Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 221 Rune Disk

Chapter 221 Rune Disk
Because the wooden block placed next to it turned into a wooden box for no reason, and a strange disc rolled out of the wooden box.

Little by little, Mo Fei read out the characters on the disk that were similar to the talismans.

But these words gave Murphy a very familiar feeling.

"Where did I see it?" Murphy muttered, and took out the electronic record book from the storage talisman, drew the pattern on it, and wrote the translated text on it.

Murphy tilted his head and stared at the picture on the screen. The more he looked at it, the more familiar it became. Where had he seen such a picture before.

After thinking about it for a long time, Mo Fei suddenly thought that he had seen it in the extracurricular knowledge in the textbook.Because it wasn't the main class, Murphy just passed it by. Murphy only vaguely remembered that it was passed down from a long time ago.

At that time, because I thought it was fun, I deliberately wrote down some introductions with an electronic notebook.For the first time, Mo Fei was thankful for the ancient studies he had learned, and that he had studied hard when he was in school.

Recalling the appearance of his electronic notebook, Mo Fei took the things out of the storage talisman.

"Oops, there's no power." Murphy took out the electronic notebook and pressed the switch, but it didn't start normally after the switch was pressed, but the orange light flashed a few times.Such a light represents a reminder that the electronic notebook is out of power.

Mo Fei glanced at the dead electronic notebook annoyedly. It was rechargeable with light energy. It could be charged even if it was placed under fire or light, but it could only be turned on after it was partially charged.

Put the desk lamp that was taken out earlier in the distance, put the electronic notebook under the desk lamp, and then cover the light with something, Mo Fei put the disc into the storage symbol first, and the only way to find out the content is to wait until the battery is fully charged tomorrow morning Look again.

Glancing at the time, it was not too early, Mo Fei pulled the quilt over his body, lay down and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

Sure enough, there was no wrong choice here. Murphy woke up after sleeping until the sky lightened slightly.After getting up and looking outside, Murphy got off the bed and walked to the desk lamp that was put on last night.

Remove the covering things, the light inside is not very bright because it has been turned on overnight.

Turn off the light and put it in the storage talisman, put it in the car and charge it when you go out later.

Picking up the electronic notebook that had absorbed the light all night under the desk lamp, Mo Fei put the notebook on the bed.Press the on button and the notebook slowly lights up.Taking advantage of the time when the notebook was turned on and stabilized, Murphy went to wash up first, and then flipped through the electronic notebook while drinking milk.

"I remember I learned it in the first half of the semester last year, so it should be included here!" Murphy muttered as he opened the folder layer by layer.

Because it is not something that must be memorized in class, it is considered extracurricular knowledge, so most people don't read it at all.Murphy also recorded some in the notebook out of curiosity.

"Where is it? Where is it?" Murphy rummaged anxiously.

After drinking the last sip of milk in his hand, Murphy opened a folder in the corner.

In the subdirectory of the folder, there is a graphics file and a label.

There was joy on Murphy's face: "Here, I finally found it."

Open this subdirectory, and a picture that is almost the same as the one I drew pops up.There are two words written on the top of the picture: Eight Diagrams.

Murphy finally remembered that this was circulated far back in ancient times, and it was called gossip.

Unfolding the annotations, Murphy saw some explanations for the gossip above.

The Eight Diagrams represent the Yin-Yang system in which things change by themselves.

The hexagram shape of each hexagram represents a class of things.Qian represents heaven, Kun represents earth, Zhen represents thunder, Xun represents wind, Kan represents water, Li represents fire, Gen represents mountains, and Dui represents Ze.The gossip is all-encompassing, including everything in the universe, and when combined with each other, it becomes 64 hexagrams, which are used to symbolize various natural and human phenomena.

The picture below is the Bagua picture, which corresponds to the circle in the disc in Murphy's hand, and the positions of the characters are also the same.

But at this time, Mo Fei, who understood some meanings, realized that the positions of the pointers, except for the slender pointer yesterday, were still pointing out of the window. Stay on the word "Gen".

"Gen stands for the mountain, and the slender pointer also refers to the stepping mountain, which means there is something on the stepping mountain." Murphy mumbled in a low voice as he pondered in his heart.

Looking at the other pointer and the slender pointer that keeps moving but always pointing to the mountain, Mo Fei nodded, perhaps following the positions pointed by these pointers can find out what it wants to display.

Because of the characters on the disc and the glance on the talisman, Mo Fei wanted to see what it would be.

Anyway, he didn't care about the extra day when he went home, so Mo Fei made up his mind, put away his things, changed into clothes and shoes that were easy to move, and then went downstairs.

The downstairs door can be opened from the inside. After opening the door, Murphy left the house and walked towards the car parked at the door.

