Chapter 218

"Two cars, four people, a total of six first-class black crystals." Mo Fei stopped the car and opened the door to get out of the car. Several people came out of the door, and one of them pointed to Mo Fei.

Murphy looked back at the car behind him: "That car has nothing to do with me, I don't know them, I just have one car."

"Oh, those two black crystals." The man glanced at the car behind Murphy and said.

"Isn't there a black crystal for each person?"

"The location of the car is also counted. If you don't pay it, you can leave the car outside the door."

Mo Fei looked at the villa in front of him and nodded, and took out two first-grade black crystals from the small bag.

After the man took the two first-level ink crystals, he pouted at the person next to him, and a woman stood up next to him: "Little girl, come with me."

Following the woman, Murphy walked towards a side building next to the villa.

After Mo Fei walked over, the man reached out his hand to the three people who got out of the car: "Three people plus a car, four first-class black crystals."

"What? So expensive? Isn't it just for one night?" One of the people who got out of the car shouted.

Who is as rich as Mo Fei, who has collected countless ink crystals from Ye Yonghang's basement, not to mention that her mission rewards are usually very generous, if it is not for the mecha, it will consume part of it, and the ink crystals in Murphy's hand Crystal, I'm afraid it's only used for food, drink and shelter, and it won't be used up in a few years.

Murphy followed the woman to a room on the second floor of the side building.The woman gave Mo Fei a key: "You will stay here tonight, give me the key tomorrow morning, I will confirm that there is no damage in the house, and you can leave."

Mo Fei was quite willing to accept the behavior of giving money to move in. He nodded to the woman, took the key, and Mo Fei entered the room.

This room is not big, and it can be seen that it was partitioned later. It seems that this place should be specially prepared for passers-by, probably like a hotel in the last days.

Looking around, Mo Fei felt that although the house was not clean and tidy, it was barely livable.

After putting things away, Murphy took out a sheet from his backpack and spread it on the bed, and then took out a thin quilt.

After the bed was made, Mo Fei took out some food from his backpack, ate it with water, checked the door lock, and lay down on the bed.

In the other room, the three people who were chasing Murphy were also arranged to go upstairs after paying the fee.

"Really, in order to keep an eye on that girl, I have to pay for accommodation." One of them complained.

"Okay, I can get reimbursed when I go back, so stop nagging! Isn't it good to have a place to live at night and someone to watch the night?" The other comforted the complainer.

After searching around, there was no place to wash in the house. Murphy took out a towel and a toothbrush from his bag, opened the door and left the room. When he came here, he seemed to see a bathroom in front of the corridor, which should be shared.

After washing up a bit, Mo Fei took his things and went back to his room to sleep. Although he wasn't tired today, it's not every day that he encounters such a doomsday hotel. Tomorrow might be a sleepless night, so Mo Fei tried his best to stay healthy. physical strength.

The night passed peacefully, and Murphy got up early in the morning and took out something from his bag to eat before leaving here.

Starting along the gate of the villa, the car quickly drove onto the highway again. It was only after Murphy set the automatic driving program that he noticed the car following behind.

"Why are you following me again? There is something wrong with this car." Murphy frowned.Because from the rearview mirror, Murphy found the shadow of the car that followed him yesterday.

The car drove forward at a constant speed, while Murphy looked around at the surrounding terrain.

The road was surprisingly quiet, and there were very few zombies to be seen. If it weren't for the deserted scene and the deserted surroundings, Murphy would have thought that the end of the world was over.

The car drove until noon, and Murphy stopped the car on purpose to eat on the side of the road.

Sure enough, when the car behind saw Murphy stop, they stopped too.In fact, Murphy didn't need to stop to eat at all. After all, the car can drive automatically and has an evasion system.It is traditional, and the zombies along the way are almost invisible, so there is no need to care about the progress of the car.

However, Murphy wanted to see whether the car behind him was simply going the same way or following him on purpose. As a result, after Murphy stopped, the car behind him also stopped.

Murphy stood on the side of the road, finished eating, clapped his hands and got back into the car. This time, automatic driving was not set, and the accelerator was activated. Then, the control lever was pulled, and Murphy's car flew out like an arrow from Li Xuan.

The car behind saw Murphy's car leaving, and hurriedly followed.But how could the speed of the car catch up with the accelerator specially modified by Murphy.

After a while, Murphy disappeared from the shadow of the car.

