Doomsday Golden Armor

Chapter 222 Strictly fit

Chapter 222 Strictly fit
From the moment when the slender pointer changed direction and coincided with the pointer facing the word "Gen", Mo Fei had a special feeling. She felt that the two pointers seemed to be more pleasing to the eye after they overlapped.I don't know if it's my illusion, but because no one gave an answer, Murphy decided to move forward based on his own feelings.

Therefore, when Murphy looked for the road in the future, he would deliberately turn the two pointers to the same direction, and follow the overlapping double pointers to move forward.

When Murphy noticed that the pointer that had been moving had deviated slightly from its original position, Murphy became more certain of his judgment.

Could it be... When the third pointer also started to move, Mo Fei had a feeling in her heart that she should be close to the target position.

Continuing to move forward, the three pointers on the disk, except for the special pointer that has been pointing to the word "Gen", have not moved, and the other two pointers are slowly changing their positions.

It wasn't until the original slender pointer turned into a reverse pointer when Murphy moved forward that Murphy stopped.

He took a few steps back and glanced at the position of the pointer on the disk. Two of the three pointers had overlapped, and the slender pointer that was the most frequently active had maintained its current state and no longer swayed from side to side.

Only the pointer that started to move at the end seemed to be a little off.But it doesn't matter, Murphy already knows how to find the target.

Mo Fei moved the disk sideways to the left, and the last pointer that was close to the two overlapping pointers deviated a little.

"It seems to be in that direction." Murphy muttered, and his feet began to move to the right in the opposite direction.

Sure enough, as Murphy moved, the pointer gradually overlapped with the other two pointers.

When the three pointers overlapped completely, Murphy had come to a very narrow path.

This is a platform in the mountains, but the road is difficult to walk. There is even a section in the middle where you have to jump over two huge boulders that protrude from the mountain. Thanks to the help of the flying talisman, Murphy can get there smoothly. Bian has already retreated.

Looking at the mountain in front of me, it seems that there is no difference from the surrounding mountains.But since the pointers were overlapping here, Murphy simply dug out the tools that he had prepared for the collection task from the storage talisman.

However, the place where one can step on is too small. In order not to let himself fall, Murphy took out the climbing nails, which were bought from the father and son that day.

Nail the nails on the mountains on both sides and wrap one end around the trunk of a pine tree, and then tie yourself with a rope so that you will not fall down the mountain due to the unstable center of gravity after exerting your strength. You must know that this place is already very high , Looking down from the top, there is even a feeling that you can't see the bottom.

Then Murphy picked up the shovel and began to knock on the mountain in front of him to see if he could dig out something.

However, what Mo Fei didn't expect was that cracks appeared on the mountain wall before the shovel fell down too hard.At the same time as the shovel fell completely, a small piece of the mountain wall also fell backwards. The inside was completely empty, and the outside was just a protective mud wall.

It was also fortunate that Murphy had fixed his body before and did not fall because of this accident, but the sudden change made Murphy's movements pause.

After lamenting his foresight, Murphy continued to expand the hole with a shovel.

Unexpectedly, there is a cave hidden here.After expanding the hole to the size that a person could freely enter and exit, Murphy stopped.Prying out the climbing nails that fixed his body, Mo Fei, who put away the tools, stepped forward and walked into the cave.

The inside of the cave was very dark, and the faint light coming in from the entrance of the cave was not enough to see the situation inside the cave clearly. After entering the cave, Murphy turned out the light tube and saw the whole inside of the cave clearly while shining it up and down. Case.

It is very empty here, with mountains on both sides, and nothing else, but you can see a dark corridor facing the entrance of the cave.

Because it was inconvenient to walk through the corridor, Murphy replaced the light tube with a headlamp, and then carried the single knife in one hand, and moved forward with the disc in the other hand.

The pointers on the disc are now all three pointers gathered together, like an arrow pointing forward.

Now that we're here, let's just go and have a look. Thinking about it, Mo Fei thinks in his heart that if he encounters something in a while, he will quickly activate the speed talisman, so that it is really dangerous to run.

Unexpectedly, there is still nothing in this corridor, but it is a bit long.Murphy simply activated the speed talisman directly, and as Murphy activated the speed talisman, his body became lighter.Walk quickly along the corridor, and finally came to a stone room after passing through the corridor.

"It's too easy to find, isn't it?" Murphy muttered, but thinking about it carefully, it is already very difficult for ordinary people to come to the entrance of the cave, let alone get inside.But Mo Fei immediately noticed the difference in this stone chamber.