After getting in the car, Murphy first set the road to Tashan, and then put the desk lamp that consumed all the electricity last night in the co-pilot's position to bask in the sun, let the sunlight charge the lamp, and put the disc on the dashboard From time to time, the eyes watched the changes of the pointer.

After turning a few turns, Murphy found the direction the dashboard was always pointing at, but one of the pointers never responded.

Regardless of that much, Murphy followed the direction pointed by the thinnest pointer, and arrived at the foot of the mountain in a short time.

"Treading on the mountain is quite high!" Murphy looked up, and what he could see were many raised pines and cypresses, making the whole mountain look majestic and majestic.

It used to be a famous scenic spot, so even though Murphy had never been there, he knew a thing or two.

Before reaching the entrance, Murphy had faintly seen the crowd of zombies. She should have thought that since this is a scenic spot, there must be many people.Where there are people, there will naturally be zombies, and after the end of the world, no one will come to travel, so naturally no one will clean up the zombies here.

He is really a "cleaner". After Mo Fei parked the car aside, he immediately summoned the mecha, and cleaned out those low-level zombies little by little.At least for now, she has seen the most advanced zombies, that is, C1 zombies, and she hasn't even seen a C2 zombie.

Although there are no high-level zombies, it is quite troublesome to clean them up because they are relatively dense.Because he couldn't use the mecha when climbing the mountain, for his own safety, Murphy still found a way to clean up these zombies as much as possible.

Just clearing the zombies from the front square to the entrance took Mo Fei a whole morning to clean up, and it was near noon that the surroundings were full of zombie corpses.

It would be too wasteful for so many zombie corpses not to collect merit points. Mo Fei first put away the mecha, and then dug out Mo Jing while collecting merit points.

In the end, Mo Fei simply gave up the Mo Jing of C zombies, and left after collecting the merit points of C zombies, and only picked some Mo Jing of C1 zombies to collect.

Even so, it was almost two o'clock when Murphy finished dealing with the zombies all over the floor.

After taking a short break, Murphy went straight through the gate and walked inside.

Looking at the stopped cable car, Murphy sighed.She really couldn't expect someone to help her drive the cable car up the mountain at this time.It seems that we can only climb up.

After tidying up his body, he held a single knife in his right hand and a disc in his left hand. While looking at the pointer on the disc, he climbed up the mountain in the direction of the pointer.

Mo Fei didn't bother to look at the scenery along the way, his eyes were basically either staring at Yuanpan to see the route or paying attention to the stone steps under his feet. Fortunately, such a long time of training was not in vain, and climbing the mountain was not too strenuous.

After climbing for an unknown amount of time, Mo Fei felt that his back was already soaked in sweat, so he stopped.Looking down, I have climbed to a very high position without knowing it, and the misty and changing clouds around me add a bit of mystery to the mountains.

The surrounding natural landscape, beautiful foothills, open open land, strange pines and rocks, are as beautiful as a landscape painting.

"Phew, the air here is really fresh." Mo Fei took a deep breath, took a short rest and ate something before continuing to go up in the direction pointed by the disc.

But this time, he didn't go very far, and the position of the disk pointer changed. The slender pointer that was always pointing up was pointing to the right.And the direction of the slender pointer coincides with the previous pointer pointing to the word "Gen".

It seemed that there had finally been a change. Murphy looked in the direction of the pointer. There was no road built here, but there was an unobvious dirt road in the forest.

But since the pointer changed direction, he couldn't continue to go up, so Murphy walked along the path to the dirt road in the forest.

After walking for about one kilometer, the road for this kilometer is really difficult. The deeper the dirt road is, the less obvious the traces are, and there are more mud, dead branches, and fallen leaves on the ground.

Fortunately, Murphy has a flying talisman, so he can fly over places that are particularly difficult to walk, so that he can pass smoothly.

Vaguely, Murphy heard the gurgling sound of a brook, and the point where the disc was pointing to seemed to pass by that brook.Follow the pointer to go forward, turn around a few layers of cypress trees and see the creek not far away.

The stream is very clean, and the water flow is not fast but continuous, and it is lingering with the mountains in a lively way.

Murphy first reached out and touched the stream twice, and the water flow was separated by Murphy's interference.

Looking at the clear and flowing mountain spring water, Mo Fei washed his hands, scooped up a handful of water with both hands and took a sip.The mountain spring water is sweet in the mouth, but it feels a little cold in the mouth.

"The unpolluted mountain spring water is really delicious." Mo Fei wiped the corners of his mouth, took out a few empty bottles from the storage amulet, poured some water, and stood up.

Put the disk horizontally in your hand again and prepare to see the next direction, and the slender pointer points to the source of the mountain spring water.

Going up, Murphy also turned the disc to the place where it coincided with the pointer of the word "Gen", but when Murphy looked at the direction pointed by the disc again, he suddenly found that the one that had never moved The pointer actually changed a little bit.

(End of this chapter)

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