Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 220 Treading the Mountain

Chapter 220 Treading the Mountain
Mo Fei slept very lightly because of those people, but what she didn't expect was that no one came to harass her that night.

Although it was strange, Murphy would not ask for trouble.

I got up early in the morning, washed a little with the water I used to store my talisman, and then went downstairs after eating something.

On the opposite side of the gate downstairs, two men sat on the steps and stared at the house, their bloodshot eyes showed that they hadn't closed their eyes all night.

When Murphy opened the door, the two stood up suddenly.

Murphy just looked up to see that the two of them didn't say much, opened the courtyard door to the maximum, then turned around and got into the car, started the car and drove out of the courtyard door.

The moment Mo Fei drove the car out of the place, the faces of the two people were obviously relieved.

Murphy didn't care what their mood was like, as long as it didn't hinder him, he could do whatever he wanted.

Pulling the control lever, Murphy drove the car in the direction of the road. After getting on the road, the episode was considered to be over.

However, not everything went as expected. Just when Mo Fei was about to leave the village, dozens of people surrounded him from outside, and those people blocked the road at the entrance of the village with things.

The two men who were staring at Mo Fei's departure at the door of Mo Fei hurried over when they saw this: "Are you crazy? Let her go quickly and it's over. What do you want to do?"

"Don't worry about it, I'm going to decide on this guy." A man pushed aside the man who blocked him, and then walked towards Murphy's car in a few steps.

Looking at the people rushing over, Murphy shook his head: I really don't want to be annoying, and people who don't listen to others' persuasion are really annoying.

Murphy opened the car door, and coldly squeezed out a few words to the pestering person in front of him: "Get out of the way, if you don't want to end up like that C2 zombie."

"Ho ho, the tone is not small, I want to know what happened to that zombie? Isn't it just running faster than others, let you run, you run!" The man shouted at Murphy provocatively. road.

"If you want to know, go to your old farmland outside the village to have a look. If you still want to stop me when you come back, then don't blame me for being rude."

"Don't be polite, come on!" The man smiled strangely and approached Mo Fei, but Mo Fei had already seen a little flame in the man's hand.

"Yamane, don't make a move yet, let's take a look. If you dare to make a reckless move, you will be fully responsible for what happens when the time comes." The man who had just stopped the man in front of him spoke out.

The man in front of him was muttering, and although he had a disdainful expression on his face, he didn't move forward. It seemed that the man who had stayed in front of the private house he lived in for a whole night had some prestige.

Murphy wasn't in a hurry to work on it for a while. Anyway, she was delayed, so she just waited a while, because she really didn't want to waste the number of times the speed talisman was activated.Today I still have to drive for a day, who knows what else I will encounter, so I will save it if I can.What's more, she is not a murderer, and she doesn't want to massacre the village if it is not necessary.

Not long after, the man ran back with a few people with serious expressions on his face. It seemed that he was in a hurry.

"Let go, let her go." The man yelled at the man standing in front of Mo Fei as soon as he came back.

The man wanted to say something unconvinced, and the man who followed another person to check quickly pulled that person aside and whispered a few words.Mo Fei saw that the man's face changed color, and finally retreated to the side unwillingly.

Murphy turned around and got into the car. When the car started, the roadblock was also moved away.

Pushing forward the joystick, the car galloped along the open intersection towards the distance.After Murphy left, the villagers ran towards the previous farmland together, and only took a breath when they saw the huge C2 zombie corpse. Many villagers who followed to surround Murphy were glad they didn't attack first. .

This episode ended, and Murphy set foot on the journey again, driving all the way forward. Yesterday, he found a place to stay in advance because of the people following behind, so today he had to drive more distance. After calculating according to the map, Murphy decided to at least To rush to the saddle city.

After getting on the road, Murphy squinted his eyes in the car after setting the car's automatic driving to saddle city.Although I slept last night, I didn't sleep well because I was worried that someone would raid me.The sun was still good today, and the light shone warmly on his body, so Murphy just dozed off.

After a little sleep, he would feel better. When Mo Fei opened his eyes to check the time, he squinted for about half an hour.Looking outside, there is nothing but barren land. Occasionally, in places with houses, some wandering zombies can be seen from a distance, but the road is still very quiet.

Because of the cleanliness of the road, Murphy arrived in Tan'an City very smoothly before evening.

Murphy had never been to this city before, but it used to be very famous. It is said to be a famous historical city, especially there are some very magical legends, which also added some mystery to this city.

However, from Murphy's point of view, the city is really deserted, as if it has been attacked by artillery fire.