But this device couldn't be used all the time, so Mo Fei simply chose a way to go down in advance, and then hid himself.

Finding a village-like place, Murphy chose a house and drove the car into the yard with the open gate.

Pulled out a single knife from the storage talisman, and because he didn't have the Suying gun, Mo Fei randomly chose a spare weapon to use.

After entering the room and turning around, there was a lot of dried blood inside, and the tables and chairs in the room were also in a mess. It should be that there was resistance before.After looking around but not finding any zombies, Mo Fei locked the door, walked upstairs, and chose a room on the second floor.

Because there was no water, Mo Fei could only take out a little bottled water from the storage amulet and wipe his face slightly, and then spread the sheets as before.But it was still early, so Murphy closed his eyes and practiced breathing.

Besides, the three people following Murphy chased after him all the way, but none of them found Murphy.

"How can there be such a fast speed? It seems that we have lost track, so we can only go back." The three said dejectedly, because they knew that if someone lost track, he had not completed the task and would be punished if he went back.

Murphy ran the breath for five laps before stopping. It was very quiet here, and it was still early, so Murphy used this time to practice quickly.I didn't open my eyes until I felt a little hungry. I saw that it was already past eight o'clock in the evening.

After eating a little something, Murphy heard movement outside when he was about to go to bed.

Standing up and going to the window to look out, there was actually a fire outside.

Isn't there nobody here?Mo Fei looked out curiously. Through the glass and firelight, Mo Fei saw a group of people roasting something around the fire.

It turns out that there are villagers here, and it seems that they should be hiding during the day.But since these people didn't find him, he didn't have to go out, as long as he spent the night in comfort, he left, so Murphy didn't care too much.

When Murphy moved a little and was about to rest, he heard a scream, followed by a commotion.

Are there zombies?Mo Fei hurriedly ran to the window to look again, and then Mo Fei found that the yelling came from a woman, and the woman was running desperately, followed by other villagers, who chased the woman with homemade tools one by one.

The woman panicked, stepped on a stone and fell to the ground, and the people behind rushed up, and one of them stabbed the woman with a tool in his hand.

Then the villagers put the woman on a pole like a bunch of animals and carried her back.

Mo Fei's face changed when he saw it. It was clearly a grill. Could it be that those people were roasting people just now?This woman was obviously the next victim, but this woman wanted to run, but she couldn't run past the people behind her.

While Murphy was looking at the situation outside, a person suddenly turned his head to look at the window where Murphy was, and then that person yelled at the people next to him, and the group of people went to the building where Murphy lived. The house ran over.

It appears to have been discovered.It is not surprising how the person outside found his own Murphy. In the last days, many mutants will have very keen senses, also known as mutants with a strong sixth sense, so the one who senses someone here will call people over The person viewing it should fall into this category.

After putting away all the sheets, Murphy held the single knife in his hand and walked downstairs at the same time.

My car is still in the yard, even if I leave by myself, I can't go home without the car.

After getting down, Murphy heard the sound of the door slamming outside, and she walked to the car with a single knife.

Although the door was not knocked open, someone had already climbed over the wall and entered.

When the man saw Murphy standing in the yard, he was stunned for a moment, and then his face showed an excited expression, as if he was watching his prey.

The person who came in first opened the door quickly, and the people outside rushed in.

"It's a little girl, she looks thin and tender."

"I didn't expect the harvest to be so good in the past two days, hahahahaha."

Some words came from the crowd from time to time, and after connecting with what Mo Fei had seen before, Mo Fei knew that he should be on the menu of this group of people.But if they want to eat her, Mo Fei, this group of people really have to weigh their own weight.

"Little girl, there are two choices for you now. First, give us all your food in exchange for your life. Second, give us your own food." Among those who rushed in, A very tall man stood up.

Murphy glanced at those people: "What if I choose neither?"

"It's up to you not to choose." The strong man rushed out in front of Murphy, and it was only then that Murphy realized that the strong man was a speed mutant.

In many cases, the quality of a person is related to evolution and mutation, so many strong men will mutate into strength mutants, and many thinner people will mutate into speed mutants, but from the situation of the brawny man just now Look, this person was probably a speed player before he mutated.

But Murphy didn't have a trace of fear except that he didn't expect such a strong man to be a speed mutant. Since it was a fight for speed, then let's do it.

Murphy raised the corner of his mouth, and then activated his speed talisman.

(End of this chapter)

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