the communicator to call Man Chengbin, and told Man Chengbin to find someone to accompany Murphy.

Early the next morning, Murphy got up, had a full breakfast, said goodbye to Xiao Minyu and the others, and then got into his car with an oversized backpack.I went to Gao Qing's house again, but Gao Qing didn't seem to be at home, and no one answered the door.

Murphy had no choice but to take out a message board and paste it on the door of Gao Qing's house, telling him that he was going out for a while.Because he had already greeted Lin Yixun before, Mo Fei didn't go to the Star Soul Circle anymore.

Then Murphy drove away from the star base and drove all the way to the southeast.

Where is Murphy going?
It all started when Murphy went to find Lin Yixun and saw the notebook brought by Dr. Wan in Lin Yixun's office.

That notebook Murphy couldn't be more familiar with. Whether it's the notebook itself, the familiar handwriting on it, or even the occasional graffiti in the notebook, all these are memories that Murphy is familiar with and can no longer be familiar with.

Because that notebook was the work record of Murphy's father, Mo Zhengqing. Murphy remembered very clearly that his father always carried that notebook with him.

That year, Murphy was only 12 years old, and he went to school happily, and that day was also the only time his parents had to travel far away at the same time.Originally, her parents had promised little Murphy that she would not come back until the next day, but that night, little Murphy received a call from the police station, saying that her parents had both died in an accident and asked her family to identify the bodies.

Murphy didn't know how she got to the police station at the time, and she didn't remember how she recognized the corpse, but the only thing she remembered when she was young was the unrecognizable face of her parents. Even though the police station had already processed the corpse, she could still see How miserable the situation was.

It is said that the car crashed into a roadside oil store due to a malfunction of the avoidance system. As a result, the burning sparks ignited the oil drum and caused the explosion inside the car. Thanks to the automatic protection in the car, the victims were not completely blown to pieces.

But most of the things in the car were badly damaged.

So basically nothing was left in the car, which was also Murphy's doubts about the reappearance of his father's notebook.

In order to confirm, Murphy decided to go home. She had to go back to find some of her father's old things and the materials identified in the previous accident. In addition, because of the damage to the plain gun this time, Murphy also went back to grandpa's arsenal to choose another one. Handy weapon.

Mom and Dad, what is going on?Murphy couldn't stop thinking about the notebook. She was sure that the notebook was taken away by her father, and she didn't have it at home, but why was it in the hands of Dr. Wan?

The car was driving steadily in the direction of Murphy's Zeng's house, and about five to 600 meters away from Murphy, a car was driving in the same direction with Murphy.

"Follow the car in front of you, and don't make a move unless it is absolutely necessary. This is what the superiors told you." There were three people in the car, and one of them patted the man in the driver's seat and said.

"Understood, I heard that it's the girlfriend of a certain captain. It's really troublesome. I have to escort her when I go out." The man in the cab replied impatiently to his man.

"What do you know? I heard that this girl is not the girlfriend of a certain captain, but is still in pursuit, but I saw the photos, and she looks okay, but it's not really alluring, after spending so much effort There's no need to chase after him." The third person in the car interjected to the other two.

He was still the first to speak, and took a picture of each of the two: "Okay, work more and talk less nonsense, the higher-ups have explained that there will be rewards if you do it well, and you forgot what the rewards are? For the rewards, give me too." Seriously."

Murphy didn't know that there was someone following behind her, and her thoughts at this moment were trapped in her childhood memories.

That notebook was the reward for my first recitation competition No.1. I had only been in school for one year, and I gave the notebook to my father. My father was very happy and spent two days clearing out the things I had recorded in the electronic notebook. When it came to the notebook, little Murphy also drew a big sun on it, and the three flowers under the sun represented his parents and himself.

The silent flower that father needs most, the acacia flower that mother likes most, and the red-tipped white lotus that little Murphy loves most. Although little Murphy draws them in the same shape because of his young age, only Murphy recognizes them. A family portrait from her hand.

Mo Fei's tears fell down inadvertently. He deliberately didn't think about it for so many years, but now he suddenly broke into his life with huge doubts.

"I want to know why that notebook is in the hands of Dr. Wan." Murphy muttered to himself.

Because the car uses automatic driving, it moves forward very smoothly.After wiping away his tears, Murphy cheered up again.

It was about to get on the expressway, and the car turned again along the route, but Murphy vaguely noticed a car behind him.

Looking back, I didn't expect that there was another car traveling along the way.

The trip on the road was boring, but Mo Fei didn't have to worry, because she had a lot of things to do.Although I dare not practice Qi because I don't know if an emergency will happen, but other things can be done without any problems.

Turning out the talisman, Mo Fei looked at the next ability that could be learned, but this talisman was more difficult than the speed talisman.Murphy was a little thankful for the memory rules he had summed up when he was learning to draw the speed talisman. He lightly copied the talisman with a single finger.

"This section is too messy. How did you draw it?" Murphy failed after trying twice, because he didn't know how the strokes of this talisman could be connected without repeating or breaking.

Drawing a talisman was more difficult than navigating a maze, so Mo Fei had to put it down first, then raised his head and moved his sore neck with his head down all the time.

Looking up, Murphy suddenly found that there was a mountain villa in front of him, and the sign in front also said that the exit of the ramp ahead was 300 meters away.Looking at the time, there may not be a suitable place to live if you move forward at this time, it is better to rest here earlier.

Finding the intersection of the highway, he drove the car down, and the car behind Murphy also drove down.

Noticing that the car behind was also coming down, Mo Fei turned his head and observed: It's not surprising that they are going the same way, but they also go down when they go down by themselves. There won't be any bad intentions, right?Thinking of this, Mo Fei became more careful.

It is relatively open here, and we drove in the direction of visual inspection, and soon arrived at the mountain villa.

When he got closer, Mo Fei realized that there seemed to be people living in this villa, because it wasn't very desolate inside, and some food was even grown there.

Although a place with no one is a little more dangerous, you will be more free, and a place with people has more to beware of.Mo Fei was a little disappointed. When he looked at it from a distance, he felt that this place was quite desolate and probably uninhabited. Fortunately, he came down early and had time to find another place to live.

When he was hesitating, a person hurried over to the gate and shouted at Mo Fei, "Is it a survivor who defected or a person passing by for the night?"

Now that people have asked, it's not good to turn around and leave now. Murphy lowered the car window and replied, "I was passing by and wanted to stay overnight."

"Stay overnight, one first-level ink crystal alone, stay if you can take it out, leave if you can't take it out." The inside also replied simply, it seems that this is not the first time.

Equivalent exchange is considered fair, and Murphy is alone, as long as one first-level black crystal is enough, it is not expensive, so Murphy simply nodded: "No problem, let me in!"

The car that followed saw Murphy entering the villa, and several people followed.

(End of this chapter)

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