But tonight is definitely going to live here, and it will be dark in the future.

Murphy drove to the outskirts of Saddle City. After all, there should be fewer zombies in the suburbs than in the city center.

The entire city of Ta'an City is a mountain city built on the mountain. The ancient mountains and the modern city form a unique combination of the old and the new. The contrast is obvious but not at all obtrusive.

Entering the suburbs, you can still feel chilly because of the mountains.

Murphy drove the car along the road, and finally found a suitable house at the foot of the mountain at a place adjacent to the road but not too close to the mountain and the urban area.

As the car approached, Murphy took a closer look at the house. The house should be old, but it didn't look old at all. It should be that the house was built solidly and repaired later.

Murphy likes this house very much, it feels very similar to this saddle city.

Carrying a knife and walking along the yard to a house in the middle, the door here is locked.

Murphy looked up and walked around the house, and found a few windows open on the side.Mo Fei picked up a few stones and threw them in. He heard the sound of the stones hitting the ground, but there were no other abnormal sounds. It should be that there were no people or zombies.It is likely that this place was originally used as a holiday villa, so there is usually no one there.

Murphy was more and more satisfied, but she didn't intend to destroy the door lock.After turning on the flying talisman, Murphy jumped, and he arrived at the open window on the second floor.

The probe looked inside, and there was indeed nothing inside, so I got in through the window.

After carefully checking up and down the house, Murphy found no one or zombies. Finally, Murphy chose a clean room on the third floor.

There is a bathroom here, but unfortunately there is no water, so I can only use the water collected in the storage amulet to clean it a little.I lit a light energy rechargeable lamp in the house, and then sat down to eat.After eating, Murphy checked the windows, doors and even the floor of the house, and after making sure that there was no problem, Murphy put a sheet on the bed and prepared to practice Qi.

Just as he adjusted his breathing and closed his eyes, Mo Fei suddenly felt that something in the storage talisman seemed to break free from the storage talisman.

Mo Fei stretched out his hand to feel it, and then Mo Fei felt out the wooden block that was as heavy as iron that Gao Qing gave him.

The wood block was still the original wood block, but Mo Fei always felt that something was different.Using the light to carefully observe the shape of the wooden block, Murphy found that the pattern on the wooden block seemed familiar.After reminiscing for a while, Mo Fei suddenly remembered that the picture above was very similar to the Tashan Mountain in Ta'an City.

Stepping on the mountain, stepping on the mountain... Mo Fei called up the map of the Dragon Kingdom in his electronic book.

After searching, Mo Fei finally found Ta Shan in Ta'an City.Mo Fei carefully checked the panorama of Stepping Mountain. It was different from the one on the box, but the partial picture was very similar.

Murphy noticed that the location drawn on this partial map was exactly where she was now.

Could it be that this piece of wood that looks like iron has something to do with this stepping mountain?Murphy put the wooden block on the bed and thought about it.

Looking out of the window, from the position on the third floor to the distance, you can vaguely see the layered mountains that look dark because of the sky.Murphy decided to take the wooden block to this area tomorrow to see the situation.

Without putting away the wooden block, Mo Fei closed his eyes and readjusted his breathing practice.As Murphy's breath began to flow along his body, the wooden block beside Murphy also began to change.

Murphy circulated his breath smoothly in the body for three times before stopping. After slowly opening his eyes, Murphy moved his shoulders to prepare for sleep.

But when his eyes fell on the wooden block, Mo Fei was surprised to find that there was a gap in the middle of the wooden block. From the outside, the current wooden block looked more like a wooden box.

Murphy picked up the changed wooden block, and the cracks were separated by Murphy's pick up.

A disc rolled out of the separated wooden box, and the disc fell onto Murphy's bed.There are scales and pointers on the disc, and a twisted pattern is engraved on it.The pattern was very, very familiar to Mo Fei, it was the words similar to the pattern in the talisman.

Murphy threw the box aside and picked up the disc with both hands.In the middle of the disc are three slender pointers, one of which is pointing in one direction, and Mo Fei checked the direction of the pointer, and it is facing the direction of stepping up the mountain, while the other two, one is a little stubby, and the other One is to distinguish the other two wooden primary colors, but red.

One of these two pointers points to one of the scales, and the other points to a pattern like the words on the talisman.

Mo Fei carefully identified the meaning of the pattern like the character of the talisman.

"Qian, Dui, Li, Zhen, Kun, Gen, Kan, Xun." Mo Fei spun the disk one by one, and read the characters represented by the symbols on it in the order of rotation.

"Wait, why are these words so familiar when combined?"

(End of this chapter)

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