It is not surprising that there are earth walls on both sides of this stone room, but there is a stone wall facing the exit of the corridor, and there is a groove in the middle of the stone wall, which is exactly a circle.

Mo Fei looked at the circle on the stone wall and then at the disc in his hand, the size was just right.

Walking to the stone wall, Murphy looked at the disc again and pressed it down towards the groove.After pressing down, the disc fits perfectly with the gap, as if it was originally a whole piece.

Seeing that the stone was just put in, it should be the key. Mo Fei was overjoyed, but he also took two steps back vigilantly.

However, after waiting for a while, nothing happened.

"Is there anything else to turn?" Murphy muttered while staring at the scale on the disc, and moved the pointer upwards with his hand.Unexpectedly, when his hands touched the overlapping pointers, his hands felt numb as if he had been electrocuted, and Murphy left in a hurry.

It seems that this method is wrong, so what could it be?Murphy thought to himself, and his eyes fell on the disc.

By the way, the characters on the disc are the same as those on the talisman, maybe the talisman can be related to this disc.Mo Fei took out the talisman from the storage talisman, and stuck the talisman against the disc.

A burst of light blue light fluctuated along the position where the talisman and the disk wanted to connect. When Mo Fei was happy, he found that the two things had stopped connecting.

So it's not about talismans, so what's the use here?Mo Fei couldn't think of it for a while, while taking back the talisman, he took out a stool from the storage talisman and sat down on his buttocks. He searched hard all day, and it must not be in vain!

Sitting down, Murphy rested his cheeks in his hands and looked up at the disc.Suddenly, Murphy suddenly thought of something he had forgotten.

Yes!How could I forget such an important thing.Thinking of Murphy crossing his knees, he breathed after sitting firmly on the stool.

When the breath around Murphy started to circulate, beside Murphy, the disc that was originally on the stone wall also slowly rotated with the flow of breath.When Mo Fei closed his eyes and opened his eyes again, the stone wall had already been closed to the top, revealing an entrance.

Murphy was so happy that he finally guessed right.

Nothing happened when I took out the wooden block last night, but it seemed that it changed after I practiced Qi, so maybe the method of opening it here is also the same, so Mo Fei just tried it, and it didn't work. Think of it as expected.

Putting away the stool, Murphy picked up the single knife again and walked into the entrance.

However, as Murphy entered the door, the raised entrance door behind Murphy also closed again.

Murphy turned and knocked on the door, but unfortunately there was no response. Murphy took out the stool again to get lucky, but unfortunately it didn't work this time.

I had no choice but to bite the bullet and walk in.

Turning up the light of the headlight, Murphy could see a long downward step ahead, but he couldn't see the end of the step.

Since he couldn't get out anyway, Mo Fei tidied up his clothes and walked down.

"What the hell kind of place is this? Why is it endless..." Mo Fei regretted coming in at the same time as he complained for the third time. It has been almost two hours since he came in. It was probably dark outside, but he still Still walking up the steps, there is nothing on both sides, only the endless steps.

"Phew, I'm exhausted." Mo Fei sat down on the spot, took out some food and water from the storage talisman, ate a little, and looked around.

There are dark walls of earth on both sides here, but I used a shovel to dig it before and didn't fall off any dirt, and this ladder, although it is underground, has no moss, and even each step is very dry and clean, as if Cleaning is average every day.

After replenishing the food, Mo Fei sighed, he really asked for trouble, but now he can't get out, so let's go on!
After walking for another hour, Murphy finally breathed a sigh of relief.Because he finally found a flat road, he didn't have to walk down the endless steps, and Mo Fei doubted that he would be able to reach the center of the earth.

When walking on this road, Murphy felt a strong sense of familiarity.And this place did not disappoint me, both sides are carved with clear lines, and the bricks on the ground are also beautiful cloud patterns, the whole person walking on it seems to be in a fairyland.

Going forward along this avenue, Mo Fei saw a gate carved with characters.

The characters are also written with the same characters as those on the talisman. Mo Fei tilted his head to look at the characters on it, but he clearly understood each character but couldn't pronounce it.

Shaking his confused head, Mo Fei simply didn't look at it, and pushed open the door forcefully.

The moment the door was pushed open, Murphy felt a dazzling light flash past, and then he disappeared at the end of the passage.

(End of this chapter)